antifeminism antifeminst women irony alert misogyny

The Obamacare decision proves that ladies shouldn’t be put in positions of power

So, as you probably already know, the three female Supreme Court Justices — the Justicesses? — all voted to uphold Obamacare; they made up the majority of the majority in this decision.

This gal isn’t too happy about it:

Hey lady, if you’re right, and ladies are too emotional and illogical to trust to make good decisions, why should we listen to anything you (a lady) have to say about this?

Pic found on Twitter in a tweet from MattyTalks. MattyTalks is hilarious. If you’re on Twitter, follow him.

Also, there are lots of people who are now, in the wake of the Supremes’ decision, threatening to move to Canada to escape the specter of socialized medicine. They’ll be in for a surprise, eh?

EDITED TO ADD: Longtime Man Boobz troll Anthony Zarat and a few friends have marched over to Feministe to argue that the Obamacare decision will “cost the lives of countless thousands of men and boys. This is our darkest hour.” It’s really pretty hilarious. Check it out. 

I know someone here did a point-by-point rebuttal of Mr. Zarat’s delusional “analysis” of the allegedly anti-male bias of the bill; it would be worth reposting over there if anyone remembers where that was.

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12 years ago

And while the rightwingers wail and screech over this travesty, most of them seem to have missed the likely reason that Roberts made this ruling — to gut the Commerce Clause and pave the way for more de-regulation and more corporate power. He did the same thing setting up Citizens United.

12 years ago

I might have something meaningful to say later, but first I need to stop laughing at the conservatives saying “hmph, i’m moving to Canada!”. 😀

12 years ago

@ Quackers

Like virtually everyone else on this blog, I’m all for men’s rights – part of the reason I’m against the “MRM” and their “MRAs” is that they do absolutely nothing to help men. Instead, it encourages delusion a la Antz and extreme bitterness a la The Spearhead.

They constantly claim victory then, a short while later, they are under attack from “feminist governance” and facing their “darkest hour”.

The men in my life face a lot of issues, as I’m sure the men in everyone’s life does. Patriarchal standards are hard to achieve against – I encourage them to reject the notions of “manliness” that damage men and women. I’ve just spent half an hour reading some of AVfM’s articles. Some of them have the beginings of a point – men should, in my opinion, reject marriage (as should women). But not for the delusional reasons AVfM say so. Men should refuse to engage in violence – but for for the delusional reasons that AVfM say so.

I think, for example, that Manboobz could maybe actually host a fundraiser for a charity or organization that actually helps men – put our money where our mouth is, so to speak.

Not sure how others feel. Just Detention are an amazing group, in my opinion.

Anyway Quackers, thanks for your thoughts, hope that helps?

12 years ago

If you read the link that Zarat is complaining about he says that women come up more times than men, but flicking through I see most of the women’s health stuff is for pregnant women. Healthcare for pregnant women is misandry!

12 years ago

‘Obamacare’ was practically written by the insurance companies in order to preserve their little fiefdom from the potential threat of single payer (you know, actual socialized medicine). I think the SCOTUS just figured out that they ought to support their true constituents (rich fuckers) instead of being a partisan GOP court, is all.

In the meantime this is better news for the little people than if the radical “screw over the poor, we’re rich, motherfuckers!’ wing of the Plutarchy had succeeded in repealing it, but I think one ought to keep perspective.

Hopefully in 50 years people won’t be talking about this as some sort of Left-wing victory the way the record has been completely muddied about FDR’s New Deal.

12 years ago

Also, did you know that scientists only discovered a couple of years ago that the clitoris extends internally around the vagina? I mean…how did people miss that one for the entire history of gynecology? There isn’t enough medical research done on lady bits to this day. If it were the same for guys I’d say more healthcare for them too.

12 years ago

creativewritingstudent: He thinks feminists are against VR relationships because that will cause men to see how needless women are; and that VR sex/relationships will destroy feminism.

Se we oppose it, lest we lose our place of power.

12 years ago

“Seriously. Let’s stop this shit. For good or for evil, the only one you can represent is yourself, not everyone with your same anatomy.”


Really, how pretentious do you have to be in order to think that you can speak for…what around 3.5 billion people? (and growing, of course).

The gender-essentialized bullshit annoys me on so many levels. Not only is it self-inflating, it also has an edge of cultural, national, and class centrism. It becomes MY culture, MY nation, and MY class are representative of everyone. And even if a person does have a wide range of contacts across the world, cultures, and socio-economic classes, that is still only a relatively small sampling of diversity in the range that all the people of the world cover (or even just women– for some value of “woman”)

12 years ago

Hopefully in 50 years people won’t be talking about this as some sort of Left-wing victory the way the record has been completely muddied about FDR’s New Deal.

Yeah, hopefully it will be seen as just the beginning of real health care reform in this country. One can hope.

12 years ago

‘Obamacare’ was practically written by the insurance companies in order to preserve their little fiefdom from the potential threat of single payer (you know, actual socialized medicine).

Sorry, meant to add that you’re exactly right. And in fact, the Affordable Care Act is basically the Heritage Foundation response to Hillary Clinton’s plan in the early 90’s. But now that Obama is attached and getting credit for it, the Republicans hate it.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Sorry, meant to add that you’re exactly right. And in fact, the Affordable Care Act is basically the Heritage Foundation response to Hillary Clinton’s plan in the early 90′s. But now that Obama is attached and getting credit for it, the Republicans hate it.

That’s the part that burns me second-most, right behind the gutting of the Medicaid provision that will probably result in a lot of poor people in certain states not getting coverage, even though the ACA entitles them to it. Having to advocate for a Heritage Foundation plot instead of pushing for single-payer makes my inner progressive very HULK SMASH!

I crunched the numbers yesterday for a friend who’s *just* above the 133% of poverty cutoff. Assuming she can find an insurance plan that costs less than 8% of her AGI, she’ll be out $70 – $80 per year out of pocket, and the feds will be kicking in $1,200 – $1,400 for her insurance. These numbers are astonishingly better than she could ever do on the private health insurance market now (she’s totally priced out now), but they also mean that insurance companies have found a way into her pocket and the pockets of a lot of other people like her, people with whom they do not currently bother. It’s a bonanza.

My cynical self thinks part of Roberts’s motivation here was his habit of never siding with the individual when there was a government to side with, and never siding with the government when there was a corporate interest to side with. The ACA is a biiiiig corporate interest. (My less-cynical self thinks Roberts’s call had a lot more to do with preserving the legitimacy of his Court.)

12 years ago

I just read that comment thread on Feministe, and … wow, just wow. Okay, you know what? You MRA’s are right. Every item that’s covered for women should be covered for men to the exact same degree. Let’s amend the law to say that men too shall be entitled to insurance coverage for pregnancy, birth and post-partum care. To paraphrase that famous scene from “Monty Python’s Life of Brian”, just because a male MRA is incapable of being pregnant and giving birth through his non-existent vagina, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t acknowledge his right to do so if he so wishes, and to have it covered.

12 years ago

I wondered for a moment if US law had caught up with trans issues.

Then I stopped fantasising about a perfect world.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Uh, congress passed it, and they’re mostly male. Obama signed it into law, and he’s a male. Plenty of women are against the law. Basically, this idiot is grasping at straws to backup his retarded opinion.

Women in power is dangerous? How about the likes of Hitler and Stalin? Do they prove men shouldn’t be in positions of power?

12 years ago

There is nothing wrong with assuming that a given health care bill will favor women over men- that’s been the case for at least 50 years now, ever since Title IX set precedent for female preference.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Basically, this idiot is grasping at straws to backup his retarded opinion.

Oh God please stop “helping.”

12 years ago

Hey Rubes, thought you hated this bill because poor people should just fuck off and die, much like prisoners should be raped, according to you. Shut the fuck up.

12 years ago

hellkell: Only the ones who deserve it, remember? Like the rapists! They deserve being raped! And thus people should be OK with rapists carryign on doing what they do in prison!

Move along, no logical flaws here!

12 years ago

LOL at AntZ’s visit to Feministe! I’ve already explained to him why cis men can’t get prenatal care. I’ve already explained that prenatal care is just as much for the health of babies as it is for pregnant people. I’ve also explained to him several times that prenatal care helps both male and female fetuses. Yet he continues to peddle his bullshit all over the Internet. I don’t know if it’s because he is obtuse, stubborn, or both.

12 years ago

I wonder if Rubes is part of the “no healthcare in prisons” contingent.


I cannot find it, but between your dual nyms and the many terms the ACA could be hiding under, idfk what to search for (date wise it has to be after 3/5 as that’s when Antz posed the avfm article).

Found it:

12 years ago

I’ll admit, I do get annoyed when people take infants to non kids movies and the baby cries, and no one takes the baby out, but yeah glaring at parents and kids is just rude and achieves nothing. Especially at stores where everyone has the right to be.

12 years ago

Gay is bad, so bad!! Because um poopholes!! POOPHOLES PEOPLE!!

12 years ago

“we are too emotional, we make irrational decisions…” We? Speak for yourself (“as a female”, snicker) but don’t presume to speak for me.

(BTW, the 1st Amendment says anyone has a right to say what they think, no matter what gender they’re pretending to be on the internet. It just doesn’t guarantee that they’ll know what they’re talking about, or that others won’t take the piss out of them, LOL)