antifeminism antifeminst women irony alert misogyny

The Obamacare decision proves that ladies shouldn’t be put in positions of power

So, as you probably already know, the three female Supreme Court Justices — the Justicesses? — all voted to uphold Obamacare; they made up the majority of the majority in this decision.

This gal isn’t too happy about it:

Hey lady, if you’re right, and ladies are too emotional and illogical to trust to make good decisions, why should we listen to anything you (a lady) have to say about this?

Pic found on Twitter in a tweet from MattyTalks. MattyTalks is hilarious. If you’re on Twitter, follow him.

Also, there are lots of people who are now, in the wake of the Supremes’ decision, threatening to move to Canada to escape the specter of socialized medicine. They’ll be in for a surprise, eh?

EDITED TO ADD: Longtime Man Boobz troll Anthony Zarat and a few friends have marched over to Feministe to argue that the Obamacare decision will “cost the lives of countless thousands of men and boys. This is our darkest hour.” It’s really pretty hilarious. Check it out. 

I know someone here did a point-by-point rebuttal of Mr. Zarat’s delusional “analysis” of the allegedly anti-male bias of the bill; it would be worth reposting over there if anyone remembers where that was.

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12 years ago

One woman is not allowed to speak for all women, no matter how much she is convinced that she is actually part of the Evil Wimminz Hivemind.

Seriously. Let’s stop this shit. For good or for evil, the only one you can represent is yourself, not everyone with your same anatomy.

12 years ago

The most annoying thing is that people don’t even know why they are upset. The Supreme Court wasn’t ruling if the ACA was awesome. They were ruling if Congress had the ability to do things. And it isn’t even a bill of rights issue about freedom. It’s pure sep. of powers/federalism/what can congress do.

Congress has the power to levy taxes. And, in effect, that is how the ACA ends up working (although congress didn’t really promote that fact because people get very AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH with taxes). If you do not have health insurance you pay a tax. The only thing the court was deciding (OK, there were commerce clause and and spending issues going on to but lets not complicate things) is if congress has the power to create a tax on people without health insurance. Congress has broad taxing powers. There has not really been a case where a tax was found unconstitutional since the 1930s, and back then they only did it if they felt that a tax wasn’t to raise revenue but for some other reason (i.e. a tax on products made with child labor was found to be unconstitutional because it was really about trying to not have children work and the court in the 30s loved child labor. Seriously. “If you aren’t free to buy a table made by a 8 year old then why not move to Canada” is pretty much what the 1930s would have said on twitter). But since then the court has allowed all taxes, even if they are not only for raising revenue (for example, taxes on cigarettes are also there to try and reduce smoking).

So, if you think that the court got it wrong then you need to explain why congress doesn’t have the power to issue a tax on people who don’t have health insurance. Not that congress shouldn’t do it. Or that congress are jerks for doing it. But that it doesn’t have the POWER. Because that’s all the supreme court was deciding. I know that sounds dry and unemotional…but that ends up being what the law actually is. Although what do I know? I have a vagina so I must not know what I’m talking about.

12 years ago

Also, there are lots of people who are now, in the wake of the Supremes’ decision, threatening to move to Canada to escape the specter of socialized medicine. They’ll be in for a surprise, eh?

Cognitive dissonance at it’s finest.

12 years ago

Maybe they think Canada’s healthcare will be better than Corporate health care. The two systems are not the same.

Having said that, seems odd coming from right wing reactionaries. Grin @ ‘reactionary’ in this context.

12 years ago

I was curious if right wingers could be weird and go to Canada and buy private insurance, like maybe it’s “better” or something.

But I found this and it makes me laugh thinking of a right wing crazie researching this…. it also makes ME want to move to Canada.

Wait. Cold. No.

12 years ago

Zarat writes:

I did not come here to be adversarial

This is my favorite part.

12 years ago

pillowinhell wrote: “AntZ has been having puppies on Feministe today…”

If only this was literally true, it would be the one good thing AntZ has ever done. He’s such a lying twit.

12 years ago

Didn’t someone here do a point by point rebuttal of Antz original AVFM post on this? It might be worth reposting in the comments over there.

It was rebutted and re-rebutted and re-re-re-rebutted. So many, many times. He just kept coming back with the same “The ACA contains more instances of the word WOMAN than the word MAN and that means women will get more health care!”

It would be educational to dig up his old posts about VR girlfriends and dividing the nation in twain by gender, and post those on Feministe.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

Does this decision mean that the casual and part-time workers who don’t have employer health benefits can now afford medical care, including prescriptions and surgery?

Once on a personal visit to San Francisco, I didn’t take out medical insurance for the trip. I was paranoid the whole time that something awful was going to happen to me and I was going to need $100K to cover the medical expenses. It did have the effect of reinforcing the order of how I needed to check the traffic when crossing the street, although your drivers are so much more polite than NZ drivers.


Didn’t someone here do a point by point rebuttal of Antz original AVFM post on this? It might be worth reposting in the comments over there.

I know I did a stupidly long rebutting and I think several other people did other issues. I am lazy after a 9 and a half hour trial so I might look for it tomorrow.

Also, Andy is cute. Can we keep him?

12 years ago

If they really wanted to show us they would move to Mexico where there is (as far as I know) no universal health care. But then that would mean having to interact with “others” and cannot have that now can we?

I was actually surprised that Roberts ruled the way he did but maybe he was tired of Justice Kennedy hogging all the attention. Or maybe, just maybe, he actually cares about the law…HAHAHAHAHA, what am I thinking, Citizens United

12 years ago

Do you know how much my Blue Shield HMO insurance premium is before my employer contributes to it and I only have to pay a portion?

$1580.00 per MONTH.

Do you know how much of that premium I have to pay to keep my insurance while on FMLA leave from the County?


Apparently, CALPERS (who sucks) decided to change the rules so that instead of paying the employee contribution (which is maybe 200 bucks for a family of 4) per month to the County and then letting the County do its thing, they want us to pay the full premium to the insurance company directly, wait for the check to post, then take a copy of the posted check and use it to submit a “reimbursement” claim to the County, which, after a 2-3 week “processing time” will cut me a check for the County’s contribution, which I am then supposed to apply to the next month’s premium (if said check comes in time).

Did I mention that large sums of money would be tied up waiting for large checks to clear/checks to be processed? Did I mention that this means that said money might not be available to pay the next month’s premium in time? Did I mention that the premium in full is more than my RENT AND FOOD COSTS COMBINED? And finally, did I mention that while not working I WILL HAVE TO USE MY SAVINGS FOR FOOD AND RENT AND BASIC UTILITIES AND SHOULD NOT HAVE TO BE TYING UP HUGE QUANTITIES OF MONEY IN THIS BULLSHIT?!

So yeah. I’m pissed off more about the way health care/health insurance is run in our country. It’s terribly inefficient, over priced for what you get, and it’s profit-driven instead of non-profit. As far as I’m concerned, no one should be making money off the backs of the sick and dying. And no one should be allowed to deny reasonable medical coverage to a citizen just because they don’t have assloads of money to pay.

And the cost of NOT giving all citizens comprehensive and affordable health insurance?

Well, we’re already seeing it. People waiting until it’s so bad that they have to go to the emergency room, then skipping out on the (massive) bill. People who have treatable things that become in need of intense and expensive treatment because they can’t afford insurance but they finally get to a point where not dying becomes important than not being bankrupt.

This is fucked up. It’s not just a “woman” issue….it’s a HUMAN RIGHTS issue.

12 years ago

Wonder if there are any lefty prone mras that are woot ing right now?

12 years ago

MRAs do not woot. Everything that happens is feminists being evil, therefore they can’t actually be happy about anything (except padded chairs and domestic violence).

12 years ago

Sadly, you are likely correct. 🙁

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“It would be educational to dig up his old posts about VR girlfriends and dividing the nation in twain by gender…”

“In my dreams, we divide this continent along the Mississippi. Men on one side, women on the other. Never to meet again. Free at last, free at last, free at last.”

Nothing for VR though, did he call it something else at the time?

“I know I did a stupidly long rebutting and I think several other people did other issues.”

I cannot find it, but between your dual nyms and the many terms the ACA could be hiding under, idfk what to search for (date wise it has to be after 3/5 as that’s when Antz posed the avfm article).

12 years ago

Yes, he called for it in what I still consider a strong contender for funniest MRA quote ever:

I assumed that this article was a part of a feminist campaign to lay the groundwork for legal prohibition of VR relationships.

In a thread about child porn and how it is bad.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

If you could construct an argument whereby women are worse off under Obamacare, then they might well go woot. That may seem hard, but the standard of argument isn’t high.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

ninjad, by a lot

12 years ago

When Antz comes over here, could someone ask him if the MRA Victory that he claimed was imminent a couple of months ago has been put on hold?

This is, after all, their darkest hour.

I really think it’s game over for MRAs – Tom Martin, “Sink Misandry”, the anti-Elam vibe that’s growing and the ever increasingly deranged posts that they’re doing on The Spearhead and AVfM…

But it was never really “game-on” to start.

12 years ago


… Why did he think that there would be quibbles about relationships between adult humans and ‘adult’ AIs? Apart from some possible religious ones…

Also, I suggest those who dislike state healthcare move to Reddit Island. Sun, sea, your own freight crate, and no state anything in sight. Including sewage works.

12 years ago

Free medical care for children below 26 is the primary reason for child and young adult mortality in Europe. Truefax, it’s why the continent is rapidly aging. You guys just don’t know how many friends i’ve lost to socialized medicine while growing up.

I wished i’d been born in Africa, where socialized medicine does not exists and I could’ve happily grown up together with my friends rather than mourning their murder at the hands of the system.

12 years ago

In case you’re not taking the piss, the main reason Europe has a high elderly population is because without state healthcare they would have died younger.
I’ve received a fair amount of ‘free medical care’ in my childhood (type 1 diabetes FTW) and I’m not dead yet, although by your ratings I do have 5 years to go…

If you are taking the piss I congratulate you on your mockery.

12 years ago

Meanwhile, over on the Spearhead, this comment caught my eye:
njartist49 June 29, 2012 at 03:32

The fellow can also add – as of this month – that even female fetus, mere lumps of tissue, are more protected than the male lumps of tissue: the new laws against gender selection in abortion favor females.

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12 years ago

Ok…Happy. This is something that’s been kinda irking me about your comments. You keep gloating about MRA failures and its like you’re egging them on. Antz, the spearhead, AVfM are idiots but there are legitamite mens rights issues that I think are important and when you gloat over their losses…I dunno. It just rubs me the wrong way. The internet MRM does make mens rights look like a joke just like social justice tumblr hipsters make feminism a joke. But there are still issues both sides have to tackle. Gloating over their failures is just going to increase more hostility.

Believe me I’m not trying to excuse them but I guess I’m still hopefull that mens issues can be brought to the mainstream without the misogyny and hyperbole of MRAs.