antifeminism antifeminst women irony alert misogyny

The Obamacare decision proves that ladies shouldn’t be put in positions of power

So, as you probably already know, the three female Supreme Court Justices — the Justicesses? — all voted to uphold Obamacare; they made up the majority of the majority in this decision.

This gal isn’t too happy about it:

Hey lady, if you’re right, and ladies are too emotional and illogical to trust to make good decisions, why should we listen to anything you (a lady) have to say about this?

Pic found on Twitter in a tweet from MattyTalks. MattyTalks is hilarious. If you’re on Twitter, follow him.

Also, there are lots of people who are now, in the wake of the Supremes’ decision, threatening to move to Canada to escape the specter of socialized medicine. They’ll be in for a surprise, eh?

EDITED TO ADD: Longtime Man Boobz troll Anthony Zarat and a few friends have marched over to Feministe to argue that the Obamacare decision will “cost the lives of countless thousands of men and boys. This is our darkest hour.” It’s really pretty hilarious. Check it out. 

I know someone here did a point-by-point rebuttal of Mr. Zarat’s delusional “analysis” of the allegedly anti-male bias of the bill; it would be worth reposting over there if anyone remembers where that was.

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12 years ago

Yes wanting universal healthcare is just soooo stoooooopid! My SO and dad are also for Obamacare…they must really have ladybrains /sarcasm

12 years ago


12 years ago

There sure are a lot of dumb people in this country.

12 years ago

Sometimes I feel so lucky that I was born a dude, and never let emotion influence my beefy Spock-brain. We also never make irrational decisions without researching the issue fully – which is why we’re all renting a bus and moving to Canada City, Canada. I’m pretty sure I read that Canada has no gun control laws, and has a cash-only private medical system.

12 years ago

I am illogically happy that my health care costs have already been cut in half by the Obama administration’s reforms. My silly ladybrain also irrationally enjoys having maternity coverage. Oh, I am a foolish little girl-thing, I am.

12 years ago

Shaenon-don’t you know in America, we are all supposed to be rugged individulists! Just pulll yourself up by the boot strap, it is easy, and anyone can do it! only really emotional females think people deserve affordable health care…men and the females who actually love men and their true masculinity know this!

Anyway…I am so happy that this is being upheld! And “real” Americans, who think people should starve and get sick can bite my shiny metallic ass

12 years ago

I keep seeing the moving to Canada bit, and desperately hoping people are joking. Surely they are joking? I mean the demonization of Canada’s horrible socialized medicine is all over the public discourse about the health care debates in the US, so surely they are joking, whimper?

Or don’t they know that only lefty-liberals get to threaten to move to Canada when Rethuglicans get voted in?

*mumbles to self*

Her Beloved
Her Beloved
12 years ago

Oi! Don’t be encouraging them to come to Canada. We’ve got our own problems with a conservative government. They don’t need more supporters. Although, it would be a good laugh to see their reaction to our government funded universal health care system (funded directly by tax dollars).
But then again, they probably would last long up here with us beer guzzling, tree hugging, hippies.
By the way, if you want a good laugh, check out the Canada Party on YouTube. They want to run for president.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ Andy – Cash only! Hah! It had better be GOLD only, or socialism.

12 years ago

Maybe conservatives would like a barter system. A pap smear would cost two chickens. A Mammogram would be a barrel of potatoes. 🙂

12 years ago

AntZ must be shitting gold bricks now that the horrid misandrist, misbegotten Obamacare has been upheld!

I have to laugh every time I type “misdandry,” spellcheck’s all, “nope, wrong.”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Also, there are lots of people who are now, in the wake of the Supremes’ decision, threatening to move to Canada to escape the specter of socialized medicine. They’ll be in for a surprise, eh?”

I was thankfully not drinking anything when I read that, or it’ll be all over my screen currently.

Also, w00t! SCoTUS got something right!

12 years ago

My Beloved, I’m sorry I won’t be coming over for dinner tomorrow…I’m just gonna grab my staff and head for the border. The Yankees are coming! The yankees are coming!

Where’s that song by the frantics? The war of eighteen twelve?

12 years ago

AntZ has been having puppies on Feministe today over Obama care.

I wonder why he didn’t come here to celebrate?

12 years ago

Think I’ll paint me some signs…big ones saying guns are impossible to own in Canada. That should do it.

12 years ago

Antz is pooping all over the Feministe thread on this, if anyone wants some laughs.

12 years ago

Halite and of course he brought a few friends. I think they got reposted on the mrm reddit.

12 years ago

My only problem with Obamacare is the way it isn’t really socialised medicine. Better (IMO) to give everyone Medicare.

But I’m “lucky”. I have an 80 percent disability rating from the VA, so I have single payer healthcare.

12 years ago

Also, there are lots of people who are now, in the wake of the Supremes’ decision, threatening to move to Canada to escape the specter of socialized medicine. They’ll be in for a surprise, eh?

HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I’m camping out at Rainbow Bridge with a “Welcome dumbasses!!!!” sign

12 years ago

Jesus yikes, Antz really IS the MRM chihuahua

12 years ago

I liked the person who jumped on his, “I”m not here to be argumentative”. Right… of course not. He thought telling the feministe commentariat that they were man-hating harpie was going to be accepted.


12 years ago

I think it might have been this thread where a lot of people fisked Antz’ claims:

But I am sleep deprived right now, so there may be a better source for posting over where he’s pooping.

12 years ago

Please don’t move to Canada. The last thing Canada needs is an influx of people who are too stupid to realize that medicare IS socialized medicine, like those keep your government hands off my medicare folks.

Leeloo Dallas Multipass

Note to conservatives: the reason we make noises about moving to Canada is that Canada is more liberal than the US. It kind of doesn’t work when you do it.

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