antifeminism antifeminst women irony alert misogyny

The Obamacare decision proves that ladies shouldn’t be put in positions of power

So, as you probably already know, the three female Supreme Court Justices — the Justicesses? — all voted to uphold Obamacare; they made up the majority of the majority in this decision.

This gal isn’t too happy about it:

Hey lady, if you’re right, and ladies are too emotional and illogical to trust to make good decisions, why should we listen to anything you (a lady) have to say about this?

Pic found on Twitter in a tweet from MattyTalks. MattyTalks is hilarious. If you’re on Twitter, follow him.

Also, there are lots of people who are now, in the wake of the Supremes’ decision, threatening to move to Canada to escape the specter of socialized medicine. They’ll be in for a surprise, eh?

EDITED TO ADD: Longtime Man Boobz troll Anthony Zarat and a few friends have marched over to Feministe to argue that the Obamacare decision will “cost the lives of countless thousands of men and boys. This is our darkest hour.” It’s really pretty hilarious. Check it out. 

I know someone here did a point-by-point rebuttal of Mr. Zarat’s delusional “analysis” of the allegedly anti-male bias of the bill; it would be worth reposting over there if anyone remembers where that was.

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12 years ago

Let’s not forget the Bag of Devouring. Looks like a Bag of Holding, until you try putting your hand in. Than it eats you.

12 years ago


12 years ago




knowing about condoms makes you impotent?


12 years ago

I actually thought Raoul was a parody. What was written doesn’t really make sense, otherwise.

12 years ago

You know, when I proclaimed myself a troll, I could have been…a [i]meta[/i]troll. Trolling y’all that I was a troll.

gelar is right, what I wrote to Robert was parody. I hoped it was satire, but that’s really not for me to say.

12 years ago

Argenti does correct other people’s grammar, I’ve seen it several times. You just think it only happens to you because you have a persecution complex.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago


Totally found that article 5 min before I found the NPR one you clearly didn’t read.

“If the result is boys being denied the opportunity to play a sport because girls don’t want to play than that is the intended goal of Title IX. If it was an isolated incident no one would care, but thousands of cases means Title IX is punishing perfectly as planned.”

Because yeah, that’s not happening, nor was there any issue getting plenty of girls teams (as you claimed). Basically, you are doing exactly what the one line “against” this feared — “It’s really a Catch-22,” she said. “They’ll turn around and say then the boys can’t play and the girls will be blamed.” — That didn’t happen, and yet, here we are, with you saying the girls are to be blamed for something that didn’t happen.

“Oh, and if grammar errors really were your pet peeve you’d correct everyone else’s as well. Perhaps my refusal to bend a knee might have something to do with it.”

Dude, did you read any of the glossary trolling? Did you see what I said about his ability to make a coherent argument? I only mock your grammar when it makes no bloody sense. Everyone else (except a few trolls) manages to make sense despite typos.

Raoul — you want <i> or <em> (the latter works on screenreaders, but they print the same). And logical paradoxes are fun! Trolling us by pretend to be a troll, that’s still trolling. Your parody fell victim to Poe’s Law. NWO is prone to claiming men have no reproductive rights because reproductive rights means abortion, which is murder, and condoms aren’t murder. Or something like that.

Everyone — is that nonsense about no reproductive rights in the Book of Learnin’ yet? (Was that the mother’s day thread or the father’s day thread?)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Myoo — I corrected him once, and then either dropped or added a word, and now he’s going to lord it over me forever I suspect.

12 years ago

It’s kind of a moot point, Raoul. You’re tedious and unfunny either way.

12 years ago

Raoul: You know, when I proclaimed myself a troll, I could have been…a [i]meta[/i]troll. Trolling y’all that I was a troll.

On the internet no one knows you’re a dog. Which means that one is what one presents one self to be.

So far, you live beneath a bridge.

Blue Jean
Blue Jean
12 years ago

If the result is boys being denied the opportunity to play a sport because girls don’t want to play than that is the intended goal of Title IX.

Ah, that explains why so many US high schools and colleges are obsessed with football from August to December. What a surprise to find out that it’s “Girls Only” on the gridiron, since Title IX says boys can’t play a sport unless an equal number of girls want to play the same sport.

Oh, wait…

12 years ago


What’s with the misandric man shaming?

12 years ago

Just make sure it’s a portable hole and not a pawtable hole.. otherwise you’ll have an invasion of kittens on your hands.

(Sorry, I know, terrible pun >.<).

Shade, you made me think of this!

12 years ago

Tha Affordable Care Act should have mandated free boxes of kittens to treat illness — for women only, of course! (That was a cute clip.)

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