antifeminism MRA nice guys whaaaaa?

He blogs … just like a woman

This just in: I am a woman! Again. At least according to a blogger calling herself miliefisathand, who recently wrote a post about that “are nice guys sociopaths?” post I wrote a while ago.

Her evidence? When writing her response to me, she repeatedly found herself referring to me using female pronouns — so therefore I must actually be a woman.

Yes, that’s actually her argument:

While editing my article I lost count of the number of times I had to change “her” or “she” to “him” and “he”. I don’t normally make gender pronoun errors so I have a deep suspicion that the author is a woman impersonating a man. I’m spiritually sensitive to such things.

Hate to break it to you, but your guy-dar is way off. Protip: I post under my real name, and if you google that name, you will find ample evidence that I am, in fact, a real, living dude.

In the case of MRA dudes who misgender me as a woman, it’s clearly the result of their misogyny. In the case of miliefisathand, a self-described Smartassed Burmese Transwoman, I don’t quite understand what exactly is going on.

She also misses the point of my post, and the comments from regulars here that offered some pretty sensible criticisms of what I wrote, but at this point it’s not exactly a shock to see a Man Boobz critic arguing against things I didn’t say rather than things I did say.

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12 years ago

Funny story: I’m pretty sure if I didn’t know of you from before the name-change, my imagine-people-as-their-avatar-or-name sense would have me imagining you as Cliff Richard. Whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing, I don’t know. O.O

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

My boyfriend calls me Cliff Clavin, so… could be worse.

12 years ago

As long as we’re making wild, unfounded, ridiculous assumptions about the blogmaster, I’m going to say that David’s a cat who’s finally mastered that dastardly keyboard. I mean, how else do you explain all the cat videos? (aside from the fact that, you know, they’re fun)

12 years ago

If he were a cat, he would type in CATS LOCK. Anyway, my kitty does.

12 years ago

Cliff: Which is why it’s useful for me to post my “shit fuck damn” response to make it clear which kind of fail this is, so you don’t think I’m a Bad Person. 😉

(‘S something my brain doesn’t seem to be very good at, so I basically have a routine of kicking myself in the head until I get it right- same with pronouns.)

12 years ago

I think its a poe trying to make fun of feminist or one of those mras which pretend to be feminists in order to gain the trust of them and get personal info to out them in real life. Pretty sad.

12 years ago

Or it could be someone sensible being silly and failing slightly- is that what Cliff suggested?

12 years ago

Happy CATS LOG day!

12 years ago

CATS LOG… what was the last thing I posted in CATS LOG…?

Ah yes. Probably…


12 years ago

That’s totally why I thought that picture of the badass cat could have been one of David’s holiday snaps, we all know that he’s really a cat. 😛

12 years ago

Wow, just wow.

Clinging to a male identity is kind of male privilege.

I think we’d all like to see Mr. Futrelle do more to check hir own privilege.

Here’s a hint: if someone identifies you as female, and you decide you identify as male, you’re oppressing your own feminine, and in essence oppressing ALL WOMEN, as though they didn’t exist.

It’s really just an advanced form of privilege denying that liberals like to use to keep women down while pretending to raise them up.

One day I hope Mr. Futrelle can recognize, women are human beings.


I’m pretty sure garvan’s shat all over threads here before

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Yeah, garvan’s an MRA troll. Been here before, but obviously quite forgettable. He thinks he’s satirizing other people. Protip for garvan: you have to actually understand something in order to satirize it effectively.

12 years ago

This is one of the funniest threads I’ve read in a long time.
So here’s a video, and you might really get a kick out of the zen.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

My favorite garvanism occurred on another site, though:

Third comment from the top.

12 years ago

Garvan is a MGHOW. David wrote about him a long time ago in The feminist chair drag of doom

Here was his quote (I censored the c word in his rant)

She knew exactly how annoying it was, and did it for the attention.

When a woman’s looks no longer get attention, she’ll annoy the fuck out of everyone to get it.

Don’t believe me? … Look to the Wal-Mart whales that make a public display of their lack of child rearing skills by having their child cry as they yell and belittle their kid in front of every other customer to see. Look to every “strong” feminist woman who’s every action is to annoy the “patriarchy” by growing underarm hair, and yelling about how oppression is everywhere.

An old lonely woman with only cats as friends will scrape that chair across that floor because of her attention starved natured, and when everyone looks up with a grimace due to her actions, inside a little part of her will be validated. She feels like she almost exists in this world once more.

Let the lonely c*nts suffer in their own prison. Had they went through the efforts of learning how to be a decent person when they were younger, they’d actually have friends and people who’d want to spend time with them. Instead they had to be a worthless annoying c*nt.

The reality is this: No one wants to be friends with a bitter person who blames their problems on others …

He also made some ridiculous trolly statements on a Bjork thread.

12 years ago

Oh yeah, I remember the bjork thing.

12 years ago

“comparing a nice guy to a sociopath is a slippery slope into comparing them to aspies”


Some people who are socially awkward have Asperger’s. (Some socially awkward people, like me, don’t.) It’s not an insult, any more than “you are excessively fond of pepperjack cheese!” is an insult. You shouldn’t *assume* people have Asperger’s.

Also I’m pretty sure that sociopath isn’t a thing anymore, I’m pretty sure the term is “diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder.”

12 years ago

I take offense if people gender me as female. I am merely amused if people gender me male (which has been happening more and more online lately, since I talk about Teh Menz more and my vagina less). Apparently this means I make a terrible Straw Feminist.

12 years ago

When I see “cat’s log” I think “Captain’s Log, stardate something something something”.

/nerd derail

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Yeah, garvan’s an MRA troll. Been here before, but obviously quite forgettable. He thinks he’s satirizing other people. Protip for garvan: you have to actually understand something in order to satirize it effectively.

Yeah, good satire is all about “ha, that sounds like something they would say!”

“Ha, that sounds like something that would baffle half of them and offend the other half!” is just a wee bit off the mark.

Also, LOLOLOLOL at the idea that mothers like getting attention by deliberately making their kids cry when they’re out shopping. That’s just… wow.

12 years ago

Also, LOLOLOLOL at the idea that mothers like getting attention by deliberately making their kids cry when they’re out shopping. That’s just… wow.

I know. I just love it when people glare at me when my kids cry in public. I love it so much, I end our trip out and go home until we can all have naps/snacks/whatever caused the tantrum. I almost wish people like garvan could spend a day taking care of small children so they’d know what it’s like, but I wouldn’t want small children to be subjected to that.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Honestly, I’m kinda envious of someone who managed to go their whole life without learning what it’s like to try to get a kid to stop crying in public. I’m not a parent either but I’ve managed to figure that much out.

12 years ago

Wait, who said that it’s a slippery slope to comparing ‘sociopaths’, ‘nice guys’, and ‘aspies’? Can I avoid eye contact with them and be socially awkward in an angry manner? Maybe rant obsessively about SMT and MLP for a while, too?

(I was diagnosed with Asperger’s when I was 18. I don’t like it when people think of it as automatically bad, because its not. It’s a thing.It has bad bits and good bits.)

Also, I’m pretty sure that ‘lack of empathy’ isn’t apathy. Lack of empathy basically means you don’t care what your actions (or the actions of others, or random events) do to other people and that you don’t give a toss about hurting them… for example, someone who reduces a waitstaffer to tears because of a complaint about the food.

12 years ago

Hmm. Kneejerk reaction would be that lack of empathy would be not comprehending why your actions might upset people, but I’m actually thinking about that now and it doesn’t feel right. Overall I think you’re right, basically.

12 years ago

The first thing I thought when I read this: Aerosmith’s “Dude (Looks Like a Lady)”, but with “looks” replaced with “blogs”.

I thought it was a Bob Dylan reference.


Then again, she’s got no love for the nice guys she pretends to be defending.

MRA’s have this odd relationship with the Nice Guy thing. On one hand, it’s a feminist thing, and one where people talk about preferring “alphas”, I guess, but it seems to get (mis)used as a “haha, feminist dudes turn into manginas and don’t even get any bitches for it”, as with Paul Elam linking to a pretty standard feminist article on the Nice Guy phenomenon re:Jay Smooth about a week ago.

So, really:
It’s good, because it proves women hate men
It’s bad, because it means women like the wrong type of men
It’s good, because it means manginas are manginas, LOL
it’s bad because Women Having Opinions

Also, did you mean to paste the same thing twice at the end of that post? I can’t quite make out what you mean in that last bit. I could just be slow.

FWIW, I am not actually a judgemental-looking cassowary, but I am spiritually attuned to cassowaries everywhere and think a few other posters here might be, not naming any names.