antifeminism MRA nice guys whaaaaa?

He blogs … just like a woman

This just in: I am a woman! Again. At least according to a blogger calling herself miliefisathand, who recently wrote a post about that “are nice guys sociopaths?” post I wrote a while ago.

Her evidence? When writing her response to me, she repeatedly found herself referring to me using female pronouns — so therefore I must actually be a woman.

Yes, that’s actually her argument:

While editing my article I lost count of the number of times I had to change “her” or “she” to “him” and “he”. I don’t normally make gender pronoun errors so I have a deep suspicion that the author is a woman impersonating a man. I’m spiritually sensitive to such things.

Hate to break it to you, but your guy-dar is way off. Protip: I post under my real name, and if you google that name, you will find ample evidence that I am, in fact, a real, living dude.

In the case of MRA dudes who misgender me as a woman, it’s clearly the result of their misogyny. In the case of miliefisathand, a self-described Smartassed Burmese Transwoman, I don’t quite understand what exactly is going on.

She also misses the point of my post, and the comments from regulars here that offered some pretty sensible criticisms of what I wrote, but at this point it’s not exactly a shock to see a Man Boobz critic arguing against things I didn’t say rather than things I did say.

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12 years ago

I strongly suspect you’re a natural redhead and had braces at some point. I’M Spiritually Sensitive to THAT sort of thing.

12 years ago

I’m spiritually sensitive to such things.

Wow. That is one of the most stupid, pretentious things I’ve ever heard anyone say.

the twisted spinster
the twisted spinster
12 years ago

I don’t really understand what this person has against your post. For a “Burmese transwoman” miliefisathand sure seems to have a lot invested in protecting “nice guys” from criticism.

the twisted spinster
the twisted spinster
12 years ago

Also, yeah, beware of people who say things like “I’m spiritually sensitive.” That goes in the same run-away-fast bin as “I’m very compassionate” and “I’m totally without any prejudices whatsoever.” I can tell you right now that I’m fairly obtuse (spiritually and otherwise), have plenty of prejudices (that I am working on getting rid of or adjusting), and you can fit my “compassion” into a very small thimble.

12 years ago

To me, this reeks of her hating women.

She hates you [David} ergo…

She flubbed in her writing and referred to you as female
because in her mind you’re female
because she hates you.

And that’s my criminal profiling for the day.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Also, yeah, beware of people who say things like “I’m spiritually sensitive.” That goes in the same run-away-fast bin as “I’m very compassionate” and “I’m totally without any prejudices whatsoever.” I can tell you right now that I’m fairly obtuse (spiritually and otherwise), have plenty of prejudices (that I am working on getting rid of or adjusting), and you can fit my “compassion” into a very small thimble.

I would like to take a moment to let everyone here know that I am a vicious, needy bastard with no morals whatsoever. 😉

12 years ago

Another obtuse thing about her hippy dippy screed is that everyone knows David
should be pictured as a cat.

Amirite? We don’t have to all be cat whisperers, spiritually sensitive to the feline to pick up on that vibe.

12 years ago

The first thing I thought when I read this: Aerosmith’s “Dude (Looks Like a Lady)”, but with “looks” replaced with “blogs”.

12 years ago

I have a deep suspicion that you’re a fluffy toy llama impersonating a human being. I’m spiritually sensitive to such things. Don’t even try to deny your llama-osity!

You know, I’ve occasionally had the experience of internally misgendering someone on the internet (usually because I subconsciously “decided” they were male/female based on something like the sound of their screenname before having any definitive information on the subject, and then found out their actual gender later). Weirdly, my conclusion from this has always been “sometimes my subconscious is silly, also, I should be careful not to accidentally call-so-and-so a dude because that would be rude,” and not “obviously, my random perception based on extremely limited information is a much better determinant of their gender than what they freaking say their gender is!” I’m pretty wacky like that.

12 years ago

How about when you constantly imagine someone to be something based on their avatar or name, or something else that linked your brain to a random thing? That’s what I do.

That’s why, for me, the Manboobz comments are populated by anthropomorphic animals, plants and other random things, rather than people. O.O

12 years ago

Aw… I feel special… she quoted me.

Then again, this is what she thinks is great writing (as opposed to the slop here, which she can barely bring herself to call a blog).

But I’d like to add that to compare nice guys to sociopaths in any context, even in loose analogy, is pretty disingenuous. sociopaths are smooth and slick.

I know this, my brother is dating one. She will plot and scheme. No anxiety, No remorse, and most importantly, no stress. She has slept with numerous friends of mine including my guitarist who was also a sociopath. My bandmate was also a piece of work; a sociopath as well. He would pose as a music promoter and jack thousands of dollars from local rappers/ dubstep Dj’s and bands. He also sold a metric shiton of fake drugs to highschoolers.

Umn… no.

That’s actually exactly what she says she is complaining about here.

Then again, she’s got no love for the nice guys she pretends to be defending.

“Nice guys” live their lives in fear and insecurity. Any “boastfulness” they have or misogyny they spout are cries of a wounded and disgustingly pathetic animal. If nice guys really didn’t care, they’d be happy in their stress and care free mind. They do care, but they are so out of touch with reality and humanity that their souls have become rotten. Someone should put them out of their misery really.

And this

Of course your loyal readers will probably try to bash this. You and(again your readers) may back pedal and say that you can brazenly compare two or three different demographics on the basis of their toxicity. But, you can’t just look at the results. Well…I suppose you don’t have to. But if you want to be enlightened about men and women and act as an authority on such subjects, you have the responsibility to understand the underlying concepts that motivate human beings rather than add your own form of poison.

Is the lack of ironic icing on the cake, which she baked here:

Of course your loyal readers will probably try to bash this. You and(again your readers) may back pedal and say that you can brazenly compare two or three different demographics on the basis of their toxicity. But, you can’t just look at the results. Well…I suppose you don’t have to. But if you want to be enlightened about men and women and act as an authority on such subjects, you have the responsibility to understand the underlying concepts that motivate human beings rather than add your own form of poison.

12 years ago

She can’t be really spiritually attuned, or she would realize that David is a group of women.

12 years ago

Gender is essential and binary, that’s why people post either as girls or boys, and some people are spiritually sensitive to sniffing out which.

12 years ago

Maybe its the estrogen content of all the women posters here. Its slowly changing you…

One of us! One of us!

12 years ago

Welcome among us, Easter Bunny, huh, David. Or Davida, whatever.
Guys, guys, I just discovered that David Futrelle is the Easter Bunny! And I have proof, see my sentence above.

12 years ago

While editing my article I lost count of the number of times I had to change “her” or “she” to “him” and “he”. I don’t normally make gender pronoun errors so I have a deep suspicion that the author is a woman impersonating a man. I’m spiritually sensitive to such things.

Interesting. And here I would have thought, wow, I’m screwing this up an awful lot. Maybe I should take a nap or something and then I’ll suck less when I pick this article up again and finish it.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Whenever I talk about David, I have to resist the urge to purr, roll in the grass, and generally trip out. This is because I am a cat and Futrelle is actually a sentient colony of animated catnip.

I am spiritually sensitive to such things.

12 years ago


12 years ago

miliefisathand’s blog is fucking hard to read (small white-ish grey font on black background).

I’m spiritually sensitive to that sort of thing.

Well, actually not. I wear bifocals.

May I say David’s blog is always easy to read (I like the color/font change for the quotes as well as the spacing). EASY to read is GOOD people.

12 years ago

zhinxy wrote: “I strongly suspect you’re a natural redhead and had braces at some point.”

No, that’s me.

On some Usenet newsgroups, I was accused of being a man pretending to be a woman.

12 years ago

How about when you constantly imagine someone to be something based on their avatar or name, or something else that linked your brain to a random thing? That’s what I do.

I do that, but only if its a living, sentient thing. So, anime characters, random people, kitties etc., but not plants, cars, or random graphics etc..
However, I am not an adorable frost spirit, hee-ho!

Howard Bannister
12 years ago

I browse with images turned off. So I picture all of you as a combination of a weird mental image of your name–don’t ask–and that little image placeholder.

12 years ago

I don’t get the fuss. Isn’t it already established that all male feminists are manginas. Doesn’t that make them honorary women, or something? That’s what tripped her guydar: David’s FEMinism.

12 years ago

This person has a lot in common with MRAs. When they make the same mistake over and over again they are right to do so because it is not a mistake, the facts are wrong, and they are always right.

12 years ago

Wow, just wow.

Clinging to a male identity is kind of male privilege.

I think we’d all like to see Mr. Futrelle do more to check hir own privilege.

Here’s a hint: if someone identifies you as female, and you decide you identify as male, you’re oppressing your own feminine, and in essence oppressing ALL WOMEN, as though they didn’t exist.

It’s really just an advanced form of privilege denying that liberals like to use to keep women down while pretending to raise them up.

One day I hope Mr. Futrelle can recognize, women are human beings.

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