Over on The Spearhead, W.F. Price celebrates the harassment directed at Anita Sarkeesian’s Tropes Against Women video project as a sign of a powerful new backlash against the evils of feminism, a backlash he’s proud to be a part of. Dudes being obnoxious to a woman on the internet: Men’s Rights at its finest.
Oh, sure, Price acknowledges, some of the attacks on her were “juvenile” – and thus not as effective as they might otherwise have been — and the controversy did enable Sarkeesian to raise more than $130,000 for her project, but Price even sees this as a victory of sorts:
As for Sarkeesian’s success, we should be happy about it, because I can’t think of a more worthless way to spend over a hundred thousand dollars than in finger-wagging over video games. For one thing, it’s sure to piss even more guys off, and the game industry is very competitive, so her documentary (now expanded to 12 parts!) will likely have zero effect on production and consumption of this form of entertainment. The feminists are simply pissing all the money away, and that’s fine, because this time they’re paying for it themselves.
No question about it: those grapes were definitely sour.
Naturally, the Spearhead regulars were overjoyed by these new signs of, er, progress. Here are some highlights from the discussion that followed; lest I be accused once again of cherry-picking outliers, each and every one of the comments I quote below got literally dozens of net upvotes. This is what these guys really think.
Mojo offers a sort of backlash manifesto:
Feminists will never understand that it is -they- who are the oppressors. They cling to their delusion that they are the ‘underdog’ against the system, even as they control the system.
Revolution requires an enemy class to attack … this is seen as justified when the enemy class controls the system. But feminism is perpetual revolution. So what happens when they gain control over the system? They continue to attack the enemy class, i.e. men, thinking they are striking the next blow against the patriarchy, when what they are doing is more like a pogrom.
Yep, he went there.
Now -they- are the system, they are able and more than willing to intimidate, humiliate, expropriate. It will get indefinitely worse if they have their way. Liberal feminism leads -necessarily- to radical feminism.
Still, we don’t need feminists to ‘understand’ that they are the persecutors (I imagine some of them know this full well and are just misandrist sadists, little Eichmanns). It doesn’t matter what they think or know or understand. What matters is what -we- think, know and understand, and how we are going to act on it.
So … like the swivel-eyed feminist lunatics progressing from attempted assassinations to laying the foundations for institutional and legal abuse … I ask you – what are we going to DO with this knowledge and awareness beyond changing online discourse? …
Thinking like a leftist, though: why not attach ourselves to the GOP in order to subvert its gender politics and radicalize it in the MRA direction? That kind of approach has worked wonders for leftists and their infiltrations into public institutions …
Huh. Reactionary anti-feminists attaching themselves to the Republican Party? No one’s ever thought of that before.
Keyster offers some equally, er, innovative thinking:
Feminism has failed because women as a group adopted the notion of “equality” with men, while stubbornly clinging to their sexual/reproductive power over men. Had feminism truly helped women “realize their greatness”, there’d be far more great women. Instead there’s just more feminists. It’s run it’s course over 3 generations and it’s out of time to prove itself righteous.
The original “male chauvanist pigs” of the early 70′s, were right all along. Women are biologically and chemically ill-equipped to be men. If the Creator had meant women to be more like men, he wouldn’t have given them the ability to bring forth life from their bodies.
Ryu not only embraces the backlash, but seems perfectly fine with the notion that the Men’s Rights movement is a hate movement:
Good. Hatred and anger are power. Whenever you hear someone say “stop the hate”, it is a call to throw down your greatest weapons.
Young Guy purports to speak for all young guys (manginas presumably excepted):
If feminists think men, especially young men, are angry, they don’t know the half of it. As a 26 year-old male, I have seen this society bend over backwards to accommodate women all the time.
The school curriculums are geared toward female success. Schools have countless women’s programs. Female teachers can be as hateful as they want towards male students without facing consequences. People cheer when girls succeed in school, but jeer when boys succeed in school. Even though females have every advantage in the education system, they somehow still have the audacity to complain. They take fluff majors but don’t realize anyone with less than half a brain could pass classes in the humanities and social sciences.
What makes so many MRAs such proud yahoos?.
Oh, and just look at the workplace. Sexual harassment laws give women freedom to dress slutty and still have the nerve to complain when men sneak a peek. If you are a man who has a female co-worker, you have to walk on eggshells everyday or else you can get fired because the twat in the other room got her panties in a bunch over something minor you said. You can be a man who has busted his ass everyday to succeed in your chosen profession, only to see it mean nothing because some woman who was nothing more than an affirmative action hire. If this isn’t bad enough, you get these useless women who are subpar, yet they still never shut up about breaking through the mythical glass-ceiling that they didn’t break and didn’t exist in the first place.
Working men, forever cursed by subpar women.
Also, I have really had enough of women dragging this country down with their dead-weight. Female soldiers, police officers, and firefighters are liabilities. No, all you ladies in these jobs, you aren’t heroes. I am going to go insane if I hear one more female soldier, police officer, or firefighter cry about not getting the respect she thinks she deserves. She doesn’t get respect because she doesn’t deserve respect. The military, law enforcement, and firefighters would be A LOT better off if women stopped lowering the bar to astronomical proportions.
“Lowering the bar to astronomical proportions?” Young Guy here has clearly not yet mastered the fine art of metaphor.
He blabs on a bit longer before wrapping up with:
The backlash is not only real, but it is well-deserved. Apologies won’t erase the damage which has been done. Acting like what happened because of feminism either didn’t happen or was minor is a slap in the face. Saying women have suffered from feminism just as much as men is like spitting in the faces of all the men who have suffered ten lifetimes of pain because of feminism.
Not one, not two, not five, but ten lifetimes of pain? MRAs really are the world’s greatest drama kings.
Andrew S., meanwhile, seems a little confused as to what feminists would like to see happening in the video game industry:
It will be interesting to see if feminists can ruin the gaming industry like they ruin pretty much everything else. There is a lot of money being made off “gamers,” and even guys like me who play the occasional game but aren’t hardcore contribute a lot of money to the industry.
I doubt there are a lot of young guys and men out there who are going to want to play games that involve a bunch of screaming feminists, and where the object of the game is to destroy the “evil patriarchy.” The truth is guys who play games want their female characters to be either hot, large breasted, ass kicking types, or sexy non-feminist types that you save. If the gaming industry changes this dynamic to much due to Feminist/liberal pressure they will destroy a cash cow. And feminism will have yet another “victory.”
Unrestricted and uncriticized access to giant tittied video game ladies: a sacred men’s right!
Kevin evidently speaks for many when he says he wants video games to remain a boys club:
Video games are pretty much the only place that feminism can’t invade unless the principle consumers of them want it. You don’t have to play with girls, or listen to girls, or do other pansy shit. You probably can’t leave a football team and join a different one that has no women, you sure as hell can do that online. Don’t like all the teamwork talk? Play by yourself.
Feminists don’t like video games because; they can’t make them, they can’t force you to buy them or play them even if they did, they couldn’t ruin the experience for you unless you wanted them to.
You can do anything feminists don’t want you to do, and best of all you’re rewarded for it.
Anonymous Age 70 doesn’t even play video games, but he was pleased to learn that you can shoot ladies in them:
Speaking of video games, I am reminded of my son 8 or 10 years ago. I visited him, and he had some kind of shoot-em-up video game. He was partnered with a dearie, and the instant the game started, he always put a bullet in the middle of her forehead. Then, he’d laugh as if it were the funniest thing ever.
I told him he was a sick man, but I was also laughing as if it were the funniest thing ever.
Seriously, he told me he performed better with her dead than needing to be protected.
A great analogy for marriage 2.0, yes?
Women, can’t live them, can’t shoot them in the head. Except in video games!
Criticizing video games is misandry!
At least Man Boobz is a pretty good place to derail. Anyone got a topic that doesn’t play into libertarian paranoia?
Awww, AFLAC has an angry. A blooo blooo blooo. A blooo blooo blooo.
Because I’m so nice, I’m going to read along with this here RCMP gun licence thing. So, you said:
But I have the document in front of me and it says:
That’s really different, you silly billy! You said you need to ask permission from your previous sexual partners, and that’s wrong on two counts: you need to inform previous conjugal partners. Now why on earth the country of Canada thinks your ex has a right to know that you’ve got a gun now, I HAVE NO IDEA.
Moving along!
I’m wondering what Canada might find if it took a look at your job history and character references, I really am.
Let’s look at what the text says.
This is the entirety of the draconian Section C.
As a person with depression, the only one I’d have an issue with is d), and since they say they’d take explanations into account, I’d just tell them I’m medicated and going to therapy. Good to go.
And Section H is one character reference. One. I provided two on my student loans.
My heart bleeds for you, AFLAC.
So, my question is: why the hell have you not applied for a gun licence? Knowing what a kind and compassionate interlocutor you are, my guess is 16(e):
“Dirtyhippiefeet may ALSO be an aboriginal person – i don’t know. If they are, then guess what chucklefuck? They’re subject to special dispensation! I won’t bother telling you who’s responsible for that little gem of injustice. For those who are not aboriginal, well, guess what asshole? No special dispensation for you!”
I…wow…it isn’t often I get to say this — your country committed goddamned genocide, attempting to rectify that is not a motherfucking “little gem of injustice” — more like throwing one starfish back, going “it matters to this one” and calling it a fucking day. Tribal sovereignty really is a goddamned difficult concept for white people isn’t it? They have their own laws you dipshit, because of a fucking century+ of genocide.
And you know what really fucking gets me? I’d thought Canada was handling that better than the US, but apparently there are plenty of anti-Native bigots north of the border too. (I’m not exactly surprised or anything, I just continue to be appalled)
Nanasha — long story short, he did the rather idiotic thing of approaching a cop to tell him he was driving unsafely and breaking what was about to be passed as a law — while looking like a long haired hippie, his whiteness didn’t really matter at that point (though I imagine he’d have gotten worse than a punch to the face if he wasn’t white). The kubuton, despite being in his backpack, was just icing at that point.
“If you don’t say anything, except for base responses, you can’t have your words twisted.” — nawh, they’ll just assume you’re on drugs and question you as to what and from whom. (He got off with community service and a bruise in the end, and a lesson in whether the police really service the public or themselves.)
Dracula — “Because that’s Insurance Duck’s pet issue, and trolls never give a fuck about derailing, because their shit is always more important.” — …oh, right. We need a wand of +2 rerailing or something (sorry if my D&D joke is off, I’m a white wolf fan myself)
VoIP — “Now why on earth the country of Canada thinks your ex has a right to know that you’ve got a gun now, I HAVE NO IDEA.” — was that sarcasm? I can’t tell currently…if not, I already cited how former partners are more dangerous than current ones (even in Canada! /sarcasm).
Yeah my only issue with those is d there, and I think you’re right that asking and taking explanations into account is the way to go (then again, I don’t own a gun for exactly why d is asking that — no one wants to have to clean up my brain, and fair enough on that). My former psych major self says “emotion problems is way vague”, otherwise that all sounds reasonable.
Yeah, it’s sarcasm. Everything on that document actually sounds like a good idea to me, especially the part where the cops tell your exes you’re armed. If I learned my dad got a gun, ffffuuuuuuuuu….
VoIP, I just wanna say thank you for all that. It was a brilliant takedown.
It so happens I’ve been gradually coming around to wanting to learn how to use firearms, but I’m little uneasy about the idea of owning one myself for very similar reasons.
I’m prone to bouts of depression, and although they’re under control now (thanks to meds) and I’ve never been suicidal in any serious way, I worry about the temptation.
“If I learned my dad got a gun, ffffuuuuuuuuu….”
This is why I moved 500 miles away, lead time for my mother to call me if he decides to just show up. (The rest of the family tiptoes around his abusive behavior and blames me for “setting him off” so you know, fine, I’ll stay safely far away)
Sorry I missed the sarcasm, between him and the shit of NYC’s dyke march, my brain is zapped.
So women were fooled?
Yup. If it hadn’t been for feminist trickery, my great-grandmother would have been properly grateful about working as a janitor all her life and being barred from any job that paid a living wage because those jobs were needed by men.
My grandfather was fooled into wishing he could have gone to high school instead of taking a job at a steel mill when he was fourteen after his father walked out on the family. Feminists tricked him into thinking that was kind of a raw deal.
Feminists put brains in my grandmother’s head. Fortunately, her parents were there to block her from going to college. And years later, when she got a part-time job at a university, her husband stepped in to remind her that what she really wanted was to be home in the evenings to serve him dinner.
There’s no question that feminists tricked my grandmother into joining the WACs.
When the manager at the department-store photo studio where my mother had her first job told her that he’d fire her if she didn’t sleep with him, it was probably feminists who fooled her into not liking it. It was definitely feminists who convinced her to march out into the lobby, where all the families were waiting to get their photos taken, and announce at the top of her lungs, “I’m not going to have SEX with you for this job!”
My mother’s a homemaker, and she’s also a feminist. This paradox has got to be more feminist skullduggery.
Feminists tricked me into drawing comic strips instead of having sex with musclemen in padded suits.
They’re nefarious!
Dracula — I wasn’t trying to comment on anyone else there, ymmv = definitely. But I’ve tried before, so having lethal means readily available is probably unwise — which is what d is really asking about I would think.
Bringing this back to gun control, the suicide rate is a whole lot higher than the “saved by having a gun” rate. “Globally, violence takes the lives of more than 1.5 million people annually: just over 50% due to suicide, some 35% due to homicide, and just over 12% as a direct result of war or some other form of conflict.” wiki
It’s also important to remember that most “saved by having a gun” fantasies involve just as many people dying as the “not saved” version of same.
I did a quick search for firearm deaths and found http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/content/27/2/214.full.pdf and http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/pi/rs/rep-rap/1998/wd98_4-dt98_4/p3.html (woo hoo, Canadian site). Note the high suicide by gun rates. I don’t think I will be wildly inaccurate in assuming that “suicide by cop” isn’t included in the suicide rates.
I was trying to find estimates of accidental shootings in the home (e.g. mistaking family member for a burglar) vs. actual self-defence (I still raise an eyebrow at that term), but couldn’t locate anything.
Thanks, man. It’s been a while since I really stomped on a dude on the internet. Feels good, man.
Back to gaming, when I played WoW (which I quit due to being sick of the vile comments and also the shift away from targetting casual gamers) in the vanilla version, women tended to play healers, and the men tended to play dps and tanks. I had so much fun in Molten Core runs where, as a holy pally, my entire role for 4 hours was to use cleanse repeatedly. I also remember seeing a general chat where two males (I assume) were convinced that when you rolled a female character, it had weaker base stats than the male equivalent.
I also loved how my pally had the magic plate armour that bounced in the breast area when she breathed (let alone did anything more energetic).
Obviously, this was all part of the deep feminazi plot to…. maintain gender stereotypes?
And Dracula, if you feel uneasy about having a gun at your home or on your person, I think some gun clubs let you use the firearms they have on the premises. I might be pulling this out of my ass, though.
“It’s also important to remember that most “saved by having a gun” fantasies involve just as many people dying as the “not saved” version of same.”
That’s why I only dug as far as the homicide vs suicide rates. I figure whether you die, or your attacker dies, it evens out math wise.
Grah, I have nothing competent currently, I’m fuming over the aftermath of NYC’s dyke march.
VoIP – I think it’s mostly a hypothetical concern? It’s not some big fear I have or anything, and it might alleviated if I get more familiar with them. I dunno.
Being low on funds right now, I don’t really have the option of buying one anyway. I’ve actually thought about getting an airsoft pistol as a starting off point. They’re cheaper than I thought they would be.
The truly relevant part from Kiwi girl’s pdf —
Canada 1992, firearm homicide, age adjusted = 0.68; firearm suicide, age adjusted = 3.33; homicide, age adjusted = 2; suicide, age adjusted = 11.51. Those are per 100,000.
So just looking at homicide vs suicide rates where a firearm was used, that’s nearly a 5x comparative risk — you’re 5 times more likely to die by your own hand if you die by gun. And looking at the general rates (which is only sort of relevant to AFLAC’s pet topic) — 5.75x.
In other words, questioning the suicide risk of a gun owner is probably a damned good idea.
Another comparative risk from those numbers — firearm homicide, age adjusted = 0.68; homicide, age adjusted = 2 —
2 – 0.68 = 1.32 / .0.68 = 1.94 — if you’re the victim of a homicide, it’s nearly twice as likely to not involve a firearm, as compared to involving a firearm. It would seem that the adage of being a knife to a gun fight is kind of moot in other words. (Also, the US’s homicide rate is so high as to be an outlier, maybe we could learn something here.)
being? bringing >.<
Let's see if the antihistamine's drowsiness as anti-insomia pill does anything tonight, because damned do I need sleep.
Dracula — an airsoft gun at close range fucking stings, and would very likely be relatively effect for self defense. My brother owns a couple and had to test one on himself, when he screamed my father insulted his "whimpiness" and demanded to be shot with it, because he could take it like a man — he had all he could do not to scream himself, and certainly couldn't manage to cross the kitchen to disarm my brother. The best part of this story though is that my mother wanted to know why I didn't call her at work so she could come home and watch this, about the only time she didn't have a parental fit about "not in the house!" (Yes, my brother is a weird one, think Chris Griffin and you'll get the general picture)
But yeah, it isn't easy to advance on someone who's pelleting you with airsoft pellets.
I go for a night and 4 new pages of comments! Can’t read them all. 🙁
Anyway, it’s funny that, in a few month apart, we had trolls tellings us that all men in all movies are:
– mountains of muscle, very intelligent, etc, ergo too perfect to identify with for most actual men. MISANDRY!!!!! (Mister A.)
– weak, stupid, slow (?), etc, ergo not a good role model for men. MISANDRY!!!!!!!!! (AFLAC)
Weak men in movies? Misandry! Strong men in movies? Misandry! No way we can win.
Meanwhile, I can’t help to laugh at Aflac: he (a cis man, presumably) put his manhood in the ownership of a gun. That’s Freud’s wet dream.
Man, I wish feminist pressure was the reason women had to work. Wouldn’t that be nice.
I work because food ain’t free.
No man yet has volunteered to pay all my expenses, and mathematically the majority of men can’t, and that’s not even accounting for the large number of men who do not want to be partnered with women and women who do not want to be partnered with men.
Admittedly late to the party, and perhaps I’ve missed something in the comments section, but if your wife, ACLAF, is so “stridently anti-feminist”, why does she not rebel against the feminist cabal that is forcing her to work outside the home and, y’know, stay home instead?