antifeminism douchebaggery drama kings grandiosity manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA narcissism oppressed men the spearhead white knights

Spearheader to feminists: No, YOU’RE the malignant solipsistic predatory narcissists without conscience!

And another thing …

Some threads on The Spearhead are virtual gold mines of crackpot misogyny. Today, from the same thread I drew upon for a post the other day, I present to you yet another long-winded antifeminist manifesto from a dude who doesn’t know shit about feminism. This time the dude in question is someone calling himself Darryl X.

Here’s his little screed:

There is only one kind of feminism. There is no first- or second-wave feminism. There is no ecofeminism or radical feminism or socialist feminism. There is no left and right. No conservative or liberal. (With which many feminists would hope to rationalize their egregious misconduct and criminal behavior – “Oh, but I’m not THAT kind of feminist.”) …

Feminism = the Borg

There is only feminism and it is evil and civilization depends upon its complete and utter elimination. Feminism is the product of false constructs and straw men and false flags and lies and fraud and is a political campaign of hate against men and children. Period.

And apparently Darryl loves the word “and.”

It has coopted our financial and legal and political and social institutions to affect the enslavement

[citation needed]

and murder

[citation needed]

and imprisonment and exile

[citation needed]

 of men and the forcible separation of children from their fathers. It is responsible for the collapse of our economies worldwide and the fall of civilization.

[citation … oh, forget it. Every single thing he says needs a citation.

Feminists are comprised of mostly women but there are some men (manginas and white knights and other descriptions).

Manginas represent!

Feminists are psychopaths and malignant narcissists, without conscience and driven to do evil. They are solipsistic, manipulative, opportunistic, parasitic and predatory. They are compulsive pathological liars and deceptive and manipulative. They have no empathy, remorse, shame or guilt. They have no analytical skills and cannot plan ahead and are short-sighted. They are shallow of affect and are remorseless and are insincere and disingenuous. They are faithless and in the absence of any analytical skills, they do not have faith in the analytical skills of others, no matter how much evidence there is of its benefits. They are career and life-long con-artists.

Huh. Are you perhaps familiar with the psychological concept of “projection,” a defense mechanism whereby you project some of your own characteristics – particularly your most unsavory ones – onto someone else, or perhaps a group of people?

Just curious.

No matter how we define or relate to one another as men in the MRM, understanding the distinction between men in the MRM and feminists is more important. That is the enemy which must be destroyed. The other men in the MRM from which each of us are different are our brothers and the only important difference is that between men in the MRM and feminists. That’s the difference which defines us and on which civilization depends.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the future of civilization doesn’t actually depend on a bunch of bitter, hateful dickwads grousing on the internet about how much ladies suck.

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12 years ago

I wanna know why Ruby is still hanging around here trying to defend herself. I though we were all dumbass nobodies about whose opinions she cares not a whit.

12 years ago


12 years ago


She just wants to make absolutely clear that she considers herself to be compassionate. -_-

12 years ago

Sharculese, I don’t really think there are two groups. The whole reason the first group is looking for alternate solutions is because they’ve completely ruled out “make a law about it” or “allow government to regulate it” from the get-go, because they think government doing something is a greater evil than, well, anything else. So all libertarians, it seems to me, fall into “sure I care about X, but the important thing is that the government doesn’t do anything.”

12 years ago


Isn’t that kind of the point of libertarianism in general? That the government do as little as possible?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Katz – I think it’s still important to respect the difference between “I think your ideas are silly and wouldn’t work” and “I think your ideas are hateful and you don’t care that they’d hurt people.”

12 years ago


Yes, and that’s why it doesn’t combine well with other political/social positions: Because preventing the government from acting always supersedes any other goal.

Anyway that’s how all my libertarian friends think.

12 years ago

Cliff: Yeah, that’s fair.

12 years ago



*wipes tears of hilarity from eyes*

@Ruby: I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Nobody who finds rape funny gets to claim to be compassionate.

12 years ago

Back on topic for a quick sec, further down in the OP’s comment thread we see this by the same guy:

I don’t know if feminism is a by-product of Marxism or not but it certainly has elements of it and naziism, Stalinism, communism, socialism, fascism, narcissism and a whole bunch of “isms” I’ve propbably never even heard of.

Why make the distinction? It’s not like you actually have anything in mind when you say feminism is like all those other isms… it just sounds evil. Unless by “elements” you mean “wears clothes” or “has foundational principles” or something…

Some day I’d like to hear Darryl X justify all of these comparisons. That would be endlessly amusing.

12 years ago

It’s also nice that he missed off the ones he probably has no issue with, like “capitalism”.

12 years ago

So, I never, ever have bothered to get involved in editing Wkipedia, because the place is known to be very, very hostile to minorities and anything outside the privileged point of view of straight, white, cis-gendered western men. But, I clicked on the link to ‘projection’ in this article and noticed that there was a paragraph about how there’s some talk of modern feminism being projection, and indicating that patriarchy is a myth and Paglia is a legitimate source for discussion of feminism in general (I suppose she may have some useful things to say on certain subjects, but I get the impression she challenges modern feminism in its entirety). So I deleted that paragraph. I give it less than 12 hours before the guy who last *restored* that paragraph restores it again.

Not entirely on topic, hope y’all don’t mind.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I wonder what percentage of these guys could even define Marxism.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I don’t know if feminism is a by-product of Marxism or not but it certainly has elements of it and naziism, Stalinism, communism, socialism, fascism, narcissism and a whole bunch of “isms” I’ve propbably never even heard of. ”

Lol, just once do I want to see someone making the “Marxism! Stalinism! communism! socialism!” pseudo-argument actually know the difference. He Godwin’ed though, and thus -1 internet for him.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

…what exactly has elements of socialism and fascism? What would that even mean?

“For the glory of the Fatherland, jackbooted thugs are going to subsidize your childcare!”

12 years ago


Or what about fascism and communism?

“Ha ha! I am now supreme dictator of America! All shall tremble beneath my iron first! Now, as my first order, everyone shall be equal, and there shall be no centralized government! I am truly the epitome of evil.”

12 years ago

Narcissism isn’t even a governmental theory… it’s an aspect of personality. I honestly think he’s drawing off of some “evil-sounding words” generator on the web.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“…what exactly has elements of socialism and fascism? What would that even mean?”

Stalin kind of managed to screw up both…but idk, I thought fascists opposed communism.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

err…yeah idk how fascists feel about socialism, whoops >.<

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

What’s really amusing though? “I don’t know if feminism is a by-product of Marxism or not” Congrats, the only one those that might actually apply, you don’t understand well enough to realize might apply…definitely naziism, but only maybe Marxism, when Marxist feminism is definitely really a thing, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard of nazi feminism or fascist feminism. (And why list naziism and fascism, just to Godwin?)

12 years ago

At least “humanism” managed to stay off the list.

12 years ago

They have no analytical skills and cannot plan ahead and are short-sighted.

Which is why they rule the world, and have triumphed over the men who have such skills.

, they do not have faith in the analytical skills of others, no matter how much evidence there is of its benefits.

Dude… that’s incomprehensible. I think you meant to say they have no faith in the analytical skills of other, no matter how well they are demonstrated, but you didn’t say that.

You said they reject analysis, no matter what benefits are obvious in its use.

Why do you reject comprehensible antecedents? There is evidence of their benefit.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Why do you reject comprehensible antecedents? There is evidence of their benefit.”

That seems to be a common theme with MRAs/PUAs/etc.

katz — humanism doesn’t sound like a bad word, and that commenter clearly knows little to nothing of the -isms he lists. (And making people look things up is MISANDRY!!)

12 years ago

Feminists are psychopaths and malignant narcissists, without conscience and driven to do evil. They are solipsistic, manipulative, opportunistic, parasitic and predatory. They are compulsive pathological liars and deceptive and manipulative. They have no empathy, remorse, shame or guilt. They have no analytical skills and cannot plan ahead and are short-sighted. They are shallow of affect and are remorseless and are insincere and disingenuous. They are faithless and in the absence of any analytical skills, they do not have faith in the analytical skills of others, no matter how much evidence there is of its benefits. They are career and life-long con-artists.

Did he rip this from Sam Vaknin?

Also, WAT?

12 years ago

humanism doesn’t sound like a bad word

Ever been to a fundamentalist church service? (Although most MRAs tend to land closer to the non-religious end of the douche spectrum.)