douchebaggery irony alert misogyny MRA reddit the c-word the enigma that is ladies

Men’s Rights Redditors baffled by women who don’t like the c-word

So the fellas over on the Men’s Rights Subreddit were having a little discussion the other day about the c-word, and wondering just why so many ladies get so offended by that word. I mean, it’s just a word. (Not like “creep” which is the worst possible thing anyone could possibly call someone else, and a clear abuse of their human rights.)

Funcuz, for his part, blamed Oprah for the unpopularity of the c-word among women:

Hardwarequestions, in a rather circular manner, blamed the offensiveness of the word “cunt” on women, for being offended in the first place:

The only one who seemed to think the insult was genuinely a big deal was expletive-deleted, who rather likes it that way:

Men’s Rights Activism at its finest!

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12 years ago

Exploding links, another reason to be afraid of the interwebz.

12 years ago


She also links through to Jason Thibeault’s blog (Lousy Canuck) where there’s more specific information on a draft policy. It’s specifically for the American Atheist conferences, but there’s also a mention that the TAM organisers might have started to get their acts in gear too.

/end public service announcement

12 years ago

I disagree that mras won a “victory” from elevator gate with “creepy” though I am not sure what that means even. I seemed to have misunderstood what you meant so sorry about that. It is pretty ridiculous just the amount of feminist backlash so I could understand you being anxious to post online.

12 years ago

Like Holly, Elevatorgate just made me use the word creepy even more freely. You want to scream at other people for being “oversensitive” and then whine about being called creepy? Cool, then when you whine about being called creepy I’m going to point out that you are in fact being oversensitive.

Also, the fuss over the word creepy is such a perfect encapsulation of the broader point about how male privilege works, and it’s too important to back down on. The reason some guys lose their shit whenever a woman calls a man creepy is that by calling a man creepy a woman is asserting her boundaries and stating that she finds the man’s crossing of them unacceptable. Backing off on that point is basically saying that it’s OK for men to ignore women’s boundaries, and that women have no right to ever object to any way that men behave towards them. There’s a reason this became such a flashpoint, and it’s much too big a deal to back down on, because if women aren’t allowed to assert even the most basic boundaries, or object when men cross them, then what has feminism actually achieved? The pushback against “creepy” is a pushback against the idea that women are people with rights.

12 years ago

Add me to the list who is using creepy more than I used to… because of Elevatorgate.

12 years ago

I don’t understand why “creep” is such an insult. It’s not even as bad as being called fat or ugly. it is more reflective of what you DO, rather than who you ARE. And then of course the Radiohead song kicks ass.

12 years ago

I was really sheltered as a kid, and yet I thought I knew all of the “bad words.” Of course, this didn’t help me from being teased mercilessly by being nicknamed “blowjob” for a day (no, I did not give blowjobs to people or anything like that, that’s just 13 year old boys being jerks for ya), since I took it literally and didn’t realize what it was at the ripe old age of 13 (of course, when I mentioned it to my mom in a humorous way, she gave me this horrified look and I immediately felt horribly ashamed and sad that people had been cruel to me and I hadn’t even realized it).

I didn’t realize that the word “cunt” was actually considered to be the worst word in the whole world. Needless to say, I was never CALLED that word, nor did I hear it used pretty much ever, but when I read that book by Inga Musico with the title of the same name, I pretty much learned there for the first time about what it meant.

In a lot of ways, I’m a bit like a robot. Words that are supposed to make me feel bad about myself don’t really affect me all that much, just like how, because my parents sheltered me from TV throughout my childhood, I have a difficult time suspending my disbelief while watching a show or a movie (I can still enjoy it, but I find myself less shocked or excited when something bad or good happens).

But I honestly think that if someone doesn’t want to be called a name or classified in a certain way, then that’s messed up and shitty. Sure, free speech and all, but that doesn’t mean that by using said speech a person is free from being classified as a pompous asshole (see: the majority of MRAs).

Yeah, you have the right to say what you want. But I have the right to disagree and think that you’re horrible for saying misogynistic/racist/homophobic/etc things.

12 years ago

Wow, there are so many possibiilities if you know that someone with an upskirt camera is in the neighborhood. Something insulting for him to see or just plain “Blair Witch” weird – arachnoid, maybe. But then the dudes on The Spearhead will be all pontificating cuz they’ll think it’s real. Could be good for some lulz.

12 years ago

That is a genius idea. I wonder if attaching tentacles to your knickers would be terribly uncomfortable. For those on a budget they could just attach a few leftover Halloween decorations with double sided tape.

12 years ago

A dude with a kilt could join in the fun as well. We’re equal opportunity here.

12 years ago

Rage: I think that’s what bothers them, actually. If you just said, “You are a lump of drifting duckweed, slimy, reeking; a stinking puddle of squamous cromulence”, they would just go, “enh”.

But if you say they are creeps, that’s something which has some sting, because they have to actually explain why they aren’t creepy.

12 years ago

Speaking as a dude with kilts, and long hair, I can see where they might get what they weren’t bargaining for.

12 years ago

Awww, anti-manboobz is talking about how awful the word “creep” is.

Props to him for a post that isn’t a one-line quote from a comment followed by “OMG MBZ AMIRITE?”, I guess…

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Naturally, gendered insults relating to women- “cunt”, “pussy”- are seen as far more taboo than male-specific pejoratives- “dick”, “prick”. Despite this widespread societal capitulation, feminists and their assorted vag-lickers…”

All the irony. (‘cept I’ve run “vag-licker” by a few straight guys, consensus is it is an insult, but to the idiot saying it XD )

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

If a woman- or a man- feels that their boundaries are violated, I would recommend they say just that- “You are violating my boundaries”.

Oh yeah, I’m sure that MRAs would be super happy about that. If that caught on, they’d just decide that “b**ndary v**later” was the new terrible anti-male slur.

(I’m all for people saying “you are violating my boundaries,” but it’s not their job to do so. Being harassed is not a job assignment. It does not create the obligation for the harassed person to be totally emotionally neutral, preserve their harasser’s privacy, and take the responsibility for not being harassed entirely upon themself.)

But “creepy” doesn’t necessarily mean boundary-violator. More often, “creepy” means “you seem to be testing boundaries, or you seem unaware of boundaries, or you seem to be nerving yourself up to willfully disregard boundaries.”

These are also things that women are allowed to observe, discuss, and even (zomigosh no!) disapprove of.

12 years ago

And now to regender the post from CassandraSays | June 26, 2012 at 6:54 pm

Like Holly, Elevatorgate just made me use the word c*nt even more freely. You want to scream at other people for being “oversensitive” and then whine about being called c*nt? Cool, then when you whine about being called c*nt I’m going to point out that you are in fact being oversensitive.

Also, the fuss over the word c*nt is such a perfect encapsulation of the broader point about how female privilege works, and it’s too important to back down on. The reason some girls lose their shit whenever a man calls a woman c*nt is that by calling a woman c*nt a man is asserting his boundaries and stating that he finds the woman’s crossing of them unacceptable. Backing off on that point is basically saying that it’s OK for women to ignore men’s boundaries, and that men have no right to ever object to any way that women behave towards them. There’s a reason this became such a flashpoint, and it’s much too big a deal to back down on, because if men aren’t allowed to assert even the most basic boundaries, or object when women cross them, then what have MRAs actually achieved? The pushback against “c*nt” is a pushback against the idea that men are people with rights.

Clearly you can see the entitlement mentality of the overly-privileged, modern day woman, and how they’re horrified that a man would dare insult a woman back. The internet essentially ended the MSM stranglehold women enjoyed for so long of insulting, ridiculing and denigrating men while remaining aloof to any criticism. The disbelief women must’ve felt after so many decades of carte blanche reminds one of how the apes were astonished when Charlton Heston first spoke on planet of the apes.

Bravo, CassandraSays, your little lecture is the perfect example of how completely entitled so many women consider themselves. Everyone here without a doubt.
“The drop in registration is because the organizers of TAM chose not to learn anything from Elevatorgate and refuse to make it a safe space.”

From coffee drinking men who dare to ask a woman for her precious company? Is it time to take back the night from these evildoers? Do the equal one’s need special privileges? Perhaps rose pedals strewn at you feel while you walk? The smell of cinnimon buns in the air while gentle music plays in the backround? Men, genuflecting whenever a woman enters the room, hanging on her every enlightened word.

12 years ago
Reply to  nwoslave

“By calling a woman c*nt a man is asserting his boundaries and stating that he finds the woman’s crossing of them unacceptable.”

Er, except usually this unacceptable crossing of boundaries by a woman consists of merely existing in his general direction – instead of, you know, actually doing anything. Creeping, on the other hand, requires action on the part of the creep. Your gender reversal fails.

You are grasping at straws, NWO, and it’s kind of pathetic.

12 years ago

That’s the most pathetic attempt at regendering I’ve ever seen.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

You don’t “Regender” something by acting like completely different concepts are “the male/female equivalents.” That’s just making up your own crap.

I have no problem with creepy women being called out on it. But “c*nt” is not the female “creepy.” “Creepy” is the female “creepy.”

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

NWO — wtf does cunt have to do with boundaries? Even anti-manboobz manages to get that creep and boundaries are related concepts.

“From coffee drinking men who dare to ask a woman for her precious company?…”

More like “from men who probably aren’t interested in 4am coffee in their hotel room but are actually interested in sex, and can’t be arsed to not make propositions in close quarters” — you do like, leave your home right? You get that most people don’t speak much in elevators besides “floor # please”?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Anyone think if she had accepted, and he was a rapist, NWO would do anything besides blame her for going back to his room? NWO seems big on the “what did she expect?” thing.

12 years ago

Well, Slavey thinks that little girls who wear swimsuits to the beach are crossing his boundaries by not having sex with him, so from his unique perspective his regendering would seem more logical. At some point he has to learn the difference between “me” and “men”, though.

12 years ago

“At some point he has to learn the difference between “me” and “men”, though.”

It would be nice if all MRAs figured this one out.

12 years ago

Of course NWO thinks it perfectly acceptable to call women cunts. I’m not surprised.

12 years ago

This ties in nicely with the other thread! NWOs entire schtick is that women are violating men’s boundaries by existing in public and not having sex with the men whenever the men want it, and that this is something that the women do on purpose and derive sexual satisfaction from. It’s totally demented, obviously, but I guess at least he’s consistent.