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“What a lifeless, limp, ego-centric homo,” and other bon mots from the A Voice for Men crowd

So Mr. Paul Elam was apparently so offended by this video from Jay Smooth defending Anita Sarkeesian and her Tropes Vs Women video project against its many misogynistic detractors that he sat down and wrote out a carefully reasoned rebuttal of all of Mr. Smooth’s points.

Nah, I’m kidding. He wrote a snide couple of paragraphs calling Smooth a “leftist scumbucket,” and a “chickenshit feminist quisling,” and invited his readers to jump in with their own dopey insults. And they did. Some highlights (that is, lowlights):

I showed Paul’s comment to an MRA friend, and he said, “dude, you have to stop talking to me. I don’t exist! I’m no more real than Paul Elam’s ‘gay friend.'”

Andybob added this to the debate:

Yes, that’s right, he’s saying Smooth is being a “fag” in order to score with women. Clearly we have a brilliant mind at work here.

Several comments later, Iron John, a man apparently oblivious to irony, weighed in with this gem:

On Reddit, after someone pointed out the homophobia in the comments, Elam responded with “comment mine much?”

I’m pretty sure you don’t get to complain about “comment mining” for homophobia when 1) you’re the guy behind the site and 2) you’re one of the ones shouting “fag.”

Notice that Zorro’s original comment got an equal number of upvotes and downvotes. Then Elam jumped in to give the homophobia his seal of approval. After that, it was nothing but upvotes for those using or approving of the homophobic slur.

Calling a dude a “fag” on the internet: Men’s Rights Activism at its finest!


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12 years ago

Well that was… something. Slavey, I don’t get it. Seriously, why do you even bother to lie in such outrageous and easily disprovable ways? What do you get out of it?

I mean, this isn’t about yet another “fact” or statistic you’ve made up about such-and-such issue, this is about shit you know yourself to have said. You can’t gaslight people if your words are right here in black and white for anyone to look up and read.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I think the saddest part of NWO’s little rant there was that he answered “you don’t know what positive human ineraction is” with just about everything BUT “yes I do.”

I really do feel bad for the little shithead sometimes.

12 years ago

The, “fun” in feminism consists of, “jokes” ridiculing men. That is what you do here. Have women dictated what is or isn’t considered a, “sense of camaraderie?” Not too much of a surprise there.

What a hypocrite. Misogynists make jokes ridiculing women all the time and we’re supposed to laugh it off. But making men the brunt of a joke is verboten, because they have feelings and women don’t? It’s funny how quickly sexists lose their sense of humor when the joke is on them.

Besides, we make fun of misogynists here, not men.

12 years ago

I really do feel bad for the little shithead sometimes.

Yeah, me too. You know they can’t be happy carrying around that much hatred.

12 years ago

Yeah, NWO is one of the only ones who doesn’t have any variant on “I’m getting oral from Ashley” or “FOREIGN BRIDE!” or “my dolls are prettier anyway.” He’s just sad and lonely.

12 years ago

Women behave badly.

Unlike men, who never, ever do anything wrong. Ever.

I have a feeling that your idea of women behaving badly is just not kowtowing to men.

12 years ago

Yeah, NWO is one of the only ones who doesn’t have any variant on “I’m getting oral from Ashley” or “FOREIGN BRIDE!” or “my dolls are prettier anyway.” He’s just sad and lonely.

Actually, didn’t he have a post a while back about how he totally invites all his manly friends over and they cheer him on while he posts on Manboobz? It was one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen, IIRC.

12 years ago

It’s sad when your obviously transparent lie is “I have friends.”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Actually, didn’t he have a post a while back about how he totally invites all his manly friends over and they cheer him on while he posts on Manboobz? It was one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen, IIRC.”

I thought he was trying to mock Cliff with that, but I can’t find it now. I did find his “safety girl” rant, which should be preserved for posterity. And this not remotely insulting comment —

@Argenti Aertheri
“How much do you think it’s about naivete versus their belief all non-virgins are sluts?”

It really has nothing to do with naivete. Everyone of you here is belligerent, rude, obnoxious, sexist, racist, vengeful, spiteful, hateful, vain, arrogant, disloyal and spoiled. Not the most endearing of qualities representing such a diverse crew of women. However, the lip service is unparalleled.

In the interests of a complete record, he’s quoting me from here, and I was quoting Cliff. And commenting on how foreign bride seekers see their brides as naive, not saying that the foreign bride seekers are naive…so NWO didn’t even manage to insult wtf was actually being said. (Surprising, I know /sarcasm)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Oooh…he built in a loophole!

“I have insulted anyone of you here on this thread? Of course not.”

In what might be a first, he has not (yet) insulted anyone on this thread. Of course, we do have the memory required to remember that he’s usually nothing but insults, and one thread does not suddenly negate that.

12 years ago

I think the saddest part of NWO’s little rant there was that he answered “you don’t know what positive human ineraction is” with just about everything BUT “yes I do.”

I really do feel bad for the little shithead sometimes.

He seemed proud that one time he talked about cable splicing. I was happy for him, since it was the first time I had seen him talk about something he seemed to be enjoying.

Sheila Addison
12 years ago

he’s saying Smooth is being a “fag” in order to score with women. Clearly we have a brilliant mind at work here

I am just here to say, in case it hasn’t already been said: Every woman I know who is into men, and even a few who normally aren’t, has at some point said “OMG Jay Smooth, I would so hit that.”

Feminism: it works!

12 years ago

LOLLING 4EVER. I don’t know about anyone else, but I know I’ve totally forgotten about that time the milkslave called Molly Ren a fuckdoll with a pulse. And those numerous times he’s been outright evil to Ami (just because she doesn’t give a fuck what the milkslave says doesn’t mean that the milkslave’s hatred goes unnoticed) and Ozy and … well, I could go on …

Remember when he mocked Holly for writing a blog post about her rape? Good times.

12 years ago

I can’t feel sorry for NWO, anymore than I can feel sorry for a tapeworm.

12 years ago

@lauralot89 Hey! At least the tapeworm doesn’t specifically hate women.

12 years ago

That is true, Sorka. Hmmm…I can’t even make a metaphor for how little sympathy I have for him.

12 years ago

I don’t feel sorry for him either. He brings a lot of his misery on himself and I really get tired of this “Why does everybody here hate me?” pity game he likes to play every now and again.

I don’t hate Slavey. I dislike him – reeeally dislike him. I often feel disgusted and sick when I read his posts, to the point that sometimes I just skim over them and deduce from others responses what’s been said. I think he’s a nasty, hateful, small-minded, paranoid, bigoted arsehole.

Slavey, that’s what I think of you and you alone, btw – not men as a whole, so don’t bother twisting it.

Oh, and don’t bother trying to say “Oh, I’ve never insulted anyone in THIS thread” either. We remember things you’ve said, you know, and we can search for them. I know you like to think you’re really clever and we’re all stupid, but you’re seriously deluding yourself.

Why do you post here if you think we’re all horrible Meany Meaner McMeanersons anyway? I know you said once it was part of your ‘activism’. Well, remember that time David said you couldn’t post unless it was pictures of cats, and you gladly obliged? Yeah, I wouldn’t really call that ‘activism’…

12 years ago

Well, he did try to find pictures of cats that involve women suffering at first…

12 years ago

Argenti: “I have insulted anyone of you here on this thread? Of course not.”

I’m on this thread, he’s insulted me. Ozy is on this thread, he’s insulted her.

He can’t even claim he’s not insulted me in this thread, because he’s lied about my actions and beliefs, which is insult. In another age his actions in this thread would have been grounds to mortal combat.

So no, he doesn’t even have that loophole.

Ponkz: I really get tired of this “Why does everybody here hate me?” pity game he likes to play every now and again.

He’s not asking that. He’s pretending to ask a rhetorical question. He says, “Everyone hates me because I am a man who won’t say women can never do wrong”.

That’s his entire argument. All his comments are about the ways in which women are wrong. All he is doing is telling us about it.

You know, things like expecting equal pay for equal work. Wrong.

Things like not wanting to be raped. Wrong.

Things like not wanting to be beaten. Wrong.

Any man who dares to disagree with him about things like this (and others, such as 12 year old girls who “flaunt themselves, so they can arouse men; and then deny those men the sex they deserve; because the men are aroused), is a man-hater who thinks everything any woman ever does is perfect.

Never mind that we are all upset with Ruby because she thinks men being raped is a fucking laugh riot. She says she’s a feminist, so we all agree with her.

Why he thinks this time will be any differnt? He doesn’t. He gets some twisted pleasure out of saying it. He probably gets some pleasure out of us telling him what a shit he is.

I ease the pain of his being a shit, by telling him what a lying sack of fermented pig-shit he happens to be.

I don’t hate him, any more than I hate fermenting pig-shit. But I don’t want it in my back yard either.

12 years ago

Oh yeah, so he did. Still, generally if I was posting horrible shite on a website full of people who disliked me and I them, and I was then told I couldn’t post unless I jumped through a few hoops first, I’d like to think I would pause a moment to wonder if it was worth my time and effort, conclude that seeing as posting there seemed to make me utterly miserable and disliked then it probably wasn’t, and go away.

The fact that Slavey jumped through those hoops regardless speaks volumes.

12 years ago

Pecunium – Oh, I’m well aware it’s part of a rhetorical game he’s playing to try and demonstrate how we actually all dislike him because we hate men and not actually because he, the individual, is a horrible person.

He thinks he’s being really clever and we can’t see through him, it’s pathetic.

12 years ago

I find him entertaining, so I’d like him to stick around. But for his own sake I wish he would seek mental health help (in a non-stigmatizing way– I’m in therapy myself), find some friends, and never comment again.

12 years ago

I think I understand why slavery keeps coming here — we pay attention to him. Better negative attention than no attention at all, huh? I guess dolls can’t replace the need for good old human interaction….even if it’s only online. If in fact you do talk shit out in the real world — like you do here, I have to assume people don’t like you very much and avoid you at all costs. At least here, you get responses. So, I get it. It’s pathetic and sad, but I get it.
Though, I have to wonder if you need more Omega-3 and fatty acids in your diet, because your brain seems incapble of making the connection between the hate-filled posts you make and the negative feedback you routinely get back. If you repeatedly call half the population evil, some people might get upset over that. You dig? Hello? I mean, at times you seem downright puzzled at people’s reactions to your shit lording. It’s funny. Well, I mean, not if you ate lead chips as a child, which in turn tweaked your cognitive abilities forever, but you know what I mean.

When dolls die, do they go to heaven? That’s something I always wanted to ask.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Meller’s the doll one.

NWO doesn’t even like dolls, and somehow that makes him sadder. Meller gets some happiness out of his dolls. (I picture him cooing to them not to worry, they’re safe, he loves them so much that he’d only break them if they made him angry.). He’s got a hobby.

For NWO, I think this IS his hobby.

12 years ago

Yeah, Cliff, I think you’re right.
Gosh, I shouldn’t have assumed NWO liked dolls. I mean, they still have eyes, and he doesn’t need their judgemental stares.