a voice for men antifeminism bullying douchebaggery harassment homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam reddit

“What a lifeless, limp, ego-centric homo,” and other bon mots from the A Voice for Men crowd

So Mr. Paul Elam was apparently so offended by this video from Jay Smooth defending Anita Sarkeesian and her Tropes Vs Women video project against its many misogynistic detractors that he sat down and wrote out a carefully reasoned rebuttal of all of Mr. Smooth’s points.

Nah, I’m kidding. He wrote a snide couple of paragraphs calling Smooth a “leftist scumbucket,” and a “chickenshit feminist quisling,” and invited his readers to jump in with their own dopey insults. And they did. Some highlights (that is, lowlights):

I showed Paul’s comment to an MRA friend, and he said, “dude, you have to stop talking to me. I don’t exist! I’m no more real than Paul Elam’s ‘gay friend.'”

Andybob added this to the debate:

Yes, that’s right, he’s saying Smooth is being a “fag” in order to score with women. Clearly we have a brilliant mind at work here.

Several comments later, Iron John, a man apparently oblivious to irony, weighed in with this gem:

On Reddit, after someone pointed out the homophobia in the comments, Elam responded with “comment mine much?”

I’m pretty sure you don’t get to complain about “comment mining” for homophobia when 1) you’re the guy behind the site and 2) you’re one of the ones shouting “fag.”

Notice that Zorro’s original comment got an equal number of upvotes and downvotes. Then Elam jumped in to give the homophobia his seal of approval. After that, it was nothing but upvotes for those using or approving of the homophobic slur.

Calling a dude a “fag” on the internet: Men’s Rights Activism at its finest!


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12 years ago

I hope this doesn’t make me sound horrible, I just really can’t comprehend how that sentence can be looked at positively.

I don’t know about horrible, it does make you sound kind of clueless though. This is something you’ve heard secondhand that someone said, and you’re drawing all these conclusions that it must have been self-hatred for a Black person to say that and there is no other possible explanation. I agree with Nobinayamu that it’s got problematic parts but have you even watched the Chris Rock bit where he said that? Because it doesn’t really sound to me like you have. And what is up with the whole, “oh you’re making white people think it’s ok to use that word” stuff? Don’t you think that’s shifting the blame just a little? As a white person it’s not like I’m some wavering waffling pile of emotional goo who can’t make up my own damn mind that I’m not going to suddenly start using racist slurs.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

I’m not saying every white person is going to start using it or think it’s ok. I said, “may lead a white person to” which implies some, not all, will understand this phrase to mean that they can say it too. Mostly it concerns me that people who are undercover racists will take it as an excuse to use the word openly and unapologetically. I’m not saying they are justified, but they will feel justified, and sometimes feeling justified is all it takes to commit hateful actions.

Taking a word that was used to oppress and justify the enslavement of your ancestors, and then saying, “it’s ok to use that word against black people who don’t act right,” is baffling to me. I fully admit to being clueless in that regard. The Chris Rock segment does nothing to clarify this for me. It just lists a bunch of qualifying behaviors and states that black people are racist against themselves. If someone can tell me what the progressive intent is behind this statement and why using that word is more positive than saying it any other way, I’ll be more than happy to change my feelings on it. But again, that’s how it comes across to me. I don’t know how I’m supposed to magically understand it any other way.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

And I just want to say I’m not going to further defend my original opinion because all I have to work with are assumptions based on my experiences with why I’ve chosen to use or not use words that affect me personally. So obviously it’s not up to me to make an official call on why people use this statement. I apologize that I made that assumption and the way I worded it to sound like a fact rather than an opinion.

12 years ago

“What we don’t do is agree with you that women need to be beaten for disagreeing with NWO.

Or that women who resist being beaten need to be killed.

That’s your department. We disagree with it.”

Please show me where I’ve said any such thing. Your irrational hatred of any man, me in particular, who dares disagree with feminism, (women), clearly indicates the theology of feminism to be hatred based. Your lies go hand in hand with your hatred.
“Y’know slavey, your little “Oh, so [blank] is true just ’cause a WOMAN said so?” routine is getting really fucking old. You do realize that falling back on that same tired objection just illustrates how meaningless it is, right?”

If you say so it must be true.
@Cliff Pervocracy
“I feel sorry for NWO. Dude doesn’t seem to have even a theoretical understanding of friendship or affection or any kind of positive interaction between people.”

Not even a theoretical understanding of friendship or affection or any kind of positive interaction between people? That bad, huh? Well let’s have a look at an example of the goodness of women and the shining light of the world known as feminism. I have insulted anyone of you here on this thread? Of course not.

Let’s see what the collective has said about me? You’ll start us off with my total lack of even a, “theoretical understanding of friendship or affection or any kind of positive interaction between people.”

pecunium… “NWO: You clueless fool.” Not a nice thing to say.

Argenti Aertheri… “NWO = gollum.” Probably not meant as a compliment.
Also… “Anyone that hate filled has to be fairly miserable though.” Stated as a fact, also not meant as a compliment.
And… “NWO as Ferny is a good one though, both think they’re way more important than they actually are.” Yet again.

Sharculese… “i was actually gonna say bill ferny. nasty and self-important, but cowed by something so little as flying apple because in the end he’s all talk.” Do the personal attacks ever end? Not that I can tell.

Dracula… “Really, if NWO reminds me of any LOTR character, it’s got to be Bill Ferny. You know, the mean-spirited asshole who was reporting to the Nazgul?” Again with the mean-spirited asshole routine. I’ve personally attacked no one. Wouldn’t mean-spirited be to verbally attack someone for no reason?

I’ve attacked no one yet I’ve been relentlessly attacked. It’s quite clear that in modern day society any man who doesn’t bend a knee at the altar of woman will be attacked, ridiculed and lied about. I believe it’s called communist tyranny.

12 years ago

LMAO @ Mark Minty

He pretty much epitomizes the idiocy of the “movement” and why it will never accomplish anything.

12 years ago

NWO, you don’t have to insult us personally because your views of women are so twisted, hateful and utterly lacking in perspective that when you air your thoughts about my gender you make it clear that EVERY LAST woman on this continent was the target of your malicious viewpoint. And of course, any man here who says so much as “wait a minute dude” you’ve denounced as possesing the taint of femininity you loathe and despise so greatly. So quit playing the innocent. And quit playing the “you’ve insulted every man on the whole planet” when the insult was clearly directed at just you.

12 years ago

NWO, you HAVE insulted some of us personally. Stop the poor put upon NWO act, it does not play around here.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Wouldn’t mean-spirited be to verbally attack someone for no reason?” — *gets out the dictionary for NWO, yet again*

mean·spir·it·ed, adjective
petty; small-minded; ungenerous: a meanspirited man, unwilling to forgive.

pet·ty, adjective, pet·ti·er, pet·ti·est.
1. of little or no importance or consequence: petty grievances.
2. of lesser or secondary importance, merit, etc.; minor: petty considerations.
3. having or showing narrow ideas, interests, etc.: petty minds.
4. mean or ungenerous in small or trifling things: a petty person.
5. showing or caused by meanness of spirit: a petty revenge.
6. of secondary rank, especially in relation to others of the same class or kind: petty states; a petty tyrant.

small-mind·ed, adjective
selfish, petty, or narrow-minded.

un·gen·er·ous, adjective
1. stingy; niggardly; miserly: an ungenerous portion; an ungenerous employer.
2. uncharitable; petty: an ungenerous critic; an ungenerous impulse.

“I’ve attacked no one yet I’ve been relentlessly attacked. It’s quite clear that in modern day society any man who doesn’t bend a knee at the altar of woman will be attacked, ridiculed and lied about. I believe it’s called communist tyranny.”

Seriously NWO, it’s just you, because you prove, over and over again, that trying to be reasonable with you just results in a massive headache (literally, your amazing ability to twist logic makes my head hurt).

12 years ago

NWO, this is what you said about me: “Ozzy dearest, you wallow in shit and piss which you consider sex. Your blog consists of you talking about your pussy. You’re a millionaires daughter whose toughest choice is wether to wallow in piss or shit or both for this evenings festivities. You have no ethical beliefs. Your art is promoting menstrual finger painting. Your “truth” is whatever you “feel” at any given point in time. The “business” you run is talking about your pussy on your blog. You’re going to spend your entire life in college living off of daddies money. And you’re lecturing me?Ozzy dearest, you wallow in shit and piss which you consider sex. Your blog consists of you talking about your pussy. You’re a millionaires daughter whose toughest choice is wether to wallow in piss or shit or both for this evenings festivities. You have no ethical beliefs. Your art is promoting menstrual finger painting. Your “truth” is whatever you “feel” at any given point in time. The “business” you run is talking about your pussy on your blog. You’re going to spend your entire life in college living off of daddies money. And you’re lecturing me?”

I think “clueless fool” is getting off lightly.

12 years ago

I’ve attacked no one yet …

LOLLING 4EVER. I don’t know about anyone else, but I know I’ve totally forgotten about that time the milkslave called Molly Ren a fuckdoll with a pulse. And those numerous times he’s been outright evil to Ami (just because she doesn’t give a fuck what the milkslave says doesn’t mean that the milkslave’s hatred goes unnoticed) and Ozy and … well, I could go on …

12 years ago

Oy, I borked the copy/paste process. Sorry people.

12 years ago

He’s been a complete shit to everyone in general, and Ozy, Cliff, Ami, and Molly in particular. It’s make his martyr act that much funnier.

NWO: words mean things, and threads can be dug up showing what you’ve said.

12 years ago


We dont hate men. Just you. Get that through your fucking head.

12 years ago

NWO: Are you denying your doctrine of Escalation?

If they talk back hit them.

If they hit back, pull a knife, if they pull a knife, pull a gun.

If you are willing to state you no longer believe that; and with it agree the MacDonald’s dude was out of line, I’ll retract it.

Your irrational hatred of any man, me in particular, who dares disagree with feminism, (women), clearly indicates the theology of feminism to be hatred based. Your lies go hand in hand with your hatred.

I don’t hate you. I don’t hate maggots either. I just don’t want them around me. I don’t give a shit that you don’t like feminism. If you didn’t hate women, didn’t think that 12 year old girls “are asking for it”, didn’t think that rape was justifiable, and hadn’t said you think women need to be the slaves of men, I could ignore you, and not care.

But you did say all those things, and more.

You can pretend it’s because you don’t like feminism, but that has nothing to do with it. It’s got to do with your hypocrisy, your lies, your contempt and your desire to make women pay for your failings.

pecunium… “NWO: You clueless fool.” Not a nice thing to say.

No, it wasn’t, sometimes the truth hurts. I see no reason to pretend you aren’t clueless. I see no reason not to be honest with you. If it hurts, well it hurts. I don’t care.

Because you are a foul person. You hate, without reservation. You proclaim a desire to see others suffer. You lie about what we say, because the truth would destroy your martyrdom.

Sucks to be you.

12 years ago

NWO: I’ve attacked no one yet I’ve been relentlessly attacked. Bullshit. You are a liar.

You called someone, “A fuckdoll with a pulse.”

That’s an insult. It’s an attack. It’s a foul, and malicious thing to say.

Then you had the gall to say you were a good person, because you are religious. That’s fucked up. You are fucked up. You lie as a fish passes water over it’s gills. You don’t even seem to notice it.

12 years ago

Every time I try to read an NWO post, all I can see is TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL TROLOLOLOLO AHAHAHA.

12 years ago

I forget exactly what it was you said which caused me to lose my temper, and Dave to pull my comment, but it was something about some people deserving to be tortured.

And others, who knew you better than then I did, told me I was out of line. When people, not more than a few weeks ago were abusing you, I was one of the people who said, all your failings (and they are legion, the detailing here is but the hundredth part of your sins against comity) didn’t mean you deserved what was being said.

So, with all the kindness in my heart, fuck off. You are treated here with more respect than you deserve, and at least the kindness Christ demands.

Leave here, and go forth to sin no more.

12 years ago

Nope, calling women communist tyrants is soooo not an insult.

I do feel bad for NWO. He seems like a sad, lonely little man. I can’t even begin to understand why he continues to come back here, if he finds everyone on Manboobz so insulting and disgusting. So either he’s trolling in the traditional sense–getting off on being contrary even though it’s not what he really thinks–or he’s just lonely and actually being contrary because that’s what he thinks.

Either way, it’s sad. Has anyone ever done any studies on the psychology of trolling? I’m more interested in the people who think trolling is “funny” and do it just to get a rise out of people, but even someone like NWO who keeps coming back here and insulting everyone and then playing victim when he gets dogpiled with snark and facts, like … he has to get something out of it, right? He wouldn’t keep coming back if he didn’t. Is this what he does instead of having friends? Oh, to pick apart the brain of the owl …

(Yes, I’m speaking about him like he isn’t here. I’m sure he’ll call me a feminist tyrant commie pinko librul cuntassface or whatever.)

I’m a hermit, and I prefer to not deal with people very much. I’m introverted, so I avoid parties and things like that, and just live my life with minimal social interaction. Oh, I have friends. Sure. But I move around so much and most of them live in other places. I do have some classmates I hang out with on occasion, but I don’t drink and can’t eat at restaurants, so I don’t “go out” with any regularity. I have no interest in dating, so I don’t go out hunting men either. Most of my life revolves around work and school. I’m pretty busy with that and prefer spending my free time at home.

So someone like NWO, who claims to be so busy and have no time, who seems like he doesn’t have many personal connections in life–I can understand that. And yet, I have no desire to go on the internet and argue with people. I like AVOIDING arguments. I can’t begin to understand starting one, unless someone feels that’s the only way they’re going to be validated and get any interaction with another human being (??). Agreeing or lurking might not get you any interaction (??).

Oh, that he would just tell us. But instead he’s going to insult and probably say something about women always being right. “Yup, you said I’m a sad hermit and a woman said it, so it must be true.”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

An easily googled example of NWO’s anti-Ami hate —

AMi don’t try to impart your gender role nonsense into any converation with me, ok.

There are distinct gender roles because there are distinct genders. Men and women are not interchangeable.

Even plants have distinct roles one pollinates the other is pollinated.
All animals as well. Fishes, everything that is male and female does have distinct roles.

Look out the damn window, will you tell the herd of doe they’re being oppressed? How about when the lionesses run to the lion to chase away the hyena’s, will you scream at them to do it themselves?

How is everthing on the fucking planet has a “role” yet feminists scream it’s a construct. Wake the fuck up.

Funny you should pick fish, they happen to be my preferred pets, and I’m about to blow that rigid thought pattern of yours. Sequential hermaphroditism! “Fish are remarkable creatures…”

You, on the other hand, are less remarkable than most (humans, you’re way less remarkable than most fish). Which is why I said you think yourself more important than you are.

And then there’s complete randomness like this

@Argenti Aertheri
“Now to decide if Chapin can have my brain for 5 min.”

He’d need your enlightened brain to come up with the 1 in 5 college stat. Are you going to just parrot the stat or will you prove it? I’ve given you the links for Berkeley college crime stats and population. Here’s another.

12 years ago

Sharculese… “i was actually gonna say bill ferny. nasty and self-important, but cowed by something so little as flying apple because in the end he’s all talk.” Do the personal attacks ever end? Not that I can tell.

owlslave, i do nothing but make fun of you. ive called you a coward, a whiner, a sadsack, and a pathetic, desperate violence fetishist. why is being compared to a minor lord of the rings character the thing you decide to pretend to be upset about?

12 years ago

How about when the lionesses run to the lion to chase away the hyena’s, will you scream at them to do it themselves?

Helpless lionesses. One of my all-time favorite NWO science moments.

12 years ago

ps: owlslave, your habit of blaming everyone else for the problems in your life continues to be cowardly and pathetic

12 years ago

I dunno, man. I’m friends with a lot of Manboobzers! We, like, talk about chickens and the Avengers on GChat and Tweet each other about mental breakdowns and neocon assholes and shit. When my “I leave the house about once a day, only for brief periods” ass has more of a social life than you do, it’s really fucking sad.

12 years ago

You’d think that Slavey could find a better example of female animals being weak and dependent on males than lionesses. Maybe his cable package doesn’t include the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Maybe his cable package doesn’t include the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet?”

But does include the Disney Channel? That’s either improbable, or a disgusting request (why is it disgusting NWO? because you clearly don’t actually like it, or have a reason to have the channel [eg kids, grandkids] so why pay for it? *shudder*)