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Big news in the fight against prison rape. MRAs oblivious.

There is good news, and bad news, and completely predictable news in the fight against prison rape. The good news: the Justice Department last week announced a major new initiative designed to fight against prison rape. The bad news: it’s being opposed by right-wing ideologues. As Think Progress explains:

This week, the Department of Justice published new standards addressing the epidemic of rape and sexual abuse in our nation’s prisons. The guidelines, which apply immediately to federal prisons and give financial incentives for states to comply, are a laudable, widely praised, and long overdue step in combating rape in the United States.

The American Action Forum, a Wall Street-funded group whose C(4) runs millions of dollars in attack ads against Democrats, responded by lambasting the move as too “costly” and “complicated.”

The Weekly Standard echoed AAF’s response, bemoaning the cost of preventing people from being raped in prison. The total expected cost is less than 1 percent of the overall cost of our prison system and ultimately “end up saving money — for example, by avoiding the medical costs of injuries suffered by rape victims,” according to the New York Times.

The completely predictable news? Men’s Rights Activists are completely oblivious to all this.

If the Men’s Rights movement were truly concerned with helping men, rather than playing “oppression Olympics” and complaining about feminists and women in general, they would be all over this issue. But I have seen nothing about this on any site in the manosphere, aside from one post on the Men’s Rights subreddit that drew all of six (mostly ignorant) comments. (Looking through one large thread on the subject of prison rape that was recently on r/mensrights’ front page, I found zero references to the Justice Department’s new initiative.)

What accounts for this obliviousness? It could be because MRAs tend to regard the Obama administration as a tool of our (imaginary) feminazi overlordsladies. Or because they would have to acknowledge that women are also raped in prison. But I think the real reason is that MRAs are so disconnected from real activists working in the real world to combat prison rape that they are completely unaware of any of this.

If you are interested in getting involved, or just learning more about the issue, I’d suggest checking out the website of the group Just Detention International, which campaigns against prison rape.

For more links, see this post of mine.

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Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Okay, I’m on the “Ruby should be banned”wagon now. She’s either a deliberate troll or a horrible person, and her “if at first you don’t succeed, repeat yourself louder” argument tactics are annoying as hell.

12 years ago

@Cliff: I see what you did there.

12 years ago

And…NWO hates gay people. Film at 11.

12 years ago

Everyone got what you were saying just from reading the forum you twit. We are not condemning you because we think you think shoplifters should be raped, we’re condemning you for thinking ANYONE deserves to be raped. Since you seem to have as much capacity for self-reflection as a pet rock, I invite you to read Sharculese’s summary of your character and memorise it

12 years ago

So now that we’ve established that you think stealing money is an offense that make you deserve rape, I need to know how much: 1000$? 10,000$? 1,000,000$? 1,000,000,000$?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

Thanks for flagging up this change in US prison rules (here’s hoping the changes help reduce or even stop the incidence of prison rape), and the anti-prison rape campaign site.

Prison rape is a humanitarian issue. Man or woman, no prisoner should be raped. This would come under the heading of “torture”.

Prison rape certainly is a “Men’s Rights” issue – in the sense that the vast majority of prisoners, (who get raped), are men. Hopefully the changes address the issue for BOTH men and women prisoners.

12 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri
“Hasn’t that shit been debunked like 15 times over by now? Ignoring that, his reasoning has to be circular — a man raping a man is a gay act, thus he’s a gay man, thus more gay men abuse men than straight men do. Well duh NWO, you de facto excluded the possibility he was a straight man.”

Your reasoning isn’t sound and you’ve debunked nothing. Your religion doesn’t allow you to admit the truth. A man has sex with a woman. That’d be straight sex. A man has sex with a man. That’d be gay sex. How does this elude you? You simply refuse to admit you promote a sickness. Not too long ago it was diagnosed as a sickness and psycologist’s would help. Now that women have saturated the psych fields, they call anyone who call’s gays sick, sick. It’s a topsy turvy world where wrong is called right and right is called wrong. Good is now bad and bad is good.

12 years ago

It’s so cute when he pretends to have morals. Well, not cute exactly.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I’d explain the concept of consensual gay sex to NWO, but dude hasn’t mastered the idea of consensual straight sex.

12 years ago

NWO: Your religion allows you to kill women for slapping a man.

Your religion says that hitting women is a good thing.

Your religion has the moral high ground of a subterranean swamp.

12 years ago

NWO: A man who has no access to women has sex with another man. He’s still attracted to women. When he has access to women he doesn’t have any interest in men.

This is called, “situational homsexuality”. It’s been known about for centuries (in navies, in English Boarding Schools, in religious seminaries).

You can pretend it doesn’t exist, the same way you pretend that someone leaving a room, and coming back with a pipe to beat in the skull of a woman who slapped him was self-defense.

The same way you pretend to be a moral person.

12 years ago

NWO said:

“They’re getting raped by a gay/bi predator. Which of course means a miniscule portion of society does the majority of raping. Also the majority of your worst mass murderers are gay/bi as are your rapists of women and pedophiles.”

Let’s have a few reputable sources for that, Sunshine.

12 years ago

In NWO’s mind, if you’re a man who marry (and occasionally have sex with) a woman, even if you’re not attracted to her at all and dream of naked guys all day and all night, you’re straight!

12 years ago

MRA not oblivious, MRA cautious. MRA aware that 99% of organizations that oppose sexual violence are ideologically hostile to straight cis males. MRA see JDI page, MRA count all featured testimonials, then MRA count featured testimonials by victims who might be straight cis males. MRA compute ratio. Ratio small, an order of magnitude smaller than what would be representative. MRA sadly not surprised. MRA imagine a straight cis male victim of prison rape. What’s dude to do, who does he have to pretend to be, or how badly must he be victimized in order to qualify as a “worthy victim”? These are the doubts that consume the enthusiasm.

12 years ago

PASTA, have you turned into Yoda all of a sudden?

12 years ago

MRA, he is. Make sense, he does not.

12 years ago

But at least make content he does.

12 years ago

Sorry, I made a mistake. NWO is a moral person, it’s just that his moral philosophy sucks.

12 years ago

If by content, incomprehensible garbage, mean you.

12 years ago

MRA full of logical failures. MRA ascribes motive without suppot, and blame without foundation.

MRA say more about society than about DV, JDI, or women.

I say, basta!

12 years ago

Wait wait wait… Did NWO just say that the majority of rapists of women are gay/bi predators? NWO, isn’t a man having sex with a woman against her will straight sex? Wouldn’t that mean men who rape women are straight predators?*

The distinction is kinda stupid anyway. It isn’t the sex that is gay or straight, because gay or straight isn’t a description of sex; it’s an orientation. If a man has sex with a man, but closes his eyes and pretends it’s a woman, is he straight or gay? If he has sex, but isn’t sexually attracted to the person he is fucking, does the gender deterimine his orientation?

The answers, because NWO is dense: Likely straight, and no.

* Note: I do not actually believe this sheep’s stomach, just pointing out a contradiction

12 years ago

MRA say more about society than about DV, JDI, or women.

Which implies MRA say something about something, unlike MRA detractors who so far say nothing about nothing.

12 years ago

If by content, incomprehensible garbage, mean you.

Comprehension on the part of this one, for it to start ruffling its feathers, sufficient seems.

12 years ago

*sigh* They really are all crawling out of the woodwork, aren’t they?

Btsaa, jsut baseuce you can udntrneasd tihs dseon’t maen you sluohd tpye lkie tihs. It’s ayionnng.

12 years ago

Is it just me, or do our latest trolls all meld into this for everyone else too?