The sexy robot ladies are back! Not so much in real life, where they are still more scary than sexy, but in the fervid imagination of dudes who hate real ladies. Like Eric here, on The Spearhead:
When I first came to the MRM, there was a story in the news about a Japanese robotics engineer who had made a female android. It really wasn’t much more than a fairly realistic-looking doll; although there was quite a bit of discussion at the time for the potential to improve on the design. The main thing was that it’s invention caused a fury from the feminists. Even at that early stage in my MRA days, I could see the reason: for the first time women were looking the very real possibility that they could become expendable.
Well, “expendable” only if you view women as little more than support systems for their vaginas.
Personally, I’m more into foreign girls than virtual sex. But the same principle applies: as long as there are alternatives to feminists, the feminists are expendable. They don’t have the power to convert every woman on the planet; and even if they could they can’t stop men from building robots.
Please, build those robots, and lock yourselves away with them forever, and leave the rest of us alone.
Elsewhere in the same thread on The Spearhead we get some examples of why it’s a problem when Men Who Really Should Be Going Their Own way … don’t. A fellow calling himself Rmaxd apparently suggested that men who feel themselves to have been mistreated by the courts should: “Lynch a judge as you would any traitor or dictator.”
His comment was deleted, and heavily criticized — apparently for not being circumspect enough in his threatening language. After all, our dear friend JeremiahMRA got mostly upvotes on The Spearhead for a similarly threatening remark just the other day. And elsewhere in the very same thread as Rmaxd’s now-deleted comment we find a fellow called freebird suggesting that men who have allegedly suffered because of women should
share this pain with those inflicting it.
cue up “blood on the plow”
Meanwhile, again in the same thread, a commenter called walking in hell brings up the example of Thomas Ball, the MRA who self-immolated on the steps of a Keene, New Hampshire courthouse a year ago in hopes that his dramatic death would inspire other men to (quite literally) burn down police stations and courthouses using Molotov cocktails. (You can read Ball’s manifesto, complete with its call for MRA terrorism though without the specific instructions on how to make effective Molotov cocktails, on A Voice for Men, in its “activism” section; search the page for “burn” to go directly to his advocacy of terrorism.) Walking in hell also thinks family court judges should be “punished” for their alleged “crimes,” by which he means denying some fathers visitation.
[R]esponsibility for such heinous crimes against children can behold an individual to a special kind of punishment.
We see the nervous squirming by judges in the Australia case marked by the judge issuing an apology. We also see nervous squirming in the UK with the evildoers trying to issue fake political gestures to angry people.
The evildoers must smell something besides fire and brimstone. The sooner they get to the fire and brimstone, the better off children and fathers will be.
Apparently this vaguely threatening language was vague enough to pass muster on The Spearhead; this comment got more than a dozen upvotes.
The sooner you fuckers build those sexbots you like to talk about so much, the better for all of us.
Maybe Fallacy has a problem with boys liking dolls at all?
I never get tired of these “I’m on you’re side, I hate MRAs, why don’t you agree with everything I say???” trolls. (hi Ruby!)
Still waiting for proof fucking dolls leads to wanting to fuck dead people. (Have you seen a dead person? That’s really no pretty)
“LOL you people really ought to read about fuck dolls, and the “relationship” men have with them in Japan and many other countries”
Do you mean that they treat their dolls like living persons? Surely you can’t mean that, since it would make no sense with your necrophilia theory, right? (internal consistency of your crap: fail)
Point of contention: I’m not entirely sure Ruby’s a troll yet, they may just have some opinions with which I Do Not Agree.
Fallacy, on the other hand…
Have you read all the essentialist crap she wrote? All the “women are like this” “women wants that”? Have you seen the way she ‘debates’? Have you read any thing ever that she wrote which contributed to the conversation? Her comments fall in three categories: uninteresting, offensive and hilariously stupid.
And I just realize why you’re calling him Fallacy. *hides*
I just realised this is the first time ever i’ve argued with a troll on the internet. :’)
(That’s a “proud tear” emote, just incase my emote creation skills suck and it looks more like someone with a big nose :P).
I don’t like a lot of what Ruby has to say, but I will concede that she may be a feminist, just one that hasn’t done enough reading and unpacking of her own thinking yet.
Then she’s a sexist feminist? (that will go great along the racist and transphobic and whorephobic and classist feminists) Because what she say is very sexist. I don’t give her a pass because she’s calling herself a feminist. Maybe in the future she won’t be sexist? That would be great, but that doesn’t mean anything about what she is today.
Kyrie I’m not saying she shouldn’t be called out for her sexism or the fallacy of her thinking shouldn’t be pointed out to her. She doesn’t get a pass on that. What I am saying is that she doesn’t seem to have given feminism much thought beyond ” I think I’m the equal of men”. That’s a good start, but she needs to develop it more.
Not arguing that she’s sexist; I’m just being (perhaps unnecessarily) rigourous with my use of the word troll. If those are sincere beliefs and not an attempt to piss us off, then yep- not a troll.
(That does not in any way mean I think she’s right about anything.)
Is it everything you expected?
She hasn’t gone further “I’m a woman therefore I know how all women think” Again, it’d be nice is she did go further, but have you seen any indication that she’s on the right path? She refuse to speak with people, though she sometimes speak at them, never listen to them, has a terrible understanding of science (“Here are a FOX News and a discovery channel videos with the name of someone working in a university, therefore I’m right!)
As long as her theories imply that I’m lying about my life (and not just me), I think she qualify as a troll. Of course, she’s far from being as bad as MRAs or PUAs, but that’s a very low bar.
But I can believe that NWO and DKM and B____ and Mister Al are sincere. Yet we call them trolls.
If one of us went to the Spearhead to say “haha you’re all wrong,” I’d call that trolling, because I wouldn’t expect to change their minds- the only objective there is to annoy people. The difference is I can imagine Ruby genuinely thinking we might agree with some of what she says.
so… is this b______n
Huh? No, I’m not going to scam MRAs. For shame! If I wanted to fleece the gullible, I may as well go and be a televangelist, there’s lots more money there.
Hah! Sorry about that! It’s just that your comment came a few comments down from the comment about a Kickstarter for sex robots. And apparently I’m a bad person because I’m the only one who upon reading the comment about the Kickstarter for sex robots, immediately started me stroking my fake goatee and thinking “easy $$$$”
I didn’t think you were going to do it for real.
*Does the I Got A Bonus dance*
Sorry, did I interrupt?
@AlexB: No worries.
Anti-male bias like taking kids away from abusers. The dude specifically stated he hit his daughter, insisting it was something along the lines of ‘only a little bit’.
If you actually read his manifesto, he explicitly states that he’s doing it just to hurt his wife. ‘desperate’ my ass.
With a closed fist.
But ‘only a little bit.’
He only bloodied his child’s nose a little bit.
The child only cried a little bit.
The child is now scared of him, only a little bit.
It’s probably not well thought-through, but children, especially little children, always seem to me to be more fragile than a china doll and I just don’t get how anyone can think that smacking one around is at all OK.
Rechecking the facts, I see that I have mis-remembered, or conflated this case with another. It was ‘a slap.’
Of course, I am taking the abuser’s word for it here.