The sexy robot ladies are back! Not so much in real life, where they are still more scary than sexy, but in the fervid imagination of dudes who hate real ladies. Like Eric here, on The Spearhead:
When I first came to the MRM, there was a story in the news about a Japanese robotics engineer who had made a female android. It really wasn’t much more than a fairly realistic-looking doll; although there was quite a bit of discussion at the time for the potential to improve on the design. The main thing was that it’s invention caused a fury from the feminists. Even at that early stage in my MRA days, I could see the reason: for the first time women were looking the very real possibility that they could become expendable.
Well, “expendable” only if you view women as little more than support systems for their vaginas.
Personally, I’m more into foreign girls than virtual sex. But the same principle applies: as long as there are alternatives to feminists, the feminists are expendable. They don’t have the power to convert every woman on the planet; and even if they could they can’t stop men from building robots.
Please, build those robots, and lock yourselves away with them forever, and leave the rest of us alone.
Elsewhere in the same thread on The Spearhead we get some examples of why it’s a problem when Men Who Really Should Be Going Their Own way … don’t. A fellow calling himself Rmaxd apparently suggested that men who feel themselves to have been mistreated by the courts should: “Lynch a judge as you would any traitor or dictator.”
His comment was deleted, and heavily criticized — apparently for not being circumspect enough in his threatening language. After all, our dear friend JeremiahMRA got mostly upvotes on The Spearhead for a similarly threatening remark just the other day. And elsewhere in the very same thread as Rmaxd’s now-deleted comment we find a fellow called freebird suggesting that men who have allegedly suffered because of women should
share this pain with those inflicting it.
cue up “blood on the plow”
Meanwhile, again in the same thread, a commenter called walking in hell brings up the example of Thomas Ball, the MRA who self-immolated on the steps of a Keene, New Hampshire courthouse a year ago in hopes that his dramatic death would inspire other men to (quite literally) burn down police stations and courthouses using Molotov cocktails. (You can read Ball’s manifesto, complete with its call for MRA terrorism though without the specific instructions on how to make effective Molotov cocktails, on A Voice for Men, in its “activism” section; search the page for “burn” to go directly to his advocacy of terrorism.) Walking in hell also thinks family court judges should be “punished” for their alleged “crimes,” by which he means denying some fathers visitation.
[R]esponsibility for such heinous crimes against children can behold an individual to a special kind of punishment.
We see the nervous squirming by judges in the Australia case marked by the judge issuing an apology. We also see nervous squirming in the UK with the evildoers trying to issue fake political gestures to angry people.
The evildoers must smell something besides fire and brimstone. The sooner they get to the fire and brimstone, the better off children and fathers will be.
Apparently this vaguely threatening language was vague enough to pass muster on The Spearhead; this comment got more than a dozen upvotes.
The sooner you fuckers build those sexbots you like to talk about so much, the better for all of us.
Oh and they appear to be 6k btw, and goddamned are these thing life like…and weigh 65-80lbs it looks like, so really not that impossible to cart around either. (And yes, they have RealMaleDolls too, and amazingly, they also start at 6k…I am now done researching RealDolls XD )
Pecunium, we were both checking that apparently, lol!
The important thing, though, is that she wouldn’t be cruel enough to let dude think that there’s nothing wrong with him. That’s what seperates her from bastards like us!
You know, a therapist is certainly free to refuse to see any particular patient because they don’t think they can handle that patient’s needs (in this case it is good etiquette to refer them to an appropriate colleague). However, a therapist who’s responding to patients they don’t want to treat by shrieking NO, YOU’RE WEIRD, GO AWAY, I DO NOT DEAL WITH THE LIKES OF YOU is being almost comically unprofessional, and should probably find a new job.
(Not that I believe this person is a therapist, but in theory.)
Argenti: from the FAQ, it looks more like 100-125, since the shipping weight is ca. 200 lbs. I find a 120 lb. shipping crate a bit unlikely.
O.O These things weigh more than I do.
Pecunium — I was going off what they say the dolls weigh, except I hadn’t yet found the specs for the original line (NSFW but specs) — I have no idea how an 80-115 lb doll requires a 200 lb box though.
Cassandra — “…shrieking NO, YOU’RE WEIRD, GO AWAY, I DO NOT DEAL WITH THE LIKES OF YOU is being almost comically unprofessional…” — comically unprofessional or actually harmful, the latter is what worries me (if Fah Lo Suee isn’t lying that is).
Hell, they weigh about what I do.
I, however, am animate, which means I can be stood up outside the bathroom when my partner needs to use it.
Argenti: Ah… I’d not found that. The box then, is about 100 lbs. Oy.
Ok I’m bored, bored enough to have just run the math on those heights and weights. Assuming they’re intentionally those weights and it isn’t a byproduct of production, the average BMI on them is a mere 16.4 — they aren’t just thin, they’re dangerous thin. So great, even RealDolls can’t manage to remotely represent real women (I’m not particularly surprised or anything, just had to note that). A couple are as low as 14.7, which is just absurdly unrealistically small (exactly 2 make it into the normal range, 3 and 10, D and DD respectively >.<).
I think they make them small to save material; the website actually says they’ve gotten requests for plus-size dolls but not made them because they’d be harder and more expensive to produce.
I think the dolls are lighter than people because of the materials they’re made of more than a desire to make them super thin (they don’t look super thin to me, in fact they look less thin than most models). Also I think part of the reason they tend to be small overall is that less weight = easier for one person to move around by himself.
I think the structural elements are less dense than bone. They say they can’t make really curvy dolls because the silicone won’t take the strain.
I’d also guess (as Cassandra Says), that being able to manipulate them is the overiding factor.
BMI is a null-factor, BTW, mine isn’t 16.4, but it’s low enough that I get people who tell me I need to gain weight. It’s a pain in the ass, because fighting with them about my being healthy isn’t how I like to spend my time.
Speaking from experience in moving live people who were unable to move themselves…limp bodies are not easy to pick up or move significantly. Even men have some difficulty with it.
Do they send the dolls out with accessories? And if the crates are wood, that would account for the packaging weights.
Cliff — yeah I kind of figured it was at least partly a byproduct of them being silicone. Somehow I doubt anyone paying 6k+ for a sex doll is going to care about the extra cost of a plus-size doll, but idfk, maybe they get expensive fast or something (eg 3x costing 3x would be a nearly 20k doll O.O! )
Cassandra — they aren’t quite model small, no, ignoring the weight and just looking at the bust-waist-hips measurements they’re definitely not the half-starved model sizes — they’re proportioned more like petite women with large breasts. Which is a start I guess, real women could have their measurements, if not their weight (and yeah, there are probably good reasons for that).
Like I said, it was bored-math XD
They may be made of less dense material so that they’ll be lighter to carry around than an actual woman…but that would create a difference between its actual weight and its appearance of weight, and listing the weight alongside cup size and measurements suggests that’s not the case.
In either case, some of those body types (especially 5) are pretty ludicrous.
Pecunium — “It’s a pain in the ass, because fighting with them about my being healthy isn’t how I like to spend my time.” — yeah me too, so damned do I know (“eat a sandwich!” “oh fuck you, hand me the ice cream”)
pillowinhell — various parts are interchangeable, so I’d assume they’re packaged separately.
@ pillowinhell
Yeah, it’s a lot harder to pick a body up and move it around if it’s totally limp. Thanks to my hardy Scots and Welsh ancestors I can pick up people who weigh more than me fairly easily, but I don’t think that’s the case for everyone, and to pick up and move around a doll that’s heavier than you are, complete with dangling limbs? That would be quite challenging.
For some reason as far as RealDoll modifications the one I find funniest is the elf ears. I think it’s the fact that they don’t change anything else about the doll, just add the ears. It’s the open-for-business mouths that make me find the faces creepy and kind of disgusting to look at, and helps to create the uncanny valley effect.
“It’s the open-for-business mouths that make me find the faces creepy and kind of disgusting to look at, and helps to create the uncanny valley effect.”
They have an “expressions” option (she’s smiling instead) but note that the smiling dolls lack “oral opening”. I might be most amused by the interchangeable eyes though, they remind me too much of the taxidermy sections of my father’s hunting catalogs, which is, frankly, way more creepy than the oral opening part.
And their skin tones are white, white, white, white, and white. “Light African?” Suuuure.
katz — I was wondering if I needed to adjust my monitor they’re so similar…glad it isn’t my screen though.
I am genuinely astounded that there isn’t a “generic Asian” option.
My arms are “light African” tan, and I’m Irish.
Pillowinhell: A realdoll will move more like a corpse. I’ve moved both, and the corpses are harder.
Fallacy, come to think of it, reminds me of a girl I went to high school and college with, who is currently studying psychology. For the sake of her future patients, I sincerely hope she goes into another career. It’s not that she’s actively malicious, she just didn’t seem to grasp that any way of doing things other than her own was still valid. We took psychology of sexual behavior together, and we would have conversations like this while we were walking to class:
Her: Did you read the chapter on human development?
Me: Yeah.
Her: What did you think of it?
Me: Uh, I don’t know. Why?
Her: I’m not sure I agreed with it.
(This was a chapter mostly made of statistics about puberty.)
Me: What didn’t you agree with?
Her: Well, it said people usually discover masturbation around two or three, and I didn’t.
Me: I did.
Her: I didn’t.
Me: …
Her: Also, isn’t annoying how they do the statistics? All like 16.7 years old? Why can’t they just say 17?
Me: Because statistics don’t work that way?
To her defense, I’m sure if she had a client with a RealDoll she’d just say “Oh” and stare blankly instead of screaming about perversion. Not that the former is an ideal response either, but I guess I’d prefer it to the latter. My rambling point is that people unwilling to tolerate variation in human interests really don’t need to counsel others.