The sexy robot ladies are back! Not so much in real life, where they are still more scary than sexy, but in the fervid imagination of dudes who hate real ladies. Like Eric here, on The Spearhead:
When I first came to the MRM, there was a story in the news about a Japanese robotics engineer who had made a female android. It really wasn’t much more than a fairly realistic-looking doll; although there was quite a bit of discussion at the time for the potential to improve on the design. The main thing was that it’s invention caused a fury from the feminists. Even at that early stage in my MRA days, I could see the reason: for the first time women were looking the very real possibility that they could become expendable.
Well, “expendable” only if you view women as little more than support systems for their vaginas.
Personally, I’m more into foreign girls than virtual sex. But the same principle applies: as long as there are alternatives to feminists, the feminists are expendable. They don’t have the power to convert every woman on the planet; and even if they could they can’t stop men from building robots.
Please, build those robots, and lock yourselves away with them forever, and leave the rest of us alone.
Elsewhere in the same thread on The Spearhead we get some examples of why it’s a problem when Men Who Really Should Be Going Their Own way … don’t. A fellow calling himself Rmaxd apparently suggested that men who feel themselves to have been mistreated by the courts should: “Lynch a judge as you would any traitor or dictator.”
His comment was deleted, and heavily criticized — apparently for not being circumspect enough in his threatening language. After all, our dear friend JeremiahMRA got mostly upvotes on The Spearhead for a similarly threatening remark just the other day. And elsewhere in the very same thread as Rmaxd’s now-deleted comment we find a fellow called freebird suggesting that men who have allegedly suffered because of women should
share this pain with those inflicting it.
cue up “blood on the plow”
Meanwhile, again in the same thread, a commenter called walking in hell brings up the example of Thomas Ball, the MRA who self-immolated on the steps of a Keene, New Hampshire courthouse a year ago in hopes that his dramatic death would inspire other men to (quite literally) burn down police stations and courthouses using Molotov cocktails. (You can read Ball’s manifesto, complete with its call for MRA terrorism though without the specific instructions on how to make effective Molotov cocktails, on A Voice for Men, in its “activism” section; search the page for “burn” to go directly to his advocacy of terrorism.) Walking in hell also thinks family court judges should be “punished” for their alleged “crimes,” by which he means denying some fathers visitation.
[R]esponsibility for such heinous crimes against children can behold an individual to a special kind of punishment.
We see the nervous squirming by judges in the Australia case marked by the judge issuing an apology. We also see nervous squirming in the UK with the evildoers trying to issue fake political gestures to angry people.
The evildoers must smell something besides fire and brimstone. The sooner they get to the fire and brimstone, the better off children and fathers will be.
Apparently this vaguely threatening language was vague enough to pass muster on The Spearhead; this comment got more than a dozen upvotes.
The sooner you fuckers build those sexbots you like to talk about so much, the better for all of us.
Hahaha I have company once in a blue moon so it’s really not an issue. I don’t make them change, but I have to kinda pretend like they didn’t sit there in dirty clothes to be ok with it after. I have weird germ issues. Me and my roommate both change immediately when we get home though. I always wore pjs around the house but I picked up the not sitting there in unclean clothes as a rule and a reason to be grossed out from him though.
That’s what gets me actually, the idea that someone could be so worried (well, if they weren’t a complete troll just making up reasons to be intolerant of something harmless to annoy us) about something that would be super unlikely to happen when there’s so many disgusting things that actual living people do every single day.
Excuse me while I “worry” more about people who don’t wash their hands after they go to the toilet (worry in quotes because, while i’m not germ-phobic, it really annoys me when people don’t think about what just touched and what they might touch next.. washing your hands isn’t even hard, just do it! Rarrrrr!), and things like that.
Oh good, I was waiting for the formatting to explode in my face, but it worked! Go italics!
To go on a bit of a tangent here: So I’m on the autism spectrum and for whatever reason, maybe related to that, I don’t really have a sense of the Uncanny Valley. I also really like mannequins. Not in a sexual way, I just like them, particularly the ones with faces and hair. I know people can find them creepy because they just stand there with the same dead expression, but I actually find that comforting, because unlike real people, they aren’t constantly moving, changing expression, and trying to hold a conversation with me. They also probably appeal to me because I only see them when I’m shopping for clothes, which is always sensory overload unto a panic attack where I’m concerned.
The point being, if I’m stressed in a mall, I like to stand by mannequins until I’m less freaked out. When I was a kid, I used to talk to them. Sometimes, I’ve held their hands, provided there isn’t anyone around to stare. Am I a threat to the children? After all, can kids really differentiate between a sex doll and a mannequin? Am I a dangerous sicko who needs to be stopped? And if not, then why not? Because there’s no risk that I’ll start fucking a mannequin in public? Well, what if I got really stressed and (gasp) hugged one? Think of the children! THE CHILDREN!
@ lauralot
I’ve heard the idea floated that a significant percentage of the men who’re into RealDolls are on the autism spectrum and prefer the dolls because they don’t trigger anxiety the way people do. Not sure how I feel about that – it feels like an attempt to use autism as an insult and call the guys weird, when some people say it. On the other hand, I’ve seen a couple of documentaries about guys with RealDolls and the ones who didn’t freak me out did read like they were probably on the spectrum, whereas the guys who owned dolls and didn’t seem like they were autistic just read as being too sexist to deal with actual women. Which is part of why trollfallacy’s arguments are so pointless – I think there are at least 2 different groups of men who own those dolls, and that their motivations for doing so are probably quite different.
Those documentaries sound really interesting. Do you remember their names?
Here’s one from the BBC – I think YouTube has all of it if you look, this is the first part.
I’ve seen one of the guys (DaveCat) in another one, but can’t remember the name of it.
I found the TLC show that covered a man who considers his real doll his life. Amazingly for a TLC program, they handled the subject matter with far less sensationalism and more open-mindedness than Trolly McTroll here.
Watching that footage just reinforced my belief that I really don’t care what people do with their dolls as long as they aren’t fucking in public or trying to force other people into their interests ( a la Meller telling us women should be more like his Madame Alexander dolls). I do find it interesting that he mentioned originally being interested in store mannequins – if I weren’t asexual, I wonder if I’d have developed similar interests, considering my own feelings toward mannequins.
I don’t think I’m about to become interested in mannequin sex, though. The last time I saw a depiction of doll relationships in fiction, I found it pretty squicky, and usually I’m not repulsed by sex. Granted, though, that depiction came straight the hell out of nowhere in a superhero comic book, and the mannequin was dressed up as Batman for no adequately explored reason, so I don’t think that was the best introduction to the subject matter.
The thing about trollgirl’s babble is…OK, so she finds it weird that people want to fuck dolls. I find it a bit weird too. But so what? They’re not hurting anyone except possibly themselves, and even that’s arguable. Even if we knew for a fact that they were hurting themselves, people are allowed to do that as long as they don’t hurt other people in the process. If we’re going to start banning everything that might potentially allow people to hurt themselves, increase their own social isolation, etc, then that would be a pretty long list, and would end up banning a lot of stuff that some other people can indulge in with no negative effects at all.
I just figure there’s a certain background level of bacteria you just live with when you live in a city, and your immune system pretty much takes care of it. I don’t lick the subway seats or anything, but I don’t worry about secondhand contamination. I’m going to get exposed to strangers’ germs and I’m most likely going to be perfectly healthy anyway.
Isn’t there something about how being exposed to germs actually makes you healthier because it gives your immune system more practice or something? [/vague recollections of health headlines]
Yes, Ozy. Exposure helps boost your immunity. It’s also why the current craze for anti-bacterial everything isn’t such a hot idea.
Plus the fact that things that kill “99.9% of germs” are whittling the population down to the top 0.1% most antibacterial-resistant.
and soap does better; because it’s method (breaking the membrane) is one that they can’t adapt against (the membrane would have to get too thick to work for a single celled organism).
Well the documentaries you have provided have backed up everything I have foretold. Davecat’s last words were that he wished he could take her out of the house because she’s couped up inside all the time (second doc). In the first it is clear that he is having conflict with his father all the time about the doll in his place of residence. Why these men don’t just visit brothels or hire escorts is unclear. I remain firm in my convictions that this is a perversion I do not wish to be coming across in my practice, because I will not indulge the fantasy and would be doing some serious object-relations repair work with these people. Of course, they wouldn’t want to do the hard yards anyway, much easier to just to drop 4k and fuck a plastic hole. Don’t worry, I will decline all such referrals as I’m ethical like that.
More like you lack the professsional qualifications to handle it Fallocy. Like being able to set your own feelings aside, or compassion.
@Fah Lo Suee
Yes, and I’m guessing the problem here is that either they’re to unwieldy to get out of the house OR it’s because judgemental fucks like you keep giving them the stink eye or worse. If they weren’t treated like freaks by other people, there wouldn’t be a problem.
Seems like a recurring theme for Fallacy that it’s the person’s fault for having a harmless fetish than the fault of the people who judge them. And yes, it is harmless, any harm that comes from it is purely on the part of the people being judgemental and treating them as some sort of weird alien, not the person themself.
If Fallacy really is a professional, I feel sorry for their patients.
Damnit Myoo! 😛
They want to *gasp* leave the house with a doll! The horror! Someone get my salts, I do believe I have the vapors!
So remember, kids, never leave the house ever if you are in any way “abnormal.” You are probably as dangerous as a suicide bomber, and even if you aren’t, you might inspire someone else to go crazy. Just stay inside and fuck your jackets with the doors locked and the shade down.
Hey, Fallacy, you never told me if I’m a dangerous monster or not. I must know! I was thinking of leaving the house today.
True story, sometimes I actually do feel like I shouldn’t leave the house because of my abnormality! It’s sure nice to have that confirmed for me. Next time I’m all “but I really need groceries…” I’ll remind myself: nobody deserves to have my weirdness inflicted on them. I can just live off of delivery pizza.
Telling me I’m a shit professional and then asking my advice.
It’s like I’ve never even left my consulting room….
No matter where you go, everyone is mad.
You do know the people asking for advice are mocking you, right?
Or is that just me? Shit, maybe I’m too abnormal to communicate properly online!
and Fail-to-see can’t see when she is being mocked. Must make for some great therapy sessions, when the patient is treated as if all metaphoric, or stylistic language is meant at face value.
Then again, Fail-to-see has Rick “box-turtle” Santorum’s level of understanding of human sexuality, so perhaps this isn’t much of a surprise. She’s probably be popular in the “Train ’em to be straight” circles. After all, if they were smart enough to not look gay, no one would hate them, or try to kill them.
…She’s trolling for teh lulz now, right? There’s no way she thought Lauralot was asking in earnest.