antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA sexy robot ladies terrorism threats vaginas your time will come

Return of the Sexy Robot Ladies, Part Two: Electric Boogaloo

Our glorious future

The sexy robot ladies are back! Not so much in real life, where they are still more scary than sexy, but in the fervid imagination of dudes who hate real ladies. Like Eric here, on The Spearhead:

When I first came to the MRM, there was a story in the news about a Japanese robotics engineer who had made a female android. It really wasn’t much more than a fairly realistic-looking doll; although there was quite a bit of discussion at the time for the potential to improve on the design. The main thing was that it’s invention caused a fury from the feminists. Even at that early stage in my MRA days, I could see the reason: for the first time women were looking the very real possibility that they could become expendable.

Well, “expendable” only if you view women as little more than support systems for their vaginas.

Personally, I’m more into foreign girls than virtual sex. But the same principle applies: as long as there are alternatives to feminists, the feminists are expendable. They don’t have the power to convert every woman on the planet; and even if they could they can’t stop men from building robots.

Please, build those robots, and lock yourselves away with them forever, and leave the rest of us alone.

Elsewhere in the same thread on The Spearhead we get some examples of why it’s a problem when Men Who Really Should Be Going Their Own way … don’t. A fellow calling himself Rmaxd apparently suggested that men who feel themselves to have been mistreated by the courts should: “Lynch a judge as you would any traitor or dictator.”

His comment was deleted, and heavily criticized — apparently for not being circumspect enough in his threatening language. After all, our dear friend JeremiahMRA got mostly upvotes on The Spearhead for a similarly threatening remark just the other day. And elsewhere in the very same thread as Rmaxd’s now-deleted comment we find a fellow called freebird suggesting that men who have allegedly suffered because of women should

share this pain with those inflicting it.
cue up “blood on the plow”

Meanwhile, again in the same thread, a commenter called walking in hell brings up the example of Thomas Ball, the MRA who self-immolated on the steps of a Keene, New Hampshire courthouse a year ago in hopes that his dramatic death would inspire other men to (quite literally) burn down police stations and courthouses using Molotov cocktails. (You can read Ball’s manifesto, complete with its call for MRA terrorism though without the specific instructions on how to make effective Molotov cocktails, on A Voice for Men, in its “activism” section; search the page for “burn” to go directly to his advocacy of terrorism.) Walking in hell also thinks family court judges should be “punished” for their alleged “crimes,” by which he means denying some fathers visitation.

[R]esponsibility for such heinous crimes against children can behold an individual to a special kind of punishment.

We see the nervous squirming by judges in the Australia case marked by the judge issuing an apology. We also see nervous squirming in the UK with the evildoers trying to issue fake political gestures to angry people.

The evildoers must smell something besides fire and brimstone. The sooner they get to the fire and brimstone, the better off children and fathers will be.

Apparently this vaguely threatening language was vague enough to pass muster on The Spearhead; this comment got more than a dozen upvotes.

The sooner you fuckers build those sexbots you like to talk about so much, the better for all of us.



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12 years ago

@Falalalal Troll: Clearly, you have issues. Unlike others on this thread, I’m not a professional health care person, but I am a professional English teacher person

So, speech acts.

You don’t have any authority by which you can order strangers on an internet community to do anything: you can say the words, but it’s not an appropriate speech act.

You will never get what you seem to want: validation for YOUR prejudices.

You can lecture us for weeks on how wrong we are the GLOSSARY discussion on rape, and it won’t make a blinking bit of difference.

Nobody here knows you. Nobody cares about what you say other than to mock you or play whack a troll.

Inappropriate speech acts — by which, I mean, they’re not in the least likely to result in what you want.

And small tech note: you can check a box and have comments on this thread sent to you so you don’t have to keep coming back to check it.

12 years ago

Falalal Troll: You do know that you cannot order us to respond in the way you’d like? You keep trying, and it’s getting more and more over the top.

And more and more TMI which, generally, I do not want from strangers on the internet.

Why do you even care what we think about your issues?

And the pretense of being a mental health professional wore pretty thin quite a few comments ago.

12 years ago

Ack hit button too soon.

And the fake concern about men being bashed — there are people in this community including myself whose alternative sexuality puts them at risk for attack.

You swanning in and yelling “what about teh menz you want them bashed” is completely and totally fucked up.

12 years ago

As much as I enjoy Fallacy’s fanfiction about RealDolls, I couldn’t help noticing all the maybes and mights that led to her “OMG this shit is APOCALYPTIC” scenario!

12 years ago

I really liked the “if they prop up the doll against a wall, someone will DEFINITELY steal it” bit. I mean, is that a thing? Are there roving bands of doll thieves I’ve never heard about?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Even if I were inclined to steal a used sex doll, I don’t usually go around with luggage big enough. It’s not something you can just stuff under your coat, you know?

Also this scenario is so hilariously unlikely. I think you could prove people shouldn’t own jackets by the same logic. What if someone steals your jacket from a theater and you go berserk? Or what if someone happens to really hate your jacket and beats you up for wearing it?

12 years ago

Heck, you could use it to prove people should wear jackets because someone might hate that you’re not wearing a jacket and beat you up, it’s completely arbitrary.

12 years ago

Guys, the only way you’ll turn into a crazed killer over a jacket is if you’ve had sex with the jacket beforehand. I mean, obviously.

12 years ago

Guys, the only way you’ll turn into a crazed killer over a jacket is if you’ve had sex with the jacket beforehand. I mean, obviously.

If you had sex with the RealDoll while wearing the jacket, was that a threesome? And does that make you more or less likely to freak out and kill people? Or get beaten up?

12 years ago

Fallacy is quite obviously just trolling for reactions now, so I’m not going to bother with most of her statements, but I want to have fun with this one: “If you’re answer is yes, then you are outside the norm, so anything you think is never going to be what the majority of people would think.”

Some things I would answer yes to, that are totally invalid and terrible by Fallacy’s standard:

“Do you understand and accept the basic science behind evolutionary theory?”
“Are you shorter than the average person?”
“Can you sing Tom Lehrer’s song ‘The Elements’ at speed and from memory?”
“Do you currently have a bug bite on the back of your neck?”
“Is your name [my name]?”

I am a terrible, hypocritical deviant. Clearly. *hangs head in shame* 😛

12 years ago

What if you try to have sex with a Real Doll in public but inexplicably and spontaneously combust? Seriously, it could happen! That’s why we have to stop this now before it starts!

12 years ago

There’s antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium, and hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium and FUCKING REALDOLLS IN PUBLIC.

12 years ago

Fail-o-See: For someone who is spending “10 seconds” coming up with this shit… you took a break for a couple of days, and then came back.

Then you’ve spent the time to type it up (more than ten seconds) and three hours in revisiting it (first post at 0515 EDT, and most recent at 0812).

Perhaps you are developing an obsession.

12 years ago

I see our Quioxtic Hero hasn’t pondered the mechanics of this fantasy.

Realdolls are limp. They can’t keep themselves upright. RealDolls cannot stand upright unsupported. The skeletal system is too flexible and collapsible to allow a doll to stand upright. The doll has the poise and relaxed state of a sleeping girl.

They also weigh more than 100lbs. (probably close to 150, since the shipping weight is 200 lbs) That’s dead weight. Not too unmanageable in a fireman’s carry, but still a lot of work. It also can’t be left standing outside the toilet (and why won’t the person with such a fetish take it into the handicapped stall?).

In short, she’s full of shit.

12 years ago

Fail-o-See: I see a fallacy: I can see you all still fixated on this issue. You can choose to end it by simplying answering one question. If you’re answer is yes, then you are outside the norm, so anything you think is never going to be what the majority of people would think. If you answer no, then congratulations on recognising your cognitive dissonence. Now that you have recognised you are on your first baby step to removing your hypocrisy and admitting that oh my God you might actually be wrong….

False Dilemma: Here, let me fix it for you.

I can see why you are so obsessed with this issue. If you admit the world is not black and white, you can’t keep yourself as a paragon of rightness and virtue. The cognitive dissonance which comes of seeing, in the world around you, how many people are both what you term abnormal (and therefore unwell) yet live happy and fulfilled lives thus forces you to abuse them, and pretend they need to ascribe to your delusions.

Not to make themselves happier, but to make yourself happier. That they won’t do this speaks more to their, extant, good mental health than it does to the rightness of your position.

Go look at a DSM, and examine the actual requirements of diagnosis for an illness. Look at texts on the proper means of diagnosis, as a practice.

Then come back and apologise.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

The question is:
If it should be socially acceptable for men to take their RealDolls out in public, should women also be permitted and not socially sanctioned for walking the streets carrying their dildoes?

The proper equivilant there is women with RealDolls, to which I answer — why the fuck not?

Bonus question: If a women takes her dildo to the theatre and buys it it’s own ticket, would you have a problem with the dildo sitting on a seat by itself? If not, why not? If you are concerned by possible transmission of bodily fluids from the dildo onto the theatre seat, why aren’t you similarly concerned about the ass of the ReadDoll and what’s been left in it?

…do you know what people do on those seats already?! Do you get that bodily fluids dry fairly quickly? Do you ride the bus? (I mean seriously, avoid the wet seats in the back, that could be piss)

Dvärghundspossen — I’m not sure I can word this well after that nonsense about the dangers of RealDolls, but I think the focus on psychosis is more a legal thing — they’re worried about danger to others, while the depressed are usually only a danger to ourselves. There’s also a certain degree of “well I was depressed when I got dumped” that just makes me want to go “no, you had a sad, STFU”.

Re: collars in public — …done that, did not get worse than a few stares, and considered we were both all gothed up, I’m really not sure it was the collar that caused the staring. Certainly no one said anything, or called mall security, or anything of the sort. Was I young and stupid? Probably. Would we have gotten violent if mall security asked me to remove the collar or to leave? Nope. (Ah liberal New England, the worst you get is funny looks.)

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I think non-“stealth” collars* in public are in kinda bad taste. But that’s all it is, taste. I wouldn’t go to bat for someone to not do it, or say they had it coming if they were attacked for it.

*A lot of people have collars that look more like necklaces, and I like this idea; it allows you to have a constant reminder of your relationship/kinkiness but isn’t quite so in-your-face. It’s like wearing a cross or pentacle under your shirt; it keeps it very personal.

But again, I don’t want to impugn someone’s right to be in-your-face, if they intend to be or if they don’t care if they are.

12 years ago

Fallacy: It really, seriously bothers you that we’re not upset by the things that upset you, doesn’t it? All this spluttering about how things are abnormal and how important it is that we acknowledge that. All the demands that we justify not caring about what you’re so worked up about.
The thing is, people fucking dolls does not bother me. I do not care if people fuck dolls. I do not care if they cuddle them and kiss them and call them Phyllis. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
It’s not my kink, but people liking things that I don’t like is okay with me. I don’t like beer, but I’m not upset that other people do. I’m not keen on running when I don’t have to, but other people like to run, and that’s fine. They don’t have to justify themselves. They like what they like and that’s okay.

12 years ago

I think non-”stealth” collars* in public are in kinda bad taste. But that’s all it is, taste. I wouldn’t go to bat for someone to not do it, or say they had it coming if they were attacked for it.

*A lot of people have collars that look more like necklaces, and I like this idea; it allows you to have a constant reminder of your relationship/kinkiness but isn’t quite so in-your-face. It’s like wearing a cross or pentacle under your shirt; it keeps it very personal.

But again, I don’t want to impugn someone’s right to be in-your-face, if they intend to be or if they don’t care if they are.

Precisely this. I love my “stealth” collar and would find an obvious collar tacky, but, y’know, I find lots of things tacky, and I’m not sure why my personal preferences should dictate others’ behavior. (Besides, if I were the Grand Arbiter of What People Get To Do In Public, I’m pretty sure I’d rank quite a few things higher on my list of priorities than either kinksters in collars or RealDoll fans taking their RealDolls to movies, seeing as there are vast, vast numbers of actively unpleasant behaviors that occur far more frequently in the real world.)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Besides, if I were the Grand Arbiter of What People Get To Do In Public, I’m pretty sure I’d rank quite a few things higher on my list of priorities than either kinksters in collars or RealDoll fans taking their RealDolls to movies, seeing as there are vast, vast numbers of actively unpleasant behaviors that occur far more frequently in the real world.”

Yeah, cat-calling can go a whole lot higher on that list than taking a RealDoll to the movies (and, assuming it is one ticket per seat, who would anyways?).

And yes it was obviously a collar (the kind petco sells for cats, complete with the leash, totally tacky) — but can I get a “young and stupid” pass? Point was just that most people didn’t even look twice.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Like Pecunium pointed out, RealDolls are over100 pounds of dead weight. They’re not real easy to casually carry around.

I think the only practical way to take one around on your daily errands would be to strap it in a wheelchair. So hey, there’s something else for Fallacy to get furious about potentially theoretically happening–what if all the wheelchair seats in a theater are filled with RealDolls?

Oh nooooo! We’d better hate and ostracize doll owners harder to protect ourselves.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“So hey, there’s something else for Fallacy to get furious about potentially theoretically happening–what if all the wheelchair seats in a theater are filled with RealDolls?”

Maybe we could use that as an “excuse” to put in more wheelchair seats? Unexpected good things could result!

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

“This city needs more bus stops accessible for wheelch… I mean, for RealDoll chairs.

If RealDoll owners who want to take their dolls everywhere really are hiding all over, this could lead to big changes!

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

The question is:
If it should be socially acceptable for men to take their RealDolls out in public, should women also be permitted and not socially sanctioned for walking the streets carrying their dildoes?

Bonus question: If a women takes her dildo to the theatre and buys it it’s own ticket, would you have a problem with the dildo sitting on a seat by itself? If not, why not? If you are concerned by possible transmission of bodily fluids from the dildo onto the theatre seat, why aren’t you similarly concerned about the ass of the ReadDoll and what’s been left in it?

Well I’m assuming the real doll is wearing clothes which are covering the sexual bits, have these women bringing their dildos around knit cozies for them?

I mean, we’re comparing apples and oranges here. I could hump a stuffed bear and bring it out in public and nobody would associate that bear with being humped at home. You’re associating the real doll with sex because that’s how you would use it, but someone who is bringing it around is obviously bringing it around because they have more attachment to it than just sex, that being what makes it different than a dildo. If I go out with a significant other on a date, people could be thinking, “I bet they have sex sometimes.” Do you think people can’t handle that idea?

And your assertion that we are not the norm is not exactly backed by facts. You’d be surprised what people think when you actually ask them questions in a non-accusatory way. If you preface the question with, “if you answer a certain way I’m going to call you a freak,” odds are people are going to shy away from answering honestly. For all you know, the majority of people might not be phased by real dolls out and about at all.

Lastly, if someone wants to buy an extra seat in a theater, that’s their choice. I have bought concert tickets and people backed out last minute and that ticket went unused due to scalping being illegal. I’d say that’s more a crime than people who have an attachment to an object wanting to buy a ticket and treat the object like a human. And I’m sure the theaters would be thrilled with it on a slow day.

I have never seen those shows or heard of them. People either marry inanimate objects due to a mental health problem or for legal reasons completely unrelated to the concept of marriage e.g to save a building from demolition. In either case, what they are both engaging in is nothing but ceremony, it has diddly squat to do with the actual marital concept. It shouldn’t be allowed either, otherwise you’re just debasing the meaning of words and concepts to something other than what they are, resulting in a loss of authentic meaning.

I think that Britney Spears marriage in vegas, the divorce rate, and people’s overall lax attitude about marriage EXCEPT WHEN IT’S GAY PEOPLE TRYING TO GET MARRIED OMFGG NOOOO, do way more to harm the institute of marriage than someone marrying a building. Are they forcing you to marry them? Then how does it affect you?

The RealDoll might be wearing a dress and maybe the owner has another kink where he prefers she doesn’t wear panties in public and also he doesn’t wash her. It’s a public safety issue that doesn’t arise with male ReadDolls because they’d be wearing pants. RealmaleDolls don’t wear skirts. It’s unmanly

Buuuuuut sometimes women don’t wear underwear either… are you trying to make that illegal?

…do you know what people do on those seats already?! Do you get that bodily fluids dry fairly quickly? Do you ride the bus? (I mean seriously, avoid the wet seats in the back, that could be piss)

This is why no street clothes sit on the couch or bed in my apartment. I shudder when I see people sprawled out in the clothes they just wore out on their beds. Ewww.

12 years ago

You make people change before they sit on your couch?

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