The sexy robot ladies are back! Not so much in real life, where they are still more scary than sexy, but in the fervid imagination of dudes who hate real ladies. Like Eric here, on The Spearhead:
When I first came to the MRM, there was a story in the news about a Japanese robotics engineer who had made a female android. It really wasn’t much more than a fairly realistic-looking doll; although there was quite a bit of discussion at the time for the potential to improve on the design. The main thing was that it’s invention caused a fury from the feminists. Even at that early stage in my MRA days, I could see the reason: for the first time women were looking the very real possibility that they could become expendable.
Well, “expendable” only if you view women as little more than support systems for their vaginas.
Personally, I’m more into foreign girls than virtual sex. But the same principle applies: as long as there are alternatives to feminists, the feminists are expendable. They don’t have the power to convert every woman on the planet; and even if they could they can’t stop men from building robots.
Please, build those robots, and lock yourselves away with them forever, and leave the rest of us alone.
Elsewhere in the same thread on The Spearhead we get some examples of why it’s a problem when Men Who Really Should Be Going Their Own way … don’t. A fellow calling himself Rmaxd apparently suggested that men who feel themselves to have been mistreated by the courts should: “Lynch a judge as you would any traitor or dictator.”
His comment was deleted, and heavily criticized — apparently for not being circumspect enough in his threatening language. After all, our dear friend JeremiahMRA got mostly upvotes on The Spearhead for a similarly threatening remark just the other day. And elsewhere in the very same thread as Rmaxd’s now-deleted comment we find a fellow called freebird suggesting that men who have allegedly suffered because of women should
share this pain with those inflicting it.
cue up “blood on the plow”
Meanwhile, again in the same thread, a commenter called walking in hell brings up the example of Thomas Ball, the MRA who self-immolated on the steps of a Keene, New Hampshire courthouse a year ago in hopes that his dramatic death would inspire other men to (quite literally) burn down police stations and courthouses using Molotov cocktails. (You can read Ball’s manifesto, complete with its call for MRA terrorism though without the specific instructions on how to make effective Molotov cocktails, on A Voice for Men, in its “activism” section; search the page for “burn” to go directly to his advocacy of terrorism.) Walking in hell also thinks family court judges should be “punished” for their alleged “crimes,” by which he means denying some fathers visitation.
[R]esponsibility for such heinous crimes against children can behold an individual to a special kind of punishment.
We see the nervous squirming by judges in the Australia case marked by the judge issuing an apology. We also see nervous squirming in the UK with the evildoers trying to issue fake political gestures to angry people.
The evildoers must smell something besides fire and brimstone. The sooner they get to the fire and brimstone, the better off children and fathers will be.
Apparently this vaguely threatening language was vague enough to pass muster on The Spearhead; this comment got more than a dozen upvotes.
The sooner you fuckers build those sexbots you like to talk about so much, the better for all of us.
I would hate to hear how you feel about hallucinagetic drugs and the experiences people have which are life changing for them. Or what about dreams, are you one of those people who discounts dreams because though they happened to you, they didn’t happen in the physical world, therefore they don’t matter? I get the distinct impression that you lack imagination altogether and hate people who think outside of the box. Man, you would probably judge me hard. I mean, I play THE SIMS for god’s sake. IT’S NOT REAL! And my brother LARPs! What diagnosis do you give him? Because engaging in role playing has actually significantly helped his social life, despite people thinking he’s a little weird/nerdy.
I don’t like seeing ANYBODY kiss. But people do it in front of me and I accept it because, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter. Kissing =/= sex. I also don’t wish to witness people with foul attitudes, hear people’s ignorant opinions, hear music I don’t like, etc. But being an adult, I accept that not every sight/sound is going to be amazing, some of them will be annoying, aggrivating, or uncomfortable. But I am a big girl, I can handle it.
Lots of things prevent forming and maintaining relationships: video games, the internet, masturbating, reading a lot, taking time alone to ponder life, being in a consuming romantic relationship, building a cabin up in the mountains and living off the fat of the land. You can really make a case that too much of anything is going to be harmful to a person’s social life or job. Meanwhile, there are these people called introverts who don’t see having a hundred friends and being constantly socially engaged as a success, and are much more happy alone or with a close friend or two from time to time. You are too obsessed with your life being the norm that you have absolutely no insight on how life is for other people. You’re the type who makes people feel bad about being themselves, and tries to force them to conform. That’s not cool.
Ughh, I was around a similar sort of guy at the bar the other night. Difference though, he kept following me around and trying to get my attention and then expecting me to start a conversation because he had nothing to say. When he did talk, it would be annoying stuff like, “Don’t look so excited,” because I wasn’t smiling. Dude, if you want me to smile, tell me a joke. Otherwise leave me alone. I don’t smile on command!
I have never really considered the issue of sex dolls before, but the issue here is anthropomorphism which is a human characteristic.
When I was a little kid, I insisted on putting all my stuffed animals into bed with me (I preferred stuffed animals to dolls, and heck, the dolls often came with their own beds); all our family pets tended to sleep with me as well. When I was being isolated in junior high, once all the insistence on being normal started hitting in the heterosexist way, I made friends with a naiad in a stream that I walked by on my way to my piano lesson since I was being shunned at school.
The typewriter (Olympia manual) I got for a high school graduation gift in 1973 is named George (he still sits on a shelf in my office). My truck is named Rosy; the first car I owned was named Cloudshape (from a Star Trek novel by Barbara Hambly), and I felt terrible when I had to abandon her to get Rosy. I’ve been an animistic pagan since I read Tolkien–and yeah, conduct conversations with my cats and dogs. In the context of this discussion, I find it interesting I haven’t named my two vibrators (but the newest vacuum cleaner is named Varda). There is a huge old beautiful live oak tree outside the department building where I work on campus, and I remember feeling greeted by her when I was on campus for my intervview–and greeted every day I arrive. I remember the trees where I’ve lived in the past more vividly than some of the neighbors (I had more interaction with the trees). I’m an introvert, a reader (so is my partner which makes for a perfect agreement in ways of living), and perceive life and spirits around me–the extension into naming and interacting with a sex doll from how I see the world seems a perfectly natural progression.
The netbook I’m typing this entry on is named Fluffy (I haven’t named the computers I work on at school for some reason either….maybe because they’re provided/owned by the school.)
I find people who spend a lot of time and energy trying to police other people around them into behaving “normally” (which usually means like the person spending time and energy to be an absolute pain in the ass–I’m not trying to sell you on talking to trees, dude, so what bothers you so much about it?
Dvärghundspossen —
Re: psychs — idk if it’s a difference in healthcare systems, style, or me being annoyed at my drug-psych, but I’ve never met a psychiatrist trained in psychotherapy — but yeah, that was what I meant by talk-psych, not simply a-psych-who-talks. Back when I was in college I had a TA complaining about how little you could do in the 15 min sessions that HMOs would pay for, so it might be a matter of the different systems. And is definitely biased by my dislike for my drug-psych (his ability to listen either never existed, or has broken).
My being pissed about 15 min every 2 months with someone who can’t be arsed to pay attention probably did come out wrong. Sorry about that.
Re: twilight — yeah my hatred isn’t just that they sparkle, it’s that they have seemingly 0 of the classic vampire flaws, they didn’t mix and match and go with Dracula style vampires, they dropped them all. And it’s also just terrible, I’ll pass on vampiric abstinence only “education”.
*sits here hoping that LARP reference takes off into a whole conversation*
(I have nothing much to add right now. 😉 )
Hahaha yeah, I don’t personally care for LARPing but my brother loves it and he’s never been so happy. He’s found people like him to associate with, found a girlfriend, has an active social life. It’s something that he never really had prior and he always felt really isolated.
Meanwhile there are people like our dad who think he’s a weirdo for it and talk to him condescendingly as if he should be sitting on the couch watching the game instead, and anything other than that isn’t normal.
I think people like our troll here are like my dad. Always trying to squash the imagination of others who are happy being themselves and doing their own thing. You don’t have to like what they’re doing, but why get mad that they’re doing it?
Granted, I joke about LARPing because it looks silly to me, but I don’t shame him for liking it. I fully support him in it because it’s been good for him. Why would I discourage that?
That’s exactly what bothers me about a lot of people’s attitude to LARPing. They tell nerdy folks to go out and socialize and get exercise, but once the nerds start LARPing together they call them freaks.
They’re doing exactly what you said they should do! If it’s making them happy and more confident, why be an asshole about it?
I’d love to get involved with LARPing myself, but for now I’m content to spar with Nerf swords.
Until I started gardening and their numbers became prohibitive, I named all my houseplants. There was Alfred, Chloe the aloe, Patrick, Heurtebise, Fern the…fern, Jade, Marley, Tom and Otto the tomatoes…
I’m sure this will lead to me having sex with plants in the grocery store sooner or later.
Superiority complexes? Maybe just unhappiness in their own lives. It seems that someone who is confident and happy in how they live and the things they choose to do wouldn’t need to dog other people’s lifestyles so long as they aren’t hurting anybody. Maybe they’ve bought into the “normal” lifestyle and are miserable, therefore they want everyone else to be miserable and “normal” with them? I mean, in all cases, it’s just a sign of poor character to condemn someone who isn’t doing anything wrong.
“Until I started gardening and their numbers became prohibitive, I named all my houseplants.” – Katz
Hah, that’s funny because I have a bunch of cacti, and I named those. I kept it simple though, all of them are called Bob.
Oh Argenti, I’m sorry to hear that. I know there are psychiatrists who are also psychotherapists, but I think it’s rare though, and I haven’t met one myself.
Anyway, I used to have 45-minutes session with my psychiatrist, which gives you time to talk through things. Talk about coping strategies and stuff, and exactly how various drugs would alter my perception of reality as well as ability to work. Even if it wasn’t real psychotherapy I think these talks helped a lot.
However, nowadays I’m considered so well that they’re gonna transfer me to a regular doctor, who’ll basically just prescribe the meds I say I need.
But I think you often get better care if you have some kind of psychosis disorder rather than depression. I personally think depression is about the worst disorder you can have – I’ve just had two spells of real depression in my life, but I’d rather be possessed by demons any day of the week. The health care system, however, seems to think the latter is WAAAAAY worse.
Regarding Twilight, I was thinking about it, and I think a GOOD WRITER could have made something interesting even out of a character with Edward’s exact traits. Like, never being able to permanently settle somewhere, never being able to be friends for many years with somebody – you have to make a clean break whenever you move, having to falsify your ID:s and lie to the authorities, stuff like that, hearing exactly what people think about you so you can never have comforting illusions about them, all that could have made for an interesting story DESPITE the fact that he’s like Superman without the kryptonite. It wouldn’t really be a typical vampire story but it could have been interesting anyway. The big problem with Meyer really is that she sucks as a writer.
If you compare Edward with Cassidy from Preacher, Cassidy don’t have much of a weakness either. Sure, he burns in sunlight, but only in DIRECT sunlight, so it’s not that big a drawback. As long as he stands in a shadow he’s fine. To, like, put an umbrella above your head when you’re gonna pass the street on a sunny day isn’t really that big a curse. And he didn’t even need to kill animals to live, he could live on just regular people’s food as long as there was meat in it (since there’s blood in meat) if he wanted to. So he’s almost as flawless as Edgar, vampire-wise. BUT he was a well-written character, a very realistic douchebag who really thinks of himself as a nice guy and doesn’t take responsibility for anything. That’s what made him work.
I can see you all still fixated on this issue. You can choose to end it by simplying answering one question. If you’re answer is yes, then you are outside the norm, so anything you think is never going to be what the majority of people would think. If you answer no, then congratulations on recognising your cognitive dissonence. Now that you have recognised you are on your first baby step to removing your hypocrisy and admitting that oh my God you might actually be wrong….
The question is:
If it should be socially acceptable for men to take their RealDolls out in public, should women also be permitted and not socially sanctioned for walking the streets carrying their dildoes?
Bonus question: If a women takes her dildo to the theatre and buys it it’s own ticket, would you have a problem with the dildo sitting on a seat by itself? If not, why not? If you are concerned by possible transmission of bodily fluids from the dildo onto the theatre seat, why aren’t you similarly concerned about the ass of the ReadDoll and what’s been left in it?
You realize that you’ve given these scenarios an awful lot of your head-space, right? You don’t see the irony of accusing other of having “…fixated on this issue”?
It take me ten seconds of my life (if that) to think of each of these scenarios. I revisit page and see people still bitching about the fact that someone (me) doesn’t agree with them 100% so yes I will continue to comment. Why not?
You know that setting up the scenarios with the Real Doll and the dildo is a kind of bullshit false equivalence. The opposite for a man with a Real Doll would be a woman with a Real Doll. Just like the opposite for a woman with a dildo is a man a fleshlight.
If the whole thing means so little to you, why keep checking in on the page at all? Why do you care so much? Are you this mad about the television shows where people “marry” their cars and/or fall in love with roller costers, and shit?
And therefore I, Fah Loo Suee, mental health professional, don’t have to pay any attention to anything you contribute, you freak!
Loo – o = Lo.
I have never seen those shows or heard of them. People either marry inanimate objects due to a mental health problem or for legal reasons completely unrelated to the concept of marriage e.g to save a building from demolition. In either case, what they are both engaging in is nothing but ceremony, it has diddly squat to do with the actual marital concept. It shouldn’t be allowed either, otherwise you’re just debasing the meaning of words and concepts to something other than what they are, resulting in a loss of authentic meaning.
So let’s see….
Fallacy, you want me to chose between one highly improbable hypothetical situation and another highly improbable hypothetical situation and face the ohnoes fear of being a hypocrit?
Thanks dude, but I think I’ll pass, at least untill real dolls taking up theatre seats becomes a problem.
Hmm… What if the woman dressed up the dildo in little shorts and a t-shirt? would that help the matter body fluids? Cause I’m pretty sure people would dress up a real doll that they take out in public as well… If not, I think that would be forbidden just because of naked person model.
* matter of body fluids
The RealDoll might be wearing a dress and maybe the owner has another kink where he prefers she doesn’t wear panties in public and also he doesn’t wash her. It’s a public safety issue that doesn’t arise with male ReadDolls because they’d be wearing pants. RealmaleDolls don’t wear skirts. It’s unmanly.
Yeah cause its so much more womanly for women to walk around naked!!! I’m mean, what’s he gonna do if someone calls his doll a slut?
Dude, you’ve spent waAaaaaay too much time on this fantasy of yours. And if you’re worried about disease transmission…don’t ever shake hands, handle money or credit cards or touch someone elses cell phone.
After the movie, he’ll need to go to the toilet. He’ll have to prop her up against the wall outside while he goes into relieve himself. He could maybe take her into the toilet but then that would upset mras who think the urinal is a sacred space for men only and they don’t want her dead eyes looking at them all judgemental like. Someone will definitely steal her while he’s in the loo. When he realises this, is he going to think she has run off with someone else? Well if he believes she’s his GF, he just might imagine she actually is ‘alive’. Will he go postal? Possibly. Any person crazy enough to take a real doll out on a date in public is as fragile as a bubble. It is at this point that other people become ‘at risk’. People who sanction crazy behaviour are either just as crazy, ignorant, stupid or evil. You still haven’t told me which one you are.
How would a skirt and no underwear make any difference? I mean, i’m not someone who wears a dress so there might be some sort of rule here i’m missing, but i’m pretty sure if someone wearing a dress sits down they don’t pull it up first. Or rub their crotches on people at random.
You know Fallacy, this whole dilemma is nicely solved as long as the happy couple keeps it to the back row of the theatre. You know, where all that teen sex goes on.