antifeminism disgusting women douchebaggery evil women I'm totally being sarcastic matriarchy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men pussy cartel the c-word

“Twats wear heels in order to elongate the appearance of their legs,” and other insights from

Woman oppressing man with evil lying makeup

Some things I learned on MGTOWforums today. (Each headline links to the comment’s source.)

NWOslave, is this you?

women gain a sexual satisfaction from lying. the bigger the lie, the greater the thrill.

Don’t fall for that old “lipstick” ploy. Her lips aren’t really that red!

EVERYTHING relating to female appearance in based on deception. Women put blush on their face and lipstick to suggest that they’re sexually aroused thereby causing men to get stupid and malleable in their presence. Twats wear heels in order to not only appear taller but also to elongate the appearance of their legs. They wear spanx to conceal their flab. They shoot botox into their face to appear to have that last vestige of fertility. They put hideous silicone filled sacs onto their chest to create a more alluring figure (although as any man who’s actually ever felt these knows it’s like playing with a skin wrapped basketball). They paint their nails to create the illusion they’re always clean. They shave and wax and pluck to show off as much bare skin as possible – to conceal the fact that they’re hairy beasts.

Marriage is a Ponzi scheme:

DO NOT fall for it when marriage legislation is once more made rational. It’s simply a trap to lure men back in, and when there’s enough suckers in the Ponzi scheme, those at the top will abscond with it all once more.

Hunting the mammoth prepared men to be CEOs, but women?

most women simply can’t hack it at that high of a professional level. Their minds and bodies are simply not designed for that. Not surprising given how nature has clearly designed them to bear and raise children.

Vaginas are doin’ it for themselves:

They are organized into cunt coalitions. we are fucked.

Too many women spoil the everything:

It has already been said in several posts in this thread but it bears repeating since it is the simple quintessential truth: Women. Ruin. Everything.

Ha, ha, you’ll get yours, pretty lady who some day won’t be so pretty:

Mother nature is the ultimate bitch to all aging females. Most women don’t have her slim body type(easier to trap a man), so what’s a girl to do? What’s the ‘moral of the story’ for the average LADY with ‘high’ expectations but not much to really give a man in return??? Easy, find a clueless blue pill sucker(who has never been to this site)….er husband material as soon as possible before your looks really start to take a dive. You ladies can call me an asshole all you want but I’m only speaking the truth.

Let’s spread some racism on this misogyny sandwich:

How about you get your expanding ass off your chair and go visit the ghettos where there are no men. Hey, at least they are ‘matriarchies’ where women are ‘free,’ boys grow up to be feral animals, and emotions run high without logic!

Also, I learned that the new go-to derogatory term for women is “ankle.” Why? Because, according to the Online Slang Dictionary, “[a]n ankle is two feet beneath a cunt.” Here’s an example of the term in use, courtesy of MGTOWforums:

Dealing with an ankle that don’t understand the phrase “Not my child not my problem, ‘ya ankle bitch”?

It pays to increase your word power!

EDITED TO ADD: If you have trouble visualizing the “twats wearing shoes” mentioned in the second quote, regular Man Boobz commenter Polliwog has helpfully provided this [NSFW] picture.


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12 years ago


That meme hasn’t been done out yet, has it?

Ahahahaha, amazing.

Thank you – after reading the troll’s nauseating rape apologetics in the WTF thread, I needed that laugh. 🙂

12 years ago

Scarlet Johansson is like the sexiest woman on the planet! I just saw Ironman 2 and the best part was SCARLETT IN A CATSUIT!

Howard Bannister
12 years ago

…I actually hated Iron Man 2 a little bit because she was such a cardboard cutout with no character, just… sex appeal.

Iron Man 2 is actually a little better to me retroactively with the character development she got in Avengers.

12 years ago

From what I’d read Joss Whedon fought to put Black Widow in the movie so there’d be a female character in it *at all.*

Howard Bannister
12 years ago

Seconding Ozy. Folks on top noticed that people were complaining about ScarJ in Iron Man 2–folks like me–and concluded it would be better to drop her altogether.

No, that would actually make it worse, not better. The way it was in the movie? Is pretty much my gold standard now for how you take a character that was treated poorly and humanize her and make her part of the story.

I mean, yeah, it still had some problems. But the improvement was staggering.

12 years ago

can I request a blog post on alimony and how 96% of it is collected by women (according to the IRS) too useless to get a job (by implication).

Yours truly, the piper

12 years ago

I totally want Tony Stark. He’s a genius who builds stuff, imagine the sex toys he could come up with. I like toys.

12 years ago

I really like Tony Stark, but I also want to be Tony Stark. As a future engineer in electronic, I can think of no better hero.Except for the selling weapons thing.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Wow, another “the important thing is that I’ve found a way to feel superior to both” troll, but with bonus incomprehensible conspiracy theories.

12 years ago

Young women are given so much more kudos for being able to look like “Goldman Sachs Barbie” than anything else they can do.
Young men, they’re being raised to believe it’s their actions that are important (as long as they’re not actions a woman’ll normally take).
Only building a CV of super-actions takes a lot more time for a young man than dressing like a white teenage girl unsullied by reality takes for a young woman. (Unless said young woman’s you know….not really that white. Then it takes bloody ages or is nigh on impossible. Let’s see how these women are getting on… )

That’s a part of your “rape culture” right there, only it’s also the MRA’s “matriarchy”.

If I’ve got you right, you’re saying that women are praised more for their looks than their deeds, which is something that feminists are against. Also, making oneself look good takes less effort than doing stuff, so MRAs complain that a “matriarchy” has set up a situation where women get more praise for less effort?

First off, deeds in general are probably easier, since they need only be done once. If you’re being judged by looks, then look bad one day and suddenly you lose any respect you’ve gained. (You’re comparing “super-actions” to “dressing like a white teenager”, which seems to be an unequal comparison)

Second, the two only share one thing in common; they relate to women being judged by looks, and men being judged by actions. In other words, the animal that feminists and MRAs are looking at both have a tail. But the animal itself is completely different; for for feminists, a system has developed that treats women as visual objects, meant to look good for the men who own them. Meanwhile, for MRAs, a vast feminist conspiracy has somehow convinced men to only judge girls by hotness (a judgement that MRAs are happy as all heck to make, so I’m not convinced this is even a valid argument in the first place).

One has historical and current evidential support, the other is just faffing about with a persecution complex. Just because you can find a superficial similarity between the two arguments does not mean they are equally valid or correct.

12 years ago

*tilts head*

what… what is this person SAYING?

12 years ago

can I request a blog post on alimony and how 96% of it is collected by women (according to the IRS) too useless to get a job (by implication).

Yours truly, the piper

Can I request you cite that? Can I also request that if you want a blog post about women getting alimony, that you make your own blog and write it yourself?


P.S. Alimony is back pay for the services one spouse provides in a marriage, in case the other person chooses to replace hir. There would also be less of a need for alimony if women got paid equal pay for equal work, and if more hetero couples had an equal division of household and parenting responsibilities.

I can’t make heads for tails of what maniacal goblinoid nightmare woman wrote.

12 years ago

can I request a blog post on alimony and how 96% of it is collected by women (according to the IRS) too useless to get a job (by implication).

You can, but don’t hold your breath to see it on here.

Here’s an idea. Why don’t you go to Reddit or MGTOW Forums and put something up there? If you’ve got a world-beater of an argument about how people who get financial assistance are useless because they don’t have a job, put it out there and let everybody look at it.

If you can make serious points backed up by research, data, empirical evidence and things of that nature, we’ll take it seriously and give it serious consideration.

And if it’s a ridiculous screed full of appeals to authority and emotion and enough straw to sink the Titanic, we’ll point and laugh.

That’s the deal.

12 years ago

Could bang on about this for much longer (and will. Eventually) but…ever heard the old Indian myth where 5 blind guys beat the shit out of each other after only “seeing” parts of an elephant and deciding it’s different things?
I don’t recall the “beat the shit out of each other” part of that story……

12 years ago

er fail

Could bang on about this for much longer (and will. Eventually) but…ever heard the old Indian myth where 5 blind guys beat the shit out of each other after only “seeing” parts of an elephant and deciding it’s different things?

I don’t recall the “beat the shit out of each other” part of that story……

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

“Your gender gets more alimony!” is like “my gender pays more taxes”–what you’re really complaining about is having more money in the first place.

So, y’know, boo hoo?

12 years ago

Yet another MRA who expects feminists to do all of the work for him…

Go publish your own damn post.

12 years ago

Blokes who varnish, isn’t funny how it’s always more accepted when you do a really half arsed job?

I wouldn’t know. A fair number of women who’ve seen me in nail polish have told me they wish they could apply it as well as I do.

12 years ago

So of course the big studios wouldn’t have green-lit it. The all-important White Male Age 18 to 49 would not have been pandered to.

I’m still pissed that this bullshit kept the Anansi Boys movie from being made. It could have been, so good, but then the studio insisted that they could only make it with an all-white main cast. Fortunately Gaiman was in a position to tell them they wouldn’t be making it at all then.

12 years ago

@PsychoDan: I didn’t watch the live action Last Airbender movie because 1) I’d already seen the whole series, and the movie was condensed out of the first season, and 2) the only non-white person in the cast was playing Zuko and everybody else was a white person in brownface.

12 years ago

And The Last Airbender also sucked. Turns out a cast of white people is not sufficient to make a movie a success.

12 years ago

@Jumbofisch But do you remember the German myth about the grasshopper that spent months idling away his time while the ant industriously stored up food for the winter. When the winter came, the grasshopper found itself perishing of hunger, whereupon the ant whacked it on the head with an axe, barbecued him, and served him up as a feast for all his ant friends.

Or that famous Egyptian myth about the a hare who challenged a tortoise to a race, and who was so sure of winning that midway through he took a nap. The hare never woke up because the tortoise hired a bunch of ninjas to assassinate him.

Classic stories.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

I wish I gained sexual satifaction for lying. I wish I gained sexual satisfaction from most of the things they claim I do. Again, how do these men know how my lady parts feel when I do things?

And why are men complaining about the SHIT THEY EXPECT US WOMEN TO DO? If I didn’t feel like a man would get grossed out if I didn’t shave my legs, I WOULDN’T SAHVE MY LEGS! I would NEVER shave a damn thing if it wasn’t expected of me. I like how they pick examples of women’s oppression (being expected to waste tons of time and money making themselves look “beautiful” for fear of being shunned and winding up old and lonely) and turn it into some awesome thing that we’re doing to spite them. What I would give to not be expected to look my best when I go outside. Imagine the freedom.

Experiment number 2 for today: Walk up to one of these mras all unshowered, no deodorant, not shaved, no makeup, baggy clothes, sneakers, and hit on him. See what he does.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

BTW I love how feminists big complaints are things like, “I can’t walk around alone without fear of getting raped” and all the MRAs can come up with is, “Women wear makeup!”

What in the actual fuck did maniacal goblinoid nightmare woman just say?

As for hating women in movies, no. There are plenty of ladies who I absolutely love to watch. On the other hand, you might see me get heated when Kristin Stewart is cast again in something that looks halfway decent because she only ever plays her goddamn self and that annoys the hell out of me. But this is not hatred of successful women, but hatred of bad casting choices.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“What in the actual fuck did maniacal goblinoid nightmare woman just say?”

The parts I can follow seem to sum to — the media maintains unrealistic standards of beauty for women, almost to the point of reaching Uncanny Valley. And only “super-actions” would require as much time and effort from men to compare. And then something about getting the elephant story weird, but making the point that feminists see things one way, while MRAs see things another way.

Which, ok, anyone here think the pro-choice and “pro-life” crowds are really having the same debate? I can’t tell is maniacal goblinoid nightmare woman is pulling a fallacy, or simply stating a rather obvious fact. If it is a fallacy, it’d be —

Argument to moderation (false compromise, middle ground, fallacy of the mean) – assuming that the compromise between two positions is always correct

There are also traces of the age old “I’m unsullied by your pitiful debate” in there, but maybe that’s the “gotta run” brevity of it.

Re: women in movies — I rewatched Gothika last night because I remembered it being rather good, and everyone always laughs when I say that. Yeah, I’m sticking by that. I’m half sure the hate it gets is because most of the leads are either not white, or women (or both), and that’s just inconceivable! *sigh* (yes it’s “another ghost story”, name one other that unarguably passes the Bechdel test though)

If horror and thriller movies make you jump, watch it during the day with the lights on. Oh and since he’s already come up, one of the very few lead male roles is Robert Downey Jr. (unfortunately, he keeps his shirt on)