Some things I learned on MGTOWforums today. (Each headline links to the comment’s source.)
women gain a sexual satisfaction from lying. the bigger the lie, the greater the thrill.
Don’t fall for that old “lipstick” ploy. Her lips aren’t really that red!
EVERYTHING relating to female appearance in based on deception. Women put blush on their face and lipstick to suggest that they’re sexually aroused thereby causing men to get stupid and malleable in their presence. Twats wear heels in order to not only appear taller but also to elongate the appearance of their legs. They wear spanx to conceal their flab. They shoot botox into their face to appear to have that last vestige of fertility. They put hideous silicone filled sacs onto their chest to create a more alluring figure (although as any man who’s actually ever felt these knows it’s like playing with a skin wrapped basketball). They paint their nails to create the illusion they’re always clean. They shave and wax and pluck to show off as much bare skin as possible – to conceal the fact that they’re hairy beasts.
DO NOT fall for it when marriage legislation is once more made rational. It’s simply a trap to lure men back in, and when there’s enough suckers in the Ponzi scheme, those at the top will abscond with it all once more.
Hunting the mammoth prepared men to be CEOs, but women?
most women simply can’t hack it at that high of a professional level. Their minds and bodies are simply not designed for that. Not surprising given how nature has clearly designed them to bear and raise children.
Vaginas are doin’ it for themselves:
They are organized into cunt coalitions. we are fucked.
Too many women spoil the everything:
It has already been said in several posts in this thread but it bears repeating since it is the simple quintessential truth: Women. Ruin. Everything.
Ha, ha, you’ll get yours, pretty lady who some day won’t be so pretty:
Mother nature is the ultimate bitch to all aging females. Most women don’t have her slim body type(easier to trap a man), so what’s a girl to do? What’s the ‘moral of the story’ for the average LADY with ‘high’ expectations but not much to really give a man in return??? Easy, find a clueless blue pill sucker(who has never been to this site)….er husband material as soon as possible before your looks really start to take a dive. You ladies can call me an asshole all you want but I’m only speaking the truth.
Let’s spread some racism on this misogyny sandwich:
How about you get your expanding ass off your chair and go visit the ghettos where there are no men. Hey, at least they are ‘matriarchies’ where women are ‘free,’ boys grow up to be feral animals, and emotions run high without logic!
Also, I learned that the new go-to derogatory term for women is “ankle.” Why? Because, according to the Online Slang Dictionary, “[a]n ankle is two feet beneath a cunt.” Here’s an example of the term in use, courtesy of MGTOWforums:
Dealing with an ankle that don’t understand the phrase “Not my child not my problem, ‘ya ankle bitch”?
It pays to increase your word power!
EDITED TO ADD: If you have trouble visualizing the “twats wearing shoes” mentioned in the second quote, regular Man Boobz commenter Polliwog has helpfully provided this [NSFW] picture.
Dude, it is ALL ABOUT the Tony/Bruce.
You know, guys (talking to MRAs here)…
I want you to look at your arms. Go ahead. I can wait.
Now look at your legs. I mean the skin, not just your pants. Make sure you check the back as well.
Done? Ok. Now I want you to look very closely at your chest, your stomach, your side (get a friend or a mirror if you can’t see clearly), and the underside of your arm.
Alright? Now, do you know what you see in all of these places?
I mean god-dammit, people are hairy! Is this news to you? Do you honestly think that women are supposed to be naturally hairless? I’m not 100% sure of this, as I don’t have a pair of my own, but I’m 99.99999999% sure that even boobs are naturally hairy! You don’t hear about women shaving their boobs, do you? For god’s sakes how could a woman possibly “conceal the fact” that she has hair by shaving when everyone on the freaking planet has hair pretty much everywhere?
You know what? You know what you don’t see when you look at male models posed shirtless in ads or whatever? You don’t see chest hair! Why? Fuck if I know, chest hair used to be sexy and now it isn’t. Are they “concealing” their hairy beastiness too? And you know what else? Men get botox too! Men who are balding have combovers or hair implantations! They get penis implants to make it look large or pumps to get erections. They shave and wax and pluck, and especially if they ever want to appear on tv in a professional role, they wear f*cking makeup.
Yes, there are some contexts where people do dress up to attract others. Going on a date, for instance, where you try to put your best foot forward even if that foot is one you’ll never use again. But you are a moron of the highest degree if you think that people do it all the time in every situation, and woe betide you if you think that it’s only one arbitrary segment of the population. I wonder why it just so happens to be the segment that you’re supposed to be attracted to?
[Note: I’m not actually pissed off, just felt like being ranty]
haha oh god science bros…it is really cute xD
thebewilderness — not if those combat boots have heels! (goodness do I need to replace mine)
Good thing Loki can clone himself, so there’s enough for everyone. XD
I got my tattoos to deceive men. I want them to think I have naturally-occurring technicolor dog paw-prints on my legs.
The makeup/skincare products for men always makes me laugh because they package it in such a way that screams “NOT FOR WOMEN YOU ARE SAFE TO USE THIS MEN” by making it all black with maybe some streaks of blue or white thrown in. Its ridiculous the lengths we go to gender products when its all made from the same crap anyway.
People in general like to look/smell good. I’m sure even some of these MGTOWs wear clothes that flatter them and bathe. And there’s nothing wrong with that unless it gets to the point where looking good is the only thing you care about.
Btw what happened to NWO? Someone should knock on his door and make sure he’s ok 🙂
Interestingly enough, these folks only care about how other people look. I’m pretty sure that’s worse.
yep -__-
I might start thinking in terms of “what a woman has to do today,” because it’s kind of hilarious.
Golly gee willikers. I wonder what they would think of my having spent the afternoon getting all pampered at the spa with a body scrub, mud wrap, hair oil thingie and massage. My skin feels fabulous! Then again, I also fail to wear make up and have flats. Hmmmm….
You know, it’s not just women. Dogs are vain about their eyebrows too.
I think the answer to the femming up = lying twat, not femming up = hairy-legged hideous monster Catch 22 is that women are supposed to look like they have a bunch of makeup on and did their hair and waxed and primped and painted, but without actually doing any of those things.
Run on sentence is best sentence.
The Tony/Cap is second only to the Wincest in that neck of the Intarnet.
More than Jack O’Neill/Daniel Jackson? Or Holmes/Watson? (I jest–it’s not a contest. Shipping for everyone!)
These guys realize that at one point, it was considered acceptable and even fashionable for men to wear cosmetics, right?
Ok. Can it be the kind of timeshare where I just have him all the time and I don’t share him?
All these quotes were written by very young, very stupid people, right? Not like there’s any doubt. But this dude additionally seems never to have met any man over 40. It’s not like being over 25 is the worst thing in the world, but I’ll just put this out there: “Mother nature” does not treat any aging person well, no matter what their gender. Wrinkles and gray hair are the least of it, dude.
Hey, David, why don’t you go to the kitchen and make me a misogyny sandwich! BROFIVE
Well that wasn’t the right link at all, was it? JOKE RUINED.
hey guys, I just have to share this ^_^
– look; its what these guys think women are! [NSFW btw]
See, its got it all; ability to wear heels, vagina, ankle, nail polish
….mayby they’ve just been very, very mislead? IDK.
(sorry, not intending to shame anyone or peoples kinks or anything – to each their own as long as all are consenting and all; I just found this amusingly too fitting to not point out ^_^)
(also mmm, avengers ;p)
Oh my god wrong thread I give up you can make your own damn 80s movie references.
Because clean nails are naturally rainbow-colored. Just kidding, I paint my nails to give the illusion that I’m poisonous.
Also, re: Avengers! The Norwegian in me wants to claim the Asgardians, but I really wanna be BFFs with Black Widow. We can use our superpowers and cry at Loki together.
I’m nearly 57.
Yeah, some things about ageing suck (some things are good).
But you know, getting older beats the fucking hell out of the alternative!
Old people were young before they got old: I remember being 18 and thinking how sad it must be for anybody over 25. Might as well just die, I thought. Boy, was I PIG IGNORANT.
Younger people have very little understanding or knowledge of what it’s like to get older. But they’ll learn…….
Wow, um… I think this guy doesn’t understand that it’s possible for someone to have nails that are actually clean.
Maybe he and “skidmarks are a Man’s Right” dude should get together.
I recently did a reverse french manicure, where I painted the tips black instead white. After it started peeling off my grandmother said it looked like I had dirt under my nails lol. I don’t paint my nails as much anymore since I have a habit of peeling it off anyway. I do paint my toes in the summer though!
I love how the underlying premise here is that it’s evil that women do things to improve their looks, but if they didn’t these do those things these guys would be whining like a toddler being told he can’t have a Mars Bar at the supermarket checkout. Also – personal grooming, it’s for men too! If your nails are dirty, scrub them. If you’re a hairy beast, well, I personally am not going to have sex with you that way, so you might want to do a bit of manscaping. Not that it’s required if you’re not planning to sleep with me specifically, but specific physical standards and preferences? Women have those too (and someone with filthy nails probably doesn’t meet them for most women).
This all sounds like they’re trying much too hard to convince themselves that they don’t want women, though. It’s like a really primitive attempt at aversion therapy. Apparently they have to keep it up on a regular basis or the desire to interact with women comes back.
Also, they do realize that not all women have implants, or wear Spanx, or paint their nails, etc, right? Granted that I’m surrounded by hippies so my sense of what’s standard is influenced by that, but I see tons of women with none of those things every day. Even in LA I saw women without implants. So, um, maybe turn off the TV and go outside for a while? It might help to recalibrate their sense of how much effort the average woman puts into personal beautification. Or not, since apparently in their minds all women are painted and Spanxed to within an inch of their lives and yet are also ugly totally ungroomed slobs, at the same time.
on top of that they also complain about women who don’t meet their beauty standards. So fat women, non-feminine women, women with short hair, older women, etc.
really the whole MGTOW “movement” can be summed up in two words: sour grapes.