antifeminism disgusting women douchebaggery evil women I'm totally being sarcastic matriarchy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men pussy cartel the c-word

“Twats wear heels in order to elongate the appearance of their legs,” and other insights from

Woman oppressing man with evil lying makeup

Some things I learned on MGTOWforums today. (Each headline links to the comment’s source.)

NWOslave, is this you?

women gain a sexual satisfaction from lying. the bigger the lie, the greater the thrill.

Don’t fall for that old “lipstick” ploy. Her lips aren’t really that red!

EVERYTHING relating to female appearance in based on deception. Women put blush on their face and lipstick to suggest that they’re sexually aroused thereby causing men to get stupid and malleable in their presence. Twats wear heels in order to not only appear taller but also to elongate the appearance of their legs. They wear spanx to conceal their flab. They shoot botox into their face to appear to have that last vestige of fertility. They put hideous silicone filled sacs onto their chest to create a more alluring figure (although as any man who’s actually ever felt these knows it’s like playing with a skin wrapped basketball). They paint their nails to create the illusion they’re always clean. They shave and wax and pluck to show off as much bare skin as possible – to conceal the fact that they’re hairy beasts.

Marriage is a Ponzi scheme:

DO NOT fall for it when marriage legislation is once more made rational. It’s simply a trap to lure men back in, and when there’s enough suckers in the Ponzi scheme, those at the top will abscond with it all once more.

Hunting the mammoth prepared men to be CEOs, but women?

most women simply can’t hack it at that high of a professional level. Their minds and bodies are simply not designed for that. Not surprising given how nature has clearly designed them to bear and raise children.

Vaginas are doin’ it for themselves:

They are organized into cunt coalitions. we are fucked.

Too many women spoil the everything:

It has already been said in several posts in this thread but it bears repeating since it is the simple quintessential truth: Women. Ruin. Everything.

Ha, ha, you’ll get yours, pretty lady who some day won’t be so pretty:

Mother nature is the ultimate bitch to all aging females. Most women don’t have her slim body type(easier to trap a man), so what’s a girl to do? What’s the ‘moral of the story’ for the average LADY with ‘high’ expectations but not much to really give a man in return??? Easy, find a clueless blue pill sucker(who has never been to this site)….er husband material as soon as possible before your looks really start to take a dive. You ladies can call me an asshole all you want but I’m only speaking the truth.

Let’s spread some racism on this misogyny sandwich:

How about you get your expanding ass off your chair and go visit the ghettos where there are no men. Hey, at least they are ‘matriarchies’ where women are ‘free,’ boys grow up to be feral animals, and emotions run high without logic!

Also, I learned that the new go-to derogatory term for women is “ankle.” Why? Because, according to the Online Slang Dictionary, “[a]n ankle is two feet beneath a cunt.” Here’s an example of the term in use, courtesy of MGTOWforums:

Dealing with an ankle that don’t understand the phrase “Not my child not my problem, ‘ya ankle bitch”?

It pays to increase your word power!

EDITED TO ADD: If you have trouble visualizing the “twats wearing shoes” mentioned in the second quote, regular Man Boobz commenter Polliwog has helpfully provided this [NSFW] picture.


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12 years ago

Ruby: …You know, I’ve known lots of men who have been misogynistic twats and had tons of sex, and other people who’ve been perfectly feminist and have never gotten laid. It’s almost as if whether you have touched a pair of tits has no relevance to your worth as a person.

12 years ago


12 years ago

damn only *existing* was supposed to be in bold

12 years ago

“Ankles” is an appropriate term to be used by a bunch of heels.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“DO NOT fall for it when marriage legislation is once more made rational. It’s simply a trap to lure men back in…”

Wait, do they want marriage reform or not? I’d thought they did, but now that’d still be a trap? *confused*

12 years ago

[blockquote]For serious. I generally just think about being a person. I don’t think “how would a woman get to South Station from here?”, or “what groceries does a woman need to buy today?” or “should a woman go to Trivia Night tomorrow?” Really not that big a part of the decision process on most things.[/blockquote]

Exactly what I was thinking, honestly. I don’t woman-get shit done, I just get shit done! I did a whole host of errands this afternoon and didn’t think about being female once! The one gendered thing I said was “Naira, don’t be an idiot” while driving (nothing like an unfamiliar city and a boat of a car to make you nervous about driving). So…I said my own name…which is a distinctly feminine name. Other than that? Managed to not think about it at all.

Though I might have to think a little more about female stuff, since my bras need to go in the wash pronto.

(no, Naira isn’t my real name)

12 years ago


While some MRAs clamour for marital reform *read slavery*, those who have reached MRM enlightenment understand that celibacy is the way to TRULY smash the matriarchy 😎

12 years ago

Someone needs to draw/photoshop a vagina wearing heels.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Shadow — ooh, well that’s good. No seriously, it is, means no woman has to put up with them, which I’m going to count as a plus.

12 years ago

I thought of my gender today! My back hurt a bit because I was binding my breasts.

12 years ago

@ozymandias too true, and I don’t love the ‘He can’t get laid’ comeback. But when women are being described like an alien species or exotic animal, it’s hard to believe someone’s spent any real time with one. It sounds like most of these guys walked in on their first girlfriend or co-ed dorm member waxi her legs and had a panic attack when they realized ladies aren’t naturally hairless.

12 years ago

LMAO Polliwog!

12 years ago

Two feet? I hope that’s not literal. Or else someone has a way different idea than I do of where my ankle is. And I’m not even tall.

Also, I wear tights to conceal the fact that I don’t shave my legs. I’m not sure where this infraction falls on the scale of feinine deception, but it can’t be good. (Sorry, I don’t have fabric-covered legs naturally.)

12 years ago

Can you imagine the way they must picture gay relationships? Can lesbians trick each other, or are they immune because they can recognize make up?

12 years ago

All I can do is laugh. And I’ll keep wearing my heels, thank you, regardless of what these “men” think. My husband likes the way I look. Besides, I’ve invested way too much money (that i stole from men mwaah ha ha) on my shoes to give them up.

12 years ago

Some women have naturally hairless legs. Are they naturally deceiving, or do they get a pass? I’m kidding, I know the answer is WOMAN TERRIBLE no matter what.

12 years ago

Polliwog! 🙂

12 years ago

And for the record, Tom Hiddleston as Loki is delicious.

12 years ago


Corngrabulations on winning teh internetz!

12 years ago


Not as delicious as Chris Evans Captain America though XD

12 years ago

I wear makeup, nail polish, and perfume, all from Avon (the company for women, oh noes! misandry!) I shave my legs and arm pits, and I’ve even had a nose job. I do this all because I like being an evil liar. I don’t wear heels, though, because they hurt my feet. However, my tennis shoes are probably misandric (misandristic?), too, because I bought them at a garage sale from another woman. That’s some major league misandry right there.

12 years ago

Oh and in b4 some mra troll accuses me of being hypergamous for saying so

12 years ago

I finally saw The Avengers last week. Yeah, I understand everyone’s references! My favorite guy from the movie was Thor. Words do not describe how great he looks.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Women. Ruin. Everything.

…Yet we’re supposed to get back in the baby-raising kitchen. What, are babies and sammiches suddenly ruin-proof? How about baby-flavored sammiches?

Also, today I woman-ruined a project for a client. Then I woman-ruined some dishes by washing them. Then I woman-ruined my bank account by putting money in it, woman-ruined some groceries by purchasing them with the money I woman-ruined by earning it, and woman-ruined some figure skating practice, because I have a ice-dancing test coming up and I want to woman-ruin not just the test patterns, but the whole RINK, because I’m just that ladyspiteful. Now I’m woman-ruining a short story, so I can submit it to some journal I particularly hate, because I want to woman-ruin it for everyone who reads it.

These are, of course, all woman-lies. I just needed a turn-on, so I could woman-ruin my ladyparts. *runs away on her patented TwatHeels(TM).*