To arms, Men’s Rights Redditors! Evil feminists are running riot on Wikipedia, deleting pages devoted to books by MRA hero Warren Farrell!
Oops. False alarm! Turns out WillToHave doesn’t quite understand how Wikipedia works. As one commenter pointed out several hours after the post went up, no pages about Farrell’s books have actually been deleted. The reason there are no pages about most of his books is … that no one has bothered to put any up yet.
D’oh! MRAs aren’t being oppressed by feminists; they’re being oppressed by their own laziness.
Of course, the only ones who know this are those who’ve bothered to actually read the comments. 15 hours after being totally debunked, the post, with its misleading headline, remains near the top of the Men’s Rights subreddit, with 142 net upvotes.
When did a mangina become something a man has anyways? I thought that was supposed to be something he is. Like calling someone an asshole — we assume you have one!
are you fucking twelve?
“are you fucking twelve?”
Magic 8-Ball says…
Ask Again Later
You May Rely On It
The Magic 8-Ball has spoken! (What, it is non sequitur day right?)
More likely nineteen.
Good god I hope not, this whole conversation is too bizarre even for him.
OK,, if I can’t ask if your mattied, can I at least how many cats you own?
That should give me a good idea.
OK,, if I can’t ask if your “married”,
I have a dog… Does that mean I’m married or not?
*if-you-can’t-beat-them-join-them face*
“That should give me a good idea.”
Of what?! The size of my living quarters?
Hmmm,,, what kind of dog??
Arguably, I have got a mangina. Or possibly a boygina, since I don’t identify as a man.
It’s quite a lot of fun. Nerve endings galore. And I don’t get that awkward bulge in my pants if something turns me on in public, which is convenient.
Right now, I’m counting down the time until Paul flounces off to some men’s rights forum to brag about how he kicked some feminist ass on Manboobz. Of course, “kicking ass” in MRA-speak means sputtering incoherently, cutting and pasting, and generally making a lot of unsupported WTF-type arguments. Oh yeah, and name calling. Same shit, different day.
Of how many cats you own.
Paul is a simple man.
Forty-six thousand. They are the only love I have ever known. I like to let them nibble on my longer armpit hairs. It tickles!
(The cats were delivered to my house the day I first read about the Seneca Falls Convention.)
Of what?! The size of my living quarters?
No, a good idea as to if you are married,,
“Does that mean I’m married or not?”
Oh was that the point? I’ve got a cousin married with two sons, and 5 cats (the fifth was an accident, her husband brought home a stray), and an aunt, not her mother, married with 2 step-kids, 3 grandkids, and 4 cats (well, assuming her grandkids haven’t talked her into another one yet XD )
They not married just because they rescue cats?
Or how about my parents — married, 2 kids, a cat and a dog (omgs is that dog incredibly stupid)
I don’t know which is funnier, conversing with feminists or christians.
I actually don’t have any cats and I’m in a committed relationship, so does that, like, prove something to Paul? Do I “win” then?
I’m sort of uncertain what my prize is here.
(I guess the idea is that we’re all horribly suffering from being unloved, and, um, from owning cats? [not sure why we own cats if we feel bad about owning them] And he figures his questions will totally twist the knife and make us cry about our empty lives.)
guys, guys, cats and spouses are mutually exclusive. Did we know this? We should probably tell people about this, so they don’t annull their marriages by buying kittens.
Britanny Spaniel, looks kinda like this. :3
Paul, I have two cats. Am I married?
“No, a good idea as to if you are married,,”
Which remains none of your fucking business (and I keep fish btw, figure that out)
well, paul. you’re not really ‘conversing’ so much as sputtering about a bunch of random shit you made up and cowardly dodging any requests to flesh out your wild claims, so i can see how the experience would seem confusing to you
I’m not talking about feminized men, they don’t count.