To arms, Men’s Rights Redditors! Evil feminists are running riot on Wikipedia, deleting pages devoted to books by MRA hero Warren Farrell!
Oops. False alarm! Turns out WillToHave doesn’t quite understand how Wikipedia works. As one commenter pointed out several hours after the post went up, no pages about Farrell’s books have actually been deleted. The reason there are no pages about most of his books is … that no one has bothered to put any up yet.
D’oh! MRAs aren’t being oppressed by feminists; they’re being oppressed by their own laziness.
Of course, the only ones who know this are those who’ve bothered to actually read the comments. 15 hours after being totally debunked, the post, with its misleading headline, remains near the top of the Men’s Rights subreddit, with 142 net upvotes.
And here I just thought it was random non sequitur day! Do you think the rain will hurt the rhubarb?
Also, I gotta admit it’s fuckin’ hilarious when MRAs come in with their (always the same, always canned) list of female murderers. Do they want a list of male murderers? Um… okay.
Gary Ridgway. MAN.
Ted Bundy. MAN.
Jeffrey Dahmer. MAN.
John Wayne Gacy. MAN.
Lake and Ng. MEN.
David Berkowitz. MAN.
Hitler. MAN.
Stalin. MAN.
Pol Pot. MAN.
Now, are all the men around going to recoil in shame and horror that there are bad people in their gender?
“Do you think the rain will hurt the rhubarb?”
Depends how hard it rains?
The goalpost shifting and red herrings are strong in this one. Please troll better young padawan troll.
Yet another MRM site with absolutely horrible site design, even if we wanted to read it, half the first bit is lost behind an ad.
Paul — do you have a point you’d like to get to? Otherwise could you run along now?
No, Paul, we are not going to address every MRM point ever, right now, in this one post, just to make you happy. It’s Saturday, man.
Yes, I have a point.
Men are being treated unfairly and as such we have the right to ask for equality.
I think we have a sock, Paul’s gravatar is getting me 0 google image hits (contra Snowy’s and Cliff’s, both of which turn up plenty of hits here, and other places as well) — he didn’t exist before he started trolling here in other words.
Ain’t nobody stopping you.
Hell, you’re doing it right now.
You aren’t asking, you’re demanding with arson (in Ball’s case) — that’s not really a point either, not one you could write a thesis on without driving yourself up a wall with how vague it is.
He ACCIDENTALLY hit his daughter, not CHILDREN and there was no sign of abuse towards his wife.
Have you even read the story about him or are you just listening to the propaganda from NOW??
Accidentally?! Did you read his manifesto? He said he meant to hit her, just didn’t mean to draw blood. Which is moot in terms of whether his wife had a right to a divorce (so did he, he just didn’t want one).
You’ll note I already said I’ve attempted to read the thing btw.
What makes you think MY wife left me??
Been together for 28 years.
Accident? Really? You mean his hand just “slipped” when he struck his daughter hard enough to make her bleed because she wouldn’t stop licking him? And you want to make this argument after being so upset that Andrea Yates wasn’t jailed on account of insanity…
You don’t have to excuse child abuse, dude. Please find a better martyr. A little self-awareness would be nice too…
…And he killed himself. That was his decision. Don’t act like this was an execution.
I’m gonna go with these:
1. the use of violence and “threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes”. 2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization. 3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government. ter·ror·ist, noun 1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism. 2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
“threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes”.
Yup,,, That pretty much describes NOW
“What makes you think MY wife left me??”
…can you read? The only place you could’ve possibly pulled that question from (besides your ass) was when I said — “When dude, your wife left you, that’s her damned right.” — “dude” was clearly referring to Ball in context.
What, you mean this from Argenti?
Where she’s talking about Ball?
Alright, calm down and step away from the keyboard before you make yourself an even bigger ass.
You can’t do that,, women are “victims” remember.
Now you need one of —
in·tim·i·date, verb (used with object), in·tim·i·dat·ed, in·tim·i·dat·ing.
1. to make timid; fill with fear.
2. to overawe or cow, as through the force of personality or by superior display of wealth, talent, etc.
3. to force into or deter from some action by inducing fear: to intimidate a voter into staying away from the polls.
co·erce, verb (used with object), co·erced, co·erc·ing.
1. to compel by force, intimidation, or authority, especially without regard for individual desire or volition: They coerced him into signing the document.
2. to bring about through the use of force or other forms of compulsion; exact: to coerce obedience.
3. to dominate or control, especially by exploiting fear, anxiety, etc.: The state is based on successfully coercing the individual.
As well as one of —
threat, noun
1. a declaration of an intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, etc., in retaliation for, or conditionally upon, some action or course; menace: He confessed under the threat of imprisonment.
2. an indication or warning of probable trouble: The threat of a storm was in the air.
3. a person or thing that threatens.
Wait, what the hell? Now NOW is a terrorist organization because they organized activists to help elect people who agree with them?
What… I don’t… Huh?
“You can’t do that,, women are “victims” remember.”
Who can’t do what? You can’t manage to keep antecedents straight? (10:1 odds Paul doesn’t know what an antecedent is)
NOW is having a conference, so that’s… a threat of violence that terrifies you???
Also “,,” nice evolution of the double period!