antifeminism drama kings false accusations MRA reddit

The Men’s Rights subreddit: Fighting imaginary enemies, since 2008

To arms, Men’s Rights Redditors! Evil feminists are running riot on Wikipedia, deleting pages devoted to books by MRA hero Warren Farrell!


Oops. False alarm! Turns out WillToHave doesn’t quite understand how Wikipedia works. As one commenter pointed out several hours after the post went up, no pages about Farrell’s books have actually been deleted. The reason there are no pages about most of his books is … that no one has bothered to put any up yet.

D’oh! MRAs aren’t being oppressed by feminists; they’re being oppressed by their own laziness.

Of course, the only ones who know this are those who’ve bothered to actually read the comments. 15 hours after being totally debunked, the post, with its misleading headline, remains near the top of the Men’s Rights subreddit, with 142 net upvotes.

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Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I went to Foreign once and it wasn’t that exciting. Everyone spoke English and the only difference was it was really cold and they liked hockey a lot. The women didn’t seem particularly submissive, but then again, I didn’t really involve myself in their rustic courtship customs. I’m sure MRAs would have great luck securing a meek Foreign bride in the Foreign village of Onta-Rio.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Karalora – Oh, awesome. I got the French joke but didn’t know it was from Discworld. 🙂

12 years ago

Nanny Ogg. You gotta love her.

12 years ago

I’m guessing that bit’s from Witches Abroad then? I haven’t gotten around to any of the main witches books yet, unless you count Tiffany Aching. I may have to start in on them next, though. It’s between them and the Watch books.

12 years ago

Oh God, when I first read that I thought it said Will Farrel, and I was mortified that the MRM might find him a hero. I like Will Farrel! He was in Megamind! Close call there.

12 years ago

Yes, it’s from Witches Abroad.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Um, it might be that I’ve just been tearing apart glossary troll, but I think Aderyn was trying to say that MRAs sound a lot like anti-suffrage men did. That is — “their evilness, their ugliness, their rudeness, their failure to recognize the western man’s social and spiritual superiority” — doesn’t mean that Aderyn thinks women are these things, but thinks MRAs think women are evil, ugly, etc.

The part where they could just go marry foreign brides is wrong, but I think the general gist of that comment was pro-feminism. I might be reading it wrong, but that’s just not reading as “and I support them in this” more like “and they are assholes for these reasons”.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

western women – their evilness, their ugliness, their rudeness, their failure to recognize the western man’s social and spiritual superiority.

Yep, that’s me. Horrible, horrible, horrible.

Please, never try to date me.

12 years ago

I always wanted to visit Foreign. It seems like such a nice place with such a quaint way of life.

Plus, you know you’ll find a good woman because the people there believe in Twue Wuv!

Oh, FOReign! My mistake.

12 years ago

I’ve lived all over Foreign, and as it turns out women there aren’t on average any more attracted to men who make thinly veiled threats about hurting women as a group if they don’t get their way than women in the evil West are. Also, just FYI, they don’t tend to like it when you call them Foreign, especially if you’re in their country at the time.

12 years ago

skokieboki: Another problem with a lot of rape jokes is that so often they are treating rape as something that is just bound to happen and is part of a healthy man’s sex drive. Even worse, sometimes they appear to be contemplating whether something is really bad at all.

Not even jokes. I was in a back and forth with a woman on HuffPo who said that rape in prison is unavoidable (while admitting there are systems which have less, but then saying we can’t afford to emulate them because… rape in prison happens, and … the stupid, it burns). She then went on to say, “I don’t think anyone deserves to be raped, but if they commit a crime they just have to accept that they will be raped in prison; so if they don’t want to be raped, they shouldn’t commit crimes.

The circularity was amazingly painful.

12 years ago

I forgot to say that, of course, she was not making excuses for rape, it’s just inevitable and the only way to avoid it is to not go to jail… and we can’t afford to make it happen less, or prosecute jailers who abuse prisoners (which is what the article was about, female inmates being raped by male guards) because…

well just because. Rape happens, get over it.

I was far more polite than I wanted to be.

12 years ago

One of my coworkers moved here from Foreign. And married an American woman. EXPLAIN THAT, MRAS!!!!!

12 years ago

He’s a FOREIGN mangina.

12 years ago

Western women have no idea how rude they are because most of them have never lived in another country to see how other women act, and never been on the receiving end in the same way men have. Instead they say that men have an entitlement complex and just can’t handle not being worshipped. No, many of us are tired of women that act superior and assume right of way.

I can tell you that as a well educated man with plenty of resources, i have little to no interest in hooking up or marrying a Western woman. And since i make well over half a million dollars a year, i have plenty of options, in addition to being respectable looking.

Women in the Anglosphere also tend to lack culture and are emotionally immature, as a general rule. They absolutely do not compare to women i’ve dated in other countries. Women my age(33) in the country i live in(Australia) are no more intellectually and emotionally mature than the average 20 year old that i met while living in Ukraine many years ago, so what is my incentive for dating them? American women in big cities are exactly the same.

There are simply more attractive women O.S that are not enamoured with the world of pop culture. Even educated women in countries like America are obsessed with trash celebrity culture. It’s beyond a joke. Sorry but some of us think we are better than that and do not have to put up with it.

We don’t go ‘foreign’ because we are ‘desperate’. We are simply looking for a better deal.

12 years ago

Western women have no idea how rude they are because most of them have never lived in another country to see how other women act, and never been on the receiving end in the same way men have.

It’s true! In the West, women never speak to each other.

12 years ago

Which women have you been talking to?

I know this is all coming down to personal experience, but the people I choose to spend my time with are all emotionally and intellectually mature. If they weren’t, I wouldn’t choose to spend my time with them.

Many of them are… women! :-O

12 years ago

Kuis: I’ve lived in other countries. I can’t say I saw an overwhelming excess of politesse on the part of the women in them. In some places they were downright rude.

That’s speaking as a well-educated man with resources. That’s women in Ecuador, Ukraine, Germany, France, Canada, Scotland, England, and Korea, as well as by way of baseline, women in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Jersey City, Monterey, Seattle, Washington DC, Knoxville, Phoenix, and Oak Ridge.

And since i make well over half a million dollars a year, i have plenty of options, in addition to being respectable looking.

Unh-hunh. I’ll bet you’re, “well endowed, with more than ten inches of man-meat”. (bonus points to anyone who can spot the reference).

12 years ago

I can live with you not marrying or fucking me, Kuis, don’t worry. If you’ve find such happiness, why are you complaining to feminists on a blog?

12 years ago

Kuis, even with your qualifiers of “as a general rule”, you’re still generalizing about western women.

Even educated women in countries like America are obsessed with trash celebrity culture. It’s beyond a joke

See, you’re generalizing right there. Not all women like celebrity gossip and tabloids. You’re just a misogynist that likes to dismiss what women say and assume it’s all idle gossip and chatter. You forgot to compare a group of women talking to a brood of hens clucking. That’s a misogynist favorite.

I also want to know why specifically you say that western women are rude. Rudeness is subjective. Does rude to you mean not acting like a doormat?

12 years ago

@Kuis: All your crap about how awful “Western Women” are (and that usage is pure dee racist from the start), and how rich you are, and how wonderful “foreign” women are — yeah right.

I have one thing to say to you: YOUR MAMA!

12 years ago

@Kyrie: I KNOW! I mean, if one has found true and total happiness with one’s dollars and one’s fantasy foreign women, then why waste one’s times on random blogs lecturing the women there how eeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllll we are?

Makes me wonder if one is really that happy, really that rich, and really anything but a troll.

12 years ago

Ithiliana, we’re supposed to be crying right now because we’ve been rejected by someone as successful and handsome as Kuis. We’re supposed to say, “Oh no, please give us evil “Western women” a second chance! We’ll be submissive doormats from now on!”

Then we’d sing this song to him

12 years ago


Free piece of advice. Taunting people about all the reasons they should want you just tends to draw attention to the fact that they don’t. Now run on back to that FOREIGN VR (or the murky depths of your imagination) from whence you came