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The Men’s Rights subreddit: Fighting imaginary enemies, since 2008

To arms, Men’s Rights Redditors! Evil feminists are running riot on Wikipedia, deleting pages devoted to books by MRA hero Warren Farrell!


Oops. False alarm! Turns out WillToHave doesn’t quite understand how Wikipedia works. As one commenter pointed out several hours after the post went up, no pages about Farrell’s books have actually been deleted. The reason there are no pages about most of his books is … that no one has bothered to put any up yet.

D’oh! MRAs aren’t being oppressed by feminists; they’re being oppressed by their own laziness.

Of course, the only ones who know this are those who’ve bothered to actually read the comments. 15 hours after being totally debunked, the post, with its misleading headline, remains near the top of the Men’s Rights subreddit, with 142 net upvotes.

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12 years ago

Paul, if we call, and your wife picks up, maybe we’ll just talk to her instead?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

That’s goddamn horrible. Although I wonder what he thinks would happen if we talked to his “target.” I mean, we’re not going to OPEN with the false rape accusation, y’know? We’re going to have a conversation where it instantly becomes clear we’ve got the wrong guy and he’s never heard of this blog.

Maybe he did it because he figured feminists really would open with a false rape accusation and/or terrorist act? That’s my only guess.

12 years ago

Snowy: Paul was saying.. nothing much, and all of that was unrelated to anything in the post… well no: he is, as stated, fighting an imaginary enemy: The Pussy Pass.

You know, the one that had a woman sentenced, yesterday, to 13 years for killing her child here in Canada.

12 years ago

I just wonder what happens in Paul’s plan if he answers the phone.

MBZ: “Hello, I’m an internet feminist, is Patricia here?”

PH: “Don’t want to talk to a MAN, ey? Too used to talking to THE SCUM MANIFESTO while DIVORCING your CATS? Sounds a little MISANDRIST to me.”

MBZ: “No, you asked me to ask her for her.”

PH: “That’s because you have a MANGINA. Are you MARRIED, perchance?”

MBZ: “That’s none of your business.”

PH: “It became my business when you DELETED my WIKIPEDIA PAGE.”

MBZ: “What?”

PH: “Patricia, there’s a FEMINAZI on the phone who wants to talk to you.”

MBZ:”…Is Paul there?”

Patricia: “You were just speaking to him. He left just then to go to the police station. Y’know, just to meet up with some friends.”

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

In what world do police stations host Internet meetups, anyway? They’re not going to just give you a conference room.

12 years ago

I wonder, did Paul imagine any of were weak-willed enough that his childish posturing would lead us to give out our personal info, or was he just trying to fuck with his neighbor?

12 years ago

Oops, just read Bee’s bit on the actual PH situation. That’s really awful. Is this someone trying to weaponise those hostile feminists who false-accuse everybody then? I can’t believe someone can manage to be both that willfully detached from reality and that vindictive. One would be bad enough.

12 years ago

I know I have all my social functions at the local cop shop.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Lowquacks – The scary part is that it suggests they actually believe this “false accusation any time you make a woman angry” stuff. I thought they just used that line to abuse rape survivors. Freaks me out that this guy apparently takes it literally.

12 years ago

Cliff Pervocarcy:

That’s goddamn horrible. Although I wonder what he thinks would happen if we talked to his β€œtarget.” I mean, we’re not going to OPEN with the false rape accusation, y’know? We’re going to have a conversation where it instantly becomes clear we’ve got the wrong guy and he’s never heard of this blog.

Maybe he did it because he figured feminists really would open with a false rape accusation and/or terrorist act? That’s my only guess.

I think the basic idea is, we call this man, who is probably a neighbor or an acquaintance, and regardless of what we say, “Paul” here will have a story of how deranged feminists called and harassed some random guy just because he is male.

12 years ago

Man, I missed some complete bizarreness while I was away from the computer baking a pie for my dad. (I do these sorts of things because I hate all men, obviously. The pie tasted of misandry. Also key limes. But mostly misandry.)

Kirby and Lowquacks, your summations of what an in-person or phone conversation with our little troll here would sound like totally cracked me up. Well done!

12 years ago

The librarian revolution will be a democratic revolution. The people will rule; the librarians will simply make sure the five laws of S. R. Ranganathan are respected:

Books are for use.
Every reader his [or her] book.
Every book its reader.
Save the time of the reader.
The library is a growing organism.

(Just substitute whatever thing you’re into — comics, movies, photos, datasets, maps, posters, recordings of “Cielito Lindo” — for books, and you get the idea. Well, I guess sometimes you’ll have to change reader into something else. You get the idea.)

12 years ago

The librarian revolution will be a democratic revolution. The people will rule;

That’s only until the Dewey/Library-of-Congress factional violence breaks out.

12 years ago

Oh and I’m not afraid of this dude. Here’s who I am:

12 years ago

cloudiah, if you don’t know about this already, I think it may be of interest to you:

12 years ago

@lowquacks, So true, so sadly true.
@Dracula OMG, that makes me want to GO THE FUCK TO THE LIBRARY!

12 years ago

Okay, if I failed to notice you referencing the thing I just linked to, I’m going to be very embarrassed.

12 years ago

No, no, I am literally linking to a site called GO THE FUCK TO THE LIBRARY (so I can check that out).

12 years ago

Yeah, I got that. What I meant was I think that thing you quoted a few posts back is also quoted in Rex Libris, so that’s where my worry came from. Forgive my neurosis.

12 years ago

I’ve never read Rex Libris, and it looks cool. (Ranganathan and Panizzi are my heroes.)

I will forgive your neurosis, if you forgive mine. πŸ™‚

12 years ago

Consider it done. πŸ™‚

12 years ago

I’m imagining all the police stations in Massachusetts being full of random MRAs talking to people.

12 years ago

I don’t know how to react to what I’m seeing!

WOW, I guess I won!!!

What a debater!!!


Wasn’t there some MRA exhorting his comrades to introduce themselves and the MRM to the cops around them in an effort to protect themselves from false accusations from feminists? No matter how hard you try, you can’t out-ridiculous these dudes!

12 years ago

Wow, that was weird. What was Paul trying to prove, that he’s an actual human (with a wife) and not a spambot?

12 years ago

Paul: I have to ask, how many of you are married??

No, you don’t have to. You choose to. I, for one, don’t credit you with any good intention to the question.