To arms, Men’s Rights Redditors! Evil feminists are running riot on Wikipedia, deleting pages devoted to books by MRA hero Warren Farrell!
Oops. False alarm! Turns out WillToHave doesn’t quite understand how Wikipedia works. As one commenter pointed out several hours after the post went up, no pages about Farrell’s books have actually been deleted. The reason there are no pages about most of his books is … that no one has bothered to put any up yet.
D’oh! MRAs aren’t being oppressed by feminists; they’re being oppressed by their own laziness.
Of course, the only ones who know this are those who’ve bothered to actually read the comments. 15 hours after being totally debunked, the post, with its misleading headline, remains near the top of the Men’s Rights subreddit, with 142 net upvotes.
Yeah, Russell Brand has nothing on… oh I don’t know… Brad Pit.
Or is that Pitt? Eh, who cares. He’s hot.
Oh, yeah Brad Pitt! Also I wear high heels just so I can spit on men….
David Foster Wallace was a really bad writer!
Meh, Pitt’s alright, but he’s a lil short innit?
But but… He’s rich, isn’t he?
I know we’ve moved on from here, but where in all of the Cranky Man Internet did Paul find this?
The last time any of that would have been true was 1997.
Well sure he’s rich and good looking, but why go for two out of three when you can easily get all three, like with Idris Elba or something.
But but but… but…
I would make a terrible lady…
Ah well. Anyway, wasn’t Hugo Schweyzer the best? Too bad he was treated so badly by people… He was such an excellent blogger.
You guyz, I saw a You Tube clip once of this guy who was kind of famous, who some people think is cute, but I wasn’t attracted to him!!!!!! I must think I’m amazing or something!!!!
Shadow: Idris Elba, whew, fans self. Have you seen Luther?
Russell Brand is creepy. That’s the worst thing you can call a man, amirite?
My boyfriend has one deformed eye. It’s a shame. Really ruins his appearance. If he weren’t so tall I could never be attracted to him.
Schwyzer was okay when he was talking shit about men, but then he went and fucked it up by being mean to a woman
I haven’t! I have it, but haven’t had time to start it yet. I’ve heard mixed review about it, but after Stringer Bell I wonder if people just set the bar ridiculously high for him
Shadow: season one is pretty amazing. Season two strains credulity in a few places, but Elba is still great. He and Ruth Wilson have crazy chemistry.
Short guys? They are the worst. Especially if they have morning and evening heights. Like fucking gremlins, they are.
Oh God, you know what’s fun? When guys ask me for dates and I get to turn them down. I swear, it’s like this little head rush. It just reminds me how much more important I am than them.
Oh God, you know what’s fun? When guys ask me for dates and I get to turn them down. I swear, it’s like this little head rush. It just reminds me how much more important I am than them.
When was the last time a “guy” asked YOU out??
This clown takes comma abuse to a whole new level.
Paul seems to be a real person who is not 19, FWIW.
Also, I’m on vacation! the house I’m at has bunnies. Not pet bunnies, bunnies running around in the back yard. In the daytime, even.
“This clown takes comma abuse to a whole new level.”
Please, if that’s what you consider “abuse” no wonder there are so many men in jail.
Sort of like what women consider “abuse” when they call the cop’s.
“oh, he made me scared”!
Paul, why is guy in scare quotes?
Wow, apostrophe abuse, too. Why can’t these MRA dipshits ever punctuate properly?
Careful Paul, or we’ll sic the grammar police on you.
Literally an hour ago. We’re on for Thursday.
Sorry to derail your “I’ll rub her nose in how Forever Alone she is” fantasies. Dont’ worry, it would’ve been nice and petty if I happened to be single!