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The Men’s Rights subreddit: Fighting imaginary enemies, since 2008

To arms, Men’s Rights Redditors! Evil feminists are running riot on Wikipedia, deleting pages devoted to books by MRA hero Warren Farrell!


Oops. False alarm! Turns out WillToHave doesn’t quite understand how Wikipedia works. As one commenter pointed out several hours after the post went up, no pages about Farrell’s books have actually been deleted. The reason there are no pages about most of his books is … that no one has bothered to put any up yet.

D’oh! MRAs aren’t being oppressed by feminists; they’re being oppressed by their own laziness.

Of course, the only ones who know this are those who’ve bothered to actually read the comments. 15 hours after being totally debunked, the post, with its misleading headline, remains near the top of the Men’s Rights subreddit, with 142 net upvotes.

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12 years ago

What’s with the, “prove you mean it”? Really, what is the difference between you shouting incoherently here, and shouting incoherently at a police station in Edmonton?

Why would I want to spend money to hear you blither? It’s not as if I’m actually hiding who I am. It’s not as if I’ve not crossed the country to talk about things I believe; but when I have the people who wanted to hear me paid me for coming.

So, round trip tickets, hotel, food, and an honorarium. You’ll need to rent a hall, and advertise the event. Those are the minimum requirements for my appearance.

12 years ago

WTF was that? Who is Paul? Why should I care? Why in the world would I want to call him? Why is he so unclear on just where he lives?

12 years ago

Ahh, I see. In Paul’s mind, if you rant and rave on random topics in a forum, and you get moderated or banned, that means you’ve won! You’ve shown how your enemy silences opinions, and is generally evil and slimey and icky!

Kind of weird that getting banned would be a badge of honor… Though Paul really could have just said from the beginning “I want you to ban me.” I’m sure Futrelle could have happily obliged.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Worcester is just about an hour from the center of Boston guys… (got lost there once leading to a wonderful conversation with my mother about how to get out of worcester sauce, was much funnier than fighting about how to pronounce Worcester)

Don’t worry kirbywarp, it isn’t the water, my ex-fiance’s brother lives in MA, and he’s nothing like an MRA.

“WOW, I’m calling you out with my personal information and you wont stand up to me by providing the same!”

*shudder* or maybe we have reasons that have nothing to do with you? Like, idk, a stalker ex I don’t want finding me? Do you get that this is indexed and google searchable?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Really, what is the difference between you shouting incoherently here, and shouting incoherently at a police station in Edmonton?”

Oh there’s a difference alright, one of those might get him arrested, which is probably the goal because then he can claim he was arrested just because he disagreed with women.

Hint Paul — yelling in front of cops is a bad idea (actually, questioning them at all is, but this is neither the time nor the place for that story).

12 years ago

Worcester also has the Higgins Armory Museum, and a pretty nice Fechtschule.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Well, I’m bored, so I went digging, and it looks like our Paul could actually be who he claims (either that or they have remarkably similar views) — an example or two. And it would be against charter’s acceptable use policy to be impersonating someone…doesn’t mean he isn’t, but I think he’s legit (of course, great, now we know for sure who this asshole is, that matters in what manner exactly?)

Pecunium — I’m sure Worcester is lovely if it isn’t where you happened to screw up the Mass turnpike. As it was I needed to be an hour away and this was before cell phones to explain that I’d be late, and before GPS, google maps, etc. And of-fucking-course my map didn’t have the directions back to the highway in any comprehensible fashion. This is basically the case every time my mother goes anywhere, she got lost in Hartford last time I was up there (twice, the second time nearly ending up in MA before she’d believe me that she was too far north and heading north >.< )

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

There are a lot of sexists in MA, but I mean, there are a lot of sexists everywhere. I’m glad I’ve yet to meet someone who actually claims to be an MRA though. There are a bunch of libertarians around here too who all conveniently oppose programs which help women, POC, people with disabilities, etc, because they’re white, straight, cis, able-bodied men who don’t benefit from such programs therefore it’s easy to pretend they don’t matter.

Worcester… ehh, the Palladium was really fun when I was younger. I saw a lot of bands there. But there isn’t a chance in hell I’m driving there to meet a 52 year old man to have a conversation when he can’t even seem to type a coherent thought.

As for the actual points he was pasting from other websites, I think he’s confusing PMS with PMDD. Also, depression is a real thing. Sometimes men kill because of depression and other mental illness too. Using depression in court is not a gender exclusive phenomenon. A lot of people plead insanity.

He also wants to pretend that men don’t get beaten into submission or beaten down until they do unthinkable things. I guess he’s never heard of women whose abusive s.o.’s track them down and drag them back home. Nope, never happens in Paul’s world.

I’m sure if I had the patience and desire I could come up with at least 12 men who have beat murder charges and create similar reasons why as if there was some sexist conspiracy.

Western women have no idea how rude they are because most of them have never lived in another country to see how other women act, and never been on the receiving end in the same way men have. Instead they say that men have an entitlement complex and just can’t handle not being worshipped. No, many of us are tired of women that act superior and assume right of way.

You’re telling me a man has never been rude to me? Men have never called me fat or ugly? Men have never called me a slut or a bitch? Men have never laughed at me? Men have never use me, left me hanging, purposely hurt me? Dude you are living in a fantasy world if you think that men can’t/don’t dish out the same rudeness that women can/do.

I get the feeling that this guy chooses to date women who are only concerned about their looks and holds women up to ridiculously high physical standards, and is then perplexed that they have nothing to say. Durrr, if you teach someone that their worth is in applying makeup, doing their hair, and going to the gym, they’re less likely to value their intelligence. But I also get the feeling that what he really wants is a submissive women who lets him do all the talking while she smiles and nods. He doesn’t actually want an intelligent woman, just someone who makes him feel intelligent.

Regardless, any time I hear someone talk like this on a blog like he did about his wealth and looks and whatnot I always assume they’re referring to their Sim.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
12 years ago

You know, I don’t give out my personal information on the internet for the same reason I don’t give strangers my wallet. I think it’s prudent,and it’s common sense. The fact the Paul has neither prudence nor common sense is nobody’s fault but his own. David is being kinder than Paul can imagine by deleting his information.

I think his reason for demanding a meet-up is probably 1) he knows no one will take him up on it and 2) he imagines that, as unfuckable cat-women or effeminate men, we would undoubtedly present as such in a meet-up, thereby proving…whatever point he’s trying to make. Either way, boo-yah, he wins–which is really what it’s all about, amirite?

Meanwhile, life goes on as before. Another day, another troll spouting the same tired old bullshit.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“The fact the Paul has neither prudence nor common sense is nobody’s fault but his own. David is being kinder than Paul can imagine by deleting his information.”

Just for the record here, I had no trouble finding his address while trying to find other comments by him — I don’t think he understands internet security at all. As every geek knows, it isn’t the computer part of security that fails, it’s the human part — Paul is a PICNIC (problem in chair, not in computer)
12 years ago

Oh, I understand internet security, I just have no fear of any of you.

By the way,,, You should watch this:

A woman exposes the entitlement mentality of feminists,,
12 years ago

12 years ago

More of “I LOVE THIS WOMAN”!!!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Oh, I understand internet security, I just have no fear of any of you.”

Oh look who’s back, thanks for proving your a PICNIC…let me guess, you’re running vista? Or better yet, XP still?

12 years ago

He doesn’t fear any of us. Nor anyone else who might read this.

More proof the “fears” of the MRM are baseless.

That, and more proof they don’t know what to be afraid of.

If someone really wants to harm me, they can. All they need is enough information to find me. That’s why, when someone looks at my flicker stream, none of the photos I’ve ever taken within 200 metres of where I live, are located where I live.

It’s why the most granular comments I make about location are the city I live in. The weakest link in that is my place of work, but if they have my name, there are ways to find that; and the only people really likely to want to harm me, are going to be able to find it.

Then again, I don’t have a regular work schedule, so it’s back to professionals, and a pro is going to find me in any case; because there are public records, they know how to access.

But he’s not afraid of us, because none of us are known professional killers.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I didn’t post the half of what was easily findable, since I was only looking for other comments to confirm/deny the consistency of his idiocy. He doesn’t need to fear us, but he should still probably fear the internets in general, who the fuck knows what kind of sick people are out there? (And Paul, if I’ve found the right Paul, your job will attract that type)

12 years ago

To be fair Argenti… It looks as if that career is a bit moribund. He’s certainly got less than stellar taste (or perhaps skill) in poetry.

But hey, he knows how to be rude on the internet, that’s gotta be worth something.

12 years ago

The commentariat here are probably not a problem.

You may wanna worry about fraudsters trying to pull some sort of identity theft scam, however, before you spew personal details all over the webotubes.

Stay safe!

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