JeremiahMRA’s call for lady murder wasn’t the only highlight (by which I mean lowlight) of that Fathers’ Day thread on The Spearhead. Towgunner also posted a rambling wall-of-text in which he offered some most intriguing thoughts on Fathers’ Day, economics, feminism, and ladies in general. Here’s are some excerpts, which I have taken the liberty of breaking into separate paragraphs:
Happy Oppressor’s day. I really like passive aggressive ruse by feminists who claim that housework is beneath them and thus oppressive. And yet, in honor of men and fathers, we have posts and articles discussing how fatherhood has “evolved”? …
Like everything from feminism it contradicts itself. If equality is to “liberate” women (from staying at home, oh the humanity!) and that staying at home is something pathetic, then why doesn’t that apply to all people? Under this new understanding, no one should be subjected to the indignity of staying at home. So why are women throwing temper tantrums yet nothing is said of men?
Uh, maybe the issue is that men and women should be able to decide if they want to stay at home, rather than being compelled to either work or stay home based on their gender. Not that this choice is really a choice for most people, as most mothers, like most fathers, have to work.
Worse, if there is a trend of men staying at home, then it is a disturbing trend indicative of the major structural perversions created by government intervention.
Watch out, you’re spilling conspiracy theory all over your misogyny.
Today, thanks to our “smarter” and “faster” women, we’re to believe that fulfillment is an internship at goldman sachs…and, oh by the way, all these longer hours “they” are paying you less…and less and less.
Because … feminists are responsible for long hours and stagnating wages?
And then women write books on how their disadvantaged from “asking for more money”, because they were brought up with dolls? Never once do they acknowledge that everyone is being paid less because since the government gave them “their chance” it created incredible amounts of malinvestment, which effectively bankrupted the US and the West.
Ah yes, “allowing” women to enter into the workforce – never mind that they’ve always been in the workforce in large numbers – somehow caused the financial crisis that led to our current malaise? Towgunner, please show your work here.
This is all to show that women can be a part of human progress. It pains them to no end when they flip through a history book and its one man after the next. I say that they did have their chance and look at the results – we will go through another crisis, likely a huge global reset and the US is, right now, a vastly different country (not for the better)…look at our culture we celebrate death and killing people…we hold the most decadent and immoral on high.
You do realize that men still basically run the economy, right? That as of 2011 there were only 12 female CEOs in the Fortune 500? That the overwhelming majority of economic movers and shakers, in governments and in the private sector, are men?
The women’s world is here, they do things not out of practical necessity but out of spite, Mother’s Day comes and they bemoan house wives, Father’s day comes and they point out that some men are staying home. There is nothing practical here, there is spite, there is insult, and there is hubris.
Women get jobs out of spite?
I don’t admire women, I don’t ever want to be one either, there is nothing noble about them. In fact I find it an insult to be called “equal” to them at all.
And a happy belated Fathers’ Day to you too, Towgunner!
This comment got me thinking about the old Martha and the Muffins song “Women Around the World at Work.” So here it is:
I don’t admire women, I don’t ever want to be one either, there is nothing noble about them. In fact I find it an insult to be called “equal” to them at all.
But they’re not a hate movement!
Literally lol’ed. On campus, too! Now the studenty folks are going to think I’m crazy!
Are NWO and Towgunner the same person? I swear I’ve heard this shit before.
I don’t ever want to be one either
… Was that an option? Like, he might accidentally become a woman?
I read that as “male investment” and thought “hey, that sounds about right.”
Did I seriously just use crazy like that? :-/ Sorry everybody, and me mentally ill myself. Sometimes when I’m super-exhausted I don’t think things through near enough.
It’s not like staying home and doing housework is an option any woman can cash in at any time. You gotta feed yourself somehow until an independently wealthy and generous man decides to take you for his wife.
I realize the ideal is that this happens immediately after high school (or during…), but we gotta have some sort of option in case there’s a delay.
What, are street corners are too hard for you to cry on now or something? Everyone knows only men get sore bottoms from sitting on hard surfaces.
I admit it: I spent the greater part of two decades getting college degrees, working multiple jobs, taking out student loans, living on between $5000-$7000 a year (this was a long time ago) just to get a job teaching English (I finally paid off my students loans when I turned 50) out of SPITE.
Just so I could walk around the place kicking the men in gutters, spending money on cat litter and other cat accoutrements and, well, cats, in a SPITEFUL fashion.
You got me.
I confess it all.
actually i got a doctorate so i could teach science fiction in college classes ahahahahahahahYep this is pretty horrid. I wonder how Towgunner and other MRAs here feel when they realize that the only reason they’re alive spouting hate on the internet today is because they leeched nutrients in their mother’s womb for 9 months, wreaked hell on their mother’s body only only then to push their big ugly heads out of their mother’s vagina.
But hey if you think this is bad you guys should check out the comments on the most recent spearhead article. Seems like one of their own (Rmaxed) is calling for violence. I think the comment was deleted. Either way it is barely being called out, in fact the tone there doesn’t seem to think its that big a deal.
But yeah…totes not a hate movement!
“I don’t admire women, I don’t ever want to be one either, there is nothing noble about them. In fact I find it an insult to be called “equal” to them at all.”
And MRAs have the nerve to declare the MRM is about equality. Bullshit. The mask slips, and we see how they really feel about women.
God, how many times has the masked slipped with these hateful asshats? I lost count at the 400th time. At least most people aren’t this horrid.
I will forever bless Tom Martin for making being butthurt an official part of the MRA political position.
In other news, women get jobs because they need to eat, not because they’re mean meanies who want to make men miserable.
It’s true; I get paid in spite. It’s how I pay my mortgage.
I get paid in spite, use shrillness to settle my phone bill and cover the rent with misandry.
Just getting to submissive-housewife status is risky in MRA-land, too.
First you gotta make sure the gentleman you’re wooing is a “women belong in the home!” MRA and not a “women shouldn’t expect me to support them!” MRA. (You gotta make extra sure he’s not one of the ones who somehow believe both.)
Then you gotta sleep with him! If you tell him you won’t have sex until marriage, he’ll be very upset that you’re evilly controlling his ability to have sex with you.
But once you sleep with him, you have to make sure he then marries you, because if he breaks up with you then you’re now damaged goods and no man will want a used woman.
But you can’t be too pushy because entrapping men in marriage is very very bad.
Oh, yeah, just remember while you’re playing this little game: if you fail at any point in this process, you starve! If he fails he maybe doesn’t get laid for a little while.
Those abolitionists are telling me I should pick my own damn cotton, these hypocrites! If cotton picking is not good enough for the slaves why should I have pick my own?
It’s almost as though if women don’t do all the chores at home *somebody* has to pick up the remaining work somehow.
“You got your conspiracy theories in my misogyny!”
“You got your misogyny in my conspiracy theories!”
I’m so indoctrinated by feminism that merely getting a job wasn’t spiteful enough for me. I had to start my own business. And then steal the one job that business created. From….
…I’ll get back to you on that one.
My business imports spite, btw. We’d get into “insults” and “hubris,” but, y’know, tariffs.
I work a pretty awesome customer service job (which ruined my everything today, but hopefully tomorrow will be better.) I’ve put in quite a few hours of overtime this pay period, taking advantage of every opportunity my manager has extended to me. This week is one of our absolute busiest service times, and I’m staying late every night except one. It’s good work, but fuck it’s exhausting when it’s nonstop like it was today.
But, dear J is probably right. I’m probably doing all of this work out of spite. So a man can’t work my (remarkably gender-typed) job! Hey Jer, want my job? It’s one of those cushy office positions the wimminz are always stealing, not a back-breaking manual job like men are forced to take. It’s fantastic. You’re cool with making maybe 1/2 — 2/3 the wages you’d be making on one of those back-breaking jobs, right?
You’re cool, also, if your entire job revolves around making other people happy? People who may dismiss your well-meant attempts to help them as the prattlings of someone neither informed enough, nor senior enough, to be worth their time? You’re cool with staying calm as someone yells at you because, already several thousand dollars in debt to your organisation, they aren’t permitted to dig a bigger hole?* Your manly ego can handle that, right buddy? We all already know your Rage-o-Meter never moves much past zero, so that will be an asset for you.
And if you can handle all that, surely you wouldn’t mind in the least if other people thought your job was something a monkey could do, yes? If folks told you that “you’re lucky you’re so pretty, so you can work a little job like this”? On that note, if people you are trying to help professionally called your voice “melifluous”, and complimented you on being so “statuesque”**? This is your dream job, isn’t it, and I’ve stolen it right out from under you! If only I didn’t have to eat, I could have surrendered it to you, the rightful candidate.
*Not a one-time occurence, by the way. One of the more common calls we receive.
**On the phone, of all things. I had no idea my voice conveyed height o_O.
If its not clear, by the way, I really enjoy my job. But I’m not a pulsing mass of ego, entitlement and rage, like JeremiahMRA.
Conspirary theories and misogyny: two good tastes that taste good together!
It’s the MRA Penis Bitter Cup!
@Dani Alexis: We’d get into “insults” and “hubris,” but, y’know, tariffs.
*spits water out nose*
*wipes self dry and applauds*
BWAH at MRA Penis Bitter Cup. Is that to be eaten in penis waving lock-step?
@Hellkell: Of course!
Or alone.
Penis Bitter Cups are good for ALL occasions.