antifeminism douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men rape jokes reddit that's not funny!

Men’s Rights Redditor: Rape jokes protect men from false rape accusations

How to get yourself upvoted on the Men’s Rights subreddit: Suggest that people making rape jokes help to protect men from false rape allegations. That at least seems to be the clear implication of this comment from DoctorStorm (hopefully not a real doctor):

How to get yourself downvoted on the Men’s Rights subreddit: Tell DoctorStorm that the reason you shouldn’t tell rape jokes is that some of those in your audience may be rape victims, and that as a decent human being you might just want to be a tiny bit concerned about their feelings:

Douchebaggery towards rape victims: it’s a Men’s Right!

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12 years ago

Well, it’s well known that consequences are misandric.

12 years ago


Hey!!! That’s a legit issue! Typical feminist…I’m going to start a blog called The False Castration Society…that’ll learn ya!

12 years ago

“False castration accusations”… would that be related to the Freudian theory that little girls believed their mothers cut their penises and testicles off, causing them to want to marry their fathers?

I would ask what the hell Freud was on, except we all know it was cocaine.

12 years ago


And topple our matriarchy, I DON’T THINK SO!! *sends in black choppers*


I believe it entails women (because let’s face it, men are too honourable for that) falsely claiming that a woman or man has a castrated a cis man, even though everything’s just hanging. Naturally this results in severe traumatisation for the accused, and the befuddled non-castrated man, while the woman cackles evilly and is given a recording contract and an Oscar.

12 years ago


I think someone who convinced a court that someone else’s (very existing) testicles are not there would deserve an award for audacity and bullshitting – and then arrested for perjury once the reality of the balls has been verified at a later date.

12 years ago

Controlling hate speech is thought-policing? Worst Orwellian interpretation ever. I sincerely hope none of these guys are lawyers. Bleating the First Amendment is a weak defense when they’ve already been red flagged as a hate group.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

If a guy thinks it’s fine to joke about rape, chances are good that he’s a sick bastard. JMO.

12 years ago

Why do they want to joke about rape so badly anyway? Is it really that funny?

Look, none of these scenes contain rape jokes, and they`re hilarious.

Christine Noble
12 years ago

So, these clowns have never read the pages upon pages of literature that explain that rape culture hurts men as well and not just in the obvious way that the men that do get raped blame themselves just as much as women do?

12 years ago

It kind of bugs me when people bring up triggering survivors as THE reason people shouldn’t make rape jokes. Maybe it doesn’t trigger flashbacks or cause panic attacks, maybe it just makes survivors feel like shit. Maybe it just signals to them that you can’t be trusted to offer support when they need you. Maybe it signals to rapists that they can expect your support, that what they did wasn’t so bad, that their actions and attitudes are normal.

I don’t expect that would make much difference to MRAs who’ve more or less made up their minds to just support rapists outright. But for guys who say they don’t, remember the point of a joke is to laugh and have fun. If your joke makes people feel shitty your joke has failed. If your friends enjoy poking fun at survivors of assault, you might want to rethink some of those relationships.

12 years ago

No talk about rape here either!

12 years ago

I read this male rape survivor’s comic a couple of weeks ago, I don’t know if anyone’s posted it here yet:

12 years ago

I just don’t get how trigger warnings are a form of censorship when they’re the frigging opposite: clear labels. Would these people go into the supermarket and pull all the labels off the tins because knowing what you’re eating takes the fun out of it or whatever, and if someone with an allergy ends up in a coma then it’s unfortunate and all but better than LANGUAGE CONTROL

12 years ago

Um, Crumbelievable, that was pretty funny, at least for this Canadian. Do you giggle when you say Regina?

12 years ago

Oh, wait, you weren’t being sarcastic. oops. Thanks for posting that!

12 years ago

It`s nice to know MRAs` priorities

1) Physically retaliate against abusive women

2) Laugh at rape victims

3) End misandry

12 years ago

You have the freedom of speech to make rape jokes.

I have the freedom of speech to disagree with you and think that you are behaving like a horrible person.

If enough people agree with me, then it isn’t much of a joke, now is it?

Therefore, rape jokes? Not funny. Not jokes.

12 years ago

Also, I do not have to respect the beliefs of others.

I can respect the rights of others to have their own beliefs.

But there is no law, and no rule that says that I have to ACCEPT someone’s putrid or vile belief just because THEY have it.

So no, you don’t get the right to make rape jokes and then have me go “cool bro, I respect your belief.”

I have the same right as you to say things you don’t like. Only I think that in my case, I’m right- rape jokes are in poor taste and they’re not funny.

12 years ago

I agree with that feeling, Nezumi. While Triggers are a huge and obvious reason not to do this kind of horrible ‘joke’, it certainly is not the only one. Myself, I never was the victim of any assault, and yet it really disturb me to hear such, even if only for the terrible ideas it shows the speaker to have.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I think the worst thing about rape jokes actually isn’t the people who are hurt by hearing them, but the people who are encouraged by hearing them. Most guys aren’t rapists, but jokes about “ha ha, she’s gonna get raped” and the like send a message to rapists–what you do is socially acceptable and no big deal, other guys will totally understand why you did it.

12 years ago

I read this male rape survivor’s comic a couple of weeks ago, I don’t know if anyone’s posted it here yet:

I hadn’t seen that one yet; thanks for sharing it.

12 years ago

End separation of children from fathers by telling bad father jokes.

Why did the mra get to his visitation early.
He wanted to have enough time to slap his kids around before going to work at the coal mine.

12 years ago

RE: Anna

Thanks for that! I hadn’t seen it before, and it’s really hard for me to find the stories of other male rape survivors.

Also, I tend to dislike the word trigger myself, but I thought it was common human decency that if something you say upsets a lot of people with no real pay-off, it wasn’t worth it.

So, like, if someone explains to me that something in my belief system is wrong, that might upset me, but the pay-off is that I realize I’m wrong and correct my behavior.

Rape jokes? What’s the pay-off, really?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“What’s the pay-off, really?”

…bonding over how hilarious rape is. In other words, giving your buddies implicit knowledge you’ll side with them if they rape someone…which is disgusting.

12 years ago

if something you say upsets a lot of people with no real pay-off, it wasn’t worth it.

I think for these guys, the fact that it upsets people is the payoff. It’s a power trip–with mere words, they can hurt people and make them afraid. But they can’t admit that’s why they do it and still maintain their pretense of nobility, so they try to paint the people they hurt as the villains, e.g. whining about “censorship.”