men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead threats

A Father’s Day message from JeremiahMRA on The Spearhead [TW: murder threat]

Happy Fathers’ Day, everyone! Our old friend JeremiahMRA/Things Are Bad is celebrating the day with, well, it looks like a suggestion that divorced men with kids who don’t like their visitation arrangements should murder their ex-wives. Naturally, he gets upvotes for this lovely sentiment from the Spearhead regulars:

And a happy Father’s Day to you too, Jeremiah.

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12 years ago

I’d like to hear the commentors here admit it: Some women suck. Some women are evil.

Some women suck. Some women are evil. Some women are terrible mothers.

So… what happens now?

12 years ago

Some women suck. Some women are evil. Some women are terrible mothers.

So… what happens now?

Since Charlotte hails from The Spearhead, i’m guessing we have to get our Brian McKnight on and start back at one with “Some women suck”

12 years ago

So… what happens now?

Charlotte’s mind is blown, worldview is crumbled, and typing fingers are rendered useless, because that was such a gotcha.

12 years ago

Some women suck. Some women are abusive in every possible way (my best friend’s mother was one). Women are human beings, so the are capable of the best and worst of humanity, just as men are.

And none of that changes one little bit the statistics re: rape, abuse, domestic violence, murder by men.

If you don’t understand by now that feminism is against women being put on pedastals, or pedastels, or however it’s spelled (some women are too lazy to google), then you don’t understand feminism.

And isn’t it nice that women how have choices, and aren’t forced into marriage/motherhood which, in the past, often resulted in the children of such forced marriages being abused.

12 years ago

…i’m guessing we have to get our Brian McKnight on and start back at one with “Some women suck”

This just made my night.

12 years ago

According to my father, my mother was a terrible horrible human being who drove him to sleep with a graduate student, embezzle money so he and said graduate student could hang out in nice hotels, and refused to let his lawyer represent her in the divorce he wanted. She also put him through to his doctorate, and spent her whole life working to create the family and lifestyle he wanted for his profession. Yep, a terrible horrible person.

After the divorce, he said we could only see him if we never talked about her or the past with her.

After the divorce, she never said a word against him and encouraged us to see him all he would allow (which wasn’t much, see above).

12 years ago

“Since Charlotte hails from The Spearhead, i’m guessing we have to get our Brian McKnight on and start back at one with “Some women suck””

I am literally smiling right now.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I don’t know what is more pathetic—that Owly believes the hateful stupid shit he spouts, or that he considers the spouting of it to be part of a productive and fulfilling day.

extraterrestrial biological entity princess

I made the same point as CharlotteCollins-both men and women, and both mothers and fathers, can be evil and be abusers. Both men and women can be saints. That’s humans being human, not a matter of gender.
@CharlotteCollins- you and your siblings and your father have my sympathy. That’s not sarcasm, I really mean it. Nobody should have to go thru that. Your mother was evil. But that does not mean that all women are evil, or that all mothers who get divorced are evil. It also does not undermine feminism. It also does not justify bigotry against women or making death threats.

12 years ago

I’d like to hear the commentors here admit it: Some women suck. Some women are evil.

Okee doke. Some women suck. That was easy.

Don”t believe it? Is your default setting “oh poor woman abused by evil man?”. Open your fucking eyes.

*snort* I really love when idiots try to “gotcha” us. Seriously, no one here aside from the trolls believes one gender has a monopoly on being assholes. Some women are great, some women are shitty, some men are great, some men are shitty, some people off the gender binary are great, some people off the gender binary are shitty, because all of those people are people, and that’s the fucking point of feminism.

12 years ago

Also, some blockquotes are shitty. Sigh.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Long as we have one of their number among us, it amuses me to no end that those jackasses who are trying to drag us kicking and screaming back into the kitchen call themselves ‘shield maidens’. You idiots know that that was one of the terms applied retroactively for viking women, right? The ones who went out and kicked ass for their gods and for plunder, because that’s what a good viking does, gender be damned, right?

Of course you don’t. You just thought it sounds cool. Antifeminist fools can be pretty hilarious XD

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Yep, another sick bastard. There seems to be an over abundance of them.

12 years ago

One, you know that women suck,
Two, they don’t all want to fuck,
Three, cause it’s plain to see,
They make false claims and then go free…

12 years ago

In my state the woman does not “get together” with anybody, it’s all a formula that the judge applies. She has no more say than the husband does. It’s what his financial condition looks like to the judge according to the formula as it is applied at the time of final orders. If a man is that destitute I have a suggestion that would probably work more often than not in my state at least: file a motion to amend the support order pro se if he can’t afford a lawyer. The trick here is that the man will have to a) refrain from spouting insulting terms like ‘cunt’ and ‘bitch’, b) have to state the facts clearly like an algebra story problem and make it easy to see the problem in paying, c) bring documentation, and d) respect the dignity of the court by leaving MRA conspiracy theories at home and stick to calm facts, using only enough emotion to arouse sympathy and understanding. These caveats will be difficult for many MRAers I know, but it can be done. I’m not saying go without a lawyer, only that if you can’t get a lawyer that doesn’t need to stop you. Also do not wait till large arrears build up – make your case right away.

12 years ago

@CharlotteCollins: “Your refusal to understand that a small percentage of women SUCK HARD ASS undermines your whole argument. You have no problem acknowledging that a small percentage of men well and truly suck, but guess what? So do women. ”

Where to begin? No one here has ever said that all women are good people. But that is not what we find on many of the MRA sites. We instead find repeated assertions that ALL women are “like that” – evil, incompetent, dirty, irresponsible, whores. A few admit that there may be some exceptions in general, but have a hard time citing any specific examples.

We see frequent clarion calls to remove rights such as voting, employment, and property ownership from all women, and arguments that men in general should have the right to keep “their” women “in line” with violence if they feel the need.

Don’t you remember the defense of Josh Powell over on the Spearhead? That she must’ve pushed him over the edge? What about this? – do you agree? How about this? Or this?

Besides, the MRAs don’t accuse us of acknowledging that “a small percentage of men well and truly suck” – they insist that we hate and persecute them all. Do you believe that?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Oh look, another thread NWO is just plain wrong on.

“If the father of your children doesn’t want you to see the kids and it makes you step completely away from your kids, then the problem is not the father it’s you.

Would women find that acceptable?”

In approximately equal numbers to the number of men that would agree with what Kyrie said, yes. Way to miss the point (again). If you care about and love your kids, your ex saying ze doesn’t want you to see them will not be met with “well fine, I won’t then!” like that’s somehow going to hurt your ex. Your ex being stubborn, selfish or down right rude doesn’t negate that you’re using your kids as a bargaining clip by refusing to see them.

“‘How many children of divorce actually don’t see their biological fathers on Father’s Day’
I know the punchline to this joke! ‘Whenever the mother doesn’t let them.'”

Wrong again, correct answer is — you mean besides abusive father’s who’ve been denied custody for the safety of the kids? Probably not many, and they have my sympathy. But you’re thinking no man could be abusive because all men have a right to hit their wife and kids, eh now NWO?

“Well, one non-abusive father denied equal custody when he wants it is one too many. ”

Fixed that for you.

“‘Seeing your kids on father’s day isn’t, and never will be, the default state, because kids move away from home. Do these idiots realize kids are still your kids when they are not minors?’

Excellent observation. Perhaps all men should simply just pay child support while being forbidden to see their children until they’ve grown. For a safer more secure empire.”

Can you translate that into English? Rutee’s point was simply that most children are going to move away from home, many of them to colleges in other states, thus preventing face-to-face communication. It’s got fuck all to do child support.

CharlotteCollins — Some women are terrible evil people, some men are terrible evil people, some non-gender binaries are terrible evil people. You were going for a GOTCHA! there huh? Nobody here thinks women should be allowed to abuse their kids, nobody.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

non-abusive fathers denied equal custody is not a tragedy. Abusive or not, not every dad puts in the same effort at childcare. In a sexist society wherein childcare is considered to be ‘women’s work’, a lot of dads just don’t bother to learn and let the woman take car eof that shit for them. You can’t then wait for the divorce to say these men are ‘equal as parents’. They’re not actively harmful, sure, but if they lazed about during the marriage, they’re quite simply not equally good caretakers to dads or moms who put the time in before a divorce.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

“equally good caretakers as”, rather.

12 years ago

I’d like to hear the commentors here admit it: Some women suck. Some women are evil. Some women are cold, calculating, hard-hearted unconscientious monsters who DO NOT DESERVE ONE IOTA of your sympathy. They are beneath contempt.

Oh no, Charlotte, oh no! All these bad women that are out there! What should we do to counteract their influence? Is it not trust any woman ever again? (Guys, I bet it’s not trust any woman ever again.)

12 years ago

“I’d like to hear the commentors here admit it: Some women suck. Some women are evil.”

We acknowledge this all the time, dipshit.

Now, how many times do you hear the “ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES” bit over at the Spearhead? ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

On Manboobz, I have never heard “ALL MEN ARE ASSHOLES.” NEVER.

I think intelligent people know that some men/women are good, and some men/women are bad. We shouldn’t have to clarify what is a common known fact to put your doubts about this site at ease. You probably have a preconceived notion of “feminist = bad” before you even came to this site, and I doubt you can ready anything hear with an open mind. If you’re trying to catch us in a lie, or “prove” that Manboobz hates men = FAIL.

12 years ago

* read anything here

12 years ago

You know what, Charlotte? I don’t need to use “some women are shitty people too” as a qualifier in order to state that a guy who thinks vigilante “justice” is good way for men to settle custody disputes is a shitty person.

12 years ago

I’d like to hear the commentators here admit it: Some women suck. Some women are evil. Some women are cold, calculating, hard-hearted unconscientious monsters who DO NOT DESERVE ONE IOTA of your sympathy. They are beneath contempt.

No, you actually would not like to hear it since you never bother to read anything anyone says. At least Ruby occasionally does. Well okay once in a blue moon but more often than you.

12 years ago

Here’s an example of what happened when a guy thought vigilante “justice” was a good way to settle a custody dispute. Please note that he actually had primary custody of their son; he was trying to cut his ex-wife out entirely. She was fighting it, so he killed her and seven other people (collateral damage, amirite). Poor guy. Misandry!

Sorry I missed the hit-and-run spearmaiden troll.