men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead threats

A Father’s Day message from JeremiahMRA on The Spearhead [TW: murder threat]

Happy Fathers’ Day, everyone! Our old friend JeremiahMRA/Things Are Bad is celebrating the day with, well, it looks like a suggestion that divorced men with kids who don’t like their visitation arrangements should murder their ex-wives. Naturally, he gets upvotes for this lovely sentiment from the Spearhead regulars:

And a happy Father’s Day to you too, Jeremiah.

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12 years ago

Sorry, it all kind of runs together. AVFM just routinely calls for murder and rape of women and girls then, with tissue thin “plausible deniability”.

12 years ago

“How many children of divorce actually don’t see their biological fathers on Father’s Day?”

I know the punchline to this joke! “Whenever the mother doesn’t let them.”

12 years ago

Oh sorry, I should have specified: of those children of divorce who are still kids, and who live close to their fathers, how many don’t see their dads on Father’s Day? I honestly don’t know. Given that only very few parents are denied visitation of some sort, though, I suspect it wouldn’t be many.

12 years ago

“Given that only very few parents are denied visitation of some sort, though, I suspect it wouldn’t be many.”

Helllllooooo. Isn’t one rape one too many? Well, one father denied equal custody when he wants it is one too many. The difference is, rape is a crime, kidnapping and extortion is also a crime but it’s enforced by the State upon request of a woman. How’d that happen?

12 years ago

You know, there are the occasional mothers out there who refuse to let the father see the kid out of spite. Generally though there is a lot more going on than “I am the perfect father and husband and she is just a harridan shrew hell beast.” Even in the cases of the mother seemingly doing it out of spite, there is more to the story.

What should be done is teaching boys that when they grow up they can be a hands on father-it is trending that way but it would be best and too few fathers these days still do not get they should be more involved in the grunt work of being a parent.

12 years ago

“Didn’t they call that slavery back in the old days? “Yessum massah, ah doos as ahm told.”

Wow. So having a court ordered custody agreement and child support obligations are the same as being an African slave, kidnapped, chained below deck on a boat, and then sold away from your family and forced to do hard labor until you dropped dead. Yeah, you poor MRAs have it soooooo bad. Nobody on earth knows true suffering except you guys. Wah wah wah.

12 years ago

Didin’t take me long at all so I must be supereffecient. I also did a bit of online horseracing, played an old computer game and chipped away at the pedestal women place themselves upon.

LOLOL!!! aww…he thinks his trolling is somehow hurting women. That’s adorable NWO, don’t work too hard chipping away at that pedestal now! remember to drink plenty of water in between keyboard mashing sessions.

12 years ago

NWO is a giant delusional liar. Most dads who do the work to get custody are successful. But him recognizing that would chip away at the cross he has himself nailed to.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Excellent observation. Perhaps all men should simply just pay child support while being forbidden to see their children until they’ve grown. For a safer more secure empire.

ARe you illiterate? Oh wait, it’s the milkboy, we know the answer.

12 years ago

I think NWO’s about to get really fucking surly. Father’s Day must be a real sore spot.

12 years ago

If a woman was being problematic and tried to keep my children from me, I’d do one of two things: refuse to see the kids and refuse all support

Wait, his ex is keeping the kids from him and begging for him to see them?

12 years ago
12 years ago

“Given that only very few parents are denied visitation of some sort, though, I suspect it wouldn’t be many.”

Helllllooooo. Isn’t one rape one too many? Well, one father denied equal custody when he wants it is one too many. The difference is, rape is a crime, kidnapping and extortion is also a crime but it’s enforced by the State upon request of a woman. How’d that happen?

Oh gosh, NWO, I’m sorry! You’ve lost the “make a point vaguely related to the thing you’re quoting” game. No teddy bears for you :(.

12 years ago


I always respected Arsenio for always standing by Magic. Now I have another reason to respect him.

12 years ago

I think a lot of these guys just cannot be bothered with the work it takes to sort out custody arrangements and think that they should be able to see the kids whenever it suits them. Then when theyre told they need formal arrangements they throw up their hands, proclaim it’s too hard and then complain about how their ‘bitch of an ex stole my kids’

extraterrestrial biological entity princess

A person of any gender can be a wonderful parent, an abusing parent, and all variations in between. If a father or mother wants to keep the other parent away from the kids, often it’s because the other parent is doing things that are harmful to the kids. Occasionally people getting divorced will put a desire to hurt their spouse ahead of the kids well-being, or a parent will give the impression of being reasonable or a good parent when they aren’t. That happens because people are human beings and unfortunately, most judges aren’t telepaths. It’s not a gender conspiracy. Never assume conspiracy when something can be explained by stupidity.

12 years ago

Or theyre like my Dad, who realised parenting was a lot harder when no one was around to cook and clean for us, and that he still had to look after us when the game was on/his buddies were there/he was hungover. He just stopped having visits.

12 years ago

I would ask Slavey if there’s an exception made for abusers in his “every father denied access to his kids is a tragedy” belief, but I’m pretty sure I already know the answer.

12 years ago

You may not want to hear this, but I was a child of one of these acrimonious divorces. My mother outright point blank lied to us about our Dad (said he walked away, abandoned his children to starve and never once mentioned the restraining order she had enforced), and for many years, succeeded in poisoning the relationship between my dad and his four children.

When my Dad would show up to take us for ice cream, she would scream and run around the neighborhood acting like he was trying to kill her, scaring the shit out of us and getting all the neighbors to believe he was dangerous.

And guess who used to beat the shit out of us when we were kids? Whipped with wooden spoons, leather belts, extension cords, tree branches, lengths of rope? Daddy? Nope. He never touched us. That would be Mommy.

These women exist. They are evil. One of them was my mother. Your refusal to understand that a small percentage of women SUCK HARD ASS undermines your whole argument. You have no problem acknowledging that a small percentage of men well and truly suck, but guess what? So do women.

There are women who are nasty vermin, and at the Spearhead, you will hear the experiences of the men who married these shrews. I was a child in one of these relationships.

I’d like to hear the commentors here admit it: Some women suck. Some women are evil. Some women are cold, calculating, hard-hearted unconscientious monsters who DO NOT DESERVE ONE IOTA of your sympathy. They are beneath contempt.

Don”t believe it? Is your default setting “oh poor woman abused by evil man?”. Open your fucking eyes. Equality means that you have to acknowledge the WORST of men is identical to the WORST of women.

How many men are spending Father’s Day away from the children they love and cherish EVERY FUCKING BIT as much as any woman does? And you want to blame them?

This is a day of mourning. For Daddy’s who want nothing more than to feel the warm arms of their babies around their necks, but are prevented from doing so. For some, it’s their fault. For many, it’s no one fault at all – it’s just life. And for some, it’s because a woman is evil and will stop at nothing to destroy a man, and to hell with the collateral damages.

When you acknowledge that the worst of men is the worst of women, maybe you will understand the pain and rage of the men you so callously mock.

For shame.

12 years ago

No one here has EVER claimed that women don’t or can’t be abusive. We need admit nothing because you can’t fucking read.

12 years ago

Oh, and Charlotte? When a manchild keyboard warrior says he’d kill his ex, I’m going to mock the everloving shit out of that.

Now run along back to whence you came for your headpats so you can feel exceptional.

12 years ago

Some women do suck. Some women are abusers or child molesters or rapists or racists or transphobes or murderers or anything else that is horrible, because women are people and some people suck. Admitting that does not undermine feminism at all. If you think the regular posters here think all women are perfect then you haven’t been reading this blog.

Also, the fact that some women are indeed horrible does not make it okay for people to generalize that to all women, and it definitely does not make it okay to threaten to murder someone.

12 years ago

@Charlotte- Yes, some women suck. Full stop.

12 years ago

Didin’t take me long at all so I must be supereffecient. I also did a bit of online horseracing, played an old computer game and chipped away at the pedestal women place themselves upon.

Well it’s a really good thing you didn’t have any children around then isn’t it? Because, you know, as delightful as they can be children have a knack for mucking up chore-doing efficiency. They interrupt, they get underfoot, they have to be kept away from potentially dangerous things like lawn lowers. Sometimes they spill grape juice in the kitchen while you’re trying to clean the bathroom, or don’t like the meal you’ve prepared, and because they tend to be completely separate beings from their parents they actually produce their own dirty laundry and messes. Hell, sometimes they see their parents doing something fun like playing on the computer and have the nerve to want to be paid attention to and actively engaged.

So it’s a really good thing you’re just a lonely, bitter hobgoblin with no children to interfere with your domestic efficiency.

Seriously, though? I’m glad you’re not a father NWO. You have zero knowledge of -and even less respect for- the work it takes to be a good parent.

My dad is awesome. We didn’t get to spend a lot of time together today because I was working but I let him know that I love him and I’m so glad that he’s my dad. Every day.

Happy Father’s Day folks.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Some women suck.

Thanks for being the object lesson, hon.

There are women who are nasty vermin, and at the Spearhead, you will hear the experiences of the men who married these shrews

No, you will hear what is predominantly lying abusers attempt to work reality distortion beams. That you are a fool who believes it is not my problem.

Some women are cold, calculating, hard-hearted unconscientious people

Fixed. Even Hitler was ‘just’ among the worst h umanity had to offer. People attempt to distance themselves from the horrible shit they’re capable of by literally demonizing the worst humans.

Don”t believe it? Is your default setting “oh poor woman abused by evil man?”. Open your fucking eyes. Equality means that you have to acknowledge the WORST of men is identical to the WORST of women.

You don’t even understand the claims of those you disagree with, do you? I have no reason to believe that women wouldn’t be abusive fucks in the same numbers as men, if they were society’s default to the degree men are in the real world. It’s just that in the real world, men are the ones who are society’s default. It says nothing about men or women ‘innately’ or whatever, just an acknowledgement of reality that men abuse more and get away with it.