Happy Fathers’ Day, everyone! Our old friend JeremiahMRA/Things Are Bad is celebrating the day with, well, it looks like a suggestion that divorced men with kids who don’t like their visitation arrangements should murder their ex-wives. Naturally, he gets upvotes for this lovely sentiment from the Spearhead regulars:
And a happy Father’s Day to you too, Jeremiah.
If the mother of your children doesn’t want you to see the kids and it makes you step completely away from your kids, then the problem is not the mother it’s you.
If you think the correct way to address problems between you and your ex-wife is to commit murder, you’re a really terrible person.
So, MRAs are still running the un-official game of what is the slightest plausible deniability for threats of violence?
Women and the State got together to decided how much a man should pay and how often he can visit his own children. If he defies his masters he get locked in a cage. Didn’t they call that slavery back in the old days? “Yessum massah, ah doos as ahm told.”
Now there’s a father
Dont worry u gaiz its just satire!
Putting aside morality for a moment, how is doing time for murdering their mother going to result in you seeing your kids more?
It’s almost as though this has nothing to do with caring about your children at all…
I’m surprised TAB didn’t just post a pic of himself and declare his rightness on the matter.
He’s a great example of what it takes to get kicked off that bastion of moderation, AfVM.
And now the first sentence of the first comment regendered.
If the father of your children doesn’t want you to see the kids and it makes you step completely away from your kids, then the problem is not the father it’s you.
Would women find that acceptable?
Dracula: you know TAB thinks he would do it in such a way as to not get caught, because he’s a criminal mastermind that way.
NWO, no one is going to enslave women on your say so, even if you keep repeating lies on a website dedicated to mocking misogyny.
TAB would most likely leave a picture of himself behind, to convince the police of the absolute rightness of his cause.
Yeah, I’m sure he thinks that, but somehow I doubt handing the police his head shot is gonna go over as well as he’d expect.
Being told to do anything ever = slavery.
Dad’s being a fascist again and making you mow the lawn, huh?
Aaaand ninja’d.
OT but I’m eating McDonald’s for dinner. My sexual market value is mmmeeeelting…meeeellltiiinggg…oh what a world!!!
Obviously he’s gonna be released as soon as they take the mugshots
I have a question, how vile do you have to be to get banned from AVFM? I mean these are the guys who upvoted the cutting out voiceboxes of babies idea.
Bostonian, you have to outright advocate violence instead of pussyfoot around it like they normally do. Elame is big on plausible deniability, and TAB took a dump on that.
Ok, he left out the tissue thin plausible deniability. I guess posting his picture afterwards was not enough to convince them of his perfect rightness.
How many children of divorce actually don’t see their biological fathers on Father’s Day?
Seeing your kids on father’s day isn’t, and never will be, the default state, because kids move away from home. Do these idiots realize kids are still your kids when they are not minors?
@Cliff Pervocracy
“Dad’s being a fascist again and making you mow the lawn, huh?”
Actually I did mow the lawn today. It’s one of those rare treat days where I have the privilege of being home and not working. I also cleaned house, did laundry and cooked a meal. Isn’t that worth like ten grand or something? Didin’t take me long at all so I must be supereffecient. I also did a bit of online horseracing, played an old computer game and chipped away at the pedestal women place themselves upon.
How about you? Write any good fisting stories on your blog while simultaneously mewling about having your delicate feelings slighted?
Bostonian, the voicebox guy was on the Spearhead forum, not AVFM.
From reading their words, I do think they forget that kids grow up.
@Rutee Katreya
“Seeing your kids on father’s day isn’t, and never will be, the default state, because kids move away from home. Do these idiots realize kids are still your kids when they are not minors?”
Excellent observation. Perhaps all men should simply just pay child support while being forbidden to see their children until they’ve grown. For a safer more secure empire.
Not only do kids grow up, but how many of them would want relationships with assholes like these?