men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead threats

A Father’s Day message from JeremiahMRA on The Spearhead [TW: murder threat]

Happy Fathers’ Day, everyone! Our old friend JeremiahMRA/Things Are Bad is celebrating the day with, well, it looks like a suggestion that divorced men with kids who don’t like their visitation arrangements should murder their ex-wives. Naturally, he gets upvotes for this lovely sentiment from the Spearhead regulars:

And a happy Father’s Day to you too, Jeremiah.

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12 years ago

Yeah, I’ve seen the video and read the transcript, but I still think saying that he “walks the walk” underestimated how nasty he really is. He’ll talk about his conspiracy theories in public, but only to the extent he thinks he has to to keep the government bogeymen away. Just look at that transcript of his and compare what he actually says with what he’s thinking in all the notes.

To kind of bring it around to the topic again, he likes advocating for men to kill their ex-wives too, in less vague, plausibly deniable terms, but I’m sure he doesn’t talk about that in real life any more than Jeremiah does.

And of course I know that he can’t possibly collect on his ridiculous gold debts, I’m just vaguely curious if he knows that, or if he honestly believes his copyright crap is legitimate.

12 years ago

He’s very well acquainted, too, with matters Communistical
He understands equations, both traditional and New Math-ical
About Hillary Clinton he’s teeming with a lot o’ news
With many cheerful facts about the plight of those falsely accused

He’s very good at ranting about beating women in the street;
He knows that Jews will try to convert anyone they ever meet.
In short, in matters maddening, nonsensical, and miserable
He is the very model of an udder fondler general!

He knows that women’s choice of clothing always is so very sick;
He’s excellent at Spanish since he writes in fluent “Cryillic.”
He never cites his sources when he writes misogynistic screeds –
The source between his buttocks is the only source he ever needs.
He can tell all of the Manboobzers are evil people who must pay
Because we doubt that everything’s a plot made by the CIA.
He thinks we fill our rivers up with chopped-up fetuses galore,
And knows that every eight-year-old is basically a giant whore!

(How could I NOT join in this game? Hee.)

12 years ago

Yay, Polliwog!

12 years ago

Yay, Polliwog!

Yay you as well! I hit your post, laughed my ass off, and then immediately thought of the next line and had to run with it. Someone else should do the next verse! 🙂

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

@NWO you’re STILL here? xD I say we do my test… ban NWO for a year and see if you unban him he returns XD Just how vested is he in posting here nonstop? XD

12 years ago

Cloudiah and Polliwog, you are both BRILLIANT!!!

12 years ago

He can wash a micro mini skirt in under 20 minutes flat
he knows that you are not a real woman ‘less you are not fat
In short in matters biblical and chemical and fasionable
He is the perfect model of an udder fondler general

12 years ago

Snowy’s playing too! Hooray!

12 years ago

For Father’s Day this year, our daughter drew a pretty card with crayon for both her daddy and her grandpa (she’s only just 3), and she helped pick presents for them (I got my dad some good top shelf brandy, locally made salami and she chose his favorite kind of chocolate for him, and for my husband, I got him a few books and she chose a book of Bradbury short stories for him as he is a fan).

We took them out to breakfast at this lovely little cafe and treated them to some fancy tasty food, then went to the classic car show at the local park (my dad is a car nut and the show was pretty freaking awesome), and finally my husband and I went with my siblings down to a pretty awesome barbecue restaurant for dinner and had this BBQ American Fusion sushi stuff with pulled pork and a special alcoholic punch that he shared with my siblings (I could not partake since I’m pregnant).

Ya see, I come from a background where my father worked all day long while my mom stayed home for the first 16 years of my life (my parents had three children and she stayed home with all of us until we were old enough to be on our own), but he would do very special things with us, such as help us churn up the backyard garden area and plant a garden, can fruit together, learned to shoot, care for and respect guns, coached me in basketball and softball (he never missed one game when I joined JV basketball, even the ones far away), played music on the guitar and sang for us when I was little, and helped me get familiar and comfortable with basic car maintenance. My father played awesome music, took us on camping adventures out in the wilderness, could fix anything, and he has three awesome brothers who are all interesting and fun people to be around, even when I was a kid- they never talked down to you, but they never treated you like an annoying kid either as long as you were respectful.

You see, I grew up with men who were strong, men who were kind, men who didn’t hurt or take advantage of people because that was just objectively wrong and they let everyone know that’s how they felt about it. They all loved their mom, my grandmother, who was one of the most kind, patient and loving people I’ve ever met (my grandfather died of ALS when my dad was a teenager, so I didn’t meet him, but I got to hear all the stories of how hard he worked, how loved he was, and how much he helped his sons grow into fine men) and even though they had all moved out and married and had children of their own, she always welcomed them to come by for lunch or a visit. There was always a strong feeling of love there. The men that I grew up seeing and interacting with were good people- I objectively knew that there were bad guys out there (and bad women too), but for me and in my family, I never really had to worry about all of that stuff.

So when I see MRAs act like horrible dysfunctional relationships are the default, especially when it comes to children and their fathers, I have to say BULLSHIT. So many dads out there are great people- they’re involved, they’re loving, and they’re helping change diapers and passing off pick-up/drop-off duties for sports and events. My father was and still is an amazing and dynamic man who I am proud to call my dad, and I’m not afraid to let him know that. And my husband spends almost equal time caring for our daughter because we work opposite schedules- he fed her pumped breastmilk when she was an infant and he would bring her to see me at lunch so I could breastfeed her. Her first word was “dada.”

I remember a saying that really sums up how I feel- “Anyone can be a father, but it takes a really dedicated guy to be a daddy.” Being there for your children is absolutely essential- *IF* you act like a civilized and loving parent. Obviously these MRAs just didn’t get the memo.

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago

Nanasha: That (or, at leas, a less eloquent version of that) is what struck me. Many of not most children get to see their fathers, because the fathers and mothers live together, or because the fathers have custody. Fondler up there doesn’t even seem to acknowledge that men and women might stay in relationships because they love each other, let alone divorce amiably because they like each other and/or care about the kids.

12 years ago

Your refusal to understand that a small percentage of women SUCK HARD ASS undermines your whole argument. You have no problem acknowledging that a small percentage of men well and truly suck, but guess what? So do women.

Charlotte, we already fucking know that. See, unlike MRAs, we acknowledge that women are human and as such are capable of being awful. But MRAs want to believe that all women are awful whereas men can do no wrong.

12 years ago

And of course I know that he can’t possibly collect on his ridiculous gold debts, I’m just vaguely curious if he knows that, or if he honestly believes his copyright crap is legitimate.

I think he believes it, but he also believes that he once turned away a pack of wild dogs with the power of his mind.

Seriously, he seems to have a genuine disassociation from reality. I think on some level most MRAs, even guys like NWO, know they’re just telling each other comforting fairy tales, but I don’t get that impression from PAN(c). He frequently threatens people or brags about himself using the kind of lies a small child would tell, with no evident self-awareness.

12 years ago

My father and I live on different continents, so he didn’t get to see me, but he did get a card, which he responded to with an email, which led to a long conversation. The lesson here? If your kids love you, they’ll make the effort to keep in touch with you for the rest of their lives. There are lots of ways to make sure that your kids love you, but ranting about what an evil bitch their mother is would not be one that I’d recommend as having a high success rate.

12 years ago

PAN(c) once grepped my blog and I told him that I was deliberately violating his copyright. No bill so far.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

I wound up spending father’s day with my mother and step father, because I truly believe that my step father has done more for me than my father has ever since he got remarried. My father literally passed the buck to my step father, who supports me when I need a helping hand, being a broke college student who has to work shitty customer service jobs to make ends meet in the meantime. And my father alienated me and my brother to impress hi new wife. My father believes that handing me $100 split between my birthday and Christmas is me “only coming to him when I want money,” and put the entirety of helping me finance college on my mom and step dad. He thinks that calling me every few months is being involved in my life. So when I go to visit my step father instead of my bio father on father’s day, there’s a reason for it. It may piss him off, but you reap what you sow. We were good kids, we didn’t deserve to be written off like that.

Leave it to NWO to compare child support and visitation rights to fucking slavery… SLAVERY! DO YOU KNOW WHAT SLAVERY IS?

“How many children of divorce actually don’t see their biological fathers on Father’s Day?”

I know the punchline to this joke! “Whenever the mother doesn’t let them.”

Other possible “punch lines:”

-Whenever he isn’t in the picture entirely
-Whenever he chooses not to
-Whenever he’s alienated them to the point in which they don’t want to go see him

The list of possibilities is so much more varied than just a mother refusing him access. And yeah, sometimes her refusal is for a fucking reason.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Oh, but I must note, my father didn’t make me think that all dads are bad. My cousins have great fathers who are all a huge, supportive part of their lives, and my step dad has worked his ass off to provide for me and my brothers (one of which is his). I have enough variety in my direct experiences with fathers to understand that some men are great dads, others are poor, others just don’t even try.

12 years ago

my dad and i live in different time zones. australia has a different father’s day to the UK. so i write the UK father’s day on my Aussie calendar and put a note in my phone. i skyped with him on the day, made sure he had a card and a gift.

My dad worked full time while mum stayed home. she got pregnant to him at 17, in the 60s. Thanks to no sex ed, my mum had no clue that what she was doing could make babies. She and my dad got married, because that’s what you did. Most of the family did not attend the wedding.

47 years later they are still together and love each very much. But, fuck me, they worked hard at it.

Dad taught me about feminism and social justice. he taught me to cook (he cooked all the meals from when i was about 10 as Mum told him she hated cooking. so he took over). he taught me about poetry and art and politics.

My dad respects, supports and loves my mother.

i love my dad.

12 years ago

I’ve had three step fathers. The only person I didn’t get to see on father’s day was my biological father. My mother was an idiot about how she dealt with that breakup (to be fair, it was 1969, and the rights a woman had were less than they are now, and that’s immaterial to how badly she handled it).

So on father’s day I’d have various sorts of visiting/phone calls.

The thing is, none of the stepfathers had any legal claim/rights of visitation. One of them she decided she never wanted to speak to again. I saw him anyway. Why? Because I was 16, and there wasn’t really anything she could do about it.

My father’s second wife and he got divorced a few years ago. He now has primary custody of my three half-sisters.

Why? Because he wanted it, and the court decided he was the better parent. He’d been actively involved in caring for them.

It’s not that my step-mother was a bad parent (and it’s not that he fought shared custody for the youngest; it’s that he fought to get shared custody, and when things changed he petitioned for a change in the status), it’s that he was the better one.

12 years ago

Charlotte: These women exist. They are evil. One of them was my mother. Your refusal to understand that a small percentage of women SUCK HARD ASS undermines your whole argument. You have no problem acknowledging that a small percentage of men well and truly suck, but guess what? So do women.

Nope, it doesn’t. (see above, re my mother; and some of the stupid [and destructive] shit she pulled). Even if we didn’t admit it (and we do), the existence of some women who do this doesn’t undermine the need to mock mysogyny in the least.

Because the level of the one far outweighs the level of the other.

Now, compare that (and I’ll bet I’m not the only one here who said something like this) with the,”all women suck and men are so oppressed and it’s all the fault of the evil sperm-stealing, money-grubbing, false-rape accusing whore and tramps and nasty sluts who won’t put out when I want them too, which inhabit the Spearhead, and AVfM, and In Mala Fide (when it was around) and all the rest.

The places that say women who don’t behave need to get ready to be put in their place, or killed.

Find where the people here are saying that, because I can sure as hell find where the people there are.

You want to compare apples to apples, you are gonna drown in the sauce.

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