awesome cuteness dawgies kitties misogyny music video

Friday Fun Time Mostly Off-Topic Smorgasbord

Sorry I haven’t been around much in the last couple of days. Sometimes I just need to clear my head of all this manosphere nonsense. Regular posts will resume shortly. In the meantime, some pictures to amuse you, and a new video from Azealia Banks.

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Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Cliff, we can still see your toes. Is your hair covered?

I do have kinda hairy toes. :/

12 years ago

I want to know how animals supposedly dress when they’re not in heat. Do cats and dogs take off their miniskirts and bikinis and put on little Amish dresses? Because that would actually be kind of cute.

12 years ago

@Wisteria – I would be happy to see him banned as well. He consistently breaks the two rules for entertainment.
1. Informative- i.e. sharing something we all haven’t heard a 100 fucking times.
2. Be funny.

Poor guy, he’s probably been so obnoxious in real life that he literally has no friends. Oh, well, not my blog, for the most part I love reading everyone else’s comments. thx.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I think NWO’s sheer distance from reality is entertaining, but I wish he had more shticks. He needs new lies and delusions. We’ve all heard “animals in heat” and “man bad woman perfect” so many times.

Get some new material, dude!

12 years ago

@Lady Zombie
“Has anyone been following the horrifying and violent backlash against Anita Sarkeesian and her most recent project ‘Tropes vs. Women in Video Games?’”

Well if she’s a man’s equal suck it up. Say bad words back. What? Do women need special privilege? Special treatment? Oh that’s right, women get exactly that by State legislation. Special treatment for the special people.
“If ever there was a perfect example of misogyny, rape culture, and male privilege, it’s this.”

Virtual misogyny? Virtual rape culture? Virtual male privilege? No wonder rape culture is so prevelant, it isn’t real.
“All because a feminist wants to discuss the problematic way women characters are treated in video games.”

Who gives a damn what a feminist want’s to discuss. How many eons do we have to listen to the blatherings of the most privileged class to ever walk the planet? Gee, tell us your thoughts on gender, victimology, the patriarchy. It’s all so progressive and deep.

Women are the primary caretakers, these are the Godless people women have raised. The gang at the top paid big bucks and have patiently herded women into stealing the wealth and power of individual men, kill Christianity, destroy the patriarchal family and bring about world communism. Job well done. The feminist dream is being realized.

12 years ago

Anyone have any dressing for NWO’s word salad?

12 years ago

owlslave, the other people on the internet arent ‘virtual’. theyre actual people. you really do live in outer space, dont you.

12 years ago

Who gives a damn what a feminist want’s to discuss.

well if you dont care, then why exactly does it seem to upset you so much?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

NWO — go check the thread actually on that topic, she got some of the worst shit the internet has to offer. Or do you agree that it’s a bad thing that the Nazis didn’t kill all the Jews?

And virtual words are words just as much as print words are, obvious fact is obvious.

Bostonian — *hands over a bottle of French dressing* will that work? (See how this works NWO? The French dressing isn’t real, but the words are, pretty simply concept!)

12 years ago

i don’t think owlslave believes its possible to kill all the jews, considering his whole ‘judaism is the most aggressively proselytizing religion in the world’ thing

12 years ago

NWO, I’m not sure I understand what point you’re trying to get across. In the old argument about child pornography I referred to in my post I was on the side who did not want to ban DRAWINGS. Some people thought drawings as well should be banned. We had a pretty civilized discussion about the whole issue, actually. But I think the case I referred to shows how tricky it is to draw the line between what’s child pornography and what’s not when it comes to drawings, since different courts judge the matter differently.

Are you saying that child porn drawings shouldn’t be banned, or that they should be banned, or that this wouldn’t even be an issue if it wasn’t for FEMINISM?

12 years ago

Slavey, you know that “primary caretaker” isn’t some sort of special title given to women, right? It’s a descriptive term that can apply to anyone, regardless of gender. It refers to the person who takes on the biggest share of child care duties within a family. Men can totally do that.

You realise also that the middle-upper-class, 50s-style, always mono/hetero patriarchal model of the family that you’re advocating actually requires that women be the primary caretakers for their children?

12 years ago

@Sharculese- You said it. It doesn’t bother NWO, but he has to come on here and tell everyone how much it really really and seriously doesn’t bother him. No, really, it doesn’t bother him one little bit.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Oh, fuck…let’s just pretend I didn’t ask that, you’re right, I forgot he’d like it if he could. Holy hell.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“or that this wouldn’t even be an issue if it wasn’t for FEMINISM?” — it’s that one with NWO, it always is

12 years ago

NWO has a conspiracy theory about the Rothschilds. I’m pretty sure he is bummed the Holocaust did not continue.

12 years ago

Since I’m not a vegetable or a mineral, I guess I have to cop to being an animal!

And I’m dressed like an animal living in a really HOT climate (we started getting 90 plus degrees F in FREAKING May): that is, sports bra (black), denim shorts nearly to my chubby little knees), and white socks and sneakers. If I hadn’t been cleaning today, I’d probably be barefoot. As it was I am dressed to vacuum up LOTS OF pet hair. And some dust. And I did a bit of rearranging.

So yep, I’m animal in a hot climate.

12 years ago

It’s not Friday, and wearing the cones of shame is not fun for my kitties, but I did finally get pictures of them in their cursed cones:
Conehead Buster.
Conehead Hazel (partially covered by Buster’s butt, oh the indignity…)

12 years ago

Hazel is clearly plotting your DOOM!


Buster looks a lot like my little Tabby (tabby cat) (lost her a year or so ago). She had allergies/rashes/hair loss (in part from overlicking due to stress). So the CONE was used.

She was also fiendishly good at getting out of it: she’d go under the bed and somehow wedge it up against the bed boards (no covering of board because CATS). I finally had to switch from plastic to more flexible plastic “cloth.”

Then she took to drinking deeply, dipping the cone into the water, and climbing into bed to drip on me.

THEN she started dragging it through the litter box while it was damp………

12 years ago


our poor little clover had to be a conehead last week because she caught conjunctivitis while she was being boarded (my brother works at the place, so we don’t blame them, it was just a thing that can happen when you have that many dogs living so close together)

i didn’t see here wearing it, but the reminder of her shame is sitting in our garage

12 years ago

@Cloudiah- They are so cute! Thanks for sharing. Did they just get fixed and are picking at the stitches?

12 years ago

Yeah, they just got fixed and are obsessed with the stitches. I let them out of the cones periodically for supervised cone-free time, and when they eat. Hazel uses her cone like a little bulldozer, scooping things up for a closer look. Buster drools into her cone when she sleeps. Goofy little cats, but I lurv them.

12 years ago

he seriously hates hellkell, doesnt he

12 years ago

“Are you saying that child porn drawings shouldn’t be banned, or that they should be banned, or that this wouldn’t even be an issue if it wasn’t for FEMINISM?”

I’m saying that banning child porn drawings seems a moot point since feminist theology encourages dressing up children as porn stars in real life.
“Slavey, you know that “primary caretaker” isn’t some sort of special title given to women, right?”

Actually it is a title that is specific to women, everyone here uses the term ad nasuem. NOW is fighting against anything close to equal parenting.

“Michigan NOW opposes forced joint custody for many reasons: it is unworkable for uncooperative parents; it is dangerous for women and their children who are trying to leave or have left violent husbands/fathers; it ignores the “diverse, complicated needs of divorced families; and it is likely to have serious, unintended consequences on child support.”

If it’s, “unworkable” the default is woman, the primary caretaker reguardless of who is the breadwinner.

“dangerous for women and their children” The actual numbers show women are the greater danger by far since most child abuse is perpetrated by women. The excuse will always be because women are the primary caretakers.

“diverse, complicated needs” equals defaulting to the woman.

“it is likely to have serious, unintended consequences on child support.” Men’s extortion fee.

Notice how in every case men are a danger to women and “their” children. Women try to flee or have fled violent men. In essence, under no circumstances will men ever be allowed anything close to equal parenting.

A father is little more than an appendix under womens law. He can be gutted and thrown away as useless at any time. His only value is as a resource to a woman and her children. These are the legal statues we live under. Women have lobbied for this. Men have no reproductive rights. Men have no rights to their own children.

Fathers day is a farce. It should be Happy appendix day. That’s all a father is.