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Friday Fun Time Mostly Off-Topic Smorgasbord

Sorry I haven’t been around much in the last couple of days. Sometimes I just need to clear my head of all this manosphere nonsense. Regular posts will resume shortly. In the meantime, some pictures to amuse you, and a new video from Azealia Banks.

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12 years ago

Hello Mr. Fatrelle,

I just got insulted by your “boy” Paul Elam….

felt kinda nice actually….

12 years ago

I share this:

These Guys Made a List About Sexism Against Men in Video Games. Are They Trolling?

12 years ago

Hello Mr. Fatrelle

I guess only skinny men only deserve social justice amiright? The mens rights movemnt is totally not a hate movement though!

(Also you do realize not all mras are skinny right?)

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

stonerwithaboner — so “the black pill” is Elam?

Elam’s Mr. “the MRM isn’t violent” right?

“If you’re actually for real about what you’re saying then you might as well kill yourself because if you’re right then the future is a feminist totalitarian state.” (here and is that directed at one of manboobz’s banned trolls?) — I guess he’s trying to say “in that case we’d probably prefer death” but what he actually said was “kill yourself” which is just oh so nice of him.

Yeah that’s about as acceptable as the fat shaming of “Hello Mr. Fatrelle” — is no one capable of playing half way nice anymore? And last I heard David had no issue admitting he’s fat, so nice try shaming but please play again, yep off the FAQ —

Q) I heard some MRAs call you fat. Are you fat?
A) Yes, I am fat. This may be the only true thing that MRAs have ever said about me.

12 years ago

Stoner’s mission seems to be to be obnoxious to everyone. He’s trying so hard too! Bless his heart.

12 years ago

hehehe, the White Nationalists “love” me too 😉

12 years ago

thank you david for the dog picture

12 years ago

look at that fukkin dog

12 years ago

oh thank god stonerwithaboner is back. we had a serious shortage of pretentious attention-starved dimwits goin on here

12 years ago


so “the black pill” is Elam?

i thought black pill was omega male or whatever he calls himself

12 years ago

Paulie appears further down. Hey look, girlwriteswhat is crushing on manboobz on reddit:

Love that dog.

12 years ago

gww’s entire shtick is being heartbroken by the sadsack stories of dudes who are forced to Exist in Reality. also sucking at writing.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Oh, I think stonerwithaboner meant to link to this then. Omega-whatever is still not helping the “we’re not violent” thing any, but it’s less ironic than if Elam had said it.

As for girlwriteswhat (what does girl write?? XD ) — “Nature serves the female. That’s really all you need to know.” in reply to “Why must this be a fight for dominance instead of a fight for equality?” o.O?

12 years ago

hehehe, the White Nationalists “love” me too

Hating people seems to be whats “cool” nowadays eh?

12 years ago

Aw, you guys, come on. Being an adult with the emotional maturity of an 8 year old is REALLY HARD, OK?

12 years ago

i assume it’s whathisname, that ‘incel’ dude who settled here for a night asking for boner advice and threatening to start his own blog

12 years ago

telling that dude to fuck off basically set us up for decades of mras whining about how were mean to oppressed dudes.

i mean, not that telling him to fuck off wasn’t the right decision.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

All About Chris? If it is that’s one strange standard, not like his story involved anything more than being lonely, nothing nearly rising to “He seemed on the verge of hurting himself.” — he was annoying, but not unhinged or sob story or anything. But I guess “can’t get laid” might be the ultimate vulnerability to some people?

Oh I know…it’s gotta be when AntZ said he’d been abused and everyone mocked the rest of what he said while telling him he needs to see a psych. Because telling him to find someone to talk to who he hasn’t antagonized before is mockery I guess?

12 years ago


12 years ago

Wait, isn’t stonerwithaboner our boy from Boston?

12 years ago

i think that was speculation that turned out not to be true

12 years ago

Ah… I thought I recalled him admitting it. In that case, carry on, and I apologise for insulting stonerwithaboner.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

From Boston is an insult? Or the insult is comparing him to whomever and I’d get it if I knew who you meant? I like Boston…

12 years ago

Well guys, to be fair, we were pretty mean to Chris when he first showed up here.

Oh damn, sorry, was that a link to him coming to a thread on a blog where he had no commenting history, making it all about him, and having a bunch of people give him advice and support? My bad.

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