antifeminism incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men

How many breaths does it take you to DESTROY THE FEMINSIT MONSTER?

Today I’d like to present to you a really ranty old post from Masculist Man on his unimaginatively named Men’s Rights Blog.

But let’s do this a little differently this time. Let’s make it a little contest.

I want you to take a deep breath, loosen up your tongue, and see how much of his rant you can read, out loud, in one breath. (Just don’t kill yourself in the process, please.)

Why the militancy

That question has been asked by many MRA’s and the answer should be obvious: what has moderation accomplished for us? What has “niceness” done for us? Besides getting us deeper into this mess. Why be nice to an enemy that not only wants to take everything from you but would like to see you DEAD on top of it. Not only that but if you are a father with sons the average feminist would like to see your young sons dead too …

Oh, crap, that’s as far as I got. Deep, deep breath. Here’s the rest. It took me five breaths to get through it. See if you can beat me.

just because they are male. These Neville Chamberlains would have you believe they can accomplish peace in our time by making deals with these devils and just like any deal with the devil they get burned. Not only them but the rest of us as well. Then the moderates have the nerve to tell us to shut up or we’ll play into the feminist hands. The one thing that I think of is that if we stay silent we definitely will play into the feminists hands,the same if we play “nice”. If we play nice,just as we have for the last 160 years (if you include feminism as a whole) or for 40 years (if you are focusing on 2nd wave feminism) then we will continue to get fucked. Why the militancy? Because it is hard to be nice when you are getting assfucked in court (family to criminal to civil) and it’s really hard to be nice when society blames YOU for what happens in a “he said/she said” situation even though SHE IS THE ONE AT FAULT and it’s really hard to be nice and pleasant when you try to illustrate what is happening to you and/or other men in society when everybody wants to play the ostrich and would rather not know,that is until another “he said/she said” situation arises again and then it’s boom,they back off to the races to repeat the same mistakes as last time and when they do they are applauded by the lemmings that make up society lest they are labelled “politically incorrect”. It seems they would rather kill their own families to avoid being labelled “politically incorrect”. A big problem with moderates is that they are usually staffed by older manginas or young men from single mother homes that don’t want to upset women and that there defeats the purpose of being an MRA because if you don’t upset women then you will stay silent concerning mens’ issues and the women win by your silence. TO ERODE WOMEN’S POWER OVER MEN ONE MUST SPEAK UP AND DESTROY THE FEMINSIT MONSTER THAT WANTS TO DESTROY YOU AND YOUR BROTHERS.

Instead of asking why the militancy one should ask is the militancy legitimate? and the answer is “yes”.

Post your results below!

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12 years ago

This web site is bull shit like everthing else on the web. Of course remove the comments that you don’t but don’t remove the first post, Wow I am impresse

12 years ago

@Cliff Pervocracy
“I think these are the desired outcomes:
1) Mothers simply aren’t allowed to divorce men. They have to stay around and raise the children for him in his house.

2) Fathers are granted full custody, and the children raise themselves for free, never impairing their father’s ability to work full time, go on dates, hang out with friends, and spend his money only on himself.

3) Fathers are granted full custody, and expedited Mate Preference in securing a second wife to raise the kids for him.”

Men are so daft, aren’t they? They just can’t understand how to even raise a child. Why they can barely feed themselves. Luckily women have been busy inventing and creating all the niceties of easy living. Men should count their blessings women are around to scold them and tell them, “No, no, no. You don’t know how to raise children, you can barely walk upright.” Women are perfect at child rearing. Men are terrible at child rearing.

12 years ago

Ah, I see how much easier that first one would be to repair.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“The guy nacho vidal cannot make coherent sense and he think he know better.”

Says someone who strung together this monstrosity — “I was ejected of MGTOWforum to suggest that when…” — another one who strings together words that could make sense, just not in that order. (I believe you mean “I was ejected of from MGTOWforum to for suggesting that when…”)

12 years ago

Are modern-day dishwashers even particularly repairable? My family’s has broken down a few times recently, and it’s all microchips inside. We had to call a repair technician, and they had a look and then ring the company to order the right boards and manuals (though one technician we had over had already guessed the problem and bought the right parts), and then they came back a few days later to put them in.

I think these days, with recently-purchased new dishwashers, either you can repair nearly any of them or you’d be lost with any of them.

IANA dishwasher repair technician.

12 years ago

what is tense help

but you get me.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I think the moral of the story is that the imaginary women in his head buy dishwashers based on silly things like color, and the imaginary men in his head base all their decisions on Manly Logic And Rationality.

…Like slapping someone for disagreeing with you. That’s an extremely rational way to convince them of your point of view! Definitely not something he’d do for emotional reasons, heavens no.

12 years ago

…Like slapping someone for disagreeing with you. That’s an extremely rational way to convince them of your point of view! Definitely not something he’d do for emotional reasons, heavens no.

Perish the thought!


IANA dishwasher repair technician.

This is the greatest disclaimer I’ve ever read!

12 years ago

Do we still have mechanical controller with a CAM motor. The one with mechanical controller seems to last longer like my old Maytag, The blue model look like that type with mechanical controller. If you are are repair technician you what I means.

12 years ago

The access door at the bottom is a plus, it help, you don’t have to move the whole unit to check for water leak

12 years ago

Personally I would go with mechanical dishwasher as they are cheaper and seems to last longer, same with sowing machine I preferred mechanical instead of electronic controller.
China has a lot of problem with circuit board as the production plant are forceg to keep cost low so lower quality of components.

12 years ago

That’s why Maytag repairmen are so lonely:

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Please more insult no real discussion insult me I love insult me”

Really, I was hoping to get to break out the master of insults — Shakespeare.

‘Sblood, you starveling, you elf-skin, you dried neat’s tongue, you bull’s pizzle, you stock-fish! O for breath to utter what is like thee! you tailor’s-yard, you sheath, you bowcase; you vile standing-tuck!
1 Henry IV (2.4.227-9)

Away, you mouldy rogue, away!
2 Henry IV (2.4.117)

Away, you cut-purse rascal! you filthy bung, away! By this wine, I’ll thrust my knife in your mouldy chaps, an you play the saucy cuttle with me. Away, you bottle-ale rascal! you basket-hilt stale juggler, you!
2 Henry IV (2.4.120-22)

And one for NWO, because it’s strangely fitting —

He is deformed, crooked, old and sere,
Ill-faced, worse bodied, shapeless everywhere;
Vicious, ungentle, foolish, blunt, unkind;
Stigmatical in making, worse in mind.
The Comedy of Errors (4.2.22-5)

From what little we know of NWO, is there any doubt he is “Vicious, ungentle, foolish, blunt, unkind; Stigmatical in making, worse in mind.”? (Best I can make out “stigmatical” means pertaining to [having?] a mark of shame/infamy/disgrace — potentially “of a criminal nature” in Shakespeare’s time)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ok maybe the Shakespearen insult for NWO was a bit much, but FromMontreal literally asked for it. (No apologies for calling NWO vicious or unkind though)

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Women are perfect at child rearing. Men are terrible at child rearing.

…When any reasonable person would know it’s the opposite!

Really, NWO, you only have one speed lately.

12 years ago

This web site is bull shit like everthing else on the web. Of course remove the comments that you don’t but don’t remove the first post, Wow I am impresse

Having new posters on temporary moderation for their first few posts to make sure they’re not spambots is BULLSHIT!

Hitting people over their appliance preferences, however, is totally cool and a sign of solid, rational judgment.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Major kong, read the thread bitch slapping of women with a knife in font of you is ok

Knife, dishwasher, potato, potahto, let’s not get all detailsy, girls.

I am not talking about all women, I am talking about the bad one the few ones that are not normal, same for men that are not good. You are good Pearson, not every is good in this wold. come on girls

Yeah, some people choose the wrong dishwasher!

It’s a rough world out there, you gotta be rough.

12 years ago

Montreal actually sounds like a spambot; the way he cuts in and out of sentences is reminiscent of those algorithms that piece together posts out of phrases from other posts.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

And regarding slapping people, whether they’ve got knives or dishwashers, all I can say is what I learned to say a long time ago when people tried to settle arguments that way:

“Now my face hurts, and you’re still an asshole.”

12 years ago

Go people bring in the insult, come bring in the insult

He is asking for it, it seems rude to deny him…

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Montreal actually sounds like a spambot; the way he cuts in and out of sentences is reminiscent of those algorithms that piece together posts out of phrases from other posts.”

I hope that’s correct, as that’d mean I just fed a spambot Shakespeare XD

12 years ago

One time this woman wanted to buy dishwasher, and I said, “Hey, why don’t you buy the Maytag one? It will be easier to repair.” Then I provided her with some information from Consumer Reports and she made an informed decision. But I guess I should have bitch slapped her, that’s a much more rational, less emotional approach.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Men are so daft, aren’t they? They just can’t understand how to even raise a child. Why they can barely feed themselves. Luckily women have been busy inventing and creating all the niceties of easy living. Men should count their blessings women are around to scold them and tell them, “No, no, no. You don’t know how to raise children, you can barely walk upright.” Women are perfect at child rearing. Men are terrible at child rearing.”

“Vicious, ungentle, foolish, blunt, unkind” — I regret nothing!

Figures that NWO would say that though, I mean, he is who #3 was modeled after isn’t he? Kids need no work, wear diapers ’til 5, kick ’em out all day, no harder to clean house than an apt for one? NWO, you do not know how to raise children, no — other men do a just dandy job of it.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

There really are a lot of movies where the “a person (usually woman) is freaking out and being irrational, someone slaps them, they comes to their senses and thank the slapper” scene plays out.

Never seen it in real life, though. For much the same reason I’ve never seen TNT in real life leave someone comically charred and frazzled but unhurt. It’s not even sexist logic, it’s cartoon logic.