antifeminism incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men

How many breaths does it take you to DESTROY THE FEMINSIT MONSTER?

Today I’d like to present to you a really ranty old post from Masculist Man on his unimaginatively named Men’s Rights Blog.

But let’s do this a little differently this time. Let’s make it a little contest.

I want you to take a deep breath, loosen up your tongue, and see how much of his rant you can read, out loud, in one breath. (Just don’t kill yourself in the process, please.)

Why the militancy

That question has been asked by many MRA’s and the answer should be obvious: what has moderation accomplished for us? What has “niceness” done for us? Besides getting us deeper into this mess. Why be nice to an enemy that not only wants to take everything from you but would like to see you DEAD on top of it. Not only that but if you are a father with sons the average feminist would like to see your young sons dead too …

Oh, crap, that’s as far as I got. Deep, deep breath. Here’s the rest. It took me five breaths to get through it. See if you can beat me.

just because they are male. These Neville Chamberlains would have you believe they can accomplish peace in our time by making deals with these devils and just like any deal with the devil they get burned. Not only them but the rest of us as well. Then the moderates have the nerve to tell us to shut up or we’ll play into the feminist hands. The one thing that I think of is that if we stay silent we definitely will play into the feminists hands,the same if we play “nice”. If we play nice,just as we have for the last 160 years (if you include feminism as a whole) or for 40 years (if you are focusing on 2nd wave feminism) then we will continue to get fucked. Why the militancy? Because it is hard to be nice when you are getting assfucked in court (family to criminal to civil) and it’s really hard to be nice when society blames YOU for what happens in a “he said/she said” situation even though SHE IS THE ONE AT FAULT and it’s really hard to be nice and pleasant when you try to illustrate what is happening to you and/or other men in society when everybody wants to play the ostrich and would rather not know,that is until another “he said/she said” situation arises again and then it’s boom,they back off to the races to repeat the same mistakes as last time and when they do they are applauded by the lemmings that make up society lest they are labelled “politically incorrect”. It seems they would rather kill their own families to avoid being labelled “politically incorrect”. A big problem with moderates is that they are usually staffed by older manginas or young men from single mother homes that don’t want to upset women and that there defeats the purpose of being an MRA because if you don’t upset women then you will stay silent concerning mens’ issues and the women win by your silence. TO ERODE WOMEN’S POWER OVER MEN ONE MUST SPEAK UP AND DESTROY THE FEMINSIT MONSTER THAT WANTS TO DESTROY YOU AND YOUR BROTHERS.

Instead of asking why the militancy one should ask is the militancy legitimate? and the answer is “yes”.

Post your results below!

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12 years ago

OMG, I just found out that a well-respected, totally mainstream feminist named Valerie Solanas advocated cutting up ALL men, starting with Andy Warhol!!!1!! Feminism is evil! It has taken over Sweden! Betty Friedan and Sharon Osborn are comin for all the men!

12 years ago

yeah, dude, the ‘gendercide’ is totally being plotted on an obscure internet message board. that is a thing that is happening.

12 years ago

RE: Myoo

Indeed! Obviously, I also want my husband, friends, uncle, and all other men destroyed. Because… that surely won’t destroy the breeding population as we know it…?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ooooh Agent Orange found quotes? *looks* Nope, just the SCUM manifesto, big fucking surprising!

Pg 1 has 9 quotes, of which 3 are Solanas, and one if Sanger’s racism (like we all haven’t known and disavowed that) — the remaining 5 then:
one is French’s line about all men are rapists
one is Gearhart’s “reduce to 10% male” nonsense — no one really takes that seriously do they?
one is Daly saying the Earth needs less people and potentially saying less men in particular, focus is definitely overpopulation in general
one is MacKinnon being pro-communism and saying absolutely fuck all about men
and one is this —
“I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.” — Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor.

That’s the only one that’s not been wildly avowed that says anything about hating men, and it’s speaking specifically about oppression.

Pg 2 then? Just over 60, I lost count because I cannot tell wtf they’re doing with multiple quotes from the same book. In any case, 14 are either zombie Solanas or zombie Dorkwin, and one is Greer like any of us want her transphobia. Also, another racist Sanger line. A repeat of the above Morgan quote, and a few others by her basically failing to understand privilege at all (eg “my white skin disgusts me”). A few cries for the abolition of marriage, a few against having sex with men (they read like lesbian separatists, not man haters, just man-what-nothing-to-do-with’ers). One each from Sharon Stone and Jodie Foster (the latter clearly dating to the Vietnam war).

The potentially non-zombie quotes then —
“We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men.” — Elizabeth Cady Stanton
“Women have their faults / men have only two: / everything they say / everything they do.”
— Popular Feminist Graffiti (anyone here seen that before? A requirement to call it “popular”, no?)
“Man-hating is everywhere, but everywhere it is twisted and transformed, disguised, tranquilized, and qualified. It coexists, never peacefully, with the love, desire, respect, and need women also feel for men. Always man-hating is shadowed by its milder, more diplomatic and doubtful twin, ambivalence.”
— Judith Levine; Authoress *googles* She’s a feminist? I’m getting libertarian and pro-pedo vibe here
“I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it.” — Barbara Jordan; Former Congresswoman — oh look a member of Congress gets neurosci wrong? Anyone surprised?
“If anyone is prosecuted for filing a false report, then victims of real attacks will be less likely to report them.” – David Angier (considering wtf people mean when they say “false report” this is true, if you arrest her for not knowing who raped her, then yeah, you’re discouraging reports)
“Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience.” – Catherine Comins — ok great, you have one, nicely done there

In short, an epic fuckton of zombie feminists, feminists we all or mostly disavow for their racism or transphobia, an inability to understand what women going their own way means, some people being wrong about things they’d stand even odds with chance of getting right, anti-marriage quotes, cutting parts of quotes when that changes the meaning, repeating quotes, really shitty quote formatting such that I can’t tell what’s his own words, and the icing on this shit cake? Some double nested gibberish about satanic ritual abuse.

Easily 75% date to before 1990 though. So Agent Orange’s digging produced a bunch of zombie quotes, and maybe 5 people who really hate men. Has anyone ever denied that some people do hate men? Or just that systemic misandry is not a thing?

What was the goal there? To prove you still think it’s the 80s?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I have no idea why he brings up satanic ritual abuse and “false memory syndrome” but he does, just a heads up there. He’s clearly not getting the psych view on that and assuming the hatred of the false memory society is just WE HATE MEN, not that many of the founders have actually been accused of abuse and have a serious stake in proving those allegations unfounded.

For the curious, the FMS and DID/MPD “debates” are about the fastest way possible to turn a room of psychs into a screaming match. I advise against this unless you’d be amused by it.

12 years ago

@Argenti: YOu may or may not have seen, but here’s David’s entry on ‘fact checking’ feminist quotes which, I am pretty sure, was what made me start reading here regularly, lurking without commenting, then eventually commenting.

CHECKING THE QUOTES! Be still, my beating heart!

Satanic abuse: silly Argenti! Don’t you KNOW that feminism turns women into witches and babykillers!??? Pat Robertson said so; it must be true!

12 years ago


Sorry. Just had to vent that.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Satanic abuse: silly Argenti! Don’t you KNOW that feminism turns women into witches and babykillers!??? Pat Robertson said so; it must be true!”

…well paganism did turn me into a feminist I guess…but I don’t eat babies, I swear! That whole gods and goddesses rank equal thing though, it’s kind of feminist. So maybe he just got the order backwards? XD

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

LBT — yeah I mostly mentioned it for the same ARGH WOULD THIS DIE ALREADY reason, and to warn you it was there.

12 years ago


ithiliana summed up the quotes, but to be clear, that’s not what he means when he refers to agent orange. that’s just some standard mra copypasta that masculist man split up into two blog posts because apparently even by mra standards, he is a sad sack.

this is what the agent orange this is about:

12 years ago

@Sharculese: Oh, THAT AGent Orange. All I can think of when I see that phrase is the Vietnam War.

Right, the sooper sekrit agent who scoped out the evil feminist gendercide plan!

So many MRAS, so little time, so much difficulty in telling them apart.

12 years ago

@Argenti: I became an animistic pagan (my term for it) after reading Tolkien (when I was ten), and then a Goddess workshopping pagan after a vision on a beach when I was in my early 20s. Then a feminist. S’all good though!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Sharculese — ah ok, I was wondering how all Agent Orange got were 20+ year old quotes.

Ithiliana — yep, many of these are repeats from that post. And apparently paganism does make people feminist! Not that that’s a bad thing of course.

Looks like all Agent Orange found was that feminists don’t think childbirth should be de facto painful anymore, hm, we support medical advances? Sure I can get behind that! (And I have an Emilie Autumn quote for this, just one moment on that)

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

That Emilie Autumn quote is from The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls —

Chloroform was ready available for use as an anesthetic to relieve some of the discomforts inherent in childbirth as early as 1847, but Scottish clergymen objected to its use, insisting that the pain of childbirth was ordained by God and, a such must not be lessened by any means. It was only in 1853, when Queen Victoria herself choose to be chloroformed for the birth of her son, Prince Leopold, that the church finally shut up about it.

Fucking motherfucking fuckers.

I happen to think that sums it up nicely!

12 years ago


I became an animistic pagan (my term for it) after reading Tolkien (when I was ten)

you can deny it all you want, but iluvatar has a plan for all of us 😉

12 years ago

RE: Argenti

I wasn’t going to click the links anyway (the copypasta quotes is ooooold schtick) but… argh, I figured this place, at least, would NEVER involve the False Memory Syndrome/SRA madness ever.

…though I’m still floored nobody’s climbed out of the woodwork to tell me I’m Wrong for existing. (Please, nobody use this as the time. It’s been a bad day/week/month/season.)

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

LBT — it looks like the edge of the FMS/SRA debate that’s “relevant” here is specifically that the False Memory Syndrome Foundation has been called various names related to the fact that some of the founding members have been accused of abuse. Plenty of people, myself included, see that foundation as even more of an abusers lobby than the MRM.

Ergo we must hate men! That’s it, I’m sure. /sarcasm

Idk how anyone could say you are wrong for existing, but should anyone try it I will do my proper duty as one of the Royal Assassins. As I am most honored to be counted among their ranks, I shall diligently do my duty at swatting down illogical statements and idiocy whenever needed. 🙂

12 years ago

RE: Argenti

O_o Well, OKAY then. I guess that… makes sense…?

And yeah, it’s a total creepfest. You’d think that folks would realize they’re full of it. Not that the multi debacles of the 80s and 90s were great, but… ARGH

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

LBT — the FMS Foundation basically exists to provide legal, emotional and I think financial support to people accused of abuse/rape/etc because of recovered memories. Their entire schtick is that recovered memories are 100% BS (and MPD/DID only exists as an iatrogenic thing) — their reasoning for saying this is that they didn’t abuse anyone!!11d!!!

They’re a laughing stock, or flat out dangerous — most psychs do realize they’re full of it, which is why non-psychs are comfortable calling them the things that has masculinist man so upset >.<

The 80s and 90s MPD/DID debates were hell, yeah, but these people insist that there is no such thing as multiplicity, it only exists in people deceived by their psychs. I almost think your run-in with "you don't exist" blog was one of them. There's a good faith psych debate still, but it's become a question of degree and frequency, not "does this exist at all?" Answer now is almost always a "yes, but it's rare" or "yes but Sybil was a terrible portrayal" or "not in my clinical experience, I haven't seen it no". Idk any actual psychs saying "no, they're faking it" — more like "how do we ensure we don't fuck these people up worse by implanting false memories?"

FYI, the false memory research readily admits that traumatic memories may be different and that traumatizing a kid to test that is highly unethical — what they can infer though suggests that not only is it different, but false memories of non-trauma picked up from being told stories about their life, for example, "fade" faster (that's not the psych term, but it'll make more sense worded that way).

Psych is also seeming to get the idea that they don't see well adjusted people — that took long enough!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Sorry, that got long, consider that my rambling in defense of my psych degree not being the same as these guys.

12 years ago

Yeah, I’ve seen the article written by one of the FMS founders. And how they ESTABLISHED their foundation in the first place is uber-squick. Plus extra-bonus founders who believe queer is curables, trans folk are delusional, and pedophilia is just a matter of social stigma. URGH. CREEPTASTIC.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Yep, and per masculinist man up there, this makes us MISANDRISTS!!

Here, have a nice calming SCENTED MOTHERFUCKING CANDLE, how’s vanilla sound?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

oooh I know what this thread (and NWO’s rant) needs

The Safety Dance!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Hm or maybe Best Safety Lies in Fear (EA opens her concerts with that, still gives me shivers!)

12 years ago

NWO: Well if she’s a man’s equal suck it up. Say bad words back.

You lying sack of shit. You think that a woman who talks back needs to be beaten. A woman who fights back needs to be maimed, and a woman who is actually capable of defending herself should be killed.

All the while you mewl like a miserable kitten; complaining that you can’t walk down the street without getting turned on.

Boo-hoo. A real man can do it. In the old days all the women you saw were off-limits. Ogle one because her sleeves were too tight, or her ankles were showing, or her hair had fallen down and her father/uncle/brothers would beat the shit out of you, and you’d be wrong to have done it.

So grow up. Act like an adult. You can’t get laid… that’s because you aren’t what women want. There are lots of jerks out there who have women who don’t leave them. You can’t even manage that.

Sucks to be you.