So the other day some of the fellas on the Men’s Rights subreddit were having a strange little conversation. One Men’s Rights Redditor posted a clip from Bill Burr, in which the comedian complained that when his girlfriend hit him, he couldn’t hit her back without getting himself into a lot of trouble.
Instead of pointing his fellows to, I don’t know, resources for male victims of domestic abuse, the OP joked “This Is Why I Wish That I Was Sexually Attracted to Men.”
Yep, that’s right. He wants to date other men so, if the need arises, he can punch them.
Naturally, this being Reddit, other straight dudes jumped in with their own fantasies about how much easier life would be if they were gay. After all, jacKofKats pointed out, dating a guy would mean you could play video games with the very same person you have sex with, something obviously impossible in heterosexual relationships.
Oneiorosgrip agreed with the original poster that life would be much simpler and easier if guys could hit their mates:
Dolanduckeroo expressed envy towards his gay friends, who apparently lead lives of ease and endless zipless fucks, all the while being appreciated for who they truly are.
A few actual gay men wandered into the discussion, hoping to inject a bit of realism, pointing out (among other things) that gay men actually face something called “homophobia” — look it up if you haven’t heard of it — pretty much every day of their lives. Naturally, they got fewer upvotes than the “wish I were gay” fantasizers.
So tiring. Can’t even point out what y’all think I’ve been saying.
About 5 different people accusing me of shit I NEVER said but can’t even google the man-hating feminists.
Yes I did say ignore them so that they will stop mocking Feminism IF they believe feminism is mocking men. If they don’t believe feminism is mocking men, then no shit they won’t stop. Never did I say it would work. Still not victim blaming though.
Yea I did just put man hating feminists. What now? I have to provide proof? For something the MRA’s believe? But I guess since I wrote it I have to show you? I must believe it since I wrote it? And then what?
Roxane- mras hate feminism because mras believe feminism hates men.
Everyone else- what feminists do you speak of.
Roxane- mras…NOT Roxane….are saying feminism is a hate movement.
Everyone else- take your hostility and victim blaming else where.
Roxane- what
You want proof?
Here’s your fucking proof.
Feminism the hate group-Cultural Misandry.
23 quotes from feminism that will make you rethink feminism-thought catalog.
Feminism is a hate group-womenagainstmen.
Man hating feminism, more than just a myth-huffington post.
Quotes of misandry by feminists-youdontneedfeminism.
Read the article and don’t give me that shit that “oh it’s only a few, that’s not what feminism is for, blah blah”.
“Oh so you believe them?”
“Oh men have always hated feminism before that, blah blah”.
“Oh if we stop, they won’t stop”.
Read the articles BITCHES. If not then SHUT THE FUCK UP
Roxane. Why does it matter why they blame feminists?
No. And if you’re going to come on here calling people bitches, and referring them to obscurantist bullshit, then it’s YOU who should shut the fuck up.
MRAL, is that you?
Oh, my stars and garters, this is still happening?
Quiet down, I can hear you ARFing from across the room.
Also, we are fully aware of what you are saying. That EVERY SINGLE MRA has founded EVERY SINGLE one of their believes on ‘things feminists have said’. Even if it wasn’t full of shit (which it is), several people here have pointed out that such a view is a gross oversimplification. People do things for lots of reasons. Some have been personally wronged by one woman, and (incapable of viewing women as human beings) then conclude that all women ever are the problem.
Also, doesn’t change the fact that these “things feminists have said” are not actually things feminists have said.
Well, I did google man-hating feminists. And here are the results (in order)
1. An article by the guardian entitled “Feminists don’t hate men. But it wouldn’t matter if we did”
2. A blog by “amazonfeminist” that starts with “I hate men. Yes, I am a feminist. No, not all feminists hate men.”
3. The wikipedia article for misandry
4. A bullshit article on garbage site Vox.com
5. An article called “why feminists hate men”….. on Return of Kings
6. An article called “Samantha Allen explains why she hates feminism”…. on Avoiceformen.com
7. 5 reasons why so many people believe feminism hates men
8. An article on time.com called “why feminists pretending to hate men isn’t funny”
That’s the entire front page of google search and NONE OF THESE SUPPORT YOUR ARGUMENT. But you already knew that. That’s why you keep deflecting with “just google it” because you already know that your argument is full of shit and you expected none of us to go out and google it.
Well fuck you. I did, and I’m here to call you out on it.
Except plenty of MRAs still post misogynistic crap without it being fueled by mockery from feminism. In fact that’s MOST of what they do.
Also great solution! All feminists need to do is sit there quietly and not say anything. Yeah cause that’s been working great for the past few centuries.
To answer your questions, Yes, you do have to provide proof. If you don’t believe what you wrote, then your point is meaningless.
And no, that’s not at all how the dialogue went. Here’s how it went
Roxane- mras hate feminism because mras believe feminism hates men.
Everyone else- No, there are a variety of reasons, and those are nothing but deflections. Also these feminists you speak of don’t exist, can you show us proof?
Roxane- WHAT!? You expect ME to show proof of the point I’M trying to make? how dare you attack me, ALL I’M SAYING IS THAT FEMINISM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MRAS HATRED
Everyone else – Um, yeah, and that’s called victim blaming, MRAs are not ‘created’ by feminism, you are a boring troll.
Roxane – ARF ARF ARF I have been nothing but civil you are all meanies ARF ARF ARF
You must have fucked up, because all your links are black and can’t be clicked on. Try again, and this time just copy & paste the URL if you can’t HTML.
It’s all fun and games until someone acts like a complete douchenozzle. Or reveals they always were.
Ok, I’ll try not to teal dear again, but this is just too funny. So that article called “5 reasons why so many people believe feminism hates men and why they’re not true” can be found here
I bring this up because it single-handedly dismantles roxane’s entire argument, which is hilarious because the only reason I came across it is because of roxane’s inability to perform basic research and my desire to call him or her out on his or her bullshit.
From the article:

I’m really enjoying this meltdown. He (when the gendered slurs come out I start assuming man socking woman) reminds me of a less coherent version of Erin of attack chickens fame.
I’m also hearing “read the articles bitches!” in the voice of Bill O’Reilly when he had the “do it live!” meltdown and that’s incredibly entertaining.
I never thought I would say this, but I miss the Days of Yore, when we walked ten miles to school, uphill both ways and in three feet of snow all year, and trolls at least made an effort to be interesting. I mean, NWO dumb as paste, but at least he was entertaining. And he introduced many of us to fun concepts (the sovereign citizen movement) and interesting ‘facts,’ such as ‘contracts are not legally binding because capital letters. This person seems to think that making the same argument over and over, only louder and with more swearing, is a valid debate tactic.
Roxane, don’t call people “bitches.”
KathleenB – My favorite NWO episode was when he treated Euripides’s The Bacchae as a genuine historical event.
Lordy. The biggest fail of all is for Roxane or anyone else to take the idea that misogynists say that shit as explanation/s for why they are justified in hating women/feminists right back.
It’s not explanation, it’s justification. It’s exactly the same as someone giving dozens of reasons why red wine or broccoli or blue cheese is a horrible food that noone anywhere should ever have eaten and everyone should stop eating it right now.
No. You, the individual you, are the one who doesn’t like parsnips or BBQ flavoured crisps or milk in your tea. That’s all about you, no one else.
Trying to list multitudes of reasons why this thing is revolting, disgusting, inedible and bad for you into the bargain tells us exactly nothing about why other people should dislike something we don’t care about or actively prefer. It’s just your own preferences.
But blue cheese is disgusting, though. The blue part of it? Mold. Gross.
I tried to make those items a mix of things I like and things I don’t. In my case the dislikes are blue cheese and BBQ flavoured anything. (I only like plain potato crisps and corn chips. I can always taste the sweeteners and other chemically obtrusive things in stuff that’s chicken/cheese/alltheothers artificially flavoured.)
Then you know what we must do.
Destroy the world’s supply of blue cheese.
To…save the children! No, really! 70% of children hurting their funny bones can be traced back to blue cheese somehow. Fact.
*waits until you’re out of the room*
Slightly OT, but I was at a thrift store yesterday with my mom and came across a book called “Feminists Say the Darndest Things” or some nonsense, and it seemed to be a book about a man “confronting feminiazis
Damn it the tablet slipped. To finish:
…And I had to resist the urge to flip off an inanimate object in a thrift store run by some very nice old ladies.
Did you peek inside it or just read the cover? I can understand if you didn’t look inside.
“Women are people, just like men.”
*canned laughter*
“Domestic violence, rape and paedophilia are all bad things.”
*canned laughter*
“We deserve equal pay at work and equal representation in the media.”
*canned laughter*
Welp, that didn’t take long for “roxane” to unmask themselves as an abuser. Silencing (STFU), derogatory slurs (b-word), barking orders (read the article), the basic dysfunctional triad of misogynist trolls. Thanks for demonstrating by example everything wrong with MRAdjacent mentality. This is exactly why I almost never directly engage with you, it is pointless, absurd, and only serves their bizarre need to feed via psychological vampirism. Toodles!
Dyyyyyying. omg.
“Yes, I did tell you to do X so they would do Y! Why are you telling me I told you to do X? See, I snuck in that little variable Z that can invalidate everything when I choose to hit the eject button on my argument. LOGICK’D”
On a side topic, guys, we should totally stop eating eggs so that birds stop retaliating by pooping on our cars.*
What? Why are you insinuating I said you should stop eating eggs?
*Note that it may or may not be completely true that birds poop on our cars as specific retaliation for egg-eating.