men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men

Men Going Their Own Way: Best and Worst Case Scenarios

MGTOW: Best-Case Scenario

Worst-Case Scenario:

Even-Worster-Case Scenario:

Also, it goes without saying, the entirety of, NiceGuy’s MGTOW Forum, Happy Bachelors Forum.

Note: If you actually watch any of these worster-case videos, please go back to the best-case scenario video to remind yourself that there is hope for our world.

EDITED TO ADD:  The fellows at have responded to my post yesterday about them. Enjoy.

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Guy Noir
Guy Noir
12 years ago

@ Argenti Aertheri – I don’t think the hat was an accidental distraction. Chapin wore the hat deliberately, and his stopping to point it out looked like part of his script. It looks like the video is partially scripted and partially (really badly) improvised.

I agree the Tea Party is racist, and its symbolism is racist. They aren’t celebrating Native Americans with their imagery at all. It’s white rebels dressed up as Indians that they’re celebrating. They imagine themselves to be a sort of contemporary version of those rebels from the 1770s.

12 years ago

That first video… I just can’t get enough of it.

C’mon MGTOWers! Go your own way! Get a station wagon, load up all of your MGTOW buddies and drive to the woods, where there are no evil wimmenz to bother you, or any media that’s controlled by the hive vagina. Then you can be happy and have a fun little dance party too!

12 years ago

Non-Native Americans dressing up like Native Americans is racist. Non-Native Americans using Native Americans as mascots is racist.

Not to mention that the scapegoated tribe, the Kanien’gehaga (a.k.a. Mohawk), fought against the US in the revolutionary war, because the anglo-American’s routine treaty violations and human rights abuses. The systematic assaults and numerous treaty violations against the Haudenosaunee (a.k.a. Iroquois) culminated in multiple wars between them and the early US. “Overun and destroy” was the order the colonists set against them. Significant portions of the Haudenosaunee fled to British territories north of the US after the war in hopes of escaping retaliations.

So, no, celebrating white revolutionaries dressing up like Native Americans is not a tribute, it’s a racist colonist erasing of history.

12 years ago

I agree that a lot of people in the Tea Party are racists, and a lot of the things they say are racist, and the sports team mascots are offensive, but…

I don’t see how a white person simply dressing up as a Native American is racist. I used to live near Seattle, where there are shops owned by Native Americans that sell traditional art objects and handmade clothing to tourists. Is it racist to buy and wear them? is it racist to shave your head in a mohawk? We went to war against the Japanese too. Is it racist to dress up as a ninja or samurai? How about wearing a kimono or reading manga?

I agree what the US did to the Native Americans was pretty damn shitty, and in some ways it’s still pretty damn shitty. You should see all the bitching and moaning that goes on when they enforce their treaty rights over the salmon and shellfish harvest over here. But just putting on a headdress doesn’t make you a racist against the Native Americans any more than wearing a gi makes you a racist against the Japanese IMHO.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I don’t see how a white person simply dressing up as a Native American is racist.

I am hardly surprised. Pay no attention to the people discussing it right in front of you.

I agree what the US did to the Native Americans was pretty damn shitty, and in some ways it’s still pretty damn shitty

“In some ways”, while the US continues to hold all the lands it promised to leave to the native americans, amongst numerous other grievances.

more than wearing a gi makes you a racist against the Japanese

Traditions shared voluntarily != appropriated bullshit.

Jesus fuck, people are telling you right here how the Tea Party is using it to venerate the rebels who’s final straw prior to rebelling was they weren’t permitted to genocide native americans, and you’re still wondering how this can be racist.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I’m also not entirely convinced that the wearing of a gi in the context of martial art training isn’t racist, I’m just granting to you that it isn’t.

12 years ago

@David Futrelle
“NWO, why does the gang at the top want to destabilize things?”

The great depression was caused by money manipulation of which JP Morgan was the major player. The country was thrown into turmoil. Did JP and the gang suffer? Of course not, they profitted from everyone’s suffering. The recent, “recession,” was the same. Trillions was borrowed from the big boys to bail out the same big boys and billed to the serfs at interest.

Can you name me one financial power that didn’t profit from the worldwide recession? Rothchild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Haliburton, ect? The serfs build it up and they buy for pennies on the dollar. Feminism which is aggressively promoted worldwide with the built in burgiouse class, (men are bad oppressors), and the peasant class, (women are good victims), serves it’s purpose.

It’s the same gang who runs the corporations, media, education, banks, and your government. As long as usury exists, every government serves the international bankers. Geithner, a private citizen, can walk into any guv building as well as the UN building. I can’t.

Dave, show me how the gang at the top suffered from the recession. Or did they profit from destabilizing the world?

12 years ago

I assume that a gi is a karate outfit (I never learned the name when I was doing karate) and I can say that in addition to being traditional, it’s a toss up between that and a sports bra and boxer shorts as to the most comfortable and movement-allowing exercise outfit I have worn. When you’re doing a martial art, comfortable and movement-allowing are a plus. I think that wearing the traditional outfit may also be considered respectful to the art and its origins, but I’m not 100% sure on that.

OTOH, I’ve only ever heard of non-native people wearing native-style dress as a statement (referring to countries with a native minority/immigrant majority), and if you’re going to do that, that statement damn well better be in support of the native community. (e.g. wearing handmade jewellery bought from shops run and owned by Native American people).

12 years ago

Rutee, are you being obtuse on purpose? I’m as much against racism as anyone. I pretty much agree with you. The Tea Party sucks and has racists. That much is obvious from some of the things they’ve said. Furthermore, the government and some of the white people treat them like shit. What’s there to disagree with?

What I objected to is a Darksidecat’s blanket statement that white people dressing like Native Americans is racist. Not just TPers trying to pay homage to people who slaughtered the Native Americans.

All I am saying is the simple act of dressing like a Native American does not necessarily make someone a racist. The intent is what matters. Someone who gets a mohawk haircut, dresses up as a chief for a costume party, or wears a Native American leather beadwork jacket because he thinks it looks cool isn’t automatically racist.

12 years ago

Er, them in the sixth sentance = Native Americans, not TPers.

As for the TPers, I doubt many of them have thought further than “The people who were at the Boston Tea Party wore Indian disguises, and I want to be like them so I will too.”

12 years ago

But white people dressing like Native Americans is often racist. The hipster headdress trend is appropriating and not respectful at all.

Wearing a headdress or feathers is like wearing a medal for valor in the nations where that is done.

If you, a white person is wearing a feather or headdress, you are mocking those items, not honoring them.

12 years ago

Apparentavely, all of you seem to have completely read the meaning of LOL. It doesn’t mean lizards who refuse to finish lockstep with your czarist apathy movement will honk. No doubt you’d abhor that. It means the microwave is about to moan. The plague of Prohibitionists has been exported worldwide with the sole purpose of dashing. The gang at the top have expertly moonwalked shorts.

I got to the microwave moaning before I realized it was Mad Libs o.0

I agree that a lot of people in the Tea Party are racists, and a lot of the things they say are racist, and the sports team mascots are offensive, but…

Clue stick: the “I agree with you, but…” line is most often pulled by trolls before they say something horribly stupid and offensive, which you would know if you spent any time discussing actual issues with racism and appropriation on the internet.

12 years ago

The intent is what matters. Someone who gets a mohawk haircut, dresses up as a chief for a costume party, or wears a Native American leather beadwork jacket because he thinks it looks cool isn’t automatically racist.

He is. He really, really is. He’s reducing a varied group of living people, from a wealth of different cultures, to a curiosity. An odd, quaint group of creatures to marvel at because they are Not Like Us. He’s taken real, breathing people, and turned them into costumes and props. The intention is irrelevant.

12 years ago

Upon re-reading I see you were describing the behaviours of 3 separate individuals, not a single individual. I was mostly talking about the chief costume for a costume party. Which is not to say that the other clothing isn’t racist and appropriative.

12 years ago

All I am saying is the simple act of dressing like a Native American does not necessarily make someone a racist. The intent is what matters. Someone who gets a mohawk haircut, dresses up as a chief for a costume party, or wears a Native American leather beadwork jacket because he thinks it looks cool isn’t automatically racist.

Is IS automatically colossally fucking clueless.

I think “punk rock ” instead of Native American when I see a Mohawk. There’s some grade-a appropriation.

12 years ago

Oh, HTML, why u fail me?

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Apparently, all of you seem to have completely extruded the meaning of CAD. It doesn’t mean drafters who refuse to copy-paste lock-step with your pencil-supremacist cheery movement will fart. No doubt you’d fist-pump that. It means the paper is about to jam. The plague of pencil-supremacism has been exported worldwide with the sole purpose of crumpling. The gang at the top have expertly chewed pen tips.

The stationery is about to dump ink everywhere? You don’t say?

12 years ago

As for the TPers, I doubt many of them have thought further than “The people who were at the Boston Tea Party wore Indian disguises, and I want to be like them so I will too.”

And also they’re huge fucking racists.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Have heteros not yet discovered the dental dam?

Considering the number of kinksters I’ve had to explain dental dams to? I’d say nope, not yet.

12 years ago

I don’t get the comparision with martial arts clothes. If it’s racist when white people doing martial arts wear martial arts clothes, is it also racist when japanese soccer players wear soccer clothes? It’s the same thing. When you do a sport, you dress in the clothes of that sport, regardless of ethnicity. I just can’t see how that compares to dressing up like a native-american for some protest.

12 years ago

@Hesster: The intent is what matters.

No, no, it doesn’t.

Intent: it’s fucking magic.

Appropriation of Native American cultures.

12 years ago

Do you guys think the appropriative nature of mohawks makes them inherently racist, even if one is part of punk-rock subculture? (Not that punk subculture is free from racism in general…)

12 years ago

who is the piece of shit who flagged my video?

12 years ago

For what it’s worth*, I think it’s a fairly benign form of cultural appropiation. This sort of interchange happens all the time – cultures aren’t sealed hermetically against outside influences, and I would argue that they shouldn’t be. ‘Native American’ Halloween costumes? Yeah, that’s fucking racist. White people learning Japanese martial arts? Still technically cultural appropiation, but I would argue that it’s not inherently racist.

* Little going on nothing.

12 years ago

(My opinion being that ‘an appropiative nature doesn’t make a thing inherently racist’ because appropiation is a very broad term that covers everything from ‘Japense people celebrating Christmas’ to ‘the white guy who wears a feather headdress, carries a tomahawk and says he is a medicine man’ – with mohawks being arguably in the former category. Arguably. I might be missing something important. This should have been in the previous post, I think.)