men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men

Men Going Their Own Way: Best and Worst Case Scenarios

MGTOW: Best-Case Scenario

Worst-Case Scenario:

Even-Worster-Case Scenario:

Also, it goes without saying, the entirety of, NiceGuy’s MGTOW Forum, Happy Bachelors Forum.

Note: If you actually watch any of these worster-case videos, please go back to the best-case scenario video to remind yourself that there is hope for our world.

EDITED TO ADD:  The fellows at have responded to my post yesterday about them. Enjoy.

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12 years ago


And here I was thinking Chapin was one of the more “normal” MRAs. My bad.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Guy Noir — thank you for the explanation on that flag, that video was posted here not long ago and I was wondering what that flag was about.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

rage/fembot — I have a few relatives of the “higher education is bad” school of thought, it seems to be that they assume everyone with more than a HS education thinks that people with just a HS education (which includes them) is inherently inferior — education makes people full of themselves basically // “know your place”. In some cases it might be that they don’t have the discipline, in others it seems simply to be that they never had the opportunity to go to college and thus feel the need to defend that “choice”. Merely calling it a “choice” even would likely upset them that their education level is just fine and they choose not to increase it because they don’t need to — which is fine if it actually is a choice.

12 years ago

Re Dude Who Is Shit In Bed: Have heteros not yet discovered the dental dam? I mean, I know I have TMI WARNING given my share of odes to the taste of pussy TMI WARNING CONCLUDED but if you’re really worried about stds from oral, dental dams and condoms are things that exist.

12 years ago

Apparently, all of you seem to have completely misinterpreted the meaning of MGTOW. It doesn’t mean men who refuse to walk lock-step with your communist hate movement will disappear. No doubt you’d love that. It means the world is about to shudder. The plague of feminism has been exported worldwide with the sole purpose of destabilization. The gang at the top have expertly manipulated women.

12 years ago

NOwly, if we’ve misinterpreted MGTOW, could you please tell us how? I mean, the words say “Men Going Their Own Way.” If I’m interpreting those words correctly, they mean that men who don’t want anything to do with women (or communists, or commie feminist hate movements, etc.) plan to Go Their Own Way.

I really, truly hope that that means they plan to leave us women, socialists, commies and pinko fellow travelers (manginas and such) alone, when they disappear to their bunker.

I have one and only one question for MGTOW – when are you going to Go Away? And once you’re gone, can we be sure you won’t come back?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

NWO madlib time!

Apparently, all of you seem to have completely [past tense verb] the meaning of [acronym]. It doesn’t mean [plural noun] who refuse to [verb] lock-step with your [political/social movement] [emotion] movement will [verb]. No doubt you’d [emotion] that. It means the [noun] is about to [verb]. The plague of [political/social movement] has been exported worldwide with the sole purpose of [verb]. The gang at the top have expertly [past tense verb] [plural noun].

The [noun] is about to [verb]? You don’t say?

To attempt to take you seriously for 30 seconds NWO, MGTOW need a different acronym if they don’t intend to go their own way. You do realize the vast majority of men think you’re either idiotic or hilarious right? Most men have at least one woman they do actually care about, or at least think women deserve the same rights they have, and some just plain resent the statements about “all men”.

12 years ago

The world is already shuddering, but not because a few white douchebags are threatening to take their balls and go home.

Jayem Griffin
12 years ago

Apparently, all of you seem to have completely read the meaning of LOL. It doesn’t mean lizards who refuse to finish lockstep with your czarist apathy movement will honk. No doubt you’d abhor that. It means the microwave is about to moan. The plague of Prohibitionists has been exported worldwide with the sole purpose of dashing. The gang at the top have expertly moonwalked shorts.

The field is about to detonate? You don’t say?

These are fun!

12 years ago


The world is already shuddering, but not because a few white douchebags are threatening to take their balls and go home.

I see what you did there

12 years ago

Apparently, all of you seem to have completely grokked the meaning of TGIF. It doesn’t mean bunnies who refuse to hop lock-step with your hipster rage movement will propagate. No doubt you’d fear that. It means the gerbil is about to diagnose. The plague of hipsterism has been exported worldwide with the sole purpose of trespassing. The gang at the top have expertly purchased 21 lbs. of kitty litter.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Apparently, all of you seem to have completely slathered the meaning of FIFA. It doesn’t mean phalanxes who refuse to urinate lock-step with your Fabianist horny movement will handstand. No doubt you’d humor that. It means the crab is about to drool. The plague of Abolitionism has been exported worldwide with the sole purpose of masturbating. The gang at the top have expertly massaged Never-Nudes.

12 years ago

Mission about to launch. Password: The crab drools at midnight. Pass it on.

12 years ago

Apparently, all of you seem to have completely laser beamed the meaning of FIFA. It doesn’t mean Klingons who refuse to photon torpedo lock-step with your Federation of planets movement will hypo-spray. No doubt you’d Kirk that. It means the Picard is about to drool. The plague of Vulcanism has been exported worldwide with the sole purpose of warp-driving. The gang at the top have expertly massaged Dr. Beverly Crusher and her son.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Mission about to launch. Password: The crab drools at midnight. Pass it on.


Made my night.

12 years ago

If “the gang at top” is manipulating feminists, does that mean all the ‘evil’ th of rich men?hey do is actually the responsibility of a bunch of rich men?

Guy Noir
Guy Noir
12 years ago

Tulgey Logger said: ”I do like the outfit. He’s a real aviator.”

I wouldn’t be surprised if those are shooting glasses Chapin’s wearing. I take it David Futrelle also wears glasses, and they look just like that (joking). Chapin is making these videos for his ultra-right audience, so I’m almost positive those are gun-glasses.

I’ve been thinking about Chapin’s hat. He specifically points it out at about 5:00 in his video, points right at the logo. It’s a Miller Lite hat with a Native American logo that says, “Always an Original, The Anniversary”. The Native American symbol is used in the Tea Party movement because–you might remember this from high school US History class–those rebel colonists disguised themselves as Indians at that 1773 Boston Tea Party! I think that’s the meaning of Chapin’s hat.

I grew up in Colorado Springs, so I’ve had some exposure to right wing culture, gun culture, military culture. I think this so called MRA ideology comes right out of that, imagery and messages coming from the same playbook.

On Armageddon1115, he’s a very confused young man. It’s interesting to note he’s not a middle-class or upper-middle-class white male. He’s a young black man, some college, working class, not the typical demographic for this group.

Now, why has Chapin wrapped himself in a bed sheet? Easier concealed carry? (joking)

12 years ago

The Armageddon1114 guy reminds me of a troll in a WoW raid I was in earlier today. He kept going on about how all the FEMALES have to leave the raid because they are all horrible at the game and impossibly stupid. I immediately started a vote to kick but it wasn’t until he purposefully wiped us twice that he was finally kicked. And after the wipe he went all rampage about FEMALE players causing wipes and if we (women) don’t all leave immediately we will wipe again.

Anyway, obvious troll is obvious. I was raid leader (by default in a random group) and when he was going off the second time about FEMALE players I said, “Dude, sorry you can’t get laid, but it is because you are a giant douche, not because women are bad at WoW.” That is when everyone in the group spoke up and kicked him out (before people were just ignoring him). Someone form his server said he goes on in Trade like that all the time so they had him ignored and didn’t realize he was in there trolling/ griefing us.

Anyway, it was just nice to see a raging misogynist in the wild get rebuked by the majority (most of them men) and in a random WoW raid of all places. Sorry guys your revolution really really REALLY isn’t catching on.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I’m almost positive those are gun-glasses” — seconding that, particularly since that’s the kind I can’t wear because I have shitty depth perception without my glasses

“Now, why has Chapin wrapped himself in a bed sheet?” — because clothing for “fat people” is all tent shaped? It seems likely he’d be of the “David is just fat and angry” camp, and the fat shamers seem big on the idea that if you’re not attractive, you should just wear a tent so no one has to look at you (this is BS of course, but I could totally see that being his “point” with the choice of “shirt’)

I was wondering wtf was with the hat, but being in need of new glasses I couldn’t make out what it said and was hoping it was a sports team mascot (still racist, but common) — I don’t think the Tea Party really understand the tea party, at any level. “Taxation without representation” — so they’re complaining they aren’t represented?

Re: NWO madlibs — y’all are hilarious!

12 years ago

I say that we should take all of the best NWO quotes, Mad-Libs-ize them and then sell them in e-Book form for a dollar a piece and have all proceeds go to something like Planned Parenthood or an equal rights group. I wonder how long it would take for his troll head to stop spinning around and around…..

Guy Noir
Guy Noir
12 years ago

Argenti Aertheri said: “I couldn’t make out what [Chapin’s hat] said and was hoping it was a sports team mascot. . .”

I was thinking Redskins logo when I first saw it, but that’s not what it is. This Indian imagery is really used by the Tea Party. Here’s a rendition of the original Tea Party from our high school history book:

Here’s a contemporary Tea-partier dressed up:

Argenti Aertheri said: “— because clothing for ‘fat people’ is all tent shaped? It seems likely he’d be of the ‘David is just fat and angry’ camp, and the fat shamers seem big on the idea that if you’re not attractive, you should just wear a tent so no one has to look at you (this is BS of course, but I could totally see that being his ‘point’ with the choice of ‘shirt’)“

I see now, Chapin’s sheet was invoking the moo moo dress. Our analysis of his costume is complete.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

We’d have to give Owly a troy ounce of gold for every copy sold, though.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Guy Noir — other than to note that he was talking about racism when he got distracted by his hat, yep, I think that’s a fairly complete analysis. I’m not sure if he intended to have “David” derail himself there, or if that was a bit Freudian; I realize it’s Tea Party symbolism, but it’s still racist (and the Tea Party has a long uphill battle to convince me they aren’t racists!)