antifeminism armageddon evil women grandiosity melodrama men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men racism threats your time will come

It’s a Tsunami! It’s a Coiled Spring! It’s a Mixed Metaphor MGTOW MANPOCALYPSE!

The Apocalypse: Zombies Going Their Own Way

It’s time for another mixed-metaphor MANPOCALYPSE over on! This time the Nostradamus Going His Own Way is a fellow calling himself Swetnam. Here are his dire predictions:

I like to talk of men’s rights as a tsunami crashing against the shore..but men’s rights are just the cresting wave. Just behind that are a vast array of other things generated by the cultural earthquake that hit the western world in the late half of the twentieth century.

Huh. So everything since the 1950s sucks? No television, no internet, no video games, no microwaved Hot Pockets? Do you really want to go back to listening to Glenn Miller and Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters? (Actually, the Andrews Sisters sort of kick ass, but never mind.)

If I may coin another metaphor…the anglosphere is like a coiled spring. That spring is coiling ever more tightly, and someday it’s going to break. When it does, all hell will break loose. It wont be pretty. In fact, I think there is going to be terrible violence ahead, as decades of suppressed anger and frustration finally break free. Blood and Iron. And some of us now will be around to see it. What will emerge from the other side? I honestly cannot say I know.

Ah, he’s dancing that old dance, the dance called “you ladies better shut up or angry dudes will beat the shit out of you. Oh, but not me. I’m not threatening anything. I’m just predicting.  I don’t not-so-secretly relish these violent fantasies.”

Speaking of dancing:

I have a good somali friend. He used to say to me that his worst nightmare would be the day that white men learn to dance. I asked him why? He said that if white men are learning to dance, that means they cannot find other ways to attract women or show status. if that happens, then white males will become the new gangsters, but vastly more numerous, organised and with an institutional memory of happier times. They will look at the people who now stand above them, and see them in alliance with the people who once stood below them but are now equal to them, and hate them both with a rage that can scarcely be imagined. And they will act on that rage.

I can’t say i disagree.

Of course you can’t.

Elsewhere in the same thread, Womanhater offered some equally dire “predictions,” with a side order of blatant racism.

In my opinion, the veneer of mystery and respect that once adorned womanhood is gone forever. Some men will engage with them long enough to fuck them. Some men may find a tolerable one or two of them to procreate with – on his terms when the laws are changes (and they will eventually be changed). Many men will simply not see any point to it.

But I am speaking of the generations of men who have yet to date or perhaps to even have been born.

Those of us in the 15-45 age bracket who’ve had to grow up and endure the bullshit of the past 2 or 3 generations of twats will either ghost or pump n’ dump. Only those men born after the gender war is concluded will even consider something more.

The women aged 35 and up are irrelevant since they’re past the biological point of no return anyway.

Well, hey, at least Womanhater grants women ten more years of non-irrelevance than does W.F. Price on The Spearhead.

Those 35 and under will likely be the ones who will bear the brunt of what I’ll call the Male Awakening. They’re most likely to end up single and childless in mind numbing drone jobs.

Those women under the age of 20 who actually pay attention and see how this lifestyle will leave them a few decades down the line however, they’re the ones who have a chance at some form of successful relationship and children, but a LOT will have to change between now and then.

Translation: You ladies better date me OR ELSE!

Most likely, truth be told, the West and its founding race will simply die off due to the advanced stage of the feminist cancer. Who and what replaces it I guess will be unveiled as the decades pass.

“Its founding RACE!?” Did we just take a detour into Klanland?

Oh, but there’s more. Legacy – possibly a Brony? — offers this awkward metaphor:

Like air, society doesn’t notice male slavery until the workhorses start missing from the stables.

TheManWithThePlan offers this sort-of plan:

If by swing the pendulum violently back you mean men having their own gender roles revolution (which could very likely fuck women over big time without taking away any of their rights), then yes that’s probably going to happen. I don’t see anyone “forgiving” people for the BS that’s been happening. Hell half of men out there have been fucked over by their wives, I doubt they’ll just say “it’s okay women 100+ years ago had it bad as well, so I deserved it” and move on.

It’s the end of the world as we know it, and these guys can’t wait.

EDITED TO ADD: The fellows at MGTOWforums have offered a rebuttal, of sorts, to this post.

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12 years ago

Dear RoberTroll: thinking you can speak authoritatively on what ALL Spanish women do or don’t like in men is misogynstic.

I know nothing about feminism in Spain, but I googled it, and wow, there is feminism in Spain!,mod=10&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=feminism+in+Spain

Also, please define what you mean by “sissy”–and try to imagine how utterly revolting you would find a American making claims about “all Spanish men” and “all Spanish women,” and then tuck your head back up into your ass and crawl back to whatever bridge you lurched out from under.


12 years ago

Anyone wanna perform SCIENCE, by which I mean “go to Spain and attempt to pick up ladies”? ‘S an interesting experiment, and to disprove the stated claim we only need one counterexample.

12 years ago

I love I am being told about how the Spanish girls are by those who spent a couple of months or a year here.

Every person knows that women desire authority and passion rather than the man bow. That is why I had so many dates in Texas!

I do not care if American men do not like Spain. I still do not like how they whimper before a woman. How can a woman lust after a man she does not respect and is jealous? Tell me please.

12 years ago

Every person knows that women desire authority and passion rather than the man bow.

Says a person who is not a woman. Also man bow??? XD

I do not care if American men do not like Spain.

No one ever said they hated Spain.

I still do not like how they whimper before a woman.

Stereotyping American men? Also what is dogs name are you talking about. XD

How can a woman lust after a man she does not respect and is jealous? Tell me please.


Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I love I am being told about how the Spanish girls are by those who spent a couple of months or a year here.

Speaking for myself, I said “I think you would be surprised” because I have heard Hispanic men say the same thing about hispanic women that you now are saying about Spanish women, and that is something I know from experience is bullshit.

Every person knows that women desire authority and passion rather than the man bow.

I want neither… XD XD XD

I still do not like how they whimper before a woman.

I don’t like how you’re a misogynistic troll. Leaving yet?

How can a woman lust after a man she does not respect and is jealous? Tell me please.

Question begging. Just because a dude is not a misogynistic asshole does not mean a woman can’t respect him.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I love I am being told about how the Spanish girls are by those who spent a couple of months or a year here.”

Um, the closest anyone came to talking about all Spanish women was me doubting that they all want men who treat them like something they stepped in…and frankly, I doubt anyone, anywhere, actually wants to be treated like something stuck to your shoe. (fetishes excluded)

“Every person knows that women desire authority and passion rather than the man bow.”

man bow?? If by authority you mean a man who insists everything be his way, then no, not all women like that, most don’t. Passion has nothing, at all, to do with “sissy” as you put it before — one can be respectful and passionate!

“That is why I had so many dates in Texas!”

Congrats? No one here is particularly interested? You’re generalizing one state’s women to be all women everywhere (maybe don’t do that).

“I do not care if American men do not like Spain.”

Wonderful, as that’s a complete non sequitur.

“I still do not like how they whimper before a woman.”

Wtf do you care about American men? You just said they don’t like your country, so I’d assume you don’t have to deal with them and could thus just ignore them. Maybe do so?

“How can a woman lust after a man she does not respect and is jealous? Tell me please.”

How can anyone lust after someone who doesn’t have even a basic level of respect for them? Since you haven’t defined sissy I have to assume you’re including everyone besides the MRAs we mock, and they have no respect, at all, for women, not as human beings and certainly not as someone who’s company they enjoy.

So basically you’re asking how a woman could respect a man who respects her….did I fall down a hole into backwards land? Would you want a sex partner that thought it best to insult you whenever possible, often in completely nonsensical ways, and then had sex with you once and thought the idea of ever speaking to you again laughable? Because that’s basically how the MRM and PUAs view women — insult and “pump and dump” — to the point that calling her for a second date is seen as weak, stupid, foolish, whatever.

They really have no respect for men who aren’t them either, I’m going to assume you’ve had a second date before? That’d be insult worthy to most PUAs, you already got the sex, why bother with her again? This attitude is why we mock them, because it is mockery worthy.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

That got long, sorry about that, I just finished another screed by Vox and I think zombie Hitler got my brain XD

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

“I love I am being told about how the Spanish girls are by those who spent a couple of months or a year here.”

“I do not care if American men do not like Spain. I still do not like how they whimper before a woman.”

I love the juxtaposition of these statements, and Roberto’s lack of self-awareness.

I also love imagining Roberto’s comments being read by Antonio Banderas doing an SNL skit. You are that hilariously full of yourself, Roberto.

12 years ago

Whimpering can actually be quite sexy in the right circumstances…

12 years ago

I have PCOS too, with high testosterone but without high progesterone, though I personally tend to feel calm when my testosterone is high (for me, lower testosterone tends to make me more anxious). Though my testosterone when it is high is really high, almost up to the lower expected range of cis men, and it never drops down to the expected range of cis women.

Combine that with the hashimotos, and before or after 24 would make little difference with me, I’m low chance of conception and high chance of miscarriage. Doctors have informed me that they could get my pregnancy and hormone related care paid for for me if I would be willing to be monitored if I was trying to get pregnant or was pregnant.

Not that I have a particular desire to be pregnant, but it might be a nice backup option if I decided to have kids, as it would allow me to do it regardless of my partner(s) having a functional uterus or not, esp. as adoption is off the table.

Then again, I’m not a woman. Queer non-women with uteruses probably don’t figure into MRA “calculations”.

12 years ago

Criminy! men going their own way but repeatedly failing to stick their flounce. Tragical!

12 years ago

“I do not care if American men do not like Spain. I still do not like how they whimper before a woman. How can a woman lust after a man she does not respect and is jealous? Tell me please.”

Why is it that a man must conform to one of two polar extremes–dominating asshole or simpering buttkisser? My husband is neither, and we have a happy relationship based on mutual respect and friendship. Treating a woman like a human being and not a “cum dumpster” is actually quite common once you leave the manosphere and enter The Real World.

12 years ago

Wait, are you all (except Roberto) saying that women are sentient beings who have different things they like and dislike? And that is also true about women in Spain? You’re rocking my world.


12 years ago

Yeah, look at these pathetic, whimpering guys. Especially that wimpy Robert Downey Jr. writhing on the bed like that. How could any woman find that attractive?

12 years ago

II’m from Texas, I guess there are a lot of men in my family bowing.
Who the hell was dating Roberto?

When reading Roberto’s post I heard it in this voice

12 years ago

Hi, guys 🙂

As a real Spaniard, I feel the moral obligation to tell you that Roberto is full of shit. And you, Roberto, I have a hard time believing you come from my country, where women are commonly considered people. Wherever you come from, stop spewing nonsense about my homeland, please. Go your own way, as you should have done a long time ago.

12 years ago

@darksidecat- A good friend of mine got pregnant even though said friend is not cis and has worse PCOS than I do (prominent naturally growing facial hair, etc). Doctors told my friend that there was no way to have a baby with hormonal problems that bad. Obviously my friend’s body disagreed. The baby is healthy and happy and well loved by both genderqueer parents, but suffice to say, it’s very possible to have a baby, even if you never treat your hormonal problems, so if you do have sexual relations with someone who makes semen, it is probably a good idea to have a back-up birth control method than counting on infertility unless you want a surprise.

In my case, what helped me to conceive (and lowers the risk of miscarriage to non-PCOS levels) was metformin- it’s an anti-diabetic drug that lowers insulin resistance which piggy backs onto the high testosterone and creates a feedback loop. With the medication, I brought my hormonal profile back to normal and taking it had a protective effect against miscarriage in the first trimester.

Of course, having been told that I was infertile, I didn’t really figure out that I was pregnant until I was 20 weeks with my first child. Luckily, my body had crazy cravings for tomatoes- which apparently are high in folic acid- so she was perfectly fine- no neural tube defects or anything.

As far as the Hashimoto’s is concerned, it’s very important to make sure your levels are good or you can get really bad b-vitamin deficiency. I also tend to get cracking joints if my levels aren’t good. Boo. I really thought I wouldn’t have to come to terms with mortality until I was older. Sadly, I guess I get to learn how fragile the human body is at a young age.

Also- the ultrasound was a success today (yay!). The tech says that everything looks healthy and normal in weight/development- and that we’re probably having another girl! YAY!

12 years ago

What? These guys still haven’t gone their own way yet?

BTW, I’ve met plenty of these guys, both IRL and online, as I’m recently divorced and dating. Yes, they really are as douchy and condescending as you’d think. If you don’t believe me, try signing up as a Russian speaking female on a Russian dating site. It’s both amusing and sad at the same time.

12 years ago

My insulin resistance is perfect and always has been. My one doctor did have me try out metformin, it made me exhausted and made me vomit horribly and aggravated my other digestive problems. It was so bad I thought I might have gotten food poisoning, but then I tried it a second time…metformin is not my friend.

I don’t grow facial hair because of genetics. My brother can’t grow full facial hair, neither can either of my father’s brothers. I’ve had to give the “yes, I know I’m one of the palest people on earth, but yes, my grandmother was Cherokee” lecture to more than one doctor.

Yeah though, condoms are your friends, if just for the stds if nothing else.

12 years ago

@darksidecat- Yeah, I’ve had some issues with insulin resistance- it tends to be better when I’m not eating anything high glycemic index and exercising regularly, but when I was a college student and generally mainly ate pasta and cheese sandwiches because of lack of money or time to do much more, things got really bad really fast.

I’m also Cherokee, but I also have my citizenship to the Creek Nation- the Feds only let you get citizenship to one Nation and my Creek blood is easier to track back and is at a higher percentage. I have a lot of the anatomical markers of native people as well- short waist, low , prominent jaw line, etc, even though my skin is as white as the new fallen snow (with freckles) and burns just as easily.

I’ve never had problems with facial hair even at my highest testosterone levels (although the 4 o’clock shadow on my legs and underarms is formidable), but I did fall into this weird “fuck and kill” mindset- I was horny all the time-practically crawling the walls (and yet I managed NOT to either rape anyone OR cheat on my spouse, HOW ABOUT THEM APPLES MRAS?). Or I would get really, irrationally angry and get weird strong violent impulses that totally weren’t like me.

I think the worst thing about PCOS is that it’s just a cluster of symptoms, and half the time, they manifest differently (or are totally absent) from one person to the next. And most doctors don’t even know where it originates (and some actually think that people are just making it all up). Considering that 1 in 10 XX chromosomed people have it, you’d think there’d be more research considering that it is highly comorbid with type 2 diabetes, infertility, severely painful periods, and other endocrine disorders (thyroid is just one of them). *sigh*

Savage Like Me
12 years ago

Yeah, that’s weird. Half my family lives in Spain. My Uncle’s wife and their two daughters own and run an international software corporation together. All of them are happily married with children, to husbands who also have satisfying but slightly lower-wage jobs. Their relationships a very egalitarian. I have never heard of any great trend of Spanish women being submissive or lusting after douche-bags.

12 years ago

Roberto said:

“David your posts confuse me. It’s not the content that I find troubling. It’s your obsession with these guys. Why do you (or anyone) care about what these guys do about relationships? They are going their own way. Or maybe you think they should be forced to marry and reproduce? If they are as horrible as you say, you should be happy they are.”

No, of course not. They should do whatever they want to do as long as they leave us alone and stop telling lies about us. They should do as they say and “go their own way” and stop hanging around feminist space and telling us how vile we are and making shit up. It would also be nice if they’d stop with the gruesome apocalyptic fantasies and telling us deserve to be raped or get cancer, or whatever.

“As a Spaniard, American dating habits confuse me. Why do you and a lot of women advocate the American men doing sissy acts? Do American women really like these kind of men? No Spanish woman would ever date someone who had the attitudes of this website.”

What do you mean by “sissy”? I prefer that my husband not feel compelled to maintain some sort of macho attitude to impress me and I also prefer it if he’s emotionally honest with me. I see this as a form of strength and courage, not weakness. And you know what? I both like and respect the men who comment regularly on this website but I wouldn’t give an MRA the time of day.

12 years ago

Roberto also said:

“I love I am being told about how the Spanish girls are by those who spent a couple of months or a year here.”

As far as I can see the original issue was your generalization about the dating preferences of Spanish women. How do you know how all Spanish women feel? Have you asked each and every one of them? Women are people and that makes them individuals with their own individual preferences. The problem with making that kind of generalization is that all it takes is one exception and the statement becomes either insulting or meaningless, depending on the circumstance.

“Every person knows that women desire authority and passion rather than the man bow. That is why I had so many dates in Texas!”

You’re generalizing again. Women do not all require authority, many of them dislike authoritarian men intensely, and personally I value friendship at least as much as passion.
What do you mean by the “man bow”? Are you talking about men who actually respect their female partners? That’s exactly what many of us do want.

“I do not care if American men do not like Spain. I still do not like how they whimper before a woman. How can a woman lust after a man she does not respect and is jealous? Tell me please.”

Well, of course we want to be able to respect our partners but many of us will not respect an authoritarian or someone who doesn’t respect us. What qualities are worthy of respect varies from person to person. Relationships are as individual as the people in them. There is no “one size fits all” relationship. They must be individually designed and tailored to suit the needs of the participants. So please stop trying to tell me how my marriage should work. I’ve been living it for thirty years and I really don’t need you to tell me how I should relate to my husband, Mr Stranger on the Internet.

12 years ago

Sandra said:

“Fuck I hope these turds just have a really slow and painful death”

Can we please not do this? We really don’t need to be wishing pain and death on people just because we dislike or disagree with them. I’ve had to face both in the last twelve months and it’s not something I’d want anyone else to go through regardless of how much I disliked or disagreed with them.

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago


What statement in particular is hateful toward straight white men in general, and not directed at one individual? Please, tell me.

Well, feminists ridicule straight white men. Therefore, all these videos can only have been posted to ridicule straight white men, thus proving that feminists like to ridicule straight white men. QED.


Hey, NWO, today I took the day off of work to take my best friend to and from his first colonoscopy. More misandry!

No no, colonoscopies are a tool of homosexul recruitment.

Though I suppose men receiving medical care — particularly preventtive medical care — infantilizes them, thus feminizing them, so there’s the misandry.


Dear RoberTroll: thinking you can speak authoritatively on what ALL Spanish women do or don’t like in men is misogynstic.

Yes, but as Roberto pointed out, Spanish women like that in a dude.