antifeminism armageddon evil women grandiosity melodrama men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men racism threats your time will come

It’s a Tsunami! It’s a Coiled Spring! It’s a Mixed Metaphor MGTOW MANPOCALYPSE!

The Apocalypse: Zombies Going Their Own Way

It’s time for another mixed-metaphor MANPOCALYPSE over on! This time the Nostradamus Going His Own Way is a fellow calling himself Swetnam. Here are his dire predictions:

I like to talk of men’s rights as a tsunami crashing against the shore..but men’s rights are just the cresting wave. Just behind that are a vast array of other things generated by the cultural earthquake that hit the western world in the late half of the twentieth century.

Huh. So everything since the 1950s sucks? No television, no internet, no video games, no microwaved Hot Pockets? Do you really want to go back to listening to Glenn Miller and Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters? (Actually, the Andrews Sisters sort of kick ass, but never mind.)

If I may coin another metaphor…the anglosphere is like a coiled spring. That spring is coiling ever more tightly, and someday it’s going to break. When it does, all hell will break loose. It wont be pretty. In fact, I think there is going to be terrible violence ahead, as decades of suppressed anger and frustration finally break free. Blood and Iron. And some of us now will be around to see it. What will emerge from the other side? I honestly cannot say I know.

Ah, he’s dancing that old dance, the dance called “you ladies better shut up or angry dudes will beat the shit out of you. Oh, but not me. I’m not threatening anything. I’m just predicting.  I don’t not-so-secretly relish these violent fantasies.”

Speaking of dancing:

I have a good somali friend. He used to say to me that his worst nightmare would be the day that white men learn to dance. I asked him why? He said that if white men are learning to dance, that means they cannot find other ways to attract women or show status. if that happens, then white males will become the new gangsters, but vastly more numerous, organised and with an institutional memory of happier times. They will look at the people who now stand above them, and see them in alliance with the people who once stood below them but are now equal to them, and hate them both with a rage that can scarcely be imagined. And they will act on that rage.

I can’t say i disagree.

Of course you can’t.

Elsewhere in the same thread, Womanhater offered some equally dire “predictions,” with a side order of blatant racism.

In my opinion, the veneer of mystery and respect that once adorned womanhood is gone forever. Some men will engage with them long enough to fuck them. Some men may find a tolerable one or two of them to procreate with – on his terms when the laws are changes (and they will eventually be changed). Many men will simply not see any point to it.

But I am speaking of the generations of men who have yet to date or perhaps to even have been born.

Those of us in the 15-45 age bracket who’ve had to grow up and endure the bullshit of the past 2 or 3 generations of twats will either ghost or pump n’ dump. Only those men born after the gender war is concluded will even consider something more.

The women aged 35 and up are irrelevant since they’re past the biological point of no return anyway.

Well, hey, at least Womanhater grants women ten more years of non-irrelevance than does W.F. Price on The Spearhead.

Those 35 and under will likely be the ones who will bear the brunt of what I’ll call the Male Awakening. They’re most likely to end up single and childless in mind numbing drone jobs.

Those women under the age of 20 who actually pay attention and see how this lifestyle will leave them a few decades down the line however, they’re the ones who have a chance at some form of successful relationship and children, but a LOT will have to change between now and then.

Translation: You ladies better date me OR ELSE!

Most likely, truth be told, the West and its founding race will simply die off due to the advanced stage of the feminist cancer. Who and what replaces it I guess will be unveiled as the decades pass.

“Its founding RACE!?” Did we just take a detour into Klanland?

Oh, but there’s more. Legacy – possibly a Brony? — offers this awkward metaphor:

Like air, society doesn’t notice male slavery until the workhorses start missing from the stables.

TheManWithThePlan offers this sort-of plan:

If by swing the pendulum violently back you mean men having their own gender roles revolution (which could very likely fuck women over big time without taking away any of their rights), then yes that’s probably going to happen. I don’t see anyone “forgiving” people for the BS that’s been happening. Hell half of men out there have been fucked over by their wives, I doubt they’ll just say “it’s okay women 100+ years ago had it bad as well, so I deserved it” and move on.

It’s the end of the world as we know it, and these guys can’t wait.

EDITED TO ADD: The fellows at MGTOWforums have offered a rebuttal, of sorts, to this post.

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12 years ago

Fuck I hope these turds just have a really slow and painful death

Uhm… why?

@Howard Bannister

I was going to point out to Slavey that the vast majority of male posters here are White, but since he considers male feminists to be self hating, I’m sure he’d extend that courtesy towards your race as well. I’d be highly, HIGHLY surprised if the words “race traitors” doesn’t run through his mind on a news ticker a la DKM

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel — those are freshwater ones, so I don’t know if they’d fall under oceanography, but yeah they are. Smart too, one of two species I’ve had that was aware of outside the tank.

Howard Bannister — hope your sports injury heals up soon!

VoIP — you’re probably right, but it still makes no sense, who comments on something they haven’t read? (NWO apparently, and yeah it’d explain it)

12 years ago

Fuck I hope these turds just have a really slow and painful death

Yes, they are turds. And they’re currently living the life of many turds – (metaphorically) stinking, in the company of other turds, in the (metaphorical) sewer.
Trust me, I speak from experience – hating on a group of people and defining yourself by that hatred is a horrible way to live your life*. They’re their own worst punishment.

*Early teens, bullied by a small group of girly girls, hated everything feminine and defined myself by this hatred, was not happy. I’ve grown up a lot by now and define myself by myself, rather than an anti-identity. Much better. 🙂

Howard Bannister
12 years ago


–thanks–my pride was wounded far more than my leg, anyway. 😛

12 years ago

There are some men dancing in this video. I just had to share with all of you 🙂


12 years ago

FFS. How do you get things to embed on this site???

12 years ago

Fuck I hope these turds just have a really slow and painful death


They are assholes, but that’s not, (and shouldn’t be) a capital offense.

It’s sure as hell no reason to sink to DKM levels of wishing agony on people because you disagree with them.

12 years ago

sppedbudget: For Youtube Just past the url… no code required. Sometimes it fails.

12 years ago

@Fembot- I’m actually kind of amazed that I’m pregnant again (much less pregnant the first time). I have very severe hormonal problems (PCOS- a condition that leads to huge spikes in testosterone and lots of fertility issues). I can remember when I was having levels of testosterone in my body that were most than 200% above normal. I just wanted to fuck and kill EVERYTHING. I was *miserable*.

And when I was told by the doctor that having children would be very hard nigh impossible at the young age of 24, I finally decided that I would start broaching the subject of having children at an earlier age than I had originally planned it. The fact that I conceived without having to take any fertility medications is a miracle to say the least. Of course, upon hearing of my pregnancy, my husband got this very proud look on his face and said, “well, I guess I did something right, seeing as they said it couldn’t be done!”

And RE: “biological clock” talk- it’s actually quite possible that men’s sperm has an expiration date as well. The sperm a man creates in his younger years is far less likely to lead to genetic issues than his “older guy” sperm:

While this study is a small sample, it has been replicated several times by other groups with larger groups and the findings are similar. Our bodies just get more inefficient at rebuilding themselves as they get older. Yes, even you MRAs, and your magical sperm will eventually break down as well.

Fertility is something that each individual should consider and then plan accordingly. Not all people need to use their genitals to create offspring, after all. But it is silly that men seem to feel like they don’t have any limitations on creating healthy babies. Sperm provide 50% of genetic material and as you get older, things break down and don’t fix themselves nearly as well as they did before, so why should sperm be any different?

12 years ago


Fixed that for ya.

12 years ago

P.S. Aww, cendare, thanks for bringing Dancing Matt into the conversation. It’s been awhile and I’d forgotten how much I love that dude. (OMG, he’s a white guy who dances! The apocalypse is imminent!).

12 years ago

I think that any man (or woman) who limits their behaviors and appearances based on stereotypes is going to be unhappy because human beings are not stereotypes- they’re HUMAN.

And seriously? “I can’t dance because I’m a white male” is the WORST EXCUSE EVER to not learn how to dance. Seriously, the local civic center has free classes or low-cost options for anyone who is interested.

Cultivating your abilities and developing a love and passion for hobbies are SO much more fulfilling than raging into the internet.

Something tells me that most of these MRAs just need to get a LIFE so they’ll stop obsessing about how EVERYONE ELSE lives theirs.

12 years ago

It’s official. The MRM has gone on crack.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

“The only person willing to give us a platform in the most remote way prefaces this by mocking our views as ignorant and lampooning us with our own words.

Clearly, our victory is assured.”

Howard Bannister
12 years ago

@Rutee: lulz!

“They say all publicity is good publicity. That videotape of our candidate eating babies has been all over the news twenty-four seven. The presidency is ours for sure!”

12 years ago

David your posts confuse me. It’s not the content that I find troubling. It’s your obsession with these guys. Why do you (or anyone) care about what these guys do about relationships? They are going their own way. Or maybe you think they should be forced to marry and reproduce? If they are as horrible as you say, you should be happy they are

As a Spaniard, American dating habits confuse me. Why do you and a lot of women advocate the American men doing sissy acts? Do American women really like these kind of men? No Spanish woman would ever date someone who had the attitudes of this website.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

One of the comments over there — “It’s one thing to be “academic” but this guy writes so obtusely, it’s like trying to read ancient Greek.” — I’ll take ancient Greek over gibberish asshole any day thanks! (and can probably still read classical Latin, so why not mix in some Greek for fun?)

Combine that with the assumption David’s gotten his teeth knocked in and deserved it, with a sprinkle of Scott Adams reading comprehension (accusations about ours, not an admission theirs sucks) and they’ve just nicely proven why they don’t deserve to be taken seriously. Or at least no more seriously than a small child demanding a cookie.

David I hope your teeth are just fine and wouldn’t say you had it coming if they weren’t, I just can’t believe they think threats and victim blaming makes them look good — truly a trip down the rabbithole.

Howard Bannister
12 years ago

Roberto: you are funny. Very funny.

Sissy? Like all that Spanish dancing those Spanish men do?


Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

It’s your obsession with these guys.

Yes, it’s so awful to refer to terrible people as terrible… I think you greatly overestimate the time he or others spend on this XD

They are going their own way

Statement assumes facts not in evidence. Going their own way would necessitate actually going off and doing their own thing, not obsessing about the horribleness that is allegedly women.

If they are as horrible as you say, you should be happy they are

Oh skippy, please don’t try to pretend you don’t identify with them.

Why do you and a lot of women advocate the American men doing sissy acts?

…but remember, it’s the feminists who hate men? XD

Kid, ‘paying attention to what people say they want’ is only a ‘sissy act’ to someone who considers the very /act/ of consideration of others to be beneath them. It marks you a terrible person to even think this, let alone whine about others saying out loud that people should be considerate XD

No Spanish woman would ever date someone who had the attitudes of this website.

I think you would be extremely surprised, dude.

Howard Bannister
12 years ago

…but remember, it’s the feminists who hate men? XD

Kid, ‘paying attention to what people say they want’ is only a ‘sissy act’ to someone who considers the very /act/ of consideration of others to be beneath them. It marks you a terrible person to even think this, let alone whine about others saying out loud that people should be considerate XD

I chose to believe that he was referring to all the men dancing on the other thread; as that gave him at least some benefit of the doubt.

12 years ago

They are going their own way.


No. They’re whining. endlessly, about women. They’re fantasizing, endlessly, about inflicting some kind of stupid little revenge scenario on women.

They’re haven’t freed themselves from the need for validation from women, they’re fucking obsessed with it. They’re not “going their own way”. They’re threatening to take their ball and go home, because they think that women will be sorry when they do.

12 years ago

If only they’d actually leave I’d be willing to help them pack, and throw them a going-away party, as long as they promise not to come back.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“David your posts confuse me. It’s not the content that I find troubling. It’s your obsession with these guys. Why do you (or anyone) care about what these guys do about relationships?” — we don’t, we care about the shit they spew online, because they make a point of not going their own way but rather trolling feminist blogs

“They are going their own way.” — no, they’re complaining online in feminist forums, that’s basically the opposite of going their own way

“Or maybe you think they should be forced to marry and reproduce? If they are as horrible as you say, you should be happy they are” — I’ll assume you meant “happy that they aren’t reproducing” and again, I really don’t care whether they marry, or reproduce, or both, or neither. I’d just prefer comments make sense instead of being about how women all act like animals in heat >.<

"As a Spaniard, American dating habits confuse me." — that'll happen, I imagine Spanish dating habits would confuse me, I don't go around commenting on sites talking about them though

"Why do you and a lot of women advocate the American men doing sissy acts?" — define sissy, if mean men dancing, then *gasp* yeah, most American women actually like that

"Do American women really like these kind of men?" — see above

"No Spanish woman would ever date someone who had the attitudes of this website." — if true, well ok, but we weren't exactly talking about you. More likely false, considering the only shared attitude of the commenters is that women deserve to be treated like people (as do men, and anyone else) until proven otherwise. Our regular trolls sure do love proving they don't deserve to be treated like people, and yet, we generally either ignore them, or simply mock their wrongness, unlike the MRM and their "jokes" about raping people, "I hope you get cancer", etc.

If Spanish women really would never date a man who doesn't treat them like something he stepped in, I sort of feel sorry of them; I highly doubt this is true however.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Why do you and a lot of women advocate the American men doing sissy acts?

I’ve never seen an explicit feminist take on Sister Act or Sister Act 2, and I’ve certainly never seen Manboobz advocate that American men watch Sister Act.