antifeminism armageddon evil women grandiosity melodrama men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men racism threats your time will come

It’s a Tsunami! It’s a Coiled Spring! It’s a Mixed Metaphor MGTOW MANPOCALYPSE!

The Apocalypse: Zombies Going Their Own Way

It’s time for another mixed-metaphor MANPOCALYPSE over on! This time the Nostradamus Going His Own Way is a fellow calling himself Swetnam. Here are his dire predictions:

I like to talk of men’s rights as a tsunami crashing against the shore..but men’s rights are just the cresting wave. Just behind that are a vast array of other things generated by the cultural earthquake that hit the western world in the late half of the twentieth century.

Huh. So everything since the 1950s sucks? No television, no internet, no video games, no microwaved Hot Pockets? Do you really want to go back to listening to Glenn Miller and Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters? (Actually, the Andrews Sisters sort of kick ass, but never mind.)

If I may coin another metaphor…the anglosphere is like a coiled spring. That spring is coiling ever more tightly, and someday it’s going to break. When it does, all hell will break loose. It wont be pretty. In fact, I think there is going to be terrible violence ahead, as decades of suppressed anger and frustration finally break free. Blood and Iron. And some of us now will be around to see it. What will emerge from the other side? I honestly cannot say I know.

Ah, he’s dancing that old dance, the dance called “you ladies better shut up or angry dudes will beat the shit out of you. Oh, but not me. I’m not threatening anything. I’m just predicting.  I don’t not-so-secretly relish these violent fantasies.”

Speaking of dancing:

I have a good somali friend. He used to say to me that his worst nightmare would be the day that white men learn to dance. I asked him why? He said that if white men are learning to dance, that means they cannot find other ways to attract women or show status. if that happens, then white males will become the new gangsters, but vastly more numerous, organised and with an institutional memory of happier times. They will look at the people who now stand above them, and see them in alliance with the people who once stood below them but are now equal to them, and hate them both with a rage that can scarcely be imagined. And they will act on that rage.

I can’t say i disagree.

Of course you can’t.

Elsewhere in the same thread, Womanhater offered some equally dire “predictions,” with a side order of blatant racism.

In my opinion, the veneer of mystery and respect that once adorned womanhood is gone forever. Some men will engage with them long enough to fuck them. Some men may find a tolerable one or two of them to procreate with – on his terms when the laws are changes (and they will eventually be changed). Many men will simply not see any point to it.

But I am speaking of the generations of men who have yet to date or perhaps to even have been born.

Those of us in the 15-45 age bracket who’ve had to grow up and endure the bullshit of the past 2 or 3 generations of twats will either ghost or pump n’ dump. Only those men born after the gender war is concluded will even consider something more.

The women aged 35 and up are irrelevant since they’re past the biological point of no return anyway.

Well, hey, at least Womanhater grants women ten more years of non-irrelevance than does W.F. Price on The Spearhead.

Those 35 and under will likely be the ones who will bear the brunt of what I’ll call the Male Awakening. They’re most likely to end up single and childless in mind numbing drone jobs.

Those women under the age of 20 who actually pay attention and see how this lifestyle will leave them a few decades down the line however, they’re the ones who have a chance at some form of successful relationship and children, but a LOT will have to change between now and then.

Translation: You ladies better date me OR ELSE!

Most likely, truth be told, the West and its founding race will simply die off due to the advanced stage of the feminist cancer. Who and what replaces it I guess will be unveiled as the decades pass.

“Its founding RACE!?” Did we just take a detour into Klanland?

Oh, but there’s more. Legacy – possibly a Brony? — offers this awkward metaphor:

Like air, society doesn’t notice male slavery until the workhorses start missing from the stables.

TheManWithThePlan offers this sort-of plan:

If by swing the pendulum violently back you mean men having their own gender roles revolution (which could very likely fuck women over big time without taking away any of their rights), then yes that’s probably going to happen. I don’t see anyone “forgiving” people for the BS that’s been happening. Hell half of men out there have been fucked over by their wives, I doubt they’ll just say “it’s okay women 100+ years ago had it bad as well, so I deserved it” and move on.

It’s the end of the world as we know it, and these guys can’t wait.

EDITED TO ADD: The fellows at MGTOWforums have offered a rebuttal, of sorts, to this post.

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12 years ago

Leeloo Dallas Multipass

Or more accurately, a Dense Dunce Revolution.

Or even more accurately, nothing.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

I still say offer the MGTOWs their own island and promise them that they’ll never have to see another woman again. Except now we’ll have to build dance halls on the island.

12 years ago

drst: zomg. If the world is gonna be run by gangs, let it be guys dressed like that and dancing that way.

(obviously it’s my second best choice, after no manpocalypse)

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

angeshy — Hello!

“Maybe I’m trying to process them with the wrong part of my head.” — I suggest using the part that once probably thought boys had cooties, that’s about the maturity level they seem to operate on.

12 years ago

Y’know, I went to an art school degree show this week. I saw lots of amazing stuff – the photography and landscape painting was particularly good.

However, there was one project that simply took my breath away. A Chinese student had interviewed other Chinese artists from the UK via the internet, granting them anonymity. They’d asked them about the situation in China re. artistic freedom and then asked them if they had the chance to do anything artistically, free from censorship, what would they do? They told them, and they actually did it. They interviewed a few China-based artists and had a few works based on each of their suggestions. It was so, so moving, so jaw-dropping, so brave. It was amazing.*

I’d imagine if a student had done MRA-inspired work, it might have been seen as amusingly ironic at best. What it would not have done is resulted in torture and death for expressing the “wrong” opinion.

* Apologies for being vague – I know I’m probably being unnecessarily cautious, but I’m sure you all appreciate why!

glasgow sex worker
12 years ago

If an MRA approaches me, snapping his fingers in a threatening manner, I’ll be prepared.

I’ve got just the video for this – cats snapping their fingers & forming dancing gangs! You’re welcome, manboobz.

12 years ago

I, for one, welcome Hellsing derails.


12 years ago

@angeshy – there’s often a form of cognitive dissonance going on with MRAs/MGTOWs where the female family relatives and friends they genuinly feel affection and love for are just different i.e. not like all those whores! It kind of reminds me of how my father-in-law is able to make incredibly racist comments about the large Pakistani Muslim community that lives in his neighbourhood, then dash upstairs to share a cup of tea and a chat with his Pakistani Muslim neighbour without batting an eyelid.

Of course, there’s also those guys who just fucking hate women regardless i.e. Oor NWOSlavey. I really don’t know WTF when it comes to them…..

12 years ago

Blood and Iron? Dog-whistle much… esp. tied to “The Anglosphere”.

“Its founding RACE!?” Did we just take a detour into Klanland?

No, see above, re “Blut und Ehre

I’m, bitterly, amused at the subtext in the, “Somali” friend.

1: White men can’t dance.
2: Black men (or at least African men) can.
3: If White Men learn to dance they have been toppled from the pinnacle of their success.
4: Such a fall would be bad.

In short, this legendary Somali dreads the day white men aren’t in charge any more.


12 years ago

polliwog: regarding your song parodies… have you heard of filk?

12 years ago

When you see white men on the streets dancing like this:

It’s on!

12 years ago

Oh damn, why u no embed, video?

12 years ago


I think a lot of MRAs don’t even like their mothers or sisters much, either. I’ve heard a lot say they had a bad mother, or their sister is a slut, etc. Maybe they’ve already cut ties with them. As for friends, I don’t think they have many IRL, male or female. Of course, WTF Price likes to talk about his female friends and sexy European girlfriend, so who knows. It’s funny how they always say about their wives or girlfriends, “she hates feminism, too.” So, I’m thinking their girlfriends are not political, stupid, or just don’t like to have serious conversations with the men they sleep with.

But this is the MRAs dream woman:

1. sexy, young, thin, feminine
2. self supporting, but doesn’t have a career (ick) because that would make her too independent and masculine. So, must have a trust fund.
3. virgin
4. isn’t too educated, not a feminist, but has no interest in silly pop culture
5. likes to have sex and give bj’s and stuff all the time
6. never asks her man for anything, like money, or taking out the garbage
7. always splits the check, or pays, because she is so grateful to be spending time with such a lovely man

And in MRA land none of these things are contradictory, I guess.

12 years ago

OMG, I have committed so many crimes against the apostrophe in that previous post. Sorry.

12 years ago

I forgot one:

8. Always cooks, cleans, scrubs skidmarks, etc. but requires nothing in return. So in addition to always paying her own way, she provides her man with free labor.

12 years ago

That video actually made me fall in love with all those dudes, so imaginary “somali” friend had a point about the power of dance to attract the females.

12 years ago

Okay, the MRA Dance Revolution is a pretty fun mental image, but I’m still entertaining myself by imagining the manosphere as a bunch of slinkies angrily slinking their way down the Capitol Building steps.

12 years ago

Well, if they want to go back to an era before women could vote, have an education, or own property … yeah, that was an era when white men danced. Sorry, guys. You can’t have it both ways.

You also get to go back to courting and chaperones. Have fun.

12 years ago

Aw, Polliwog beat me to the West Side Story filk.

But I couldn’t have done it as well.

Great job, Polliwog!

12 years ago

@Fembot – Oh, I’ve no doubt a lot of them have had negative experiences of female relatives as well. My own mother is a very angry, bitter woman who (she feels) has been let down by every man in her life and as a result is a bona fide misandrist. I challenge her constantly on the misandric statements she makes, to the point that she no longer makes them in front of me. Or at least, she didn’t anyway. I’m not speaking to her at the moment for other reasons related to her anger management issues which I won’t go into.

Anyway, my mum was a total daddy’s girl until my grandfather started having affairs behind my grandmother’s back and expecting my mother to cover for him. She’s also been married twice. My mum’s first husband was a heroin addict and, after a long time supporting him, she realised he wasn’t going to change and divorced him. Her second husband – my dad – is gay. My dad finally decided he couldn’t live in the closet any longer when I was about 8 and came out. My mum, suffice to say, didn’t take it very well.

So my mum often uses all this stuff to justify her hatred of men. I won’t deny that what may mum has been through hasn’t been, for her, hurtful, confusing, humiliating, etc. but I also really think she should get over it, for her own sake at least. Wallowing in it, even blaming it on all men, is deeply unhealthy.*

*Just to clarify on the situation regarding my father, he came from a very conservative family where being gay would’ve been social suicide. His older, more conservative relatives are all dead now and his cousins/ brothers accept him and his partner as they are, so he’s a lot more open nowadays. I love my father so much and am so proud of him.

12 years ago

hahaha the slinky comment. I’m off to find Dick Van Dyke vids.
The guy didn’t even know how to dance before Mary Poppins. Dancing was a big thing in the olden days long before Dick Van Dyke as well.

See if this does not get you going.

12 years ago

imagining the manosphere as a bunch of slinkies angrily slinking their way down the Capitol Building steps

That's a cool image, but you know what's a cute image? Hamlet the mini pig taking his first trip down a staircase and then plunging into a bowl of oatmeal: