antifeminism antifeminst women bullying douchebaggery harassment misogyny MRA reddit ShitRedditSays video

Video Tuesday: PBS on Reddit’s sexism, and a dramatic reading of “SCENTED F*CKING CANDLES.”

Can you find the woman in this picture of Reddit’s admins? (Screencap from PBS Off Book video about Reddit.)

I’m not big on posting videos here on Man Boobz – aside, of course, from those involving kitties and/or other adorable furry animals, and, obviously, my own – but here are a couple you all may enjoy.

The first is a short PBS “Off Book” feature on Reddit. Most of it is fairly glowing, but at about 3 minutes in there’s a segment about the rampant sexism on Reddit, which includes interviews with several mods from Shit Reddit Says – who are the only women interviewed for the feature, and who elected to appear anonymously due to the very real threat of harassment from angry Redditors.

Naturally, plenty of Redditors were pissed that SRS got any airtime at all, and some were shocked and stunned to hear that anyone could possibly think there was a lot of misogyny on Reddit. (SRSers responded to it here.)

SRS also regularly deals with the rampant racism, homophobia and transphobia on Reddit, but there was no mention of that in the PBS piece.

The second video is a dramatic reading from YouTuber and regular Man Boobz commenter Jessay of that SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES rant I wrote about the other day.

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12 years ago

Oh, look, Mr. Prego Punchout himself’s trying to sneak in the last word.

Find any facts lately?

12 years ago

I don’t do any sneaking. I use a pseudonym because I don’t want to die. I’d call that more self-preservation than sneaking.
Or were you referring to something else?

12 years ago

Oh, it seems David has blocked links to avfm, or maybe it’s just a technical issue. I’m giving it 75-25 odds, respectively.

12 years ago

Anyway, I was just saying that anything you might confuse with sneaking is actually self-preservation.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

ideologuereview — um, that was about one ex, mine, and I did the dumping…thinking is just so easy when you just clump all of your opposition into an inhuman, unfeeling monolith, isn’t it?

(And considering he was a gaslighting narcissist, yeah he probably is the MRA type, or would be if he ever discovered the MRM)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Again, having dated him, it was nothing of the sort — the person he was cheating on me with conned him out of a car and stole a painting (which he accused me of, that was funny, if I’d wanted to steal one of his paintings it wouldn’t have been that one).

You just keep commenting on things you know nothing about though, it’s funny to watch.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Or were you referring to something else?”

Dude you posted on a days old dead thread to sneak in the last word, nobody cares that you use a pseudonym >.< (so yes, something else being your timing)

My second comment pertains to nothing apparently — I'd thought the self-preservation/sneaking "argument" was about the cheating ex maybe not sneaking, but it was not, so ignore me please.

12 years ago

IR/FF/PP: Um..,. nice try at the change of topic. No one is saying the use of a nom-de-net is “sneaking”. It’s that you came to a thread which is quiet, when another thread is being active enough to make it more likely your post will slip off the front page before anyone else notices.

Hence, “sneaking in the last word”.

As to your second link… What’s the connection? Do you have a spouse you think likely to kill you if she finds out about Preggo Punchout?

While the fifth survey in Steinmetz’s study (which was completed by Richard J. Gelles)
reported that men relied upon physical violence more frequently than women in their intimate relationships, such results need to be considered critically in light of the frequency
rates consistently reported by the other survey and perhaps more importantly, the skewed
nature of the sample gathered to be surveyed. In his 1974 survey, Gelles found, for example, that 11% of husbands and 5% of wives engaged in violent acts between two and six times a year. Steinmetz, supra note 6, at 503. For further discussion of the skewed nature of samples used in various domestic violence studies, see infra note 59 and accompanying text.

So… between 2 and 6 times in a year. Ok… what is the average? And what is the relative rate of incidence? Is the women = 2 and men =4?, or is it they equal the same?

By inference, the need to state the range, and then use it to compare to the women in the study implies to me the average is higher for men, in total incidents, and that the “an act of violence occurred during the year in question” is being used to mask that disparity.

Then again, this is a Law Review Article, citing a few of hundreds of studies which claim to show parity… as opposed to thousands of studies which show an asymetry†. Moreover the core studies in this article are based on the Conflict Tactics Scale, which has a significant amount of critique,

A “meta-study” analysing the the nature of this disparity includes the following facts:

Those who insist on gender symmetry must also account for two statistical anomalies.
First, there is the dramatic disproportion of women in shelters and hospital emergency
care facilities. Why is it that when we begin at the end of the domestic violence
experience – when we examine the serious injuries that often are its consequence — the
rates are so dramatically asymmetrical? Second, claims of gender symmetry in marital
violence must be squared with the empirical certainty that in every single other arena of
social life, men are far more disproportionately likely to use violence than women. Why
are women so much more violent in the home that their rates approach, or even exceed,
those of men, while in every other non-domestic arena men’s rates of violence are about nine times those of women (on rates of violence generally, see Kimmel, 2000)?

…These studies uniformly find dramatic gender asymmetry in rates of domestic violence.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, of the one million cases of “intimate partner
violence” reported each year, female victims outnumber male victims by more than five
to one. In their analysis of police data, Dobash and Dobash (1979) for example, found
that only 1% of all domestic violence cases in two cities in Scotland were assaults by
wives. The National Crime Victimization Survey (1994) found females reported ten
times as many incidents of violence as men did – 3.9 incidents per 1,000 population for
male perpetrators, and 0.3 per 1,000 women (see also Dawson and Logan, 1994). The
NVAW found that men physically assaulted their partners at three times the rate in which
women assaulted their spouses.

Male Victims of Domestic Violence: A Substantive and Methodological Research Review

A report the The Equality Committee of the Department of Education and Science but Michael Kimmel Professor of Sociology SUNY at Stony Brook

The parallel between the general rates of violence, and the specific rate of relative disparity in DoJ statistics is interesting.

But this, this law review article on domestic violence is why you are using a nom-de-net, and slinking into quiet threads to post?

Because of this you aver that posting on Manboobz is life-threatening?

Much be incredible to be so brave as to tell us how groupthinky we are.

† It’s important to note that the vast majority of the, “parity studies” are all using the same Conflict Tactics Scale as their measure of “violence”.

Here is the opening paragraph to the survey as administered (Straus, 1990):

No matter how well a couple gets along, there are times when they
disagree, get annoyed with the other person, or just have spats or fights
because they’re in a bad mood or tired or for some other reason. They
also use many different ways of trying to settle their differences. I’m
going to read some things that you and your (spouse/partner) might do
when you have an argument. I would like you to tell me how many
times…in the past 12 months you … (Straus, 1990).

Such a framing assumes that domestic violence is the result of an argument, that it has
more to do with being tired or in a bad mood than it does with an effort to control another
person. This may, of course, be true of a significant amount of domestic violence, but it
is certainly not true of all.

As we can see, the CTS asks about frequency, although only for one year. Asking how
often in the past year either spouse hit the other may capture some version of reality, but
does not capture an ongoing systematic pattern of abuse and violence over many years.
This is akin to the difference between watching a single frame of a movie and the movie

Context. The CTS simply counts acts of violence, but takes no account of the
circumstances under which these acts occur. Who initiates the violence, the relative size
and strength of the people involved, the nature of the relationship all will surely shape the
experience of the violence, but not the scores on the CTS. Thus, if she pushes him back
after being severely beaten, it would be scored one “conflict tactic” for each. And if she
punches him to get him to stop beating their children, or pushes him away after he has
sexually assaulted her, it would count as one for her, none for him.
[Kimmel, link supra

So this is the operational definition of, “violence” the law review article is basing its arguments on. This definition is presented without explanation; thus allowing the reader to use his/her personal understanding, and almost assuring a conflation of all acts of interpersonal contact with the sort of thing which would lead to medical/police intervention were they to occur in public, when no such actuality exists.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Pecunium — ooh meta-analysis, fun! This is so much better written too.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

From Pecunium’s meta-anaylsis — “The CTS lumps together many different forms of violence, so that a single slap may be equated with a more intensive assault.”

Yeah I’d caught they were equating “threw something” with “threatened with a weapon”…because those are equal? (Note, don’t throw things, but definitely don’t threaten with weapons)

It’d be like deciding a teenager shoplifting one thing to see if they can get away with it should be treated the same as an organized armed bank robbery, and it’s nonsense.

12 years ago

The spam filter grabbed it, for no apparent reason. It’s up now.

Are you ever right about anything, even by accident?

I acknowledged there was a quarter chance it was a technical issue. You have such a hate-on for avfm that I considered it a solid bet that you just block any links to them.
Oh, that snarky “little am I right about anything?” Well, while we’re in Insultville, I do have a job and could be self-employed if need be, so I know something about functioning and benefiting modern society. I mean, your blog where you spread awareness to likewise indoctrinated cronies is great and all, but you seem to be more interested in attacking and insulting people than improving anything.

12 years ago

IR/FF/PreggoPunchout, how goes the game development?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

cloudiah — well enough he’s got a scene up too (IR that really needs to be behind a mature content warning, at the least)

Ironically, the random favorites are pro-slutwalk. o.O?

12 years ago

So you’re stuck in an embarrassing situation and are trying to divert attention away from it. It makes me think of a drunk heckler getting soundly debunked by a comedian, and then rebutting it by attacking his tie. Add to that the fact that the comedian is wearing a t-shirt and jeans, and you have a pretty good example of about 90% of the discussions you can have with a feminist.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

ideologuereview — are you taking lessons from NWO in not making sense or from Aktivarum in not explaining antecedents? “So you’re stuck…” — who’s the “you” here? You can’t mean the meta-analysis unless you just failed to read it, it soundly debunks all the claims from you law journal link. Have the last two sentences as an example — “As concerned citizens, we need to be concerned about all victims of violence. And we must also be aware that the perpetrators of that violence – both in public and in private, at home or on the street, and whether the victim is male or female – are men.”

That’s after 20+ pages proving that, no really, they’re men — we can debate other causes for this though, if you want —

“Slightly more than 11% of women living with a same sex partner report being raped, physically assaulted, or stalked by a female cohabitant (compared with 30.4% of women with a livein male partner). About 15% of men living with a male live-in partner report having experienced violence (compared with 7.7% of men with female live-in partners). (Tjaden and Thoennes, 2000).”

Could be fun to see you have to admit that homophobia hurts male DV victims…

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Oops, I should note for clarity that homophobia hurts female DV victims too, point was that IR doesn’t care about them.

12 years ago

Homophobia is indeed bad. It wasn’t hard at all for me to admit that.
Were you trying to convince me that I was homophobic or something? Nah, that would be gaslighting.

12 years ago


I mean, your blog where you spread awareness to likewise indoctrinated cronies is great and all, but you seem to be more interested in attacking and insulting people than improving anything.

And what are you doing here besides quote mining for your little no-account blog no one but a few us might read?

Slow your roll, bullet train, you’re not exactly changing the world doing what you do.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

ideologuereview — trying to convince you what you believe would indeed be gaslighting, merely assuming you share the common beliefs of MRAs is a simple mistake however. (And calling you a bit thick is a boring old insult) — Care to address the other set of numbers in my last quote?

hellkell — he’s not changing the world for the better anyways, wish I could confidently say he isn’t changing it at all >.<

12 years ago

I don’t see the big huffy deal about Reddit. It’s a hangout for young male people, this is just how it goes. If the site was female-dominated there would be similar bullshit about men. Anyway, I think it’s overstated because you have an entire subreddit devoted to pointing out things that are occasionally legit but mostly just stuff taken out of context.

12 years ago

If the site was female-dominated there would be similar bullshit about men.

Would there? I never realized pinterest was such a hotbed of anti-male bile.

12 years ago

Oh, Snowy, you know that’s just how it goes, so there’s no point in trying to do anything positive. As a matter of fact, we’re worse than reditt for pointing out some problems.


12 years ago

I don’t see the big huffy deal about Reddit. It’s a hangout for young male people…

It`s a hangout for racist, misogynistic manbabies who view any attempt to criticize their racist and misogynistic views at an attack on free speech. Also, they like to fantasize about fucking pubscent girls.

Please don`t make it seem like Redditors represent young men in general. Thanks

A young man

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ooh, an actual example of begging the question!

“Anyway, I think it’s overstated because you have an entire subreddit devoted to pointing out things that are occasionally legit but mostly just stuff taken out of context.”

Begging the question (petitio principii) – where the conclusion of an argument is implicitly or explicitly assumed in one of the premises[14]

Premise — “just stuff taken out of context”; Conclusion — “overstated”; at least you got the “I think” part right.

“I don’t see the big huffy deal about Reddit. It’s a hangout for young male people…” — that’s the big deal, it isn’t merely “namely of interest to men” but “hateful towards women” — were they usually talking about topics that just didn’t interest many women, but no less polite to female redditers than male redditers, there wouldn’t be any issue. It’s that they’re rude or hateful to women; in other words, the “big huffy deal” is why it’s a hangout for young men, the answer to that “why?” being “because women get harassed into leaving (or going to specifically inclusive sub-reddits)”.