I’m not big on posting videos here on Man Boobz – aside, of course, from those involving kitties and/or other adorable furry animals, and, obviously, my own – but here are a couple you all may enjoy.
The first is a short PBS “Off Book” feature on Reddit. Most of it is fairly glowing, but at about 3 minutes in there’s a segment about the rampant sexism on Reddit, which includes interviews with several mods from Shit Reddit Says – who are the only women interviewed for the feature, and who elected to appear anonymously due to the very real threat of harassment from angry Redditors.
Naturally, plenty of Redditors were pissed that SRS got any airtime at all, and some were shocked and stunned to hear that anyone could possibly think there was a lot of misogyny on Reddit. (SRSers responded to it here.)
SRS also regularly deals with the rampant racism, homophobia and transphobia on Reddit, but there was no mention of that in the PBS piece.
The second video is a dramatic reading from YouTuber and regular Man Boobz commenter Jessay of that SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES rant I wrote about the other day.
@Viscaria You’re dead right it doesn’t. There should be no double standard in this whatsoever. That’s an excellent point
@ pillowinhell
Nothing. Same as men are for nothing. You’re applying a human concept to a natural process, learn to not be an idiot and try again.
@Viscaria- Let’s also pay attention to that little bit about “sexually attractive” in that quote right there. Most MRAs have a very very narrow definition of “sexually attractive” – petite, short, thin, little (if any) defined muscle tone, long hair, baby-like features, and submissive demeanor. Most people would *NOT* be threatened by a person with those features or behaviors in public simply because of the fact that an “attractive” woman is, for all intents and purposes, NOT A THREATENING PERSON.
The average woman does not look like the “sexually attractive” stereotype. And the average man does not either (most of the most frightening street harassers in my town that aren’t homeless/druggies tend to be balding, obese, middle aged, etc- they don’t give a fuck if they make you creeped out and uncomfortable because they want the right to treat you badly and don’t care how you feel).
In fact, I think that it’s easy to say “wow, my fantasy is to be pursued/complimented by the hottest/most perfect sexy person in the world” no matter what your gender or sexuality might be!
But it shows how little they understand about street harassment because that’s not what street harassment IS- it’s guys talking in gross voices and saying things like “come here and I’ll give you 30 bucks for a blowjob sweetie” or “those tits look perfect for sucking on” or shit like that.
And universally, most guys don’t like it if you’re the “wrong kind” of woman and you chase them:
Case in point.
holy shit, that appelate brief is completely fucking nuts
“In this sense, the American Constitution may best beunderstood as a nationwide parenting plan for the people.Nearly every proviso and amendment in that venerabledocument contemplates the exercise of freedoms which firstoccurs in the childrearing process. Whether it be freeexpression, religion or association; privacy, due process orequal protection; voting, governing or public service, there isno activity which more thoroughly combines theseconstitutional elements than childrearing. Without itsblueprint into the future, the Constitution would be littlemore than historical parchment destined for sterility by anauthoritarian substitute.”
” .All American children require and deserve both afather and mother in their lives, as it has been since thebeginning of time. Unfortunately, children today are being exploited increasingly for revenue and fee generatingpurposes as state actors are allowed and even encouraged tomanufacture controversies and trivial concerns in pursuit of some non-existent utopian parenting philosophy.
Even where financial need is shown in connectionwith divorce or separation, which was not the case here, theConstitution requires that the state facilitate both parents inmeaningful fashion before it can claim authority to act onbehalf of their children. The courts are losing sight of this asthey abuse authority in the name of the child, creating aninverted relationship in violation of a natural order of childrearing. After years of petitioning state judges below,the father-attorney remains unable to obtain or enforcesimple telephone contact with his children.”
am i reading this incorrectly, or is he asking a fucking circuit court to invent a new constitutional doctrine?
Right? Yet strangely enough, these are all things that MRAs tend to rail against.
Tulgey, that hamster might be my favorite.
Aw, thanks, Person I Almost Definitely Don’t Agree With On Anything, I’m usually pretty brilliant and insightful. However, I’m not sure which brilliant and insightful point of mine you’re misinterpeting so that it supports some misogynistic opinion, could you enlighten me?
@Viscaria: Wow, are we women are so evil that we make men die over and over?! Truly, we are the devils Slavey has declared us to be.
Yep, we use scented candles and our feline familiars to bring dead men back to life so we can work them some more and kill them again!
Looks like our boyfriend Antz is planning to attend a rally
Damn… I’ll be in Canada.
ABNOY: Actually, sexually attractive AND sexually aggressive women chasing men is a universal (heterosexual) male fantasy…
And when faced with actual agency, lots of men collapse.
You have, of course, palmed a card…”sexually attractive”. Most men who harass aren’t sexually attractive to the people the harass. It sort of goes hand in hand with the definition of harass.
Sharculese: am i reading this incorrectly, or is he asking a fucking circuit court to invent a new constitutional doctrine?
Good God, what a hot mess that is.
I think that’s precisely what the, “father attorney” is asking.
Argenti: I generally find if you walk around with an attitude of “touch me and I’m going for your eyes” people don’t fuck with you. (Zombies, aim for the head; humans, aim for the eyes)
I wasn’t sure I wanted to reply to this. I’m not large, but I seem to be intimidating. I’m also not prone to being intimidated. It doesn’t hurt that I’ve always been small, and grew up in the rough parts of a more than one town.
The rare occasions someone has pulled that sort of threatening shennanigans I’ve been willing to call them on it, “You know, if I killed you and left your bodies in the woods, no one would have any reason to suspect me”.
But I’m male, and it’s a lot easier to get away with that sort of thing, slightly built or not.
“so you don’t have to deny them their own sexual feelings and experiences just to make yourself feel good about yours. It’s an awful way to treat your fellow men. Kk”
And just when did I ever do that, eh?
“It sort of goes hand in hand with the definition of harass.”
Heh, I am reminded of a quote:
“The difference between rape and seduction is salesmanship” – Bill Carpenter
“I’m not large, but I seem to be intimidating. I’m also not prone to being intimidated.”
Hah, what a braggart. Who are you supposed to be, Wolverine? (Runty comicverse Wolverine, not tall-guy movieverse Wolverine)
“Right? Yet strangely enough, these are all things that MRAs tend to rail against.”
Why are there women against hyper-masculinity? I, as a man, am not against hyper-femininity…
Riiiiiiight, the ineffectual braggart that is comic book Wolverine. What’s the deal, ABNOY, determined to prove your ignorance in a wider range of topics?
holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you
When you said (emphasis mine) “sexually attractive AND sexually aggressive women chasing men is a universal (heterosexual) male fantasy…” thereby erasing all of the straight men who do not share that fantasy with you entirely out of existence.
Holy fuck why am I trying to engage with you?
I`m also reminded of a quote:
“The difference between ABNOY and a toilet bowl full of diarrhea is too small to notice” = Crumbelievable, three seconds ago
The difference is the toilet, duh.
Tsk, blame Bill Carpenter, he said it first, I just quoted him, and as publications always disclaim “Opinions printed do not necessarily reflect the position of the management”…
“thereby erasing all of the straight men who do not share that fantasy with you entirely out of existence.”
I meant universal as in general , not universal as in absolute …
“What’s the deal, ABNOY, determined to prove your ignorance in a wider range of topics?”
Ah, like a lot of English-speaking males of my generation, if there’s one area that I am an expert in, it’s American superheroes…
“Riiiiiiight, the ineffectual braggart that is comic book Wolverine.”
Well, if you truly believe this, perhaps you are the genuine ignoramus …
To all the guys who think street harassment would be super-fun if you were on the receiving end, let me try to re-gender a few of my actual experiences thereof for you:
You have had a long, tiring, frustrating day, and are walking home feeling tired and stressed. A car passes you, and the driver leans out and screams, “LICK MY PUSSY, ASSHOLE!” in your face. Then she throws trash at you.
You are out with your girlfriend, having a nice date. You are just leaving a restaurant when your girlfriend ducks back in briefly to go to the bathroom. A large, burly woman – easily twice your size – approaches, visibly groping herself, and offers you $5 to perform sex acts on her. Her friend, standing a few feet away, points and laughs at you. When you refuse, they both call you a worthless piece of shit.
You are seventeen years old and visiting NYC for the first time. You are excited and nervous. On your second day there, you get to ride the subway by yourself. Standing behind you on the train is a woman who looks to be in her 50s. She is somewhat overweight, very dirty, smells like she probably hasn’t showered in a month, and her clothing and mannerisms suggest that there is a good chance she is both homeless and mentally ill. She sidles up close to you and starts rubbing against you. You jump away, at which point she puts her lips up against your ear and says, “Hey penis penis penis cock penis asshole throbbing penis penis nipples cock penis penis penis oh yeaaaahhh penis penis yeaaaaaaaaaahhhh.” You get off at the next stop, even though it’s not your stop. She follows you, still muttering about penises and staring at your crotch. You only manage to lose her by ducking into the men’s room and staying there for half an hour.
Does anyone want to claim that every heterosexual man fantasizes about these things? Because I’ve met quite a few heterosexual men, and so far none of them have mentioned their deep, passionate desire to have homeless women mutter “penis penis penis” in their ear.
Yeah, yeah, sure. Except he didn’t ask you for a platform, you don’t have a particular reason to grant one in any case… it’s your ass that was ‘reminded’. Own it.
Then you suck at talking, because that’s not what universal means.
Intentionally communicating poorly doesn’t prove you’re intelligent.
The usual position in the bits of feminism I tend to hang around in isn’t “hypermasculinity is automatically bad,” it’s “the expectation that men should be hypermasculine is bad.”
(Oh, BTW, might wanna be a bit more careful with your language there. You want the word “feminists,” not “women,” on account of some of us aren’t women. Hi.)
[quote]Actually, sexually attractive AND sexually aggressive women chasing men is a universal (heterosexual) male fantasy… [/quote]
We see this universal truth reflected in pornographic movies every day, right?
“Does anyone want to claim that every heterosexual man fantasizes about these things? ”
Who ever did? I never specificied what “aggressive” meant, did I?
Amusement does not necessarily indicate approval. For instance, since lots of people are amused by the nonsensical shenanigans of the Jersey Shore cast, does that mean that all those people also approve of their trashy antics?
“Except he didn’t ask you for a platform, you don’t have a particular reason to grant one in any case”
First Amendment, Freedom of Expression! 🙂
“it’s your ass that was ‘reminded’. Own it.”
As a career rank-and-file g-man (as in government, not you-know-what), never, or at least not as long as it can still be helped 😀
“because that’s not what universal means.”
Oh, really?
“We see this universal truth reflected in pornographic movies every day, right?”
Precisely ;p
When will the MRAs understand that street harassers are rarely, if ever, the type of person the harassed is after. And even if they’re attractive, the act of harassing makes them an unattractive prospect? Being desired isn’t the problem, it’s when people attempt to assert their dominance over your by reducing you to a sex object to howl at that is.
I don’t think people like you understand what seduce means. Normally people who are seduced were open to the idea in the first place, and just needed a bit of romance to turn them on. Whereas rape means you didn’t want it but somebody made you do it. Even in the case of coercion, it’s about not taking no for an answer over and over until the person concedes or making them feel as if they have no other choice. There is not even a fine line between the two, it should be very obvious which is which. Then again, you have to have concern for the well being of the person you’re with and a bit of empathy to worry about the difference. And, uhh, you chose to quote that to prove your point. Don’t blame the person who said it for defining your bullshit opinions for you.
Another thing you don’t understand. It’s not about being against hyper-masculinity, but about basically forcing men to be hyper-masculine in order to fit a gender role and not be mocked, bullied, beat up, or murdered. When you shove an ideal so far down people’s throats of “be this way or else,” you don’t leave them much room to be true to who they are. Then they wind up doing things that they wouldn’t normally do in order to prove, say, they’re not a “fag,” and get hurt, arrested, or hurt someone else. Same with hyper-femininity. It’s about celebrating the individual person that you were born to be and not placing people in boxes that don’t fit with their nature.