I’m not big on posting videos here on Man Boobz – aside, of course, from those involving kitties and/or other adorable furry animals, and, obviously, my own – but here are a couple you all may enjoy.
The first is a short PBS “Off Book” feature on Reddit. Most of it is fairly glowing, but at about 3 minutes in there’s a segment about the rampant sexism on Reddit, which includes interviews with several mods from Shit Reddit Says – who are the only women interviewed for the feature, and who elected to appear anonymously due to the very real threat of harassment from angry Redditors.
Naturally, plenty of Redditors were pissed that SRS got any airtime at all, and some were shocked and stunned to hear that anyone could possibly think there was a lot of misogyny on Reddit. (SRSers responded to it here.)
SRS also regularly deals with the rampant racism, homophobia and transphobia on Reddit, but there was no mention of that in the PBS piece.
The second video is a dramatic reading from YouTuber and regular Man Boobz commenter Jessay of that SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES rant I wrote about the other day.
Youtube is one of the worst offenders. The amount of misogyny I see on there is appalling. The fact that youtube sponsers people who are openly misogynistic is pretty bad too. It’s definitely not the best place to have a civil dialogue. All I can do when I go on there is hope that most of these comments are from trolls.
Ok, this is, by far, my biggest frustration with men I seem to encounter in the dating world. Men like to talk about how much the friend zone sucks, I like to talk about how much the “I’m gonna pretend you don’t exist because I don’t want to date you” zone sucks. You’re lucky that he rejected you actually. The guys I get tend to skip straight to the pretending I don’t exist, looking right through me when they see me out, and just generally making things way more awkward than they need to be. They don’t seem to get that I’m actually fine with rejection, but that being ignored is one of the biggest slaps in the face you could possibly dole out, and I would’ve been a ok being around you in public and even talking to you like nothing ever happened had you just had the courtesy to be straight with me and allowed me closure because there was at least one day in which you had gotten my hopes up and led me on, and then you did a 180 for no apparent reason. Ugh, that is a huge problem I have with dating so you sparked my anger.
Note: I’m not mad they don’t want me romantically like the friend-zoned are, but that they treat me like I’m not even there and like I don’t deserve the respect and acknowledgment they would give anyone else. That’s something I try to remember when guys who I’m not interested in ask me out. It is awful to reject someone, but better to not lead them on.
I definitely get the feeling that some of these MRAs are so privileged that the only actual hardship they face is having trouble dating. It would explain a lot. They don’t seem to get that marginalized groups ALSO have trouble dating ON TOP OF the every day oppression they face. I know, it’s crazy!
Yeah, I have a perfectly usable park near my apartment with a beautiful forest area that I would love to jog in, too bad I’ve watched too many episodes of law and order and criminal minds to want to go through alone. The last time I tried I pooked myself and literally felt like I was running for my life. Not fun at all.
@ Nanasha
I’ve been saying this for a while. Anybody who thinks that having a hard time getting a date, or getting laid, is a tragedy of epic proportions and a sign that they’re the most oppressed person ever is suffering from a serious case of oblivious entitled asshole syndrome, which has so warped their view of the universe that they genuinely do not understand that in the greater scheme of things this is a teeny, tiny problem to have. Notice that the whining about how it’s HARD, SO HARD, PITY ME to get laid is pretty much always coming from privileged straight white men? Even though lots of straight women have the same problem, as do plenty of queer people of all genders? There is a reason for that.
These are people who were born on third and are bitching that they’re expected to actually run all the way to fourth. Oh, the horrors.
BTW, speaking of street harrassment, there’s this one guy in a city near me who does the weirdest damn version of it that I’ve ever encountered. When an attractive woman walks past he stops, leers, and then makes a noise that sounds like he’s slurping noodles. Seriously, WTF is that?
Want to have to deal with bizarre shit like that every day like women do, whiny guys? Nope, didn’t think so.
>I guess we should all be grateful women don’t ever live as a man. Since western women have zero sexual self control as women, what chance would any of them have of not being a rapist living with a man’s sexuality?
The fun fact here of course is that the MRAs would probably be trying to live the dream and behave like terrible tramps, going around harassing dudes.
Actually, sexually attractive AND sexually aggressive women chasing men is a universal (heterosexual) male fantasy…
“and then makes a noise that sounds like he’s slurping noodles. Seriously, WTF is that?” — maybe he’s trying to make vampire sounds as a warning that he’s a blood sucker?
“Or be doing a nature hike and have some young guys behind you who you don’t know who think it is HI-LARIOUS to talk loudly about how easy it would be to rape you because ‘no one would hear it happening.'” — this makes me want to threaten their eyeballs, I generally find if you walk around with an attitude of “touch me and I’m going for your eyes” people don’t fuck with you. (Zombies, aim for the head; humans, aim for the eyes)
“Want to have to deal with bizarre shit like that every day like women do, whiny guys? Nope, didn’t think so.”
Stupid whiny white men. Get your worthless asses back to work so you can die 7 years earlier. We need more charites for women, pay for women’s children since men have no reproductive rights. Pay for the quota’s that’ll take men’s jobs. Pay for women’s only grants, scholarships. Pay for women’s health, abortions, contraceptions. Work. Work. Work. Pay. Pay. Pay. Die. Die. Die. Somewhere in the western world a woman had her feelings slighted. Everytime a woman scorns a straight, white man for being a straight, white man an angel get’s her wings. Go team woman.
Not to mention that those dudes are also the loudest about what they DONT find attractive in women ie fat and over 25. I’d love to see what they look like, then again I don’t want to lose my breakfast
And women who go into state and federal government–that has nothing to do with having a transparent payscale that ensures they get paid fairly, right? Absolutely nothing to do with it. Nada. Zip.
This sounds satirical. Or sarcastic. Or just plain not-actually-for-real. An yet….
Mine was named William Kermit Turner, and I gave him a viking funeral to the toilet bowl the day he died.
AND you like EA! You get more awesome every day, Argenti, I swear xD
And then get told it’s YOUR FAULT for daring to have boobs and hair. Or for being out in public to begin with. Yeah, that’s so super duper fun. Not.
GingerSnaps — a fellow plague rat and dwarf frog lover? You’re pretty awesome yourself! (and thank you) — I buried my departed frog in an adorable tiny box, mostly because I had the perfect box. Named that silly critter George on the way home from the store, get home and check and *poof* George was probably a girl, so Georgie it was.
My day is making me quote EA lest I just scream — “I am beginning to understand what
might make a schizophrenic smash a guitar against a nurse’s booth” (The Asylum)
@Jesse- Your video was brilliant, and I wish to subscribe to any other voice acting work you do in the future.
@Owly- “I guess we should all be grateful women don’t ever live as a man.” Wait a minute, what about her?
Or her?
Or her?
I’m pretty sure that none of them were uncontrollable rapists.
@ M Dubz There’s also Christian Davies who joined the army to search for her husband & fought in a number of battles.
@CrazyLadyBlues- Exactly. There are tons of women who have lived as men for any number of reasons throughout history, their histories are pretty well documented, and many of them are decorated war heroes. So basically, OWLY is full of shit.
Also Mary Walker, who disguised herself as a man to serve as a surgeon for the Union Army, and also on a regular basis after the war because she apparently just liked living as a man.
I don’t know of any historical women who lived as men, or any present-day transmen, who became uncontrollable rapists. Can you name any, NWO?
Quackers, that whole blog can be summed up thus: what’s a woman for? Babbiez.
By all the gods slavey, would you just shut the fuck up already? No one cares about the elaborate paranoid fantasy land you’re convinced yourself you live in. You’re not an enlightened teller of forbidden truth, you’re not the tragic hero of a dystopian novel, you’re just another in a series of delusional, self-important, whining liars.
If you had a scrap of proof this is universally true (you don’t), and if anyone you’re responding to had been talking about anything other than unwelcome advances and threats (Make a note; this difference is key), this statement might have avoided being an irrelevant load of solipsistic bullshit.
@pillowinhell- The whole thing is especially funny given that there are ALWAYS childless women due to infertility, non-marriage, etc. In fact, the article below suggests that women in the 19th century were intentionally delaying having children, just as we do today. What on earth are the infertile women supposed to do with themselves, boys?
It’s hilarious that you don’t even seem to notice how you contradict yourself here. You piss and moan about how men supposedly have to do all the hard work*, and yet, if women DO do that same work, they’re taking good jobs away from men.
Now call me an optimist, but I can’t help but figure that somewhere in that confused brain of yours, there is a rational thought straining against all of your irrational hatred that acknowledges that you can’t have it both ways.
*I’m not even going to bother mentioning the bogusness of assuming jobs that are traditionally “pink-collar” are “easy” because I’m certain in NWO’s world, women only ever just have do nothing jobs at companies that make silly frivolous things like scented candles**. They aren’t teachers who get attacked by their students or nurses who have to clean up shit and pick up dead weight.
**However, scented candles are awesome and quite frankly, because my dog has bad gas, I am glad of those companies that make them.
This is also pretty rich considering your rant just upthread about your poor, unfucked boner having to endure all the women “acting like they’re in heat”.
Stupid whiny women. Somewhere in the western world a white man was denied even the mercy of a pity fuck! After he saw a 15 year old in skinny jeans no less! Oh the humanity! etc.
Well. Thing is, the men who sexually harass random women on the street and other public spaces are NOT sexually attractive to the women they harass, either because the woman he’s currently harassing’s tastes do not run that way, or because harassing someone is the quickest way to kill sexual attraction and turn it into panic and terror (well, that’s my personal response).
Also, I’ve had a few incidents, and I can tell that these men aren’t being ‘sexually aggressive’ in a way that would lead to consensual, enjoyable sex. They’re hanging out of car windows, yelling and whooping. Or they’re touching you and violating your personal space. They’re behaving in a way that forces (or attempts to force) submission from the women they harass – bending over them, cornering them.
It’s not like a Lynx advert. It’s more like this: http://bit.ly/KPqTjO
(I don’t know how to do links, but it goes straight to an image on deviantart. It’s an image featuring genderflipped bar server and rowdy customer.)
Re: ostara321
And, of course, if he actually cared about men dieing seven years earlier than women, then a couple of feminist causes might help straighten that out. (let’s see, hyper-masculinization of men keeping them away from the doctor, check, lack of socialized medicine keeping them away from the doctor, check, societal encouragement to do dangerous things to prove hyper-masculinity, check) It was feminist women who taught me to actually care for and try to save men.
I fucking love how the Defenders of Men do this shit all the time. ABNOY. ABNOY, this is important, pay attention. You have sexual preferences. Other straight men have different sexual preferences. The things you like are valid and okay whether or not all straight men like exactly the same things, so you don’t have to deny them their own sexual feelings and experiences just to make yourself feel good about yours. It’s an awful way to treat your fellow men. Kk?
Wow, are we women are so evil that we make men die over and over?! Truly, we are the devils Slavey has declared us to be.
And of course, whether or not a given dude would be okay with street harassment in Imaginary Land where women have the institutional and often physical advantage over men that men have over women in The Real World, and where street harassment is a constant part of men’s daily lives, and where street harassment comes from many women including some they wouldn’t find attractive in the least even if they weren’t cornering them; it still doesn’t mean that women have to be okay with it when it happens to them.