I’m not big on posting videos here on Man Boobz – aside, of course, from those involving kitties and/or other adorable furry animals, and, obviously, my own – but here are a couple you all may enjoy.
The first is a short PBS “Off Book” feature on Reddit. Most of it is fairly glowing, but at about 3 minutes in there’s a segment about the rampant sexism on Reddit, which includes interviews with several mods from Shit Reddit Says – who are the only women interviewed for the feature, and who elected to appear anonymously due to the very real threat of harassment from angry Redditors.
Naturally, plenty of Redditors were pissed that SRS got any airtime at all, and some were shocked and stunned to hear that anyone could possibly think there was a lot of misogyny on Reddit. (SRSers responded to it here.)
SRS also regularly deals with the rampant racism, homophobia and transphobia on Reddit, but there was no mention of that in the PBS piece.
The second video is a dramatic reading from YouTuber and regular Man Boobz commenter Jessay of that SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES rant I wrote about the other day.
apparently logic to him means abort based on what the fetus may or may not do when its older. Also lets let fully grown BORN women die to save the not fully human UNBORN fetuses live. SCIENCE!!!!11
Fuck. Tiny frogs.
Ah, vox day has been covered here before: http://manboobz.com/?s=vox+day
I ain’t reading that unless it’s filtered through this site
Thanks for the kitties/froggies.
oh yeah I remember that post now *memory fail*
Glad you like the vids I posted them as brain bleach, but see that smaller frog at 1:51? he’s totally the alpha! held the beta frog down to get the pellet. I forsee many DTF lady frogs in his future as long as he keeps acting like a douche 😛
I want to hear him croak out some “negs” — a really good alpha doesn’t need to use force to get the gina tingles. [I can’t believe I just typed the words ‘gina tingles.’]
Croaktiste: your skin is nice and slimy…is it naturally like that or do you use fake slime?
He is probably the one blogger that makes me seething mad. I don’t even have anything of substance to add here. He is pretty much all of the right-wing muck congealed into a single stain on the internet.
Browsing through his latest posts, I see that apart from that winner of a post he’s also an anti-vaxxer. He developed a crackpot theory that vaccines are responsible for SIDS deaths since he eyeballed some charts and noticed the peak for both fatal vaccine reactions and amount of SIDS deaths occur at the same time.
“Since western women have zero sexual self control as women, what chance would any of them have of not being a rapist living with a man’s sexuality?”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha omfg that is too much ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha can’t stop ha ha laughing ha ha ha ha ha ha sigh
“Did a poll amongst the pampered people reveal they find their lives are so much more difficult?”
Did you even understand what I said? No, of course not, since you’re a dumbfuck with the reading comprehension skills of a cat turd.
This is what frogs think of Vox Day.
So societies where women get acid thrown in their faces have stable low crime homogeneous and prosperous societies? A million % fail there. I am loath to quote it directly but I hadn’t been introduced to Vox Day before. Aside from like, North Korea (Utopia obviously!) I can’t think of many truly homogeneous societies and all attempts to create one turn out ummm…. not good (North Korea!). You know, to poke a hole in one of the MANY horrible things wrong with that article.
It is certainly a concentrated form of everything wrong on the internet though isn’t it?
That is one (justifiably) angry frog.
Female privilege in action:
CNN found the perfect photo, too.
Hahaha yay!
But Shaenon there are some poor white dudes too so it balances out doncha know!
that voxday stuff is some seriously fucked up shit. and the comments? i don’t even…
If you want to feel better about Vox, look up some of the fantasy books he wrote under his real name. Wait, first read his stuff about how women can’t write fantasy and scifi, then get his books. I am told they are an amazing amount of awful. I couldn’t verify because only one library in the state of Ohio would admit to having any of them, and they weren’t part of the state library book exchange program.
Vox has many, many problems, and it’s really better to just ignore him.
There are lots of great comments on manboobz, but THIS is great.
” He is pretty much all of the right-wing muck congealed into a single stain on the internet.”
Why do so many MRAs think women don’t actually do any work? Just because a few privileged women don’t have to, this is no way representative of the majority. Somehow they think ALL women go to college, get a silly degree, then go to work in the guvment bureaucracy wearing silky drawers in an air conditioned office. Very few women do this!!! There are waitresses (I’ve been one, don’t tell me it’s easy), maids, factory workers. They do soul crushingly mundane and repetitive tasks for low pay. Yet somehow since they aren’t drilling for oil or paving the surface if the sun it isn’t “real” work.
There are poor men in this country living difficult lives, but it’s because they’re poor, not because of the wimmins. And there are lots of poor women, too, and if you think they’re are the beneficiaries of some feminist conspiracy, you’re a dipshit. Really I have to wonder if these MRAs ever leave their homes. Or are poor women and minorities just invisible to them?
Yeah, I get this on youtube videos. When I made an anti-MRA one I got hundreds of downvotes and negative comments and they all took that as proof that they were right and I was wrong. What the actual case was was that the MRAs were the only ones viewing my videos because they were the only ones searching the key term “men’s rights,” so it was a completely one-sided discussion.
I’ve also come across this on a lot of forums and it’s pretty interesting to see how a majority opinion, or a perceived majority opinion, on a forum can dictate who is willing to be honest. I was an active member of this snark community for a long time and there was this one user who was just straight up mean to other members for no apparent reason. She would just pick at people. But everyone stayed silent and didn’t challenge her because they assumed everyone else liked her, and they didn’t want to get dogpiled. Then one day she finally crossed the line too much and people started to talk. Turns out almost every single person didn’t like her and had noticed her being rude all the time, but they all kept quiet for fear of a backlash.
People definitely need to learn that, just because nobody is disagreeing with you, that doesn’t make you right.
Part of me crosses my fingers every day that virtual reality will become a real thing one day where we can literally put people in the shoes of others before they judge them. Say, you a man against abortion? Here’s a virtual reality simulation of what being pregnant and giving birth actually feels like. Still against abortion?
I thought the same thing!
David could fill a separate blog solely from MRA Youtube comments. I saw some GWW video where the top comment was something (in all caps of course, to make his point even stronger) about how all women are motivated to start relatonships out of greed. Something like 10 other MRAs had approved of that one.
“My beloved just told me that she interprets Andie’s BIG ASS GOVERNMENT as pronounced BIG ASS-GOVERNMENT a la XKCD.”
Somewhere in my head, an MRA Sir Mix-a-Lot was born when I read this.
And that is where it will die.
I remember that I’ve been turned down by guys before, and that was after I had decided to “lose the weight” and became an insanely over-exercising, dieting freak (I went down to a size 8 due to my hips but had a perfect hourglass and could wear a bikini so yeah, I thought I finally had the “perfect” body).
First guy I went after- I asked him out casually to a movie and he called me on the phone, rejected me, and then NEVER SPOKE TO ME FOR THE REST OF HIGH SCHOOL. This was actually pretty awkward because we hung out in the same circle of friends and he would literally treat me like I didn’t exist.
Second guy- we dated for a while and then he dumped me on the first day after summer vacation ended saying he wasn’t “ready for a relationship” and proceeded to date at least three of my friends.
Third guy- was interested in me but wanted to play the field. I wasn’t into that, even though he was adorable, so I parted ways with him.
I am a reasonably attractive lady, and yet I’ve rarely ever been asked out by guys and my personality is as such that I hate waiting around for some guy to approach me (although in college, all sorts of guys who I wasn’t interested in seemed crazily drawn to me and luckily I was in a relationship so they never felt all crushed or anything), so I tend to be the one who does the asking. This got me into a lot of interesting situations- I always asked out the interesting guy with interesting ideas, and yet sometimes it *gasp* backfired on me!!
Getting your heart trodden on isn’t a gendered occurrence, but it does occur to me that maybe hetero cis white males are so used to having next to zero roadblocks in their way in the average day that any basic rejection is like a resounding thunderclap of DOOOOOM when they experience it? I can’t, for the life of me, think as to why else they would think this way.
I am guessing they never got chased by a homeless guy with a shovel while trying to take a short walk around the block. I am guessing that these guys don’t have creepy guys in cars pull up next to them on the street and drive slowly while they roll down the window and make lewd comments. Or have someone throw a slurpee out the window at you and shout “FAT COW” while you’re walking home in a sweatshirt after jogging. Or be doing a nature hike and have some young guys behind you who you don’t know who think it is HI-LARIOUS to talk loudly about how easy it would be to rape you because “no one would hear it happening.” Or the simple fact that most men have higher muscle mass and bone density than most women.
So MRAs, do you think you’re up to being smaller, weaker and more of a target? Please, do switch lives with me just to see what it is like.
And yes, when I imagine MRAs talking, I imagine that they sound just like Plankton.
Looks like our boyfriend Antz is planning to attend a rally
AntZ June 5, 2012 at 14:10
OT: Urgent! All MRAs living in the NE are summoned to a fathers rights rally in NYC Friday, June 15! If you live on Long Island, we can care pool! Lets make big signs with angry demands for EQUALITY and show the bigoted feminists that fathers matter!
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 23 1
@ragefromthebasement- Remember, you can only ride in the “care” pool if you actually “care” about men’s rights! XD
From Vox — “…but on the topic of religion he is defrocked.”
Noboday takes my frock!
Also, I had an African Dwarf frog at one point, they’re weird little creatures, fully aquatic frogs who spend much of their time looking like suspended animation only to prove they’re absurdly fast swimmers when they dart to the surface for air.
Shit why did I read Vox? That is an impressive amount of hate to pack into so few words.