antifeminism cuteness evil fat fatties evil women idiocy kitties lying liars misandry misogyny MRA

Argumentum ad Kittypicturem: A Rebuttal

Manosphere doofuses have a wide assortment of excuses for dismissing this blog without actually having to deal with anything I’ve ever actually said.  There’s the old “you’re a misandrist bigot so I don’t have to read anything of yours to know what you think” argument; no evidence of the alleged misandry is ever given. There’s the old “you call yourself Man Boobz and that’s a silly name so I can pretend that nothing you say counts” excuse; actually, I call you guys the “man boobz,” but never mind. Then there’s the old “he’s fat” chestnut. (See the next-to-last pic here.)

My favorite excuse, though, is a little logical fallacy you might call “argumentum ad kittypicturem.” That is, the claim that I can’t be taken seriously because sometimes I post pictures of adorable kitties. I’m not sure why these pictures confuse and infuriate misogynists to the extent that they do, but I’m sort of happy this is the case, because every time I run across it, it gives me an excuse to POST MORE KITTY PICTURES.

This time the kitty picture hater is the lying liar Dalrock, whom we’ve met several times before—most recently when he complained about women taking jobs from men by “playing career woman much the way that Marie Antoinette played peasant and Zoolander’s character played coal miner.”

In a post with the ponderous yet somehow also very silly title “We need worthy adversaries,” Dalrock dismisses my blog as one of the unworthy ones, the only example of said unworthiness being this post I made featuring pictures of several adorable  kittens.

Here is my rebuttal:

Yes, that’s a hedgehog. Let’s see how they deal with THAT!

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12 years ago

RE: Everyone

Thanks for the well wishes. As frustrated as I am by this, and pissed at my own lack of functioning, I at least know that I’ll be okay. I have friends and people who love me to help me out, and if things go permanently, irrevocably fucked, I can trudge back down South and move in with an aunt. This is far from ideal, since we’d be back in the singlet closet and stuck in inaccessible Southern suburbia, but at least I know I will not starve in a box.

Though if anyone has advice on how to navigate the disability paperwork, that’d be great; I still have enough spoons for that, and it’s becoming pretty important that I find some means of ways to pay my rent.

(Yes, yes, NWO or DKM: you can now call me a welfare queen.)

Howard Bannister
Howard Bannister
12 years ago

LBT: sadly, my experience with paperwork is pretty state-specific. And also less than helpful–in my experience if it didn’t have a doctor’s signature, it wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on.

…welfare queen…

You know, that is part of the ugly truth that they deny; that folks who are in the safety net are usually not just there because they’re enjoying it. Not to mention not enjoying it one bit.

Oh, for a socialist president….

12 years ago

I’ve made the big leagues at Anti-Manbobz. I’m being moderated; because, it seems, I’ve not been adequately accepting of the “arguments” M. Varpole makes.

So sad.

12 years ago

RE: Howard

Yeah, when I’ve mentioned it, a few folks have said to me, “You realize that won’t get a lot of money.”

And I’m like NO SHIT Y’THINK? I’m not looking to revel in diamonds and gold. I’m expecting to have less than I do now, which is poverty line. I just want (A) food, (B) utilities and (C) rent, at least enough to manage two of the three regularly. Everything else, I can find a way to make work, or survive without. (Not that I’m really in a good state to be going around without healthcare, but whatever. I’ll do what I have to.) I just need REST.

12 years ago

LBT, I’m so sorry that you’re in such a miserable situation. I wish I could do something to help.

12 years ago

RE: Lauralot89

Meh, it’s okay. I’ve considered at some point trying some kind of art/writing fishbowl thing, which I’ve done for free in the past. Art is one of the few things I seem to be able to do okay in my current state, and drawing/writing for people makes me at least feel useful, like I’m giving them something worth their moolah, but most of the people I know are broke as I am and can’t really shell out for, I dunno, quick asexual romance or chalk exorcist porn. (I get cool prompters, okay?)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

LBT — SSDI/SSI paperwork makes my head fucking spin, but the food stamps requirements are much easier to deal with. They’re state specific, so I can’t help much, but I’d definitely start there just because it’s the least absurd.

“Yeah, when I’ve mentioned it, a few folks have said to me, ‘You realize that won’t get a lot of money.'” — yeah that’s basically what the welfare worker earlier was saying, I came very near to snapping at her that I didn’t realize I was coming in to have my mental health evaluated (she needed copies and thus walked away before pushing me to screaming)

“Which is complete bollocks, since, you know.” — yes I know — I never met it, I was “just depressed” (anyone with a psych degree ever says that again and I might just be a danger to someone else for 5 min)

Howard Bannister — “And also less than helpful–in my experience if it didn’t have a doctor’s signature, it wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on.” — TRUFAX! I will give the sisters of mercy this much, they basically spoon fed me that form, so I at least have that covered.

Cloudiah — thank you, but being amusing company is about all anyone not well versed in this paperwork can do. And y’all are certainly amusing company!

Pecunium — “I’ve made the big leagues at Anti-Manbobz.” — congrats? I think?

12 years ago

>Take cat.




>Balance tiny SCENTED FUCKING CANDLE on cat.

I don’t understand what you’re trying to do here.

12 years ago

RE: Argenti

Already got the food stamps (praise god! Now my brain can’t play the game of, “You can’t buy that food! You need the money to pay for the healthcare for your eating disorder!”). I’m also hoping to get help on my rent. That just leaves the utilities and Everything Else, which, as I mentioned, I can make work somehow. (Bus can be replaced to some extent with bike, I’m well-stocked with clothes, toothpaste, and other such things.)

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@ LBT- Have you ever considered setting up an etsy store? I’ve bought artwork and comics from there in the past, and they work on commission. It might be worth checking out.

12 years ago


I think the idea was to create a critical mass of Nice Things (or if you’re a misogynistic arsehole, Woman Things) and see if it causes an explosion of sweetness and light.

… It’s exam term, I can’t be expected to make sense.

12 years ago

Kimberly is wonderful. Broccoli cat outgrew the mad passion, but is still fond of it. I’ve taken a few kittens to her, and lived with a few of her fosters.

12 years ago

LBT: Enh… I’ve been told that if I don’t talk about what he wants to talk about; the way he wants me to talk about it, I will have my comments deleted; and on that thread my comments are moderated.

It’s not that believes in censoring his blog, but I’m not being respectful enough, or something.

12 years ago

Oh, geez, LBT and Argenti, both of your situations sound awful.

Hugs and thoughts! Good luck!

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

Oh jeez LBT. I read over my last comment, and then thought about the number of spoons required to keep a business running, and well. You said you needed rest. So I’m afraid that was insensitive of me.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

LBT — “Now my brain can’t play the game of, “You can’t buy that food! You need the money to pay for the healthcare for your eating disorder!”” — yeah I’m glad the roommate/best-friend doesn’t own a scale, I don’t really want to know how much weight I gained when that catch-22 collapsed (probably not much by normal people standards, and the FWB sure won’t care, so idfk why I care >.<)

Utilities there are programs for as well, idk about water but heating is LIHEAP — utilities are included here though so that’s all I know about that. Clothing wise I’ve long loved the salvation army, great prices and interesting finds, and I can sew, so cheap stuff I don’t feel guilty about cutting up is always nice.

12 years ago

LBT, that’s totally crappy. I hope things get worked out okay.

Argenti: Too young to be disabled? WAT

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

katz — somewhere in her lecture I think her point was that SSI pays shit and I don’t want to live on that little, see above where LBT already addressed that BS >.<

I do really question whether she'd have even thought it if I were obviously disabled and not mentally ill though.

12 years ago

Argenti/LBT: Hugs, because that sounds rough.

12 years ago

LBT: Good thoughts heading your way. So sorry you’re having a rough time.

12 years ago

It seems important to post this here, since I think this blog is how I found out about anti-oppressive baby animals:

12 years ago

It’s okay. I’ll find a way to make it through; I always have, and I have an Endgame plan, so everything will be all right. It’ll just be sucky for a while.

12 years ago

LBT and Argenti – Would that I had something more helpful to offer than my sympathy, but it’s yours for whatever it’s worth.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Dracula, pecunium, et al — thank you. Whomever said stubbornness was a bad thing never met me (or LBT apparently)

LBT — “I’ll find a way to make it through; I always have” — is basically word for word my approach to life XD (“I’ll survive, I always do”)

12 years ago

I laugh in the face of anyone who tells me the multi is going to destroy me. Seriously, if I didn’t have an in-built support system and system members who depend on me, I’d’ve kicked it an age ago. Stubbornness is a requirement.