antifeminism cuteness evil fat fatties evil women idiocy kitties lying liars misandry misogyny MRA

Argumentum ad Kittypicturem: A Rebuttal

Manosphere doofuses have a wide assortment of excuses for dismissing this blog without actually having to deal with anything I’ve ever actually said.  There’s the old “you’re a misandrist bigot so I don’t have to read anything of yours to know what you think” argument; no evidence of the alleged misandry is ever given. There’s the old “you call yourself Man Boobz and that’s a silly name so I can pretend that nothing you say counts” excuse; actually, I call you guys the “man boobz,” but never mind. Then there’s the old “he’s fat” chestnut. (See the next-to-last pic here.)

My favorite excuse, though, is a little logical fallacy you might call “argumentum ad kittypicturem.” That is, the claim that I can’t be taken seriously because sometimes I post pictures of adorable kitties. I’m not sure why these pictures confuse and infuriate misogynists to the extent that they do, but I’m sort of happy this is the case, because every time I run across it, it gives me an excuse to POST MORE KITTY PICTURES.

This time the kitty picture hater is the lying liar Dalrock, whom we’ve met several times before—most recently when he complained about women taking jobs from men by “playing career woman much the way that Marie Antoinette played peasant and Zoolander’s character played coal miner.”

In a post with the ponderous yet somehow also very silly title “We need worthy adversaries,” Dalrock dismisses my blog as one of the unworthy ones, the only example of said unworthiness being this post I made featuring pictures of several adorable  kittens.

Here is my rebuttal:

Yes, that’s a hedgehog. Let’s see how they deal with THAT!

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Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Hedgehog is a pretty important point. But have you considered guinea pig?

long time lurker
long time lurker
12 years ago

doesn’t penultimate mean next to last?

12 years ago

The hedgehog is making me dizzy, but oh, the cuteness! And…speaking of guinea pigs:

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

The best part of his post was this video:

“For the love of god, will someone please canonize the white man?”

Saw an old comment of Magdelyn’s on one of the old debate posts:

I just read your rebuttle to Paul Elam. Your argument is useless. Why? You cite Kimmel, Nomas, xyonline and finallyfeminism101. All advocacy research by advocacy researchers producing hate speech against men. If your argument had any merit, you could find legitimate sources. But, you rely on the male feminist circle jerk of half-men “academics.”

But, it does elucidate where your philosphy is foundationed. Yuck.

Half-men? Surely she meant Halflings, because someone who loves men as much as she does would not stoop to insulting men on the basis of their gender for the ideas they happen to espouse. Now, to look up these Hobbit feminist academics; I am very curious about the unique perspectives the Shire brings to feminist theorizing and research.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

@Cliff: I’m afraid the Guinea Pig is simply no replacement for the Hamster when it comes to serious argumentation.

12 years ago

12 years ago

I remember the guy bathing his hedgehog! See, MRAs, feminists don’t hate men – every feminist-leaning blog I’ve ever seen that posted on has exploded with excitement about not just the hedgehog, but the hot tattooed guy holding the hedgehog and being adorable.

12 years ago

@CassandraSays That’s just ‘cos wimmenz like tatted-up thugs instead of Nice Guys™.

(But seriously, I love that video/gif.)

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

I totally just scrolled through “Here is my rebuttal” and the kitty pictures while listening to the closing credits soundtrack from Thor. Apt.

12 years ago

Only an MRA could look at a man lovingly bathing his pet and conclude that he must be a thug. Not that I’m disagreeing with you – both MRAs and PUAs would react to that video with a spiel about hypergamy and women being attracted to assholes.

12 years ago

“Only an MRA could look at a man lovingly bathing his pet and conclude that he must be a thug. Not that I’m disagreeing with you – both MRAs and PUAs would react to that video with a spiel about hypergamy and women being attracted to assholes.”

Cute animal vids? Hypergamy. Blog posts? Hypergamy. Taking a shit? Hypergamy.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Taking a shit? Hypergamy.

Toilets are alphas, butts are sluts!

12 years ago

There’s a video y’all might like to watch, on the culture of Reddit. Including interviews with two female SRSers, about countering “rampant sexism”.

12 years ago

Good lord. The OP is so… weird.

Alright, so the MRM is seriously lacking intelligent opponents. They’ve beaten every challenge with logic and rigor, and fended off those clowns who dared to cross them. Which is why the MRM is mainstream, widely accepted everywhere, and considered to be a parogon of rational thought and wisdom. …. Right?

Alright, so the SPLC labled them a hate group, and yet they also had this conversation:

SPLCer1: Seriously? That is who we are going to list as the counterpoint to the manosphere? I don’t use the word mangina, but come on, this guy is a mangina! Are you sure the manosphere didn’t make him up just to make us look like fools?

SPLCer2: I know. But who else are we going to point to? He’s all we’ve got!

XD I’m just gonna repeat that there. “I don’t use the word mangina, but come on, this guy is a mangina.” Wat? If this is true, why are they labeling the manosphere a hate group if they secretly agree with it? Spite? Insecurity? Good old groundless, motiveless evil-for-the-sake-of evil?

Oh, then there’s this in the comments.

Wow. What a pargon of intellectual steel the MRM is.

12 years ago

I know, he’s so gentle with his hedgehog, that is what makes it so sweet. Hypergamy! 😉

That guinea pig stampede video! Git along little piggies… Cliff, is that your guinea pig? I’m petting him via my computer screen.

Here’s my cat Buster watching coyly as Hazel comes to investigate my camera:

12 years ago
12 years ago

“That is, the claim that I can’t be taken seriously because sometimes I post pictures of adorable kitties.”

The obvious answer to this is to post pictures and videos of adorable puppies!

Kitties = feminine, not serious

Puppies = masculine, serious

12 years ago

Oh, I probably should be posting cute videos of animals rather than of a guy doing an extraordinarily painful “parody” that’s about as biting as… a puppy’s piddle on a rug. Hmm…

Baby bunnies in cups! Oh yes.

12 years ago


Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Since this is a silly post, it’s the perfect opportunity to post this silly video I made just for you guys (I tagged it with Men’s Rights because lol, can’t wait for down votes)

12 years ago

David’s not a worthy opponent? And here I thought he was one of the bishops of feminism (I wonder who the other ones are).

Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte)

I have a friend who has, I think, a plausible theory that there’s a link between hatred of cats and misogyny. It’s lot like how racists often have an irrational hatred of hip-hop. Cats are associated with femininity and women, and their loathing of the feminine is so that it rubs off on cats. Even though there’s nothing intrinsically feminine about cats. Anti-feminists often employ “cats” as a way to insult feminists, claiming that if a feminist is fond of cats, that’s somehow surefire evidence of man-hating, which of course is code for an unwillingness to be controlled by men. It’s funny, because cats are the most popular pet in the country, and in the real world, loved by the rich and the poor, men and women, conservative and liberal alike. But for serious misogynists, the association creates a knee-jerk reaction.

12 years ago

Proof that manboobz hates teh men’s: no doggy pictures!


12 years ago

magdelyn belongs to the ‘everything i disagree with is ideology, everything i agree with is unassailable truth’ school of pretending to have something to say

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