$MONEY$ dozens of upvotes evil women I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA oppressed men pussy pass reddit

Redditor: Do Your Bit for Gender Equality by Telling Women They’re Terrible

Hey fellas, do you ever find yourself wondering: why are women so terrible? Well, over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fella named osaap has a partial answer: because dudes don’t criticize them enough!

So, fellas, the next time you see a woman, tell her she’s a mean, thoughtless, selfish, lazy little bitch, and that you won’t be giving her a “pussy pass” any longer. You’ll be doing your part for real gender equality. Pay it forward, by putting her down.

Judging from the dozens of upvotes osaap’s post got, and the almost-100% positive response it received from commenters there, it sounds like a lot of Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers are on board with this ingenious new form of activism.

This post is mostly

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12 years ago

Heh. There are girls I know whose clothing definitely does advertise things about them.


… If this is anything to do with sexuality, things just got a bit more interesting.

12 years ago

I know this is kind of off topic, but I sew and its been a lifesaver at times when I’ve been really poor. I have the same machine that I got in high school (close to 30 years ago!) and am still using it.

For people who’d like a sewing machine and can’t afford a new one, check estate sales. In my city, you can find one for around $50, and if it’s from an estate sale, usually the owner’s manual is present. If you have no clue about sewing machines, go to a quilting store and ask if they can clue you in about what to look for in a used machine; places for quilting very often have extremely helpful people who want to get you started in sewing.

Singer machines from early 70s and before don’t have a lot of bells and whistles but are mostly metal and run like iron (pfaffs and berninas are good too, but are probably going to cost more used). Kenmores don’t tend to hold up as well.

You can also buy from craigslist (especially if the person selling is willing to give you a tutorial in the machine) or from thrift stores (but then you need to know at least a little about how to check to see if the machine runs)…if you have a friend who sews, ask him/her to help you check it out.

You can get fabric and thread from thrift stores/estate sales for very little, or you can repurpose used clothing (a number of blogs on the web will show you how) for next to nothing.

Sewing can be difficult to get at first (like any new skill) but once you get it, you are set for life. Don’t get discouraged with your first piece, and try again. I totally ruined the first thing I made but once I got past that, things were great.

12 years ago

Indeed! Bon voyage to Mr. Bardamu.

It would be nice. We’ll see if he can stick the flounce.

12 years ago
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Cloudiah – Oh, no way. The problem with that is that it gives women an out–they wear this ridiculous device, and then they can claim that they’re not dogs in heat.

And we can’t have that. We need to keep the standards fuzzy enough that any woman can be accused at any time of being a dog in heat, and that means never offering a solution we’d actually accept.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

After reading NWO’s rant about how only men dress modestly, I really hope he sees the Avengers movie.

12 years ago

You are right but those jeans, dear lord, those jeans…

12 years ago

This whole discussion of rent has me thinking…is my rent being paid for by Big Daddy Government? I’ve won the Foreign Language Area Studies grant, which pays for tuition and gives a living stipend for learning a foreign language that is of interest to the US.

Wait…if I’m getting money, for doing something that the US gov wants…does that mean I’m whoring myself out for my living expenses?!

Hindi whore for Big Daddy Government?

Damn…I need to re-evaluate my life choices. Though, I will admit, the application wasn’t too bad. All I had to do was send in a photo of me crying in the street and the check came the next day.

12 years ago

NWO, there are billions of people in the world, but only one of them takes your penis into account when they get dressed.

12 years ago

Thanks Magpie! 🙂

12 years ago

I mean that to your earlier video, that is… 🙂

12 years ago

I dress skanky by NWO’s standards.

In fairness, the only women NWO has been able to come up with who do NOT dress skanky by his standards are some Mennonites.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

I’ve always got the impression that women were judged more harshly for bad behavior. The spoiled little princess getting what was coming to her has always been a staple in entertainment. What has been seen as arrogance in women can be just confidence in men. And don’t get me started on the double-standard in sexual misconduct. Just my opinion, but I have always felt that women were held to a higher standard when it came to behavior. Maybe the double-standard has diminished and the MRA’s aren’t happy about it?

12 years ago


@Cliff Pervocracy
“How do these guys think women pay rent?”
What? You think when a man pays for a womans rent it’s cause they’re buddies? How often do ya think men pay for other men’s rent?

I think this… pretty much just sums it up. Ask about women, be answered about men. The complete disconnect from the question to the answer just…. I wonder if he even realizes what he’s doing?

12 years ago

whoah, it’s almost as if the world is full of evopsych dumbasses claiming their cultural assumptions about female beauty were objective truth or something

12 years ago

And don’t get me started on the double-standard in sexual misconduct.

You do realize it is often justified by assertion such as “men have stronger sexual impulses, look how playboy sells well compared to play girl!”

You defend the double standard. You did here, several times.

12 years ago

Current outfit: A pair of boy’s shorts (not boy shorts, shorts I got from the boy’s section), a loose tee shirt, crocs, and a newsboy cap. Yep, me and my androgynous wardrobe, hairy legs, and my sexy, sexy Macbook, totally oppressing the menz at McDonalds.

Guy showing off his tattoo and tank top in the booth next to me? Well, that’s just what he decided to wear today, says nothing about his sexuality.

12 years ago

What clothes, exactly, do animals in heat wear?

All I know is, they all wear fur all the time, and don’t they understand that fur is murder?!

12 years ago

Wait…if I’m getting money, for doing something that the US gov wants…does that mean I’m whoring myself out for my living expenses?!

No, it means you’re r**ing your language skills for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OVER YOUR LIFETIME.

Will your ability to speak Hindi ever hug you?

12 years ago

Current outfit: unisex T-shirt and worn-out jeans, although I’m staying in all day so maybe that doesn’t count.

Point of order: Are women still flaunting their sexuality if they dress without any expectation of anyone seeing them?

12 years ago

Point of order: Are women still flaunting their sexuality if they dress without any expectation of anyone seeing them?

I’ve asked NWO this a few times. I think to him it’s like the “if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?” question, provided you have a deep, passionate, seething hatred for trees. Fucking slutty trees.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Just because there’s a difference in what men and women look for in potential partners, it doesn’t mean there should be a double-standard when it comes to sexual misconduct.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Just because there’s a difference in what men and women look for in potential partners…

Uh-oh, here we go again. XD

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

She wants the argument, so she can say she’s not like those extreme (xtreem?) feminists to her libertarian buddies, at this point. And so she can say she’s fighting us instead of letting us win XD

12 years ago

Just because there’s a difference in what men and women look for in potential partners, it doesn’t mean there should be a double-standard when it comes to sexual misconduct.

Why not, Ruby? You take one silly evo-psych theory, might as well take ’em all.