$MONEY$ dozens of upvotes evil women I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA oppressed men pussy pass reddit

Redditor: Do Your Bit for Gender Equality by Telling Women They’re Terrible

Hey fellas, do you ever find yourself wondering: why are women so terrible? Well, over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fella named osaap has a partial answer: because dudes don’t criticize them enough!

So, fellas, the next time you see a woman, tell her she’s a mean, thoughtless, selfish, lazy little bitch, and that you won’t be giving her a “pussy pass” any longer. You’ll be doing your part for real gender equality. Pay it forward, by putting her down.

Judging from the dozens of upvotes osaap’s post got, and the almost-100% positive response it received from commenters there, it sounds like a lot of Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers are on board with this ingenious new form of activism.

This post is mostly

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I’m wondering where NWO lives that he’s managed not to see any men in tight pants, or anything sleeveless.” — Alaska? Someplace else North of the arctic circle? He’d never see cleavage there either then I guess, so idfk.

12 years ago

“I mean, because obviously it’s TOTALLY NOT SEXIST for MRAs to go on about how all men are controlled by their cocks and can’t seem to spend one second making a rational or intelligent decision without letting “Mr. Hyde” out of his pants because an attractive woman walked by. *rolls eyes sarcastically*”

Yet the hypocrisy of women literally being unable to keep it their pants, advertizing their in heat status, inviting sex seems to escape you. Can’t keep Mrs. Hyde in their pants?
“STOP making half-assed “well I wasn’t in control of myself” excuses for your behavior.”

Indeed. Stop excusing womens behavior. No one made women act like animals in heat.
“Seriously. Her skirt didn’t make you do it. YOU made you do it.”

Seriously. A magazine didn’t make you do it. YOU made you do it. Keep it in your not painted on pants, rise above your animal instinct. Be accountable.

12 years ago

I love reading all your replies, it’s so funny and refreshing because the spearhead seems to be surpassing itself lately. I don’t have a pussy pass for my rent either, I pay more to support my male housemate who cannot work due to depression. Hmmmm . Also here in south Wales I know many strong female CEOs who have set up their own successful companies in areas of massive social deprivation. One scheme involves building a social enterprise to get men back into work.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I see NWO missed the multiple people (including men) pointing out that they can’t find clothing that fits, or that the one person who said they can dresses nothing like he thinks.

He also missed the people saying that neither do animals in heat “dress” like that nor do woman act like animals in heat.

Look NWO, we all know you ignore half the comments, but that’s a new fucking record, I’m pretty sure someone even specifically addressed “painted on pants” but that’s not on this page, unlike all those linked comments.

12 years ago

Lookee here, Ferdinand Bardamu says he’s calling it quits.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Yep, one comment directly snarking painted on pants, one mocking your entire rant, another noting she doesn’t dress like that, on about capris; and many about mens’ pants and sleeveless shirts.

Can I get a pass on that being a run-on sentence given it’s a list of comments NWO needs to read?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Shit NWO, you missed so many comments that my snarky list of them got sent to mod for being nothing but links!

12 years ago

NWO, even if women were trying to attract men with their clothes and behavior all the time (and they’re not, starting with lesbian and asexual for the most obvious), that still wouldn’t make them criminal. Being sexy (for all genders) isn’t assaulting people who find you sexy. A majority of people even appreciate the feeling of finding someone sexy.
Do you think you’ll ever convince us than women are evil because sexiness? You won’t. Some women do bad things, some women are downright bad, but not because they’re sexy.

If your boners are painful, mentally or physically, that’s not normal and you should seek serious help. (it can be all male if you’re more comfortable that way)

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Something tells me that NWO has never watched Jersey Shore or heard of metrosexuals. Of both sexes, some wear tight clothes, some wear loose clothes, and some wear both from time to time. Also, NWO, how often do you see women walking around topless outside of nudes beaches? I mean, men do it all the time. GOD MEN, STOP ACTING LIKE ANIMALS IN HEAT!

But seriously, my ex did pay our rent…. while I paid utilities and bought our groceries. It was pretty even.

And what is with NWO comparing men’s “inability to control” raping women to women’s “inability to control” wearing short skirts? ONE DOES NOT VICTIMIZE ANOTHER PERSON AND THEREFORE SHOULD NOT BE SCRUTINIZED! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?

Also, I don’t know what planet the OP is living on, but women are held to impossible standards completely unrelated to looks all the time. A woman complains about something shitty and she’s whiney. A woman stands up for herself or takes control of a situation and she’s a bitch. A woman can’t have the amount of sex she wants to without being labeled a slut or a prude. A woman expresses romantic interest in a man and she’s too clingy. If she’s the breadwinner she’s emasculating her man, if she isn’t she’s just a lazy leech.

But if these guys have to be told to judge people by their character and not their looks, I don’t think there’s much hope for them. Meanwhile I’m judging them on their character and I’ve found that they’re all the horrible things they’re claiming these attractive girls are. So I think we need to hold them accountable.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

scarlettpipistrelle — does every post over there have 6+ nyms with one icon replying to each other? I’d be tempted to close that down too >.< (comments 6, 11, 16, 20-23, and 26)

12 years ago

@Argenti – Indeed! Bon voyage to Mr. Bardamu.

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago



My problem is that In Mala Fide no longer reflects who I am. I’m no longer subject to the conditions that led me to start blogging to begin with. I’m not in the same state of mind, and I’m tired of keeping up the charade. I’m tired of logging in twice a week and punching up articles in a voice that is no longer mine. I’m tired of the negativity and the bleakness of it all. Writing under a pen name was once liberating and freeing — now it feels confining, …

12 years ago

Ferdinand likes St. Vincent? But she has deep ties to radical feminism!

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

What clothes, exactly, do animals in heat wear?

12 years ago

NWO appears to believe that dressing sexily is the same as propositioning everything. That particular bit of disconnect explains a lot.

12 years ago

The way they talk about how women aren’t compassionate and giving almost makes me feel sorry for them, because you figure they lack love in their lives. But then I remember they are assholes.

12 years ago

I dress skanky by NWO’s standards. But being that I am not a commodity, it isn’t false advertising or hawking “wares”. It is a body covered in skin, that of the chest is much like that of the arms and face, and whether my pants are tight or not it is quite clear that I have legs and essentially what size legs they are.

I see enough shirtless men that I don’t feel at all bad for wearing a low cut top. I’d take the whole thing off too if it wasn’t illegal.

But I don’t care if NWO or anyone else thinks I am slutty. I don’t dress myself for other people – to get anything out of them or change their opinion of me at all.

12 years ago

NWO appears to believe that dressing sexily is the same as propositioning everything. That particular bit of disconnect explains a lot

That is sadly an accurate summation of his views. He flat-out stated as much once.

Howard Bannister
12 years ago

NWO appears to believe that dressing sexily is the same as propositioning everything. That particular bit of disconnect explains a lot

That is sadly an accurate summation of his views. He flat-out stated as much once.

I… I admit it. I dress in clothes that I think fit well and present my body well. I admit it.

I mean, it’s hard, because most clothes assume that I’m either shaped like a pear or like Channing Tatum. But I work at my appearance, and conform to societal standards.

Oh, right. That’s not a crime when you’re a man. Got it.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

NWO — today’s androgynous wardrobe: brown corduroy’s, black sneakers, black button down with the sleeves folded to just below the elbows because french cuffs are stupid, and arm warmers (until it warms up anyways) — I’ll leave it to you to guess my gender and which gender(s), if any, I care to attract. Strangely chilly here today, but I’ll report back on wtf everyone else is wearing once I’m done running errands? I mean, if I bother to notice that is?

NWO’s got a confirmation bias problem I think — he only notices women in things that he finds attractive (or rather, “like animals in heat”, all the projection) — thus he thinks that’s all anyone wears. Shit NWO, if you have confirmation bias issues don’t you have a zombie bunker to be stocking before it’s too late?

12 years ago

Yep, according to NWO, women’s appearance is their sexuality. Men get to turn theirs on and off at will, by flirting or not flirting as they choose, but women are stuck with whatever they put on before they left home. And he literally can’t fathom that women’s clothing has any function other than advertising or not advertising women’s bodies.

12 years ago

@Cliff, Some people put diapers on female dogs when they’re in heat. Other than that, they’re all NAKED!!! Shocking…

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

My neighbor once put a pair of old panties on her dog when she (the dog) was in heat, but this went very badly when the dog pooped in the panties and started running around the neighborhood wearing frilly blue panties and a slowly leaking load of poop.

She was spayed shortly thereafter.

12 years ago

[Much generalization ahead]
I don’t remember where I read it, but it is true for me anyway, that most women who put time into their appearance (to be sexy, or modest, or show a style, whatever) do it for themselves and other women more than men or their sexuality over men. It is other women that will compliment the style, the effort of the makeup, the cut of hair or pattern of a shoe or name brand of a bag. Other women notice if a friend gets her nails or eyebrows done. Many men appreciate it even if they might not realize all that goes into it, but I tend to think that most women who dress themselves up like this aren’t thinking about men in particular when they do.

In fact I hear their husbands tell them that they don’t need to do these things to look pretty. Looking pretty isn’t the whole point of it, even if it seems that way on the surface. I think dressing up and have the wide range of colors and styles and cuts and make up available is actually a positive aspect about being a woman in our society because I really enjoy the creativity and fun of it. I wish it wasn’t something that was enforced on women or considered off limits for men though. Especially having it enforced as part of a workplace dress code (it really adds up!).

Anyway, I get irritated when people start trying to modesty police me. *hums “I’m sexy and I know it”*

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

The bank was busy, thus giving me time to notice people — many pairs of jeans, one pair with worn out knees; one elderly man in a windbreaker; one child in a striped shirt and shorts, with an adult I presume to be his father (wearing polo shirt and pants); one young woman in a long black skirt and spaghetti straps — granted it’s a tiny sample, but nothing remotely fitting either NWO’s description or animals in heat.

Cliff — that’s sounds hilarious, horribly embarrassing for your neighbor, but hilarious for everyone else.